Which Mega-Star of Yesteryear should just hang it up and call it a career?

Who should hang the attire up for good?

  • Sting

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Scott Steiner

  • Triple H

  • Kane

  • The Undertaker

  • Booker T

  • Jeff Jarrett

  • Raven

  • Other

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Well since this has been kinda going around the forums lately, why not make a semi-official thread.

We are on the dawn of a new age of professional wrestling. The young talent on all levels is undeniable. So the question of the day is, which mega-star of yester year should really just hang it up and let the young blood take over the company.

For me, I would rather see the older, more established guys retire with their pride, then to be buried week after week. It sickened me with Benoit, it sickens me with Kane, I get tired of seeing it. I know it goes against certain "rules" to give back to the company, blah blah blah. I feel that young guys should be put over on younger guys, and not just tarnish the legacy of an older wrestler for a cheap way at getting over, my opinion, and my opinion only.

So I give to you the poll question, and maybe not retire immediatly, but lets say in the next year, which one should hang it up?

For Obvious reasons I am keeping Hogan/Flair out of it, because they are both going to win going away on this poll.

*Also, I am aware of guys like Hardcore Holly, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Regal, Finlay, etc..., but they don't fall under the category of mega star. A mega star is someone I would classify as able to headline a pay per view on his own, and get people to watch, even with a bad undercard.
I'm not sure if he can be classified as a "mega-star," but my choice would be Mick Foley.

Now I realize that he's semi-retired and rarely wrestles anymore anyway. But whenever he does, he's jobbing to someone, and looking old, out-of-shape, and slow in the process.

Randy Orton is legend killer enough without making Foley look bad. When Foley was in that match on Raw a few weeks back with all members of the Raw roster to have been champ, he really looked out of place.

Let him retire with dignity, and not be a door-mat to up-and-comers. This also includes his promos, joining a kiss my ass club, and all of this nonsense too. Let the legacy of Mick Foley end on a high note, not on a Ric Flair note.
It has to be Raven.. He is fat slow and out of shape now. I have never really been a big fan of his but his work now is just plain crappy. I don't know how he ever won the NWA world title that was a bad choice, almost worse then putting it on Ron Killings Raven is nothing but a nostalgelic wrestler TNA keeps around becasue there are still some loyal hardcore fans who still tune in to see him.
Wow wow wow... since when is Raven a mega-star? I would never buy a PPV that headlined a Raven match and nothing else. He was one of the best things to come out of ECW, and a mega-star within the confines of ECW, but never would I consider him a mega-star in this business.

Jeff Jarret is another one I would argue before calling a mega-star. The only reason he ever headlined a PPV is because he was a little less of a control freak than a lot of others in the dying days of WCW, and he pretty much runs TNA. Neither of those are Mega-stars.

From your list though... I think Booker has a couple more years of good matches left in him, and his style is different from most of the WWE's top guys right now so i'd like to see him stick around. Triple H still have many years ahead of him and still garners a huge reaction and will continue to do so so I'd keep him. Shawn Michaels on a lighter schedule can still do a lot for the business.

This comes down to Sting, Steiner, Taker and Kane in my opinion.

Kane isn't taking any young guy's spot so keep him around.
Steiner isn't doing anything major or stealing anyone's glory in TNA so whatever.

I haven't heard anything negative about Sting in TNA either.

For me I have to choose the Undertaker. He's taking up a main spot in WWE and although the fans still love him, if you ask me, there could be a younger guy in his role right now. When he comes back he's just going to deny another Edge world championship. And his head clearly isn't in the game anymore. He's thinking of what he's going to do when he retires, building condos or whatever. He doesn't need wrestling, and looking at the Smackdown ratings and PPV buys, I don't think that the WWE really needs him. I still admire the response he garners from the fans and that he can put on a decent match with almost anyone, but I don't see any reason for him to be taking up this main event spot since he really isn't going to boost any ratings, and they won't suffer without him.
Am I the only one wondering why Ric Flair is not on this list??? I understand that it's Ric Flair and all, no offense. But of all mega-stars of yesteryear still trying to bask in the sunshine of pro-wrestling he has to be my #1 pick of who should finally hang it up...mainly b/c I would like to see him being able to walk in ten years.
Shock clearly stated why they weren't on the list. Have a look.

