Which non Main Eventers in the WWE are the future PPV Headliners?


Occasional Pre-Show

You know the thing that is really upsetting and disappointing me in this thread?

The title of the thread is "Which non Main Eventers in the WWE are the future PPV Headliners?"

That DOES NOT mean that you should tell the entire forum who your favorite superstar is because they have a good move-set, have a catchy theme song, who can do well in the Cruiserweight Division .... or any things of that nature.

Rather, you should be telling us specifically why the person or people you mention are going to be "The Future Headliners on the WWE PPV's --in other words-- Main Eventers. Explain WHY you think they have the potential to reach the Main Event, stay in the Main Event, and essentially carry the company on its shoulders.

These should be good, well-thought-out reasons. Not half the stuff I am seeing posted in this thread.

Very disappointing. You all need to up the quality of your talking points.

Here are my picks

The Miz - He is one of the best mic workers in the company and after Cena squashed him at The Bash and it looked like WWE was done with him he got himself over and is now one of the most over non-main eventers in the company. He's a hard worker and has improved alot in the ring aswell. The crowd responds extremely well to him and the only thing he needs is full support from Vince and creative.

Kofi Kingston - It's pretty obvious once his Orton feud ends he's headed to the main event. I think he's gonna be a top star for years to come. He's been over with the fans since he first came to RAW and that's extremely rare these days when most fans are dead quiet for the mid-carders. He has great mic skill and charisma and he's one of the most exciting in-ring performers in the company. Sky is the limit for Kofi.

R-Truth - I don't really see why they haven't pushed him yet. The crowd loves him. He has a great entrance and presentation. He's very athletic and exciting to watch in the ring. Plus he can cut some good promos when WWE lets him. He has the experience. I think he's main event ready right now. It's just up to Vince to agree.

Matt Hardy - He gets bigger pops than some of the main eventers do (Orton for example). He never has a bad match anymore. Pretty good on the mic. Just like R-Truth he's ready to main event whenever Vince decides to pull the trigger.

MVP - They teased him being pushed when he first came to RAW but never followed up on it. He's great on the mic, good in the ring and he's over with the fans. He just needs someone in the higher ups backing him and he will be a HUGE star.

Christian - The only reason I can think of why he's not on RAW or SD main eventing is punishment for going to TNA. He could easily be main eventing with guys like Cena, Orton and HHH right now. He has had nothing but great matches since his return. He's excellent on the mic. The fans love him. Vince hating him is the only reason he's not one of the faces of the company right now.

Wrestlers I'm NOT sold on yet

Sheamus - What does he offer? He sucks on the mic, hurt my eyes to look at and he's pretty dull in the ring. The only positive is his finisher but that's only cause he stole it from Razor Ramon.

Jack Swagger - His in-ring skill is solid but that's all he has right now and to main event it's not enough. He doesn't have charisma or mic skill. He has some of the dumbest catchphrases ever. 2 time 2 time all american american? That's horrible. Plus he's built weird. He reminds me of Lanky Kong.

Drew McIntyre - Nothing about him stands out to me. His promos are boring and he has the WORST finisher I've ever seen. It looks like it would hurt him but not his opponent.

Dolph Ziggler - I can't take him serious. Maybe it's knowing he was a SS member but even if I don't think about that I still can't take him serious. He's suppose to be "perfection" yet he wears a vest that looks like he dug it from a Kmart trash can. He's horrible on the mic. I remember his promo on Pat Patterson was so bad I had to cover my ears. He's average in the ring. I don't see him lasting much longer.

What do yall think?
I would agree with Kofi, Miz, and Morrison. MVP isn't that good honestly. He was good as a heel and not so much as a face. He's very boring in the ring and just isn't somebody you can get behind when you watch him wrestle. He used to have that "it" factor and now he doesn't anymore.
Sheamus > everyone you said but Kofi and the Miz.

You think he is boring on the Mic? I love his mic work. Maybe it's his thick accent, but i find him interesting. I think he is vicious and i think with this push he is getting huge heat-thanks in part to facing Super Cena. The only shaky thing is his finisher. At first he was using the Uranage-Backbreaker, which i loved. Then shortly after he came to Raw he started using the Bicycle Kick. Now that he is in the main event, it seems he is using the Crucifix power bomb. All of them suit him, i feel. But he needs to decide on which one.

Kofi is definitely there. After being pushed to the moon last month, then getting clean victories over Punk and Orton by himself at Survivor Series i don't think it's a question of if, but WHEN he gets the title.

The Miz- Is in fact often. He said all of three sentences on Raw, appeared for all of a minute and a half, and probably had the second most heat all night-next to Orton. And he can work a match like he can work a crowd. He big issue will be size. He is noticeably smaller than Cena and Orton...so that may work against him.

Morrison: Yeah...okay...second coming of HbK blah blah blah. Yes, he is talented. Yes, he is...interesting...on the mic. But i think he is repetitive. He uses the same moves all the time- I know alot of main event wrestlers do, but he seems stale to me already. But i never get sick of seeing a GTS, or a Punt, or an RKO. I could care less about Starship pain. I think if Morrison is to be successful, he's going to have to be a heel to get him there. I don't buy him as a face at this point.

