Which "Returning" Superstar Will Receive a Title Shot First?


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Out of the three "returns" last night on RAW, Brock Lesnar, Lord Tensai and The Rock, (I'm including The Rock because he wants to win the title, which I would hope would require somewhat of a return), who will receive a title shot first? Better yet, who will win the title first?

It looks like Brock will feud with John Cena for a bit. I'm not sure when the feud will end. Will it be another year-long WrestleMania main event? Or will it only go to the next Pay-per-view, or will it go until SummerSlam?

Personally I hope Lord Tensai does not go farther than the mid-card title. I don't find his matches interesting.

Hopefully, if The Rock gets a title shot, we'll have to see a little more of him on Raw or SmackDown. Get a few more matches out of him before he gets the big one. Although, he probably earned a title shot for anytime just for beating Cena.

What are your thoughts?
I think you should also include Alberto Del Rio, as he will become champion pretty soon. However, I don't think he'll be first. I think that Lesnar will be first, he will take the championship off CM Punk or Jericho. I think WWE will be high on him again.

I then think The Rock will take it off Brock Lesnar at Summerslam ish? I think that could work. Then have Punk, Cena, Jericho, Lesnar and The Rock in a Championship Scramble next Mania. That would BLOW UP the IWC!
i think the del rio will get the first shot as i read on wrestlezone a while back that del rio will get a big push on his return. but heres my wishful thinking, john lauringitus puts punk against a bunch of guys (as he said he was going to put him through hell with the title) punk comes out on top against big johnnys men then lets say summerslam the rock (heel) comes back to face him and wins and they build up to mania for a match against the rock.
anyone thinks this could happen??
My guess is Del Rio. They immediately threw him into the WHC picture, which was expected when he was healthy enough to return. This match with Sheamus on Smackdown will be the first to establish this feud, with Daniel Bryan fitting in as the bitter ex-champ try to get his belt back. Triple Threat at the next PPV?

Brock will be the next Cena feud for a while, since Rock's going to film four consecutive movies (Finally, the Rock has come back.... home... Ok, I'm leaving again. See ya!) The Punk/Jericho angle is still rolling strong, so I don't see Brock getting a title shot unless they switch up some angles.

Lord Tensai... I'm sorry. Not impressed. Wasn't impressed with him as Albert/A-Train/whatever, and I'm not impressed now. His match on RAW was clunky and boring. Cole referred to him as a "former WWE superstar," but never elaborated, even though pretty much everyone knows who he is. Just because you're good in Japan doesn't translate to being good in the U.S. Put him in a feud with Brodus Clay on Superstars or something.
Well The Rock has to shoot Fast & Furious 6 .. So I imagine he'll disappear, only to be the surprise #30 at the Royal Rumble next year and go on to win at mania but drop the belt maybe at Summer Slam.

What Johnny said to Punk about natural disasters, I'd take it as Lesnar and assume he'll fued with Cena whilst Y2J and Punk run their programme .. Once Y2J goes back to Fozzy - Think they start touring again in 6 weeks time. Lesnar will probably pick the belt up .. If Y2J wins it, he could make it "vacant" and have a King of The Ring style tournament for it and have Lesnar win it.

Albert was never big enough IMO, don't see that changing .. Probably have a programme over the summer with that Brodus Clay dude.

ADR and Sheamus fued .. ADR to win, gets his titleshot at next PPV .. Triple Threat with DB getting his rematch .. Probably have ADR pin/tap DB or vice versa so Sheamus doesn't have to no sell anything.
dont see y2j winning it punk will probably kick hiss ass which will be his reason to leave lesnar has gone into a feud with cena so you can pretty much rule him out at least for now and hopefully d bryan will get his title back but i really cant see it happening wich is sad because that was the first time i was bothered about a whc reign since kanes run but a heel rock sounds good to me
Anyone notice the "Worshiper" of Tensai laugh while walking down the ramp with the Lord himself? Anyway I am betting Punk V Cena will happen before one of the 3 get a chance... That being said Brock Lesnar will be the first leading to a feud with The Rock is my guess & hopes...
I don't see Lord Tensai getting a title shot at all, but I wouldn't be surprised if he got a short feud with Cena.

I imagine Del Rio gets the first shot simply because he is going to be an active member of the roster on SD, and it's hard to tell when we'll see Rock again and how Lesnar's role will play into the show.
I'm thinking Tensai might reach gold before Rock or Brock... Not a world title though. I've got a feeling Johnny's gonna throw Santino in a match with Tensai for the US title and Tensai will rip through him... That's just my guess.
going to have to agree there looks like johnnys gonna make life hard for those who went against his team at mania and who better than the new monster wwe are trying to make
That's right! Del Rio did return also...wow, four returns in one night!

I don't care much for Del Rio, that's probably why I forgot (yes, I did forgot, not purposeful exclusion).

I hope Lord Tensai does not get a title shot, I too find him boring. I always have found A-Train/Prince Albert/Hip-Hip Hippo boring. I say have the "Hip-Hop Hippopotamus" and the Funkasauras throw down.

I LOVE Christian101's idea: "I then think The Rock will take it off Brock Lesnar at Summerslam ish? I think that could work. Then have Punk, Cena, Jericho, Lesnar and The Rock in a Championship Scramble next Mania. That would BLOW UP the IWC!"
This is Del Rio by FAR. He's already in the WHC picture (sadly) as he's getting a non-title match against Sheamus this Smackdown. I imagine DB getting involved somewhat because he deserves his rematch, but they've already laid the ground for it to become a triple threat match at Extreme Rules.

This all has potential to just be filler though, as there are rumors of Christian restarting his feud with Sheamus upon his return. Since they thought he'd be back in time for WM28 I'd imagine one more months time and he should be ready to go and rekindle that feud.
Out of Rock,Lesnar and Tensai,I'd say Tensai gets a world title shot first. The Rock probably won't come back for a while because he's filming a new movie,Lesnar will be feuding with Cena,and Laurinaitis said something to Punk,which is something along the lines of Punk having bad luck,something tantamount to a natural disaster,and Tensai is a phonetic spelling of 天灾,which you've probably seen in the Tensai promos,and that means natural disaster in Chinese. So it's something only viewers who speak Chinese (maybe Japanese) will pick up on. So my money's on Tensai to rock Punk like a hurricane and get a title shot...if he can get over with the crowd.

P.S. Albert finally shaved his back!
ADR-returned *YAWN*
Sheamus is champ *YAWN*

My money says Tensai gets the first shot at a championship as a hired gun by Johnny to take out Punk. But I am more in a wait and see attitude as the draft is coming. I hope they work on Tensai's in ring stuff as I found him BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it's going to be Brock. it may just be coincidence but I remember Johnny saying something like "a natural force is coming down on you" and it may just be me but I think that refers to Brock's F-5
Could people...stop judging A-Train's entire worth on ONE squash match?

Watch some of his best matches in Japan, he has genuinely become a capable and entertaining big man wrestler, with a lot of hard hitting skill and intensity.

The narrow mindedness is silly.
Title Shots
Del Rio
Title Wins
Del Rio

the reason for this is Del Rio kinda seemed like a 1 hit wonder, although i do believe he should have been WWE champion for longer it dosen't seem like he can hold onto the big title picture. To me Tensai is gonna be like every other new heel for weeks hell be pushed as a huge monster heel go undeafeted go into a feud with someone (perfurbly A-Ry) be deafeted then become a mid-carder on superstars. Lesner just left UFC and hes return as been highly anticipated so hes automaticlly in line for a title shot and i think that him and punk could have a very good feud. As for Rocky, when you have big heels, faces get pushed back but he will feud with Lesner sometime in the future and if lesner is champ then do it for the title.
I dont see Brock, Rock or A-Train becoming champ. At least not in 2012.

Brock doesnt need the belt or to even chalenge for the belt for fans to be interested in what he is doing. There are plenty of potential storylines for Brock whithout the title. Keep the title around wrestlers who can build storylines off of it.

Rock is busy doing movies for the time being. As someone else said I could see him winning the rumble and challenging at mania. Rock has feuded with Cena and besides taking on Takers streak the only thing relevant for the Rock to do is challenge for the title.

I do like A-Trains new look and want to get behind him. However I dont see him winning a world title any time soon. His character is new and it will be a while before he can gain momentum.

The only way I see Brock winning the title is if someone as important as lets say a Punk goes out injured. Without injury I see Punk holding onto the title till at least Summerslam.

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