But I think i'll go with Kane here. He's obviously getting terrible in the ring and getting out of shape. I can't even remember the last decent match its been awhile. There's really nothing for Kane anymore his wrestling is getting worse by the month it seems also his gimmick is getting lame. He's not the monster he once was and fans seem to be losing interest in him...But if he sticks around a couple of more years(which i think he will) I only see him putting incoming monsters over and continuing to job on PPV's. He's not getting another WHC shot or a run with it. I'm not even sure if he would want it at this time in his career. Kane has had a long run and gave us alot of entertaining storylines. Now he is just fading away. It's about time for him to be thinking about retirement..
scott steiner
im not saiying it couse i respect hem and all
but he sucks in the ring and i think i speak of all wrestling fans when i say i would hem to stop putting shit matches and just straight retire

kane also... i agree 100% with what afan21 said
This is a split between Raven and Kane. Glen Jacobs is slow and out of Shape these days, his gimmick is still there but that has been watered down since he lost his mask. But he is slow at Ring work, What he really has is a year in him at the very best hopefully they either give him a title reign as a transitional champ between the PPVs.

Scott Levy is getting old and should get into the training and into the backstage stuff as well. He has gotten to the stage where he can't produce a decent match anymore, I think this may be the effects of the Drugs he did finally catching up to him, he is also out of shape, He is getting into the training of people now so he should be toning back his Wrestling role over the next few months at least back to the role of Manager.
I like all of these wrestler, but I wold have to say Kane.

His gimmick is now embarrasing, his in ring work is gettin sloppy and he is no longer the man who walked through "Hell, Fire and Brimstone!" he is some watered down version of the monster he once was. He hs soo much potential when he first arrived ripping the cage door off!

The later on the powers that be decided to have him unmasked which made for some good telly viewin, an the be escorted everywhere by police, if a remember correctly, an from then on his gimmick has been gettin weaker and weaker.

Sadley Glen Jacobs is a shell of is former self
My top 2 choices were not on the poll - Ric Flair and Kurt Angle.

Ric has seen his run, and as entertaining as he still is, and even though he is hanging around to give young guys a chance to get over, it's time he stopped wrestling and took a managerial / GM / office role.

My other, Kurt Angle, isn't because on in ring product. His matched with Samoa Joe are classics. I am simply concerned for his well-being and health, I'd like to see him alive and well to do non-wrestling roles in the future. He's too damn competitive, that's his problem.

I have always said my dream match-up at Wrestlemania is Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels vs Mick Foley in an elimination style retirement match, with the first person out having to retire for good and the winner getting one last World Title Shot. My special ref would be Bret Hart.
My other, Kurt Angle, isn't because on in ring product. His matched with Samoa Joe are classics. I am simply concerned for his well-being and health, I'd like to see him alive and well to do non-wrestling roles in the future. He's too damn competitive, that's his problem.

Good point with Angle. He were released from WWE because of his addiction to pain killers an he went straight to TNA. I think it would have probably been better for WWE to keep him and make him a GM like he were last time. For all his niggling injuries to heal up. Then he could have come back better than ever, but its a shame to say, but if he carrys on like this, he will end up a bumbling mess and be worthless to everyone, in-and-out of wrestling
I think Ric Flair should retire. He isn't in good shape, and they have just run out of ideas for him. I think he should win the title and then retire so that he can go out with pride.
Ric Flair should hang it up for one. Even though he gets over with the crowd more then most. But Kevin Nash is lookin real flabby these days even though he dont wrestle too often, so he should hang it up.
Shock, sorry to have opened the Ric Flair can of worms you sought to keep closed. I totally see your reasoning for leaving him off the list.