Ziggler- I love Ziggler...and don't understand WHY the WWE has teased him winning the IC title about nine times and haven't followed through. It's becoming Unbelievable. I think his move catalog is fresh, i think his mic work is good...not great...but good. I think he has what it takes, but will need a far less generic gimmick.

McIntyre- Haven't seen him enough to know. I haven't seen Smackdown in about 2 months due to football season. What i HAVE seen of him, I like.

R Truth- I think this feud with CM Punk will elevate him to the Main event level. Everyone worried about it degrading Punk, but what has happened (and what the WWE was counting on) was Punk has made R Truth believable as a main eventer. I think he is next in line for Money in the Bank.

MVP- I think WWE screwed up big with him. They should have taken him to the main event years ago...but they didn't. Now he is moving backwards, doing the J.O.B. and the fans are beginning to bail on him. S.O.S. MVP. Save yourself or else you'll be mid-carded forever. Or worse.

CM Punk- I add him on here because i feel it's necessary. Batista and Undertaker are on the outs sooner than later. Edge isn't a spring chicken, and has problems staying healthy. Smackdown is going to need a new face to lead them, and It's going to be Punk. I think that Punk and Edge are going to be the Orton and Cena of Smackdown. With the exception that both play a better heel.
I said it b4. Sheamus to me is a mistake. He is big but in a need of a tan and a name change. I have to disagree with Matt Hardy. Two weeks ago he wrestle Batista in the Smackdwn Main Event and that was he worse pathetic match I hve seen maybe in the last year. It was so pathetic I may have yawned once or twice. Matt has been with the WWe for a long time but lets face facts, he is NEVER gonna be main event status. Five six years ago I would have cheered for him to be a main eventer but that has all changed for me. I have my own personal picks for future main eventers and I KNOW there will be people to disagree.

1) Chris Masters
He had a good thing going when no one was able to break the Master Lock. Given the right story he could've been gold. I though he was ok on the mic. And lets face it, If Vince and Creative don't like you, you may as well be a fish flopping on dry land. Had the potential and still does if they would move on it. Top Heel definitely possible. Baby face, not gonna happen.

2) MVP
One of the best heels they had going and they had to turn him baby face. Awesome mic skills and was the most arrogant guy they had.

3) Ted Dibiase
Son of the Million Dollar man and he's Priceless. Must I say more. Well I will. Teaming him with Rhodes in the beginning worked or me but like usual WWE fashion, they gave up in a few weeks time. Dibiase had good mic skills and is a good in ring performer. Lets get him in the main event while we still can.

These are just three of my choices and Im sure people will disagree. thats the great thing abut opinions.
I'm not sure that I agree with MVP, R-Truth and Matt Hardy. I like MVP very much as a heel, but he's as dull as dishwater as a face. He move set seems to be somewhat limited and, for a 250 pounder, he's slower than hell.

R-Truth is someone that I could possibly see, but I don't right now. He's almost 38 years old so, I think if the WWE is going to do something with him, it's probably going to have to be sometime in the near future. It's being said that Punk's current feud with him is an attempt to possibly move him into the ME scene, but I dunno.

Matt Hardy is someone that I just don't believe has it. He doesn't have the exciting move set his brother did, his biggest high risk move generally consists of a leg drop of the second rope, and he just doesn't have the charisma to make it as a main eventer. He's boring as all hell on the mic and just doesn't have that...well whatever it is that ultimately got his bro into the main event spot.

As for some of the others, I think that Drew McIntyre has got some potential. He's gotta great look about him and I kind of enjoy his promos a little. They'e not great and need work, but I could see him going far if being put in the right feud. I'd say he'll probably be in the IC title picture sometime after the first of the year.

As for Sheamus, the jury is still out on him. I think the guy has some potential and I'm not going to dog the guy or praise him either way just yet. Personally, I dig the fact that the WWE put somebody completely fresh in the Raw main event scene against John Cena. All I've heard from half the posters on this forum for 6 months is how tired they are of seeing the same people in the main event picture on Raw. Well, here we are with a fresh face and they're still pissing and moaning. As far as this business about Sheamus getting a tan, it's time to get the fuck over it. If fans are so picky that a guy's skin has to be baked to a certain minimum level of bronze, then there's just no pleasing them. Honestly people, it's more than a little ridiculous.

If TNA puts an relative unknown to the general audience, like Desmond Wolfe for intance, into an immediate high profile feud, they get praised but if the WWE does the same thing then they get shit upon. The Sheamus situation is a perfect reason why the WWE doesn't listen to the IWC in general when it comes to their product. No matter what they do, no matter how many new things they try or new stars they try to push, nothing seems to please a good sized portion of the IWC so there's no real reason why they should care.
The Miz- I agree that his mic work is great. He has done a great job getting over and his in ring work continues to improve. I was starting to believe everyone that after the Cena feud he was done. But he has made his back up and I can see him main eventing in the future as the top heel.

