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Which NXT Star Do You Think Will Be The Biggest?


Getting Noticed By Management
So from an amazing talent pool consisting of guys like Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Finn Balor, Hideo Itami, Tyler Breeze, Neville, Baron Corbin, Charlotte, Sasha Banks, Bailey along with guys who have cemented themselves on the main roster like Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, Wade Barrett and so on so forth....who would you consider as the talent who will get the farthest in their career and become the biggest wrestler?

I would bet my money on Kevin Owens and Roman Reigns going the furthest in their careers. I'm sure many of the above names will make memorable moments and some will (and are) become main event guys. But heres why I chose Kevin Owens and Roman Reigns:

I think that this dude has the most talent for a person his size that I've seen in a long time. He has an incredible aura that makes you feel like its ass kicking time..the last person to give me that feeling was Brock Lesnar. You take away the physique of Brock Lesnar but replace it with mic skills then you get Kevin Owens. This dude has the potential to be the biggest heel for the future of the company. I hope it happens. I would love to see Kevin Owens go on a rampage and hold the WWE title for over a year and then square off against Brock Lesnar for the belt.

Its obvious why I said this..he's the WWE's hand picked poster boy. I see Roman Reigns to be a lot like Batista. The guy with a great look who can put on good matches when he needs to. Their careers may end up being similar if you ask me. I mean if Batista hadn't left than their careers would be the same. I see Roman Reigns sitting at the top of the mountain for a good decade or so. His biggest rival during his time up there will be Kevin Owens. I don't see Roman sitting on the mountain peak as a baby face for the whole time..I'm sure the heel turn will come sooner than later.

So those two are my choices..who would you choose? You can pick any from the history of NXT, even from it's first season.
I think the WWE could recreate The Wyatt Family: Bray, Finn,Ascension,repackage Rose,I'm think he could pull off a "dark" persona, or instead of Ascension, repackage his brother, and bring in Corbin. And-or Paige could become Sister Abagail.

If WWE looked long term there could be epic story lines and feuds.
I honestly think Enzo Amore and Big Cass could be huge.

Both are over at the moment, and I could easily see that transferring to a Raw or a Smackdown crowd.

Enzo is one of the best talkers right now, a bit more polish in the ring he could be mega.
The Enzo Amore thing seems like it will work. Sadly I think in general the NXT stars don't have nearly as much talent as the smarks want. I value mic skills a lot more than most.

What made Hogan over the top? The mic skills. The rock? Steve Austin? Its the look + the Mic skills that make a star.

Plenty of guys can wrestle solid technical matches without mistakes. That doesn't sell tickets and thats not what 98% of people care about who tune in. Sami Zayne? Doesn't have the look or the mic skills.. hes automatically a bust no matter how much hes good in the ring.

Its a rough sport. You need the prerequisites. Just like with other sports. You can have all the technique in the world but if your an NFL wide reciever who is 5"6 120 pounds cant jump and has low muscle mass you won't make it.

Without a doubt.

This is a seasoned, experienced veteran with a huge cult following already, in the U.S. and internationally, and he just spews charisma, wrestling ability, mainstream appeal----the total package.

He's got IT.

And what an entrance.

The only drawback is that he's already 33-34 years old. If the WWE want to capitalize on all his money-drawing power in the prime of his career, they need to promote this guy to the main roster ASAP.

They're wasting all his talent in the NXT in my opinion. This guy is ready for the big time. NOW.
I honestly think Enzo Amore and Big Cass could be huge.

Both are over at the moment, and I could easily see that transferring to a Raw or a Smackdown crowd.

Enzo is one of the best talkers right now, a bit more polish in the ring he could be mega.

This. I love Enzo and Big Cass. Their mic work and chemistry is insane. Very New Age Outlaws/HBK and Diesel. They are the perfect blend.

Not ashamed to admit I mark out whenever I hear their music... "Badda Boom, realist guys in the room!"
I would like to see them all get big. Realistically I see Owens/Balor/Sami being the ones going the furthest. Would honestly love to see Baron and Hideo taken to a good level as well. Bayley also. ^_^
Roman Reigns. Basically the Shield as a whole. I really can't see anybody from NXT making anywhere near the impact that The Shield has as a group and as singles stars. Kevin Owens is a POSSIBILITY, but all the stars are going to have to align for him going forward.
I disagree about Roman Reigns but only because I don't consider him a product of NXT. He's a product of the performance center, but he spent such little time on the NXT/FCW show I'm not sure he should get that distinction.

