Which Shield member wins a major title first?


Championship Contender
With the WWE using the Shield as Enhancement talent for Bryan, Show and the Rhodes brothers I take this as a sign that the WWE are bringing the Shield to an end. Dropping the titles signifies a potential reason to split due to jealousy. We all know it is gonna end and you can add your suggestions about how but my question is who wins either the World Heavyweight or WWE title first?

I think all members provide something to both the singles and tag team divisions and I think all will hold 1 of WWE's top titles but I think Reigns will be the first to hold the major title and could also be the one who holds it the least amount of times. I think Reigns has massively grown in his time and I think being hidden in both regular and 6 man tags has allowed him to improve to a level where he was able to have his break out match against Daniel Bryan before the locker room clearout. I think his size, strength and look could easily see HHH use to replace Orton as the face if Orton loses to Bryan and I think he is the easiest to build to championship level quickest.

I also think Ambrose and Rollins will hold majors titles. I think Rollins high flying abilities could help him become a master of the MOTB match and he has good promo skills to help him in major feuds. I think he has a good moveset and is great at selling but also with the amount of punishment his neck seems to have taken over the last few months I would question his longevity. I think Ambrose is a career heel the same way Cena is a career face. I think Ambrose promo abilities have really improved the Shields feud as he is the main talker. I think his match with Bryan on Raw and the one a few weeks back shows he can put on exciting longer lengths matches. But along with Rollins it is only his size that holds him back from winning the title first.
Ambrose is the best on the mic but Reigns has "the look." I don't think Rollins will go anywhere. Rollins is just too generic, IMO.

I think probably Reigns wins the world title first but Ambrose ultimately will have more success. Reigns has to get better in the ring and has to be able to talk but the world title isn't that far out of the realm of possibility since Vince like guys of his stature and look and he has the right bloodlines.
Amrose HAS a major title... whether you want to call the US title major or not is up to you, but it's the same belt that launched the careers of Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, Eddie G. and many more so the question is pretty moot. They've nailed their colors to the mast by putting Ambrose as the singles star of the group. This isn't gonna be like DiBiase and Cody, it's clear the Shield always had fixed roles - Ambrose is the guy who MUST get over, Reigns the one they'd like to and Rollins the guy if they can get over it's a bonus... Same for the Wyatts and every faction in wrestling history.
Amrose HAS a major title... whether you want to call the US title major or not is up to you, but it's the same belt that launched the careers of Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, Eddie G. and many more so the question is pretty moot. They've nailed their colors to the mast by putting Ambrose as the singles star of the group. This isn't gonna be like DiBiase and Cody, it's clear the Shield always had fixed roles - Ambrose is the guy who MUST get over, Reigns the one they'd like to and Rollins the guy if they can get over it's a bonus... Same for the Wyatts and every faction in wrestling history.

You've got some great points here although I think Ambrose got the first singles title because he was the most "ready" or the furthest along of the group. He's good in the ring and he's good on the mic. I think of the whole group Reigns has the most potential but he's pretty raw right now. Needs a singles run (without a belt) to get better on the mic and better in the ring.
I can see Reigns getting their first as he has the size, strength, look and good enough on the mic/charisma. But I see Ambrose as the guy with the greatest longevity. He is so unique which is very tough for a wrestler to be today since we have just about seen it all. He will have a longer climb to the top than Reigns, but I think once he gets there, he stays there.
I wish that the U.S. Title and World Tag Team titles were considered major, but since that's pretty laughable today, I'm assuming WWE or World Heavyweight Title.

On that basis, I'm thinking Reigns is the guy that will get the push first into the title. Size, look, presence, and then the fact that looks like he hits hard in the ring will help set up a feud with a guy like Cena or Punk someday (or whoever is holding the title) and allow him to go over. It'll probably be an experiment the first time out, so it'll probably be the World Heavyweight Title.
I think Reigns will be the first guy to hold the title. I'm hoping his first reign with it will be really long like he wins it at WrestleMania and only loses it in the following year. That would make Reigns into the huge star I'm sure he will be. As far as the other two I hope Rollins doesn't become totally irrelevant because tbh I like him second best behind Reigns but I'm afraid that's what will happen. Ambrose will be world champion probably by way of a Money in the Bank victory hopefully in our hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio. I've gotten off topic but to answer your question Reigns will be the first and if he isn't I'll be shocked.
As it stands, I'm going to see Roman Reigns. I have been really impressed by him thus far. Although we have only truly seen him in the ring, he has been superb and he also has the look. I think it is significant that he is a "big man" because it is generally accepted that Vince loves his superstars to be big and intimidating. I would like to see him get the chance to speak a little more to see if he is able to be a top class singles competitor.