Dolph Ziggler- I have liked D.Z's work a lot. His match with Kofi on Raw was great. I see him a main eventer in a few years. I too don't understand the tease of him gaining the I.C title so many times. Hopefully in the next few months that becomes a reality. I don't think his mic work is terrible but it does need improvement. However I think he has great potential and will be a star.

Kofi Kingston- If he isn't considered a main eventer yet then its obvious he is going to be soon. I like that he dropped the a accent and has a serious side to him while still being that loose fun guy. The fans love him and that is huge. Talk about someone who looked like he was going nowhere. We all wondered what would happen to him and if he could ever be taken seriously. Well he has proved that he can and looks like he could skyrocket to the top behind just Cena and 'Taker. Maybe that's a little too much but I could see it.

Not Sold On

Shemus- I have no problem with his facing Cena at TLC because I think we've all been dying for fresh blood and it will at least be different. But I don't see him as a main eventer yet. I could change my opinion after seeing how this fued with Cena works. But I haven't seen enough of him to say yes he's a main eventer. If he dominated people like MVP , a Mark Henry, somebody with more relevance than Noble I might be able to have a higher view of him. But based off what I've seen so far I can't say I see a main eventer.

MVP- This is for the face MVP. If he went heel then he would be in the first category. But as a face he is not working. He tries too hard to please the crowd, which to me shows he's not a face. He seemed so much more natural as a heel and actually looked like he was on his way up. If he continues as a forced face then I just don't see main event from him.

Jack Swagger- I like Swagger a lot. But that doesn't mean I see main event out of him. However I put some of that on Creavtive for not doing anything relevant with him. Is he going to fued with Miz? Bourne? what exactly are they doing? So I can't say main eventer without seeing more of him. His mic work is ok, that lisp doesn't help. He did have a really good match with Cena but how long ago was that? I want to see how well he works with others and see him try to get over more with the crowd, whether heel or if they to turn him face for a feud with Miz.
Miz - This guy entertains me every single time he's on camera. His in-ring work has improved significantly since his work w/ Morrison (although working a tag match is completely different than working a singles match). He dumped the stupid hat and "chicks dig me" crap and has been allowed to really shine these past few months. I personally hate his entrance music, but it's identifiable and suits him well. This guy actually makes me care about the U.S. Title...who would thunk?!

Morrison - Ugh. Double ugh. He has some cool looking moves, but cool looking moves never did anything for me. Starship pain looks as if it would tickle. Like someone above me said, he also has the same set of moves that are already stale imo. He reminds me of Jeff Hardy, which is a bad thing. Never liked that guy either. His mic work is also awkward. Look at the faces he makes when he cuts a promo--it's like someone is playing with his taint while he's speaking--there's just this odd smirk he always has. He needs to be the cocky, arrogant heel to keep my attention.

Kingston - So glad this guy is getting pushed to the sky! I love watching him work in the ring and his promos have really, really impressed me. It's also nice to see a black guy get a serious push. The only thing that bothers me is his ring attire and music. I thought he dropped the whole Jamaica thing? Then why is his ring garb still black, yellow and green? And why does his music still have the Jamaican flair to it? Don't get me wrong, I think his music is awesome, I just don't think it makes sense considering the changes the creative team has given to his character.

R-truth - Hate this guy. He just screams merchandise sales and PG rating to me. Hated him years ago in WWF, hated him in TNA, hate him now.

Hardy - See Morrison, minus any moves that look even kinda cool. He needs to be a heel, since he's such a stale face. I think the only reason he gets a decent pop is out of respect for who his brother is and what they did for the tag division years ago.

Ziggler - This guy came outta his mother's womb a heel. While I don't agree with him losing to Morrison so many times and missing his opportunity to carry a belt, I have faith the creative team has a master plan. To be honest, I haven’t paid too much attention to his mic work, so I'll be sure to try to in the next few weeks.

Christian - Rock. Solid. Worker. This guy needs to carry the belt into Wrestlemania, drop it to a guy like McIntyre, and hop over to Raw.

McIntyre - Every time this guy cuts a promo or has a match, my eyes are glued to the screen. I think the higher ups see something really special about this guy and I see it too. I've seen some of his FCW work and came away impressed. Throw the kilt back on him and let him soar.

Swagger - I'm a huge Swagger fan. I really like his in ring work and I think his lisp adds something special to him. Having him lose his "winning streak" was a horrible idea and makes me want to punch creative in the left temple. I'm scared to see a feud between him and Miz, only because I don't want to see either one of them turn face. Although, I guarantee the match will be sick.

MVP - Again, another guy that needs to be heel. Not to mention the fact that I hate any wrestlers that have a "merchandise move". What's a "merchandise move" you ask? People’s elbow, five knuckle shuffle, ballin, the worm, etc. That crap makes me throw up in my mouth.
The problem with a lot of these young guys is that WWE pushed them to the big shows before they were ready.