I do want to mention that I am 100% opposed to ANY suggestions of allowing an old, has-been start win one more title to "go out on top." Nobody goes out on top. Doesn't happen. You have a wrestling promotion with more championships than they can ever keep track of. You CANNOT tarnish the credibility of those titles by giving someone a "thank-you" run. It's as bad as writing title runs in contracts a la WCW. Rick Steiner as TV champion effectively ended that title, as did Mideon as European Champion. Championships should be won legitimately or not at all.
Even tho this man is not included in the poll i think Ric Flair should really be thinking about retirement. He has served a great amount in the industry and ought to go down as a pioneer of wrestling. In the midst of his greatness and his service and the great amount of respect i have for him, he should retire as soon as he can and avoid tarnishing his legend as he is currently doing.

His Role on SD!

Currently, a really view Ric Flair as a plain old jobber on SD. As many people have said in this forum already, he is just being used to get the new young talent over with the crowd and getting the young guys some in-ring experience. I hate that crap and the young guys should really verse some other young guys, which in turn would make for some great young matches, which SD is greatly in need of. I see no way possible that Flair is used as a bright spot on SD.

Ever since Evolution broke up, Flair has just rotted away in the WWE, whether it was feuding with another geezer in Foley or just having crappy matches. I did like him better on RAW, rather then now on SD, but he should just ultimately retire.

Flair's Ultimate Future

When Flair does ultimately retire and walk off into the sunset, i would LOVE to see him still on TV with the WWE, especially as a GM or even as an announcer. He was the greatest promo cutter of all time in the industry and he has great mic skills. He could give back a lot to the buisness as a GM and i would surely watch whatever brand he is on, whether it be an announcer, gm, or an extreme idea, a creative writer.

If I do say so myself, i feel that Kane and Raven shouldn't be on this list, and ill explain why. Kane, since losing the mask, has done nothing but switch back and forth from heel to face, losing any connection he may have had with the fans. Excluding his first year, he never really was a main eventer, just a strong gimmick that caught on. If they debuted Kane today, he'd be released in 3 months (i.e. Boogeyman, his release is coming don't worry). As for Raven, come on now. He got one run as a world champ, and it was pretty much just so Jarrett could win it back and have more title reigns for his resume.

Now, for my pick, I've got to go with Triple H. When he came back in 2002 or so, he was far inferior in the ring as he once was. He still gets a great crowd reaction thanks to his new face role, but if he were still a heel, forget about it. His title reigns are steal, cognizant of Jarrett's reigns in TNA. His wrestling ability will be even worse when he comes back this time, and we'll have another superstar headlining shows that can't wrestle well. He is gold on the mic, but his time is dying (get it?)... move over, time for Kennedy to shine.
I Did not put Ric Flair on the List, because it is obvious and too easy, read the whole thing please and think a little harder then that. Of course Ric Flair is the obvious answer, that is why he isn't here, end rant.

Like it or not Prax, and I know you don't like TNA, but you can't deny that Jarrett is a recognized ten time worlds champion. He won 5 times in WCW when he didn't have the "Stroke" (I'm funny) and 5 times when he had the stroke. Compare that to Triple H winning the WWE title 4 times pre-stephanie, and 1 time, plus 5 WHC post-stephanie. You can't bash Jarrett for "booking power" and not include Triple H into that same category.

Raven, I was iffy with, but, he has won 2 of the 4 recgonized American World Titles, with the ECW and NWA title, and he's a legend in the business. He is highly regarded as the best in ring psychologist of the last 15 years, and, well to top it off, he did make the top 8 of the Wrestlezone Tournament, shameless plug.

I wanted to include Foley, but he is already retired anyway, coming back for a match every 9 months doesn't bug me. Especially when it's just a cross promotion to push a WWE licensed Mick Foley book, it's good for business.

I detest Triple H, but I feel he still can contribute, somewhat, in the ring. i really think, and it's been stated earlier, that HHH post 2003 groin injury has been lackluster in the ring. I think between the quad tear of 2001, and the nagging groin injury of 2003, Triple H has put his career in cruise control, and lives off of his reputation.