That said, I think the sky is the limit for Sami Zayn. He is such an endearing character I think the fans are going to latch onto him in a similar way that they have Bryan. The difference being that I see WWE fully getting behind him. WWE is changing, and so are the metrics for what make the next big star. Sami is the poster boy for that new style.
I think there's a number of them that stand out to me that could be major players on the main roster. Number one being Kevin Owens. I would honestly love for Cena to hold onto the US title until the raw after wrestlemania next year, issue an open challenge and Owens comes out and completely DESTROYS Cena. Just like Lesnar did. Call that a little bit of fantasy booking but I think Owens is gonna be a big major heel for the company.

I could see Zayn having a Daniel Bryan type run. Maybe not as great unless he comes up with a catch phrase or something. I personally think the yes chants are half the reason Bryan is over in the first place. Yeah he's an amazing wrestler but without the whole Yes thing he would've never been in the spot he is now. Plain and simple.

I absoultely love Balor but I don't see him being in the MAIN event scene very much because he's so small but then again so was Mysterio. I could see him dominating the mid card though.

I also see Enzo and Cass having something special in the tag division. I feel like it will get over for some reason. The nxt crowd is different, although it seems like there's a lot more INTERNET smart fans than the WWE realizes based on all of the nxt chants recently.
I have a feeling that Kevin Owens will be the biggest superstar to come out of NXT. At this stage of is career, he probably has another 10 years left in him. That will be 10 years of domination. The thing with Owens is, he is like the next Brock Lesnar of the WWE. So long as WWE book him correctly, the future looks bright for him and I see him headlining many Wrestlemanias, maybe even Mania 32 against a face Lesnar for the WWE World Championship if he was to be booked strongly and as unstoppable and goes on to win the Royal Rumble while Lesnar wins the belt at Summerslam off Rollins. But I think that Kevin Owens will be the biggest.
I'd like to see how Uhaa Nation develops for he's younger than Owens, Balor and Zayn and is listed at 260.
I think it will be between three wrestlers, Finn Balor, Kevin Owens and one already on the main roster Dean Ambrose.

There is no doubt Balor is talented and has one of the best entrances in the sport with the fog and the face paint. Plus he's a hell of a wrestler and has a following that came with him from the indies. Owens, who has another cult following might just be one of the best heels we've seen in years.

Ambrose has barely shown what he can do. If they ever turn this guy loose and let him really go for it, there is no telling how far his star can rise. He can easily outshine his former Shield partners Rollins and Reigns. He might not be as good in the ring as Rollins, or have the look of Roman Reigns, but just the characters that he can play will overcome whatever other shortcomings he has.

With so many wrestler's wearing their character's like a comfortable old shoe, John Cena I'm looking at you, Ambrose will keep us guessing.
I'm tempted to say Neville because of what we're seeing now from him. On one hand, I think it's great he's losing almost as many matches as he wins in the early phase of his career because I've never felt it realistic to portray a rookie as capable of joining the main roster and dominating.

Still, there's that small body size of his. Yes, his superior physique can make us ignore that....for a while, anyway. Eventually, though, tangling night after night with the big guys might wear Neville down. Plus, while his moveset is exciting to watch now, it might not dazzle us as much after it becomes familiar.

So, while I like Neville a lot at this moment, I'd have to pick Roman Reigns as the NXT star who will have the biggest overall impact. It's exciting to see the guy improve with every outing. Once he wins the world title, his impact will be immense.
I'm not sure. Honestly, I think they're all a little...overhyped.

The problem with Neville is that while he's an amazing performer in the ring, he doesn't seem to be much on the mic and has minimal charisma. Eventually his body will wear down and he will lose his only real asset.

Reigns could be that guy, depending if fans accept him once he returns to the main event scene. Ambrose...I dunno, as WWE didn't seem to consider what to do with him once he went 'over'. They still only view him as talent enhancement, albeit of the more respectable kind.

I still can't decide whether I even like Owens on a main event level. I think I do, but found it strange watching him be dominated by underdog Zayn for that long. So his impact will come down to booking.

I need to see more of Balor. His entrance is amazing, but once he enters the ring he just ends up being another guy...better than most, but just a normal dude.

Poor Breeze...I don't see him ever being a major force in the Main Roster. If he gets promoted, Fandango and Rose should really start to worry about their jobs.
I think Reigns, Rollins and Wyatt are all going to be huge. That almost seems obvious. As for the current group there are a few. Balor, Zayn and Owens all have massive potential. I also think Sasha and especially Charlotte can help save womens wrestling which is probably a bigger deal.

Balor has special qualities and a special look. He will stand out immediately and that will ensure he will be a big deal. Owens can be one of the top heels, no doubt. He is just so very good at what he does that any apprehensions about him will be gone.