I really liked Swagger on ECW but as soon as he's moved to RAW they've not known what to do with him. Similarly Sheamus should've stayed on ECW for at least six months before they even thought about putting him on RAW let alone in the title match at a pay-per-view. The only reason he's getting pushed is that Triple H said in an interview that Sheamus is the new Triple H.

I love Kofi now and they've pushed him just right, they ruined The Miz in his feud with Cena but are building him back up. Morrison has the in-ring ability but really needs to turn heel again because as a face he's not as good on the mic. Dolph Ziggler's future look bright but then Mysterio refused to drop the IC title to him before he got suspended and Ziggler now looks destined to wallow in mid-card hell.
The two guys they should be pushing are Dibiase and Rhodes. They've main evented this year and are ready to be cut loose from Orton. General theory is that Dibiase will turn o Orton but whatever they do they need to do it sooner rather than later.

Two more guys I like are Ezekiel Jackson who, know he's cut Regal and Kozlov lose, may be able to break out on his own. He's a big man who's in-ring work is good but he definitely needs to be improved. Zack Ryder is another one who has had a lot of good matches on ECW but his theme music and general look needs a general overhaul.
1. Morrison- Great moves set imo, great as a face, but the wwe needs to get him some opponents like Kofi Kingston. But because Kofi has Orton, why not a Morrison/Batista angle- i'd love to see it and have JoMo come out on top.
Personally i love the heels. it makes the show for me. the only NON heel i love is santino.

Dolph is my fave right now. i think hes really entertaining all around. and def should have won the belt from morrison. morrison is a great wrestler but sucks on the mic.

im very surprised they didnt push swagger! i was upset when they drafted him to raw. he was doing so good on ecw and now hes pushed to the back and forgotten. hes got alot of promise if they wanna push him.

christian i have to say i was a big fan when he was with edge. mostly thats cause i love edge! i think hes one of the best they got. great on the mic and a great in the ring. hope he comes back! now i dont care too much for him and his peeps speech every week. it was funny hearing him and CM punk go back and forth. but thats cause now that hes a funny heel i have found myself becoming a fan.

and theres Shemus. at first i didnt give him 2 seconds. but last monday kicking jerry in the face, and after this monday when he gave finlay that razors edge and then put cena through the table i am now a big fan and i HOPE he wins the belt from cena.

but thats my 2 cents lol
John Morrison-Has the looks and in ring ability and isnt that bad on a mic

Kofi-Has it all the future star

Christan-The best non main eventer.Should be main eventing on smackdown or raw if vince wasnt such a jabroni

Dolph Ziggler-Should be intercontinental champ

shamus-good on mic not to bad in the ring

Evan Bourne-The man would be US champ if he had a good gimmick and didn't do peace signs to everyone

I Would not like to see main eventing

Matt Hardy-To big can hardly move in the ring could of main evented in 2005
R-Truth-Peice of Trash and a little gangster
The guy who I think deserves to be pushed into the ME is.....................
Jack Swagger.

Give this guy enough time, and good booking, then I can see alot of potential in Mrs Swagger's baby boy.

He's average on the mic with a bit of work this can be easily fixed, and his ring work is simply amazing ( see match with Cena)
So given the help and support Wrestlemania 27 you will hear " Get on your knees" and the John Cena empire wil lbe destroyed ;).
Morrison is a great talent. Has been since he first appeared.

Kofi could be the next big thing, granted they dont bury him in the near future.

Miz has shown a lot of growth over the past 2 years. I think he could main event. He'll have to drop the catch phrase.

Swagger is definately a stud. He has main event potential written all over him.

Ziggler shows a lot of promise. Might be a bit small for Vince to push, but he has the skills to offset that. He might have to change his goofy name and look a bit.

Dibiase has the look and could be interesting to see grow. I'm suprised not many of the posts are drewling over Dibiase on this subject. These forums are a stroke-fest for Dibiase.

Cody Rhodes has potential as well. He's pretty good on the mic and has a good look about him. He's somewhat scrawny like Orton was at first, but he'll grow into the business.

Punk is the guy on this list that's the sure thing. He'll main event again. Just a matter of time. He was great Monday on RAW. Excellent heel character.

Sheamus - Too early to tell on him, but he got his push already, so he can be removed from the list.

Guys I dont think will get a shot at the main event... Bourne, R-Truth, MVP, McIntyre, Santino, Masters

Too old for a world title push now.. Hardy, Christian, Chavo.. and i'm a Christian fan.
The only two guys I can think of that have that 'it' factor as far as PPV headliners would be Jack Swagger and John Morrison. And I will address as to why both of these guys will be main eventing PPV's in the future.


John Morrison has something very few wrestlers at his level have. Lots of charisma. He's over with the crowd, has a good look, and cuts good promos. Eventually, he'll grow into a great wrestler, with a great look, and cut great promos. He's young, energetic, and his moveset is exciting. He keeps the fans on their heels and can tell a story in the ring. He'll be a great main eventer.


