Which superstars in TNA need a face/heel turn right now?

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Is hanging up the boots
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There is a WWE version of this thread, so I thought I would make one for the TNA section.

Right now in TNA, who do you think is in need of a face/heel turn? I think Petey Williams should definately turn babyface right now. The guy has the talent in the ring to put on a good match and his style of wrestling could certainly work as a babyface quite well. His character would of course, have to be less arrogant and confident, but that can be easily changed within a few weeks. He needs to get away from Scott Steiner and now is the right time to do it since Scott is currently injured.

Rhino is another superstar that I personally want to turn heel. I have only been watching TNA from the beginning of the year, so I don't know much about the history of the company, but I don't think Rhino has been a heel for a long time. Correct me if you wish. He just doesn't get big face pops right now. He's used as a main event extra. He looks like a heel especially with his size and his serious facial expressions. He could feud with the likes of A.J Styles, Samoa Joe and Jeff Jarrett if TNA decide to go ahead with a heel turn.

Kurt Angle needs to turn face. He has been a heel since he debuted with the company, I believe. Now is the perfect time to turn him babyface as he has plenty of fresh feud options that way. He has proven he can work well as a face in the WWE, so I believe he can do it again but in TNA this time. Character tweaks would have to be made, but it would shock the viewers. He could feud with the likes of Rhino, Sting (again), Booker T and even guys like James Storm and Robert Roode.

What are your thoughts? Do you agree with me? Please give detailed answers.
Well I dont think they absouletly need a heel turn, but I always liked LAX more as heels than faces. I think they pull of the "thug" team really well, and they get watered down when they have to help the faces and have to "love" the crowd. LAX shouldn't care about what people think and should just be "thugs" that don't listen to anyone.

Christian is another one who I think should go heel. Christian makes a pretty good face, but I always believe he makes a far more convincing heel. He can come off really aragont and he can make people hate him easily. He has stellar mic work and can easily cut great heel promos that make the crowd boo. I just think he is better off as a heel, becomes it seems so natural for him.
I would have to say Joe for sure. The guy is getting completely destroyed o the net for being fat and lazy but think back to his feud with AJ and Daniels for the X Title when he first arrived and you get a buzz-worthy, unstoppable heel.

Sting as a heel is such BS. He is the icon for being a fan favourite and battling adversity to victory. I personally think that him being a character that doesn't want to help younger talent get by is pretty accurate in real life but he has such a poor ability to tell a story which is pretty much the heels job in most feuds.

Rhino as a heel would be great and I totally agree that he is flat when trying to get cheers.

Curry Man needs to die and bring back Daniels as a heel again too.
Considering I haven't actually watched a full Impact in about a month (I still watch most of it on saturday nights) I'm a bit limited in my TNA knowledge. However, the first name that pops into my head is Kurt Angle. He has been in TNA over two years now, and in essence he has been a heel the entire time. Right now, there is no top face in the company. By default it would be AJ I suppose. Angle turning face would TNA a bunch of matches to choose from. Angle vs. Booker, Nash (please god no), Sting, Roode, Storm etc. It opens up a lot of doors for him that he needs.
I think Sting needs to turn face. Being a heel worked out well before his match at BFG, but I think he should go back to being a face. Sting is just one of those guys who will get cheered no matter what, eventhough he gets his fair share of boo's. If they choose to continue his feud with Joe, Sting staying a heel wouldn't be too bad, I just think he would work better as a face.

Rhino needs to turn heel as well. He is completely boring right now, and needs to become the badass he was before. I liked him in ECW, and he wasn't too bad during the invasion angle either. Overall, his charact simply works better as a heel, there is no denying that.
Rhino needs to turn heel as well. He is completely boring right now, and needs to become the badass he was before. I liked him in ECW, and he wasn't too bad during the invasion angle either. Overall, his charact simply works better as a heel, there is no denying that.

I agree he needs a heel turn bad. I think he should come in complaining that he has not be used well and is put in useless matches as of late. Then they brush him off and tell him will see or we will fix it. Then he finally has enough and just comes out after every couple of matches and gores someone at the end of it saying he wants to fight top names.

Also christian needs to go back being a heel. Christian can play a convincing face,tweener,or heel. But i think when hes a heel he is at his finest.I think no one can pull off the whole pompous arrogant character better then him in the business today.
This is a good little topic...hmmm

Abyss- He needs to gain a slight heel edge using weapons again, likely going into a feud with Matt Morgan

Motor City Machine Guns- Need to be full fledged faces that receive a push possibly winning the tag titles and feuding with teams like LAX and Beer Money Inc.

Petey Williams- Needs to go face and maybe break out of the X Division, split from Steiner and Rhaka Khan and regain his old identity

LAX- Need to gain their thuggish heel tendencies back but remain faces.

Rhino- Needs to go full fledged heel and in Monster Mode possibly joining the veterans of TNA

Sting- While it won't happen, turn Sting all the way heel. Stop having him thanking the fans but rather be the hypocritical veteran who doesn't practice what he preaches. To this day I think Sting could be a good heel if given the motivation.

Samoa Joe- Turn him all the way face. A perfect way to do that is with Kevin Nash. Have Nash talk about how the past 10 months he got into Samoa Joe's head and turned him into a paranoid, arrogant whiner. Nash could take credit for the fans turning on Joe. Joe would then be the guy who doesn't talk and just kicks ass.
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