I think Sami has the best chance of being a World Champ. He is absolutely phenomenal and the time will come for them to tell the underdog story with Zayn. In the ring he is fantastic. He can cut a promo too. Plus, he is the most easily likeable wrestler anywhere.

Charlotte and Banks are both very good. These two are having top quality matches and if that transitions to the main roster then there could save the division. Sure they would need to be given time in the first place but if that happens then the possibilities are endless. Givedivasachance only works if they can put on top quality matches and it is clear these two can.

It's got to be Sami Zayn but Charlotte, Banks, Owens and Balor can be big too.
I personally think the yes chants are half the reason Bryan is over in the first place.

If it weren't for the catchphrase that Daniel Bryan originated, he wouldn't be over? Let's pretend that's not specious logic for a moment and pretend that Bryan also rode the wave of "Dan-iel Bry-an!" chants, "You des-erve it!" chants and, perhaps most opportunistically of all, "[MASSIVE POP]."

As for Sami Zayn having something similar, something that people chant during his entrance and during his matches, so that he can succeed, well-- no, shit, I can't think of anything. Back to the drawing board.
I'm only looking at the current NXT Roster, I'm leaving out Alumni.

And I'm leaving actual "wrestling" out of this as it has no bearing on who will be the biggest.

To me, it's "who can I envision standing in the Ring as RAW is going off the air at 11:07pm Eastern Time?"

And it's really hard to not say Owens right now. Despite the fact that I've been hard on him for looking like he is carrying twins, he has a natural charisma to him and he is a perfect heel right now. The WWE hot-shotting him with Cena could be one of the most successful main roster debuts in a very long time depending on what happens at, and after, Elimination Chamber.

I wasn't a Kevin Steen fan before he came to WWE, so I'm not pulling for him to get over, but that's exactly what he's done.

And I have to say that I'm not as sold on Finn Balor as most people. The theatrical entrances and cool look nothwithstanding, I haven't seen any charisma. He sounds like he's repeating memorized lines, and not talking naturally when I hear interviews/promos . I can't picture him in a main event feud. Not saying he can't do it, I just don't see it right now. And I hate his finisher.

I CAN picture Owens because when he stands on the US Belt, and holds up the NXT championship belt while Cena lays beneath him, it's not hard to imagine the same scenario but with the WWE title belt involved instead of the NXT and US belts.
I'm relatively new to NXT so with fresh eyes, I felt that Enzo and Cass connected with the crowd the most. I think they can be the next HUGE thing in the tag team ranks. They've got big time charisma, they've got the hot chick in Carmella and they've got amazing chemistry. My fear is that creative will see the size of Cass and will want to separate the team sooner than later
I agree with most people when they say that Enzo and Cass can be a big team but you guys have to consider that the audience is completely different in the NXT arena and the rest of the states. A small crowd who is used to saying their trade mark lines will always sound better than a large crowd with a few people saying the lines. Just putting that point out there.
lol, random note, I don't want NXT as much as I should. I'm planning on changing that, but I'd always hear about Kevin Steen and Prince Dewitt signing, only to never hear about them again. I just realize that Steen= Owns and Dewitt= Finn Balor. I don't understand why they have to change the names, although Steen doesn't sound any m ore compelling than Owens. 'Prince Dewitt' doesn't sound like a name for someone who apparently enters the ring from hell...although I don't know if that was his gimmick before. I still think Hideo Itami is an inferior name to Kenta. I know WWE doesn't like to acknowledge wrestling outside of the WWE, but it seems like they're missing out on at least SOME money.

I agree with most people when they say that Enzo and Cass can be a big team but you guys have to consider that the audience is completely different in the NXT arena and the rest of the states. A small crowd who is used to saying their trade mark lines will always sound better than a large crowd with a few people saying the lines. Just putting that point out there.

Honestly, NXT crowds suck. They seem to cheer everything, even when a beloved babyface is about to be murdered by his mortal enemy. It kills so much of the drama. But apparently Baron Corbin is the best heel ever, as he was the only one to get any real heat at the last special event.
I really wanna see Tyler Breeze succeed. in my eyes hes kind of like a modern era HBK from right after he went solo. Hes cocky,arrogant, thinks hes mmmmGorgeous lo.

Further comparisons include: Singing his own entrance theme,using the supermodel kick(Sweet chin music) and i feel that when given the chance, he completely steals the show.

I forget which nxt special it was, but him v zayn was amazing. Both guys killed it, and i was pleased with how Breeze performed. Breeze can be $$$ on the main roster
I agree.I think breeze could be hbk 2.0
Enzo and Cass could be money too_Owens etc are expected to do great things but I think those mentioned could be sleepers along with Corbin if developed right

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