Swagger is so green right now, yet has the biggest upside of ANY WWE wrestler. Period. When Jack Swagger comes into his own, he's going to be a beast. He's big, athletic, and can talk, too. He's not as jacked as someone like Lesnar was, but he's still agile and a natural heel. Once he breaks through and comes into his own as a wrestler, he's going to make a lot of money as a wrestler and will make the WWE money, too.
Christian - He has it all. Charisma, experience, good move set. The guy is a great ECW Champion but he should not be on ECW. Christian deserves to be a smackdown main eventer, the only problem is he dissed WWE when he went to TNA, that cost him. Also his killswitch finisher isnt that believeable. As if you would actually fall like that. I know things have to be fake but still.

Finlay - wont be in the main event but would make a good IC Champion if he turns heel like he should be.

Chris Masters- is just a joke now. Just comes out backstage and does his pecs routine. Could've been a main eventer.

Miz - Definately main event but not right now.

Swagger - I'd love to see him United States Champion. The title would suit him well considering hes the all american american. As for main eventing i can see it but maybe wait a few years. Maybe not even.

MVP - Do i have to say it. i'd just be repeating everyone else. Hes got a crap moveset. He's a terrible face and was great as a heel. He might still be able to make main event but not without this face MVP tagging with Mark Henry.

Mark Henry - Would make a great world champion but he too has to turn heel. He doesnt cut enough promos, probably due to the fact that he is part of a crappy tag team. But as a heel and MUCH more charisma he could do it.

Matt Hardy - I would love to see him as a world champion but he needs to lose weight, gain some charisma and does anyone else think that his Twist of Fates are terrible. There's no twist anymore. But it is a possiblity to be a main eventer.

Legacy - Are sure fire main eventers after they end this whole legacy thing. I mean is Orton even part of Legacy anymore?? They just work together sometimes. With DiBiase turning face soon we should probably see some improvement.

Vladimir Kozlov - Yes i said it. Im pissed off that creative fucked up his career like that. They started him off in the main event scene and as soon as he was defeated he got sent to ECW and tagging with another useless superstar. Im very dispointed i thought he could've made but not anymore.

Drew McIntyre - I might be able to see him main eventing but it'll take a while. Maybe he should try WINNING SOME MATCHES instead of attacking people before it starts. And change his finisher, it looks like he's DDTing his opponents head into his nuts.

R-truth - Im not sure, probably not but i'd love to see him as a United States Champion.

I have a few more but i think ive written too much already.
I agree with everyone you said being future main eventers POTENTIALLY, you must see these are only potential as how many people have we been sure would make it to the main event and just haven't stepped up from mid-card status.
Also, I don't see how you could mention who you did at the beginning and forget about Ted Dibiase, he is who I am probably most confident on on being a future main eventer besides The Miz.

I also believe DH Smith will be a PPV headliner in the future, I know he is fairly new on the scene but from what I've seen so far he is naturally charismatic and solid in the ring, it would be interesting to see how he is on the mic as we haven't seen him on the mic yet.

Also, I just thought I would throw this out there, I'm not sure about PPV headliner but I believe JTG could be a big star in the future as a singles competitor, he has so much charisma and, although not great, he is good on the mic and decent in the ring and with a bit of improvement could be awesome in my opinion. For me, Cryme Tyme are becoming stale and Shad Gaspard just isn't good enough in the ring. What do you think about what you've seen of JTG?

By the way, whoever said CM Punk, he is already a 2-time Heavyweight Champion so doesn't really qualify for this discussion.
I have three picks really, of all the young guys at the midcard level, I only see John Morrison and Jack Swagger, and quite possibly Kofi Kingston making it to that level of success.

Morrison has amounts of charisma unmatched by just about anyone in the WWE currently. He is great in the ring and on the mic for a guy on his level. He knows how to entertain the fans in and out of the ring and has a moveset like no other. He always gets the crowd out of their seats.

Swagger , while still essentially a rookie, can become one of the better heels of the new age talent. While he is not as built as say someone like Triple H or Batista, he has the look to be a champion. He is slowly growing into quite the man on the stick too, which is great. Once his potential is realized and he really breaks through, the WWE will have another star on their hands.

Kofi, while his name is essentially not that of a champion, he has everything going for him. The crowd loves him, and he does great things in the ring. He knows how to put on a show and get the crowd into the match. His emotions show through his ringwork and he doesn't need to cut promos all the time get himself over. I can see him being right up there with Swagger and Morrison when they reach that level.
My two cents:

Kofi Kingston - He's shown me a lot more than I thought he could, but I'm not sold on him. Part of it is his lack of size, and part of it is that he needs to complete the transition from "smiling Jamaican" to "legitimate tough guy". I think a good test for him would be to see if he can pull off a really good heel run.

R-Truth - Way to 1 dimensional to work a main event. This guy is a solid mid-carder, and has the ability to entertain in small doses. His promo skills are weak, and while he has some interesting moves, they come off slightly sloppy. He's great where he is, and I don't see an upside to a transition.

MVP - My mind changes on him a lot. He was made face way too prematurely for my liking, and without enough impact. I want to see him given a really strong heel run. I think he might have a little bit of The Rock in him, and would like to see him give that a shot.