Sting: He's not hurting anyone in TNA. I like to see him stay around as the ultimate FU to Vince McMahon. The one Legend in the business that hasn't been tarnished by McMahonism, Sting is welcome anywhere besides the WWE for as long as he wants.

JJ: I think he has begun to take a role outside of the ring already. Like him or not, he is a damn good wrestling business man, and understands the business probably just as much as anyone with the last name McMahon. He is in the process of jobbing to younger guys to get them over, but I feel that his in ring life maybe done since the passing of his wife.

So as to who I think should retire. I'm leaning with the Undertaker certainly. I would love to see him lose a streak/retirement/whc match at Wrestlemania. All of that on the line against Edge, are you freaking kidding me. Amazing match and hype involved on that situation alone. I think We are probably one year away from Taker hanging it up anyway.

I would personally love to see HBK hang it up as well. The HBK is starting to stand for Has-Been Kid, and this is probably not his own fault. He was wanting time off to rest nagging injuries, but the injury plague of 2007 kept him from doing so. I will be willing to give Michaels a nice run, but then he should go.

My pick has to be Kane, Steiner or Raven. It's a shame no one will remember Scott Steiner from the Early 90's, when he and rick maybe where the best wrestlers in the business. They were insane and so damn good in the ring, it sucks seeing him out there now.

Kane is just a horrible, big sloth right now. His matches are beyond dull. He lives off of his reputation from years past. The WWE screwed this guy by not putting a belt on him in 2003 when he had as much heat as anyone in the business at the time.

My Ultimate Choice, Raven. What Scott Levy managed to do with his career in the mid-90's is remarkable. Going from Johnny Polo, Scott Flamingo, whatever, and turning it into one of the most dangerous gimmicks of all time, is unbelievable. He had above average success in WCW, getting a good match out of Goldberg of all people, had tons of success in the old ECW and good success in TNA. He should have had tons of success in WWE, and it looked to be going that way before he got lost in the shuffle of the mindless Invasion. Now looking at him, it's time to go. He looks horrible and is just showing his age. Raven would be better suited on a creative team, which at the moment, TNA looks like it really needs badly.
Okay theres no way HHH can retire. Yeah he's been injured a few times in the last few years, but that stuff happens. When he was a heel, he was one of the best heels ever, and the crowd still loves him. He is the franchise now that WWE doesnt have Stone Cold and the Rock. Taker is getting ready to call it quits, and Ric Flair is getting too old. HHH is still a deadly force to be reckoned with and I think he has at least 5 or more good years left. Plus be nice to see him win the WWE title a few more times. I think if Kane lost some weight and toned his wrestling skills, he could be a potentially great threat for that WHC. And theres no way I wanna see Taker retire yet. I get chills whenever he comes out that curtain, and from what I saw when I saw him in Iraq he is an awesome sight. I think he has a few more matches left and I wanna see him win that title back.

Here are my choices for those who need to call it quits, because like many of you said, they're just getting old and sloppy.

1) As much as I admire Ric Flair, I think its time to hang em up and start collecting your social security checks. The Ric Flair of today is a shell of the Nature Boy from the 80's and Mid 90's. I know he still gets great pops from the crowd and everyone loves to whoooo when he chops, but he's doing nothing but losing to these young kids and it sucks to see the 16 time world heavy weight champ lose to people like MVP or Carlito. I give him one more year, then he'll hang up the robe and boots.

2) hm this is a tough one. I think Scott Steiner needs to call it quits too. Like one of you said, back in the 90's he and Rick were two of the top wrestlers in the business, now hes just a freak whos done way too many drugs. I've hated Big Poppa Pump since he became his current character, just makes me sick watching him whenever i get a chance to turn on TNA.

3) Heres one you guys didnt mention, Mark Henry. Back when he was part of the NOD and his Sexual Chocolate days, I enjoyed watching him, he was actually entertaining because I think he was the only guy in the WWF who found Chyna attractive lol. Now he's nothing but a pissed off fat guy with dread locks. Ive seen him get his ass whooped by Stone Cold, The Rock, HHH, and countless others, so this gimmick he supposedly has now where he cant be beaten is lame. Is that sweat or water on him? yuck.

