Which Shield member is the 1st to turn face?


Pre-Show Stalwart
we know the shield wont last forever, and this means a big turn for one guy. at least well thats at least what i expect. so who gets to turn face?
roman reigns is the dominate guy, everything ryback should be but ryback is to busy being the boring bully gimmick.

dean ambrose is a complete heel i could not ever see him the laughable face maybe a freaky face who still gets under peoples skin.

and seth rollins he's the high flying guy which is a good thing, but lets face it its hard to make it in the wwe as a high flying face guy.

i think that all 3 member of shields are better as heels than faces.
i just ain't sold out on any of this guys being a face. i think wwe should keep them together for years! cuz the shield is actually a great thing in the wwe. what do you think?
I think out of anyone it would probably be Rollins. But as you said they're all great as heels and I still think the group has some traction left.

I feel Ambrose could eventually be the #2 or 3 heel in the company, and Reigns is the heel big man that Ryback has failed so miserably to try and be.

Rollins I feel could transition into a face similar to how Bryan did, simply by working hard every week and impressing the fans with his in-ring work.
Personally I think there is steam in the group to have a good run as a faces before disbanding the team, with a probable Ambrose heel turn. As Klinz said Ambrose has the ability to be one of the top heels in the company for many years to come. Not withstanding his ability to draw you into matches in the same vein as Jake Roberts I think he would be an equally compelling top line face.

Rollins outside the group may struggle despite being one of the best in ring performers in the company. He could be a great face if they let him, WWE's record on guys that came up like Rollins though isn't great.

Reigns is an absolute beast of a wrestler and I love his intensity and the way he cdarries himself. His biggest issue is how well he is protected outside of the tags and 6 mans which hide some obvious floors in the limited singles matches he has had.
At one point I would have said Dean Ambrose but now, Roman Reigns. Whilst Reigns is not the best in ring worker, his intensity is impressive and he has that special look that the WWE typically "love". He is also a relative of The Rock and The Rock has stated that he thinks Roman Reigns is one the BIG future stars in the company. I can't help but agree because I just think he has the it factor.

So to answer the question: Roman Reigns will be the first babyface of the group and probably the first one to win a World title. Second I would go with Dean Ambrose, because he is good in the ring and has awesome mic skills. I could see a feud with CM Punk in 2014 being VERY interesting because of the mic work. I am not a fan of Rollins and don't see him as a future headliner, he is clearly the weak-link of the group IMO.

Roman Reigns vs John Cena would be an awesome feud, kind of like Batista vs John Cena.
My initial thought was that none of 'em could ever turn face, but I believed the same thing of Sheamus......so what do I know?

Seth Rollins seems the most adaptable character of the three, so I'll choose him. Ambrose' attitude and Reigns appearance don't lend themselves to attitude changes as much as Rollins.

Still, there aren't many mid-card performers who have had lasting careers that haven't played both sides of the fence during their tenures. These guys are nothing if not adaptable.
I would predict that Rollins is the first to turn face. He has the best chance of pulling off a great face character. Reigns is the worst on the mic of the three so he would need to be in a role where he is not speaking as much and simply letting his actions in the ring speak for themselves even as a face. Rollins is almost as good as Ambrose on the mic, but has a lot more potential to be a face. Ambrose needs to remain a heel. He'll be a top tier World/WWE Champion heel in the future for sure. Rollins has a style in the ring and a look that would make the easiest transition into a face role out of the three. Reigns possibly could turn too, but Rollins is going to be more believable in the role. Ambrose might never turn. He's just fine in this type of heel persona.
I think that the best way to go would be for Taker and Kane to comeback to fight with the Wyatts, but during their confrontation, The Shield comes out to go after Taker again. This can lead to a triple threat with BoD vs Wyatts vs Shield. Following that have the Shield and Wyatts feud and hope the Shield get over as the faces. If they don't, and the crowd cheers the Wyatts, then look at turning one guy, Rollins, face. Reigns has legs as a heel beast, although, he could be a good face foil against bully Ryback. Ambrose needs a good long Terry Funk/Brian Pillman crazy guy loose cannon heel run.
As everyone stated that Dean is good as heel.. I also love to watch him as heel... And if wwe is ever going to turn a guy face from shield, it will be Seth Rollins... He is the jeff hardy version 2.0 for wwe..
Ambrose is a natural heel, quite like Punk. Making those guys go face is a waste of their true potential and character. Reigns is a big guy, has the look of a bad ass guy, who works in mafias etc. His black hair and probably a match wrestling gear will make him a top class heel guy. He just doesn't fit as a face to me, at least at the moment, since he's doing a great job being a heel. I'd go with Rollins, he has the face and facial expressions of a face, the moveset of a face, his body is that of the underdog. Everything about him screams "FACE", so yea, out of the 3, I'd say Rollins, hands down.
I think all three are better suited to be heels but it has to be Rollins. His moveset is probably the main reason for me saying so as well as the fact that Ambrose has is own persona that ensures he stays heel. Then there is Reigns who is simply built for being a heel.