Dolph Ziggler - Great look, and pretty decent ring work. Terrible on the mic though. He has charisma, but he can't seem to turn that into a good promo. His gimmick is pretty classic, but he hasn't done anything with it to make it his own. He should sit down and watch a ton of Rick Rude stuff and get some ideas.

Christian - I love Christian. I think that he is a very talented wrestler and is mic gold. But I don't see him carrying a show. I can see him in more of a Chris Jericho position of fluttering between the main event and mid-card as needed.

Morrison - This guy bores me to tears. Great look. Good ability. But it isn't clicking for me. Everything about this guy screams cocky heel, but he was prematurely turned face. People compare him to HBK a lot, and I can see that, but I'd like to see him be a little different. I'd like to see a little more old WWF style Randy Savage.

CM Punk - I just plain don't like him. His straight edge heel gimmick is weak, his finisher just plain doesn't suit him and he can barely pull it off half the time, and just doesn't seem to work well with anyone bigger than him, which is the vast majority of the roster. Again, I would consider having him flutter between the mid-card and the main event, but more often on the mid-card.

Sheamus - I love his look. He's got a great build and can pull off some great facial expressions. Reminds me a bit of Sean O'Haire in that regard. His mic work is sub par though, and I haven't seen him actually wrestle. Squash matches just don't tell the tale I'm afraid. At any rate, while I like the idea of new main event blood, and think he has a definite shot of being there one day, it's way too much, too fast for this guy.

Jack Swagger - Oh how I want to like Jack Swagger. Great look, great intensity, great moves. But his lisp is terrible. It makes it very hard to take him seriously as a strong heel. Remember Matt Morgan's stutter? It overshadows his promo. For me, if Swagger worked on speech therapy, stopped doing that utterly ridiculous chest beating during his entrance, changed his finisher, and looked up some vintage Kurt Angle and Harley Race footage, he could definitely hit the main event.

Legacy - Both men aren't ready. Neither of them has particularly strong mic skills, and I honestly haven't seen enough of their singles work to tell if they have the goods in that regard. DiBiase has a better look, but both men were completely and utterly overshadowed by Ted Sr when he hosted Raw.

Hart Dynasty - Tyson Kidd is too small. David Hart Smith has the size, but for the love of god is he ever baby faced. He has the face of a 12 year old. If one of them has a main event future I'd say it's Smith, but I haven't seen anything as of yet that indicate it. I like them as a team, and wish that WWE would do a lot more with them, but they are so far down on the food chain that the main event just doesn't seem likely.

Matt Hardy - I like him a lot more than Jeff, but that isn't an accomplishment. Nothing about him screams main eventer to me. Fair but not spectacular promos, fair but not spectacular ring work, a decent but underwhelming look... Seems like a solid mid-carder to me.

Drew McIntyre - I just plain haven't seen enough of this guy. He has a great look and seems to cut a decent promo though. Reserving my judgment on him.

The Miz - He lacks consistency. Occasionally booked as a farce, occasionally booked as a serious competitor. This is the type of guy that I think would benefit from either having a bodyguard, or better yet being part of a stable. I could see him playing the Randy Orton role from Evolution.
i have 2 be honest i dont like john morrison but he came from the bottom so i have 2 respect that.Definitely agree wit kofi kingston who should've won that battle royal hands down definitely a bigger marketing match against cena i believe.Not 2 take anything from shemius but kingston's been around longer,is more talented, has won a title,and has beatin and out witted tprolly the mos devious wrestler of all time randy orton! seriously who canreally make a good case shemius deserving a wwe title shot now!And i might get alot of heat for this but imma give my point on y my 1st is shelton benjamin hands down!Whos been more loyal, has less injury absences,no locker room incedents and considered the best on simple athletecism.Hes has been there for wat seems like 4ever and hasn't complained and is makin his way up.I truley believe he will steal the next ppv, bring glory back 2 the ecw title, make a real statement and mark my words and this date this will be the ppv that every1 will remember as the day shelton benjamin began his climb 2 1 of the greastest superstars of all time!

John Morrison - Starship Pain is one of the most entertaining finishing moves to watch. I actually enjoy him on the mic quite a bit. I think he drops the IC belt and enters M.I.T.B. as one of the favorites to win that.

The Miz - Yes, he is AWESOME. Remember when he first started? Yea...awful. Pretty solid in the ring now, and with the Skull Crushing Finale, he actually has a legit finishing move. I was at one point worried about WWE ruining him a bit with the whole Cena thing, but he has recovered nicely.

Jack Swagger - Lisp aside, this guy is a beast. He bullies smaller opponents, and is athletic enough to beat the bigger guys. I enjoy seeing him beat faces without having to cheat (sometimes). He just has that look that you hate, and I enjoy hating him.

Kofi Kingston - A few months ago, I would've had him on my "Not Sold Yet" list, but with his new aggression and removal of that STUPID accent, I am now sold. Orton is doing a tremendous job of putting him over. Kofi is actually pretty good on the mic too. I think he'll be the next "new guy" on RAW to win the title.