4) As much as I like Booker T I think he needs to either loose the whole King Booker thing cause it makes him look fruity and I dont know of anyone from New York that will go out in public dressed like that. When he was with Harlem Heat and even a singles wrestler in WCW he was really good and I actually watched WCW to see him wrestle. So I think he needs to drop the King Booker thing or retire.

5) As much as it pains me to say this one, I have to say HBK. I grew up watching him and he was one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, but since he injured his back and then was out for 4 years, and then turned into this born again christian, to me he's not the Heart Break Kid anymore. You guys remember back in the days of the orginal DX he was what DX was supposed to be, him and HHH. I remember the epic battles with Bret Hart, and the Montreal Screwjob. When they brought back DX, Triple H was more into than HBK was, i mean from what i read HBK was iffy about doing some of the stunts and wasnt too much into doing anything with women. How can u rejoin a group u made famous with all the stuff u did if u know it goes against your present beliefs? Another thing about HBK is how cam they sit there and make him job to the likes of Randy Orton or Khali? If they dont give him another title run, then maybe its time for him to hang em. Be great to see him ass GM of RAW, but who knows.

6) heres my last and final one and its the big one. The main person I wanna see retire and stay retired is that sellout Hulk Hogan. I'm so sick and tired of seeing him come out of retirement and get his way. Give it up dude your chest is sagging further than an 80 year old woman, and you cant run with the likes of Batista, or Randy Orton, and countless other young stars, you u are taking time away from. I wanna know one thing, who in the present day wrestling world gets pinned by a leg drop? No one unless they wrestle Hogan, and they only get pinned cause its in Hogans clause.
I would also have to go with Kane. Although I think he could get back in shape if the WWE gave him a title shot, I dont see it happening. You know what would turn a few heads would be if he sat out a couple months, got in shape, came back with the mask, and challenged for a title.
After watching RAW last night, let's stop Sgt. Slaughter from wrestling as well. To even think that he should be able to put on a decent match with Randy orton at his age and in the shape he's in is ludicrous and an insult to Randy's push.
I going for Booker T. While his ring work is still ok, he doesn't seem to have the same fire he used to. His gimmick is annoying, there isn't anything left for him to do, and a lot of times he seems to be just going through the motions.
As much as it pains me to say it- Raven.

he had the coolest gimmicj in wrestlng with the ripped jeans look and is a phenomanal ring technicion and could put on a good match but now hes past it. looks fat, old and its time to hang up the boots scotty my son
if i could, i would vote for all of them. however, i really think that ric flair and jim duggan should hang up their boots before they break a hip of something. Sting to me doesn't add much excitement to wrestling like he did in the mid-to-late 90's in WCW. Raven is getting overshadowed by the other TNA stars that there's not much more for him. MAybe he can go back to producing. Hopefully for ECW and bring back the "old" ECW, bing back HARDCORE!!! The steiners need to just quit already. Scott's interviews and and discussions on the mic seem way to hard for him to remember the script with him stuttering at times. Undertaker is good just sticking around and making part-time appearences. He brings in great ratings and is always exciting to watch, even though his pace has slowed over the years. Triple H and HBK should stand on the sidelines and bring up a newer DX to terrorize WWE and be the so-called, "Ringleaders" of the faction. Ummmm.....that's it for now. And that's the bottom line.....cause I said so!
I think that Scott Steiner hould retire as good as he was in WCW and in Japan, he really sucked when he went to WWE and right now in TNA. He is really immobile and can't do half the moves he used to be able to pull off. I think he should hang up his boots before he embarasses himself further.
I am a huge Kane fan, and as much as it hurts me to say it, my choice would have to be Kane. The character is dead. There is nothing they can do with him anymore, and if he sticks around any longer it will only be to put over other guys.
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