The obvious thing to happen is when the three split one of them turns face and Rollins is the likely candidate to do so.
I'd say that they all turn face at the same time as a faction and separating themselves from the corporation leading to a feud with the family...
Ambrose needs to stay heel. He will be part of some great work in the future. I got to say I am really impressed by Reigns, he has really improved since he has started with the help of Ambrose and Rollins. Rollins is your typical wrestler like Bryan and Punk who has ability to be loved by fans because of his in ring work and will most likely be the first to turn face.
Seth Rollins will probably be the first to turn face. He has the High-Flying style that people love and has a good guy kind of look to him. I believe he used to be a face back in NXT before joining the shield but I could be wrong. Unlike a lot of others, I think that Reigns will also eventually turn face. Reigns has a really good look and will develop a lot over the next year or two. I think WWE will put him in a Batista kind of role where he will eventually turn and win the World Title. Ambrose is a born heel, keep him that way.
I think The Shield will all become faces in some fashion or another, but Ambrose is most likely to turn on them to solidify his heel reputation, or they all go their separate ways and Ambrose STILL plays the villain. He's just too good as one for WWE to keep him in a face stable.

But if The Shield don't all become faces at once, I see Seth Rollins turning first. High flyers are generally hard to garnish heat. So through no fault of his own, Rollins.
I would keep Dean as a heel and turn both Seth and Roman face as a tag team since out of the three they have the best chemistry. Then you can turn Roman back to face by turning on Seth.

I also like the idea of turning them all face, maybe the 11 on three tag match was a precursor to that, and then you can have them break apart and feud with each other, Seth can be baby face, Roman can be the full blown heel, and Dean can be more a tweener, this way they can all wrestle each other in singles matches and blow it all off by having a triple threat elimination match.
I say turn both Rollins and Reigns face, and make Dean Ambrose more of a tweener - not really a face or a heel, just kind of antagonizing anyone, kind of like Kane. You could even keep them grouped up like that for a while before Ambrose gets bored of attacking only heels and decides that he wants out.
Roman Reigns will. He has the badass look and suggests a great deal of charisma. Rollins is too muted and will likely be a lackey for a while, and Ambrose is such a natural as a heel. Or maybe he is just so good at his craft that he'll shock us all by being a spot-on babyface, too, like CM Punk.

I still say Reigns.
It won't be Ambrose..It will be who ever gets pinned to drop the tag belts between Rollins and Reigns,the other two will run him down on the mic and jump all over him...leave him lying in the ring,he'll turn face by default..later in the night he comes flying out for revenge to a HUGE pop,the turn is fully sold!
I like the idea that Ambrose and Reigns betray Rollins, turning him face and then having Ambrose v Rollins feud. That could potentially be pretty darn awesome.
I am surprized so many people are saying they can't picture Reigns as a face. I think he has potential to be one of the biggest faces in the company. He has a great look and the way he executes some of his moves is just a joy to watch. I like watching him spear people, it is a move that the crowd loves to pop for as well. I can easily picture him in a Batista-like face position, or a Goldberg-like ass kicking machine that you just love to watch destroy people.

However I do think Rollins is going to be the first face of the group.

The best thing about this group is that you know that not only is it something very special but that they will be able to use the group as a basis for rivalries between them. Those deeply personal rivalries that a great to watch play out.
I would say Seth Rollins. He is easily the best of the three athletically and has more potential in gaining crowd sympathy if the other two were to turn on him. His character isn't as dark as Ambrose or as robotic as Reigns which makes him the more simple choice for a turn.

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