Ted and Cody - I still need to see what each of these individuals can do...individually to be able to decide if they can become champs in the future. I enjoy them as a tag team, and I'm not sure if they could get by individually as faces. Perhaps Ted as a face, Cody as a heel? Can't see Cody going face again. Maybe bring back Ted's father to manage Ted as a heel. Not sure on these two.

Not Sold Yet

MVP - He bores me. Not strong, not fast, and quite frankly, his character is too much like The Rock. The whole elbow thing is annoying to watch. Basically, he's been relegated to being paired with a 400 pound career mid carder. Don't see him becoming champ; just too bland.

Dolph Ziggler - I love Dolph Ziggler, but I truly believe that Rey Mysterio getting suspended costed him the IC title. The creative team was put in a huge bind with Morrison after, and they couldn't just remove the belt from him. Everytime I see Dolph, I laugh. That's the problem. I can't take him seriously. His in ring work is pretty solid, but people seem to either: A. Not give a shit about him; or B. Think he's a joke. It's unfortunate, but Mr. Ziggles is not a future champ.

Sheamus - As far as I see this, he got this shot because he's HHH's buddy. They rushed his title shot, without really giving him a chance. Maybe he shouldn't be on this part of the list because of lack of experience, but I just don't see it in him. He's another boring character to me, and another one of Vince's "Bigs". He looks ridiculous too with absolutely no tan. I could see him terrorizing the mid card, but I don't see him becoming a world champ.

R Truth - Not even sure why he's on people's lists. He's a bit older already. Career mid carder in my opinion. Just...to gimmicky IMO.

Also, I won't forget to mention Big Zeke and Shelton Benjamin. Although I don't see him becoming a world champ, I am very interested to see what Zeke does on ECW after his face turn (or was it?). I could see him challenging for the title there. As for Shelton, I can't wait for the ladder match, as performing in the ring is Shelton's only strength.
I started watching WWF the night after Stone Cold won the championship from Shawn Michaels. I followed through the invasion. I've just recently started watching again and I'm not entirely sold on a lot of people, but I do think there are a lot of great new stars.

I remember the main eventers being Stone Cold, HHH, Kane, Undertaker, Angle, Jericho, Big Show, and the Rock. If the WWE was a comic book I feel that those guys are the heroes and villains, but Cena and Orton are just civilians. I agree with what they're trying to do and push mid-carders. The fact of the matter is that the Undertaker will probably retire soon (I'm thinking once he hits 20-0 for Wrestlemania) as will Vince. With Shane leaving the company, it will be passed on to Stephanie and HHH, who will probably semi-retire from wrestling. HBK's days are numbered as well. This leads to a new crop of talent. I've been following the shows again for about a month and frankly I'm tired of Cena, Orton, Batista, and CM Punk (and am I the only one who thinks he looks older than guys like 'Taker and HBK?). At this point, I know there's hyped return of the Rock. I'd like to see him feud with Cena, but after that they could both fade and I'd be quite ok with that in favor of some new talent.

Kofi Kingston : From the first night I got back into watching it I thought "This guy is going to be champ some day."

Morrison/Miz : This feud could go on to be the next Rock/HHH or Vince/Austin. At first I didn't really like Miz because even outside of his character he's a douche bag, but if he stays the heel and Morrison the face, these two have a long future ahead of them.

Evan Bourne : Someone before mentioned this guy can single handedly bring back the Cruiser weight division and I have to agree.

Zack Ryder : Same as with Bourne. I'm not sure why, but there's something about him. Perhaps Ryder has a great future as a heel.

Shelton Benjamin : Before last nights ECW, I didn't think he was all that great, but then when Christian made it a ladder match, I became interested and I think he has great potential.

Women's/Diva's Division : I remember when there was maybe 6 Divas. They have really built this up to be something to be proud of; however, I'd like to see more than just 1 women's match per show. Also, this division as of now is reminiscent of pre-1980's wrestling, very clean and straight forward, still somewhat of a sport. I'd like to see it get a bit more intense, maybe a ladder or a cage match. Possibly even a tag team championship.

On the Fence
MVP : I like the guy, but I feel that this whole Mark Henry thing is just kind of...meh. Personally I'm kind of hoping for if/when the Rock returns, a reformation of the Nation featuring some combination of MVP, Mark Herny, R Truth, and Cryme Tyme (though this is probably just wishful thinking)

Dolph Ziggler : I want to like this guy, even if he plays a heel, but I just can't get behind him. I think if he changes his hair and gets a bit stronger of a character, he could be a great heel as well.

Sheamus : Great potential here, but I think he's getting pushed a bit too soon. However, if this leads to a major shift of mid-carders becoming main eventers, I'll recant this statement and say it was a great move.

Don't Really Care For
Rhodes/DiBiase : These guys just don't do it for me. I feel that their characters aren't really all that different from their actual personalities and they have an undeserved sense of self accomplishment. I think a feud between the two might be good, with DiBiase as the face and Rhodes as the heel. I think getting in with Orton they've suckered themselves into being bland and useless.

