Which is better? Realistic finishing moves, or flashy finishing moves?

Which is better?

  • Realistic Finishing Moves

  • Flashy Finishing Moves

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Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1....2....3
The Knockout Punch
The Ankle Lock
Sweet Chin Music
Dragon Sleeper
The Spear
Clothesline from Hell
The Punt


The 450 Splash
The F5
Starship Pain
The People’s Elbow
Shooting Star Press
The 619
The Moonsault
The Phoenix Splash

Which do you prefer to see? I know wrestlers need finishers suitable for their gimmick, but I’m not talking about that. Do you like to see realistic finishers (that people actually end fights with or do in fights) or flashy finishers (moves only done in professional wrestling).

I personally like to watch the flashy finishers. As a part of the show it ends the match with a bang, and is a perfect photo opportunity if you are watching live. It is a great finale to a match and highlights the athleticism of professional wrestling in a special way that shoot fighting doesn’t do. Realistic finishers are fun, but they don’t get me as excited as a springboard 450 splash does. What about you?
I said flashy finishing moves, but I didn't read your options. :p

It's wrestling...not UFC. If I wanted to see someone get the snot kicked out of him...I'd watch UFC. That being said...I would consider something like a Stone Cold Stunner to be a flashy finishing move. It's all about what brings energy to the crowd. The flashy finishers tend to serve in a greater capacity in this area.
Flashy finishers by far, I have no interest in realism, it's why I watch wrestling, I'd rather see someone take a beating that would kill a normal human being, or anyone for that matter and get up and win the match.

Between the GTS and The People's Elbow the GTS looks more realistic, but it's just nowhere near as exciting, it doesnt have that big match feel like The People's Elbow had. In fact in comparison it just flat out sucks, pretty much like Punk in comparison to The Rock.

Also, while you may consider moves like the Sweet Chin Music to be realistic they have a large amount of flashiness to them, the tuning up the band and all that. Dont know why I thought that was relevant.
Im going with flashy moves, it adds to the excitement of a match. I really get into a finisher if there's some flashiness to it, even simple moves like Sweet Chin Music I mark out for because of the tuning up the band part, finishers like the Knockout Punch bore me because of the exact reason of it being realistic, moves like Starship pain I love because their ridicoulsly flashy.
I prefer flashy moves overall in answer to the question. However I don't think it's as black and white, it depends on a few things, i.e. who's Performing the Move (The Spear for example, I can buy when it's from Rhino as realistic, not so much from Edge), who's selling the move becasue when a move is sold as davestating, it's more realistic and lastly how the move is booked - is it kicked out off regularly etc.

A lot of the flashy moves you listed, I would buy as realistic, becasue it looks like they hurt. It's the crazy grounded moves you see in the indy's that I don't buy and I think it comes down to the illusion of disbelief, like Teddy Hart's Gory Special flipped into a sitout powerbomb for example or even the Canadian Destroyer. They do look impressive and that's why I like watching them on YouTube, whereas if I'm watching a match I prefer a happy medium.
I have to admit that I enjoy the flashy moves, with Bourne's Shooting Star Press being the perfect example. They are moves that really get the crowd going, Bourne's Shooting Star being a good example - the crowd pops huge everytime he uses it.

However, I do like a certain amount of realism to it. A lot of what appeals to me about wrestling is the sport based aspect of it, and it's nice to see moves which add a sense of realism to the theatrical drama of the spectacle.

As some of the other posters have mentioned, a lot of the "realistic" moves can also be considered flashy, such as The Punt for example. The moment when the fans realise that Orton is going for it draws huge heat, and the fact that it's been 100% effective so far helps to create a nice balance between flash and realism.
I like realistic moves that are flashy. Finishers should not only get the crowd excited, but also give them the "ouch" and "ooo" factor. Triple H's pedigree is flashy, but it also looks realistic (at times) because his opponent is landing on his head. And landing on your head hurts. Hulk Hogan's leg drop is very flashy, but lacks realism.
I pick realistic finishers. Most realistic finishers are the most devastating finishers. Example: The pedigree - How many ppl have kicked out of that finisher? Not so many. The peoples elbow - How many ppl kicked of that? Lots of people have.

All the other realistic finishers listed on top of the thread actually hurts you and makes a match look real. Those flashy finishers is all "smile for the camara" & "watch me do this" that's all good. IMO I like a move that actually hurts, send somebody to the hospital.
I also picked realistic. I understand that view that wrestling isn't something that we watch because of its realism but I still like to pretend it's convincing sometimes. As much as the flashy moves are fun to watch, I rarely see them and think, "Wow, that was really devastating," and believe that the person isn't gonna kick out. Of course there are the moves that are flashy but still kinda realistic which are awesome because it's the best of both worlds. I guess what I'm trying to say is ultimately, I'd have more of a reaction towards a move that I think people will not be able to kick out of because I believe it's much more devastating, than something that is flashy. For me, the realistic finishers (if executed well) get me just as excited, if not more excited, than the flashy ones do.
To answer in short and sweet fashion: Flashy moves. That is a no-brainer. The guys in there are meant to entertain and wow the fans, and flashy moves do just that and make a finish mean something.

However, I personally am not a fan of flashy moves that come off looking weak. Sweet Chin Music kinda fits both categories, and is a good finisher as a result. Tuning up the band gives a little extra wow factor to a simple and effective move. However, some moves look like they wouldn't realistically work. A great example of this is the Playmaker. It comes off looking more awkward than effective, and screams "I'm trying too hard to be flashy."
Realistic that look flashy. As a fan even though I know it's not real I want to suspend that and be entertained but still feels worry for the guys. A Shooting star press is cool as hell but it looks like it would kill Bourne more than the guy receiving it. Stunner is agreat example, great set up and it looks good so you have the flash but the idea of breaking your jaw ona guys shoulder makes your cringe when someone takes it well.
I prefer flashy finishers because they get the crowd really excited. