Which Mega-Star of Yesteryear should just hang it up and call it a career?

Who should hang the attire up for good?

  • Sting

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Scott Steiner

  • Triple H

  • Kane

  • The Undertaker

  • Booker T

  • Jeff Jarrett

  • Raven

  • Other

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shawn michaels, he went out on such a high back in the 90s but now hes just become pathetic, id like to see him win one more world title and then retire
ok. I say that Terry Funk, Mick Foley & Ric Flair should retire.
I have alota respect fro 'em all, but they should spare their bodies for the long run.
Dude Terry Funk can still move really good for a 60 year old man. He can do more things then guys half his age. Wach his ONS 06 mach with Dreamer,Edge, and Foley and you'll know what I'm talking about. He still can do everything he once could just a bit less quick.Hes not embarrasin himself he's adding more legacy to himself by being tough as hell and continuing to wrestle. He will manage to keep his honor and retire when he's 70. God only knows what he can do if he was 40 again.
I've gotta say Shawn Michaels on this one. Cut that damn hair! It's embarrasing for me to even watch this guy anymore. Now I'm not gonna sit here and say I was ever a big HBK fan anyway, but he went out on top once and should've stayed there. I don't think he's main event material anymore and I honestly don't know many people who would pay for a PPV he was headlining if the undercard wasn't strong. At this point I am 100% certain that the return of one HULK HOGAN would draw 8000 times the ratings of an HBK match. Throw the title on him one last time and let him retire.

Please Shawn, the band has been tuned enough......They are tired of playing.

My second choice would have to be Scott Steiner. Someone as big as that already has limited mobility just from sheer muscle mass. Take into consideration all the bumps he took early in his career in WCW when he was more of a high flyer and you have grounds for a nasty injury.

I'll also agree with Prax. The Undertaker is at the end of his road. But I will say this. All of these giant megastars like HBK, the Undertaker, Ric Flair, Hogan, Triple H and whoever else, need to leave the business in a glorious light. I say this. Give these guys one final taste of gold before they hang it up and let them go out on top. It sickens me that Hulk Hogan never won the WWE title and retired with it. I loved that guy when I was a kid. All I wanted was to hear that music being played(and all of you know what I mean) with him in the middle of the ring posing in front of 20,000 people with a championship belt around his waist and then he could fade off into wrestling eternity having retired as a champion. We will never see this.

May all the other megastars still left bask in this light........................
I think sting was amazing in WCW and he can have a good match in TNA but he just isnt as great as he used to be. i dont think he's causing any harm to other TNA stars but he is draining the company with a huge paycheck. Sting has a few years in him yet though.

i was never a big fan of Scott Steiner exept from his earlier tag team work but i think he should throw in the towel now, his matches bore me and his promos are awful.

HBK is IMO one of if not the greatest wrestler of all time and he's been able to draw a huge crowd for over 10 years. and i dont think his back injury has stopped him having good matches because it hasnt. all his WM matches since his return hae been brilliant exept for WM 23 when he was origionaly supposed to face booker and that would have been a classic too. its the fact that he will not turn heel thats killing his career. remember the Shawn Michaels we loved to hate. i think we could see HBK go for another 2 years and hopefully see a title run for him. he might do well as a GM because he didnt do badly as commissioner.

in 2003 i'd have said Undertaker but now he has never been in better shape and has had some great matches with Batista of all people, and remember his great matches with Kurt Angle last year. i hope to see an Edge vs Undertaker WHC match at WM 24 because that would be an all time classic.Taker will probably retire in a year or so and anyone that voted for him in this poll will miss seeing Taker in the ring.

My pick is Kane. i used to love seeing Kane wrestle, remember the 2001 Royal Rumble Kane stole the show by first of all eliminating drew carrey and the honky tonk man ( that was hilarious ) but then going to eliminate about 5 guys at once with weapons, then reforming the brothers of destruction with Taker, then lasting till the end staying in for nearly an hour and a half and setting the record for rumble eliminations at 11.ive always thought he should have kept the mask on because taking it off killed his character. he's no longer the monster that dominates the ring, he's just a strong ugly guy. and now he just looks fat and old. i havnt seen a good Kane match since he took off the mask. he's just there now to put over other crap wrestlers like Khali or Mark Henry. he should retire while we remember kane as a legend and not as a has been
I think sting was amazing in WCW and he can have a good match in TNA but he just isnt as great as he used to be. i dont think he's causing any harm to other TNA stars but he is draining the company with a huge paycheck. Sting has a few years in him yet though.

spike TV is paying for most of stings contract so he really isn't draining the company. I voted for Raven for the simple fact that he is being misused, raven when used right can draw great heel heat. personally, i'm getting tired of the statement the older guys shoud give a rub to the younger guys, its there time. Its not up to the older guys to give the rub, if the younger guys want it, then work for it and stop crying about it.
How the fuck do you ask a qusetion like that, and then not put Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan on the list, on vote would go to either one of them, but If I could only pick one I gotta go with Hogan, this guy is just a drain on the industry he once made so popular, nobody wants to see Hogan anymore, and he's just plain greedy, he never helps build up the new talent, and is boring as hell to watch, I'm just plain sick of him
I think Raven has a more in the tank as he's just gotten over his health problems which hopefully leads to a deserved push as he has been putting guys over lately such as Kaz.