Brand Extension : I realize that after the Invasion they had too many stars for one show. I like the idea of separate shows, but I don't care for how it's played out. I think part of it is visual. I don't like the three shows having the same entrance ramp, but I do like the different color schemes. From what I perceive, Raw is still the flagship show, SmackDown is reminiscent of WCW, and ECW despite not living up to the integrity of the original ECW, seems to treat it stars better. A lot more people get title shots in ECW which keeps things interesting, but I'd like to see the extreme rules go in to effect permanently. As far as SmackDown goes, I feel that the world heavyweight championship is sub-par to the WWE championship. I think the unified tag team championship is a good idea for some inter-brand competition, but there's so much of it outside of that to the point that it almost seems worthless to have separate brands anymore.

Things I'd Like to See
Aside from the aforementioned increase of the Diva's/Women's division, return of the Cruiserweight division, and the ECW extreme rules return, I'd like to see an additional championship in each brand (for the sake of having 3 tiers to build up careers as well as triple crown and grand slam championships, and yes this includes ECW because that's incredibly lame that they only get 1 title). I realize that having a heavy weight, a 2nd and 3rd tier, a cruiserweight, a tag, and a women's (possibly even a revival of hardcore or an inter-gender tag title) is a lot, but some more title changes would keep things interesting and create more feuds. I'd like to see the shows get extended in length. The 3-hour Raw was great and a lot more was able to be fit it, but I think this is most important to ECW. Right now the get an hour to squeeze in a lot, it kind of reminds me of Heat where they just took a bunch of low-card nobodies and never made much of them. ECW would get much more credibility and become a contender for ratings against the other 2 brands. And lastly, one thing I've always wanted to see is taken straight from the pages of WCW, the triple cage match. I know I should be shunned because that brings back memories of David Arquette, but I'd like to see the steel cage around the ring, then the hell in the cell (no "angry" rottweilers a la the Dog Kennel from Hell) and then maybe the title suspended above the cell requiring a ladder. I realize that's a bit excessive, but it sure would be exciting.

I realize that's a lot to take in, but I haven't watched in about 7 years and I'm really excited to be back in to it.
The problem with a lot of these young guys is that WWE pushed them to the big shows before they were ready.

And here we go...

I really liked Swagger on ECW but as soon as he's moved to RAW they've not known what to do with him.

Sthwagger's been entertaining as titsth on Raw. Histh feud with Miz is going great, he can put on a great match, and is the perfect cocky sthupersthtar we've been needing on Raw. He's like Brock Lesthnar with mic sthkillsth. On ECW, he was nothing but a dull kid with a sthpeech impediment.

He desthervesth to be on Raw.

Similarly Sheamus should've stayed on ECW for at least six months before they even thought about putting him on RAW let alone in the title match at a pay-per-view.

Why? For buildup? Buildup my ballsack, I say go all out with Sheamus. He's like an irish Goldberg. Have him go over Cena for the title and dominate Raw for the next year, and we have the next top heel for the next 10 years. Give Sheamus the Lesnar push.

The only reason he's getting pushed is that Triple H said in an interview that Sheamus is the new Triple H.

...Or maybe they wanted to freshen up the main event scene and create a new top heel.

The next time I see someone blame something they don't like on Triple H, I'm going to stick hot needles in my testicles, slap them around, stick a taser up my ass and punt kittens.
Everyone mentioned I think should be in the mainevent. Except matt hardy and drew mcynityre. Matt is just slow and boring in the ring now and they should have never turned him face just to make up with jeff hardy that was leaving the company. I think matt is better at being heel. I see loads of potential in mcyintyre its just we really haven't seen a moveset from him. All his matches are squash matches.
Shelton Benjamin- Pure Gold Standard.
Paul Burchill- hes underrated but i think he should get a shot to be in the spotlight just with his Ripper gimmick
R-Truth- he is so over with the fans already they need to push this guy.
Dolph Ziggler- I hate the name sounds a bit like Adolph Hitler lmao but hes a great cocky, arogant heel.
John Morrison- He has the look, the mic skills, and the moves. Shaman of Sexy baby!
The Miz- hes just awsome!
Kofi Kingston- hes just so bad ass african american.
Jack Swagger- He is great in the ring, and he reminds me of Kurt Angle a bit. Too bad WWE gave up on him.
Mike Knox- this guy is a monster, plain and simple.:headbanger:
Sheamus is an interesting character, and I think we need to see how this thing with Cena is going to work out before we can pass a really informed judgement. I'm in agreement with all who have said Swagger - what can't this man do? I really see him as a future star of this company, I already completely love him. He has the right look, and is really good to watch in the ring.

Morrison is another future star - he's been compared to the great Shawn Michaels by quite a few people, that alone is a huge accomplishment. Shawn was on top at a bad time for the company in regards to level of competition, I don't think we'll see the same for Morrison. If he's pushed properly, a great match between Swagger and Morrison will headline Wrestlemania one day, and I cannot wait to see it.

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