Which Passed Away Wrestler Do You Miss The Most?

It's not good to speak bad words about the dead, or even to remember their evil deeds, because God is their judge now. So I can easily say I have much love for my memories of Chris Benoit. I have memories of him in WCW with the best of 7 series vs. Booker T. His great matches with Guerrero, Angle, Lesnar, Jericho... those who were actually believable in going toe to toe with a wrestling genius and he's the only passed wrestler I can distinctly remember being amazing in the ring as well as having so much respect for. It was such an unbelievable event when he died that WWE didn't even want to tell us why.
The passings of Owen Hart, Eddie Guerrero, Test.. all came as a surprise. I felt Owen deserved more than the storylines he had when he left. Black heart was a brilliant gimmick and he should have been a main eventer.
Test never got where he could've been either.
I think this is a good thread though. Thanks.

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