I hope Raven ends up being the next Terry Funk and still be able to put on a good match when hes in his 60's, i have watched numerous shoot interviews and Raven secrets of the ring with Raven and i feel Raven is a huge asset to TNA he knows the wrestling business what works and what doesn't i think it would be useful to keep raven around to help out the younger guys.

As much as it pains me to say it- Raven.

he had the coolest gimmicj in wrestlng with the ripped jeans look and is a phenomanal ring technicion and could put on a good match but now hes past it. looks fat, old and its time to hang up the boots scotty my son

Thats due to a thyroid condition which makes you gain weight and if you notice he has dropped a lot of it as of late.

As for sting this guy still has it, no doubt i have no problem with him in TNA since he's came he's done nothing but put the young guy over. if every older wrestler retired it would suck rosters need variation and experience as well as the star power that comes with legends.

people bashing the older wrestlers for not being in the best of shape and flabby is just ridiculous as it has nothing to do with them being good workers
if being in good shape makes you a good wrestler then the masterpiece should be WWE champion. everyone gets flabby when they're older so look forward to it.
Get rid of Sting, oh for crying out loud, not alone is he pension book material but the guy is worse than Hogan when it comes to wrestling. he makes nothing look powerful
Get rid of Sting, oh for crying out loud, not alone is he pension book material but the guy is worse than Hogan when it comes to wrestling. he makes nothing look powerful

What, Sting worse than hogan, Not praising sting here but you don't ever hearing of sting using his fame to determine his matches future! And pay attention next time Stings finisher actually looks like it could do damage, Hogans a bag of shit with a yellow bandanna and a ripped shirt.

Also HBK should retire, he's getting almost as bald as hogan, And he just doesn't push the limits anymore, he got to main event mania one more time,Good enough
First off, if someone mentions Flair or Hogan again I WILL KILL MYSELF...most likely by watching a Khali vs Kane match, but i digress

HBK...those initialls bring back so many memories. So many great moments and some of the best matches in the history of professional wrestling.

But seeing that hairline alone makes me want the showstoppa to hang up his boots. When he first returned in 2002, he barely looked any older than he looked in 98 or 99. But his age has caught up with him and he looks to be in the same age range as hogan. The man can carry a match better than anyone in the WWE, making any lackluster match look better. So I would say give it a year..then hang it up.

Booker looks to be still in excellent shape and his style is totaly different than anyone in the business. I could see him staying around for antother couple years 2-3 maybe. A desperate change in direction is needed though, I like King Booker but I dont think the character can bring as much to the table as Booker T.

Its sad to look at Scott Stiener now, then go back to the early nineties and watch a tag match wiht his brother and compare. He was amazing in the ring in the day, but he is nothing more than a little taste of nostalgia now, and could not make an interesting angle or fued.

I just recently watched HBK vs Taker hell in the cell, and still i love Kane's debut. However a once feared and dominating character is now the best example of misdirection. He could have been made into a big draw character again with his unmasking, and his fued with shane was intense, but they reallyyy dropped the ball on that one.
I voted 'other' with the thought of Doink the Clown. He is the only wrestler from pre-2000 that I would never want to see wrestle again, due to the fact that 'he' is actually just a persona, and currently there is no one true Doink.

World Champion? No, but there isn't a former World Champion that I wouldn't want to see in the ring right now.
Im kinda surprised Hogan wasnt a choice, he always seems to come around like a bad smell :(

His best years were in the 80s, with a decent run as Hollywood Hogan in WCW. When he came back in 2002, he was a shadow of his former self.

I just hope the reports of him opening a federation are false, he has kept too many rising stars down in his career
For the Reason I am saying here neither Flair nor Hogan are on this list because that would make the answer to this question too easy as those would be the two that are continuously mentioned, this would make the thread boring. The options are to provide a starting point for discussion.
I originally voted for Raven after seeing the way that he is being completely misused in TNA. But i guess for the time being he really has other choice if he wants to stay in the mainstream. Since a return to WWE (ECW) would mean doing nothing but jobbing to Punk, Burke, Morrison, and other "stars of tomorrow" he may as well stay in TNA and continue getting treated poorly.

Enough on that. I originaly voted for Raven and then took another look at the list thought to myself, the answer is clear. None of them should call it quits because there are enough new main events, or overall talent, in either TNA or on any of the 3 brands the WWE has to offer to make a decent PPV or weekly show.

If you took all of these guys out of the picture and looked at the guys you have left that could possiby carry the company or brand as it were, you come up with maybe 5 guys: Cena, Orton, Batista, Edge, and nobody for the WWE. Style, Cage, Angle (i'm almost tired of Angle in TNA), Joe (if he ever gets the title) and Rhyno (?- didn't want to only come up with four names for each company). Unless the match contained CENA, ANGLE, HHH or any of the guys on the list, I don't ever imagine any of these guys main eventing a WrestleMania, Bound for Glory or Slammiversy (whichever is TNA 's biggest PPV) or even a freakin' Starrcade.

The veterans are needed because they're the ones you know you go to when you need someone to carry your company since the young guys cant make it. If all of these guys decided to hang up the tights right now, we would be stuck watching Cena v Orton and Edge v Batista for the next 50 PPVs.
I voted 'other' with the thought of Doink the Clown. He is the only wrestler from pre-2000 that I would never want to see wrestle again, due to the fact that 'he' is actually just a persona, and currently there is no one true Doink.

Sure they should retire the Doink personna, but still Doink was never a mega-star. So he doesn't really count in this thread.
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