To be honest, I think all three will be a World Champ eventually but Roman Reigns will be first.
I'm going with Roman Reigns. He has the lineage, the "look", and the size to be a money maker in the WWE. All the "holy shit" moments produced by The Shield have come from him as well. For a guy not named Goldberg or Edge, he's the current best at using the Spear, which has always been a favorite of mine.

Case and point: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JgTLWG3wcM

Ambrose will be a huge star in the WWE one day. However, Roman Reigns will get there first. Rollins will have success too. He was really over in FCW/NXT before being called up. So, despite everyone's claims that every faction has someone doesn't do well, I know another faction that everyone involved did well. That faction? Evolution. The Shield is arguably the best stable since then. Reigns, Rollins, and Ambrose will see some major success one The Shield is an afterthought.
Pretty much everyone here has emphasised many of the points I would make, but I also see it being Roman Reigns who gets 'the push' for a major title first.

I don't think there are too many wrestlers who can take an almost already patented move like the spear and still cause the crowd to go absolutely bananas everytime he does it.

Time is on the side of all three wrestlers as well, and I truly believe Reigns and Rollins in particular have the capability to do a successful face turn if/when it is necessary, much further down the line of course. Ambrose as well, but I almost think it would be wasted to see him stray from being a heel character.
Roman reigns IMO has everything that the WWE typically look for in a WWE star. The look, the lineage and the size. He needs to improve on the mic but that will come with time and experience. Dean Ambrose will be second in line with his epic mic skills IMO. Rollins is an untalented hack.
Reigns will get the first shot at WHC or WWE title, not because he's the best of the three, but because that's the way you book things in the WWE. Biggest is best, win or lose. It might be ill-fated, but it could also be a huge success. We don't know yet. I WANT to give Reigns an open mind.

It should be noted that Ambrose is the only one in the Shield who has a title, so you can't take that achievement away from him. It has to say something of what the company sees in him if they gave him the solo title over the tag-belts AND he's still holding on to it.

As for Rollins? He's already taking all the Shield's losses. US title is probably the highest title the WWE has in mind for him. Bastards.
I think Roman Reigns will end up being the first member of The Shield to win a World Title in WWE. He has the look and size that Vince goes for, and I could see him end up being a top face in the company. He has really improved since debuting on TV, and they are serious about pushing him as a top-level singles wrestler, they could use The Rock to put him over on the mic when he makes a rare appearance, due to Reigns' family ties with The Great One.

However, Dean Ambrose SURELY has to make it to the top. Other than being a ripped musclehead, Ambrose has all the tools to make it big as a top level heel in WWE. His mic skills are outrageous, and he has already proven this to a national audience without ever being let loose properly like he could on the indies. If you think the CM Punk "pipebomb" was good, look up Ambrose's work as John Moxley on the indies. He is just as good as Punk on the mic, and can also go in the ring. His persona is so different to anything out there, he could be a fantastic sadistic heel at main event level.

I could see Seth Rollins as more of a Kofi Kingston level guy. Competing in MITB matches and winning numerous Intercontinental/US titles but maybe not quite getting there to the main event, although he has the talent to do so. I just think WWE will push the other 2 Shield members harder initially. That's not to say Rollins won't get a World title. I mean, who would have thought Punk and Bryan would do so? He will have a solid WWE career as a face nonetheless, it's not like Kofi has done badly has he?
Well although I think Ambrose is an amazing talent, Reigns I feel will get the opportunity for WWE/WHC first.

He just has way too many things going for him not to. I mean he is a big guy, yet he is fast, pretty damn good in the ring, has good mannerisms inside the ring, he s decent on the mic, need some work obviously but u cant be perfect.

.As Daniel Bryan would say "he's pretty" and has a very marketable look not to mention he is what ? The Rock's 47th cousin? I personally like him very much and would really like for him to succeded same for Ambrose.

Rollins on the other hand.Unless he becomes a Shawn Michaels/Daniel Bryan type.I think he will be doomed to be in the place Kofi is now.Pushed sometimes and be in a lot of spots and that's about it.I hope I am wrong and he succeeds along the other two.

I dont know how much personality Rollins has which I think is a big problem for him.If you strip him of his "Shield" clothes and just put him in a tights and all that will he really be anything more than Kofi? Reigns and Ambrose, both have something going for them when they lose the Shield stuff.
Either Roman Reigns or Dean Ambrose, with Ambrose inching out Reigns in getting the first WWE or World Heavyweight Championships.
I think reigns will be the 1st because he has it all mic skills performer can generate money once he gets merchandise and has the look. I really see him being champion then Ambrose because of equal reasons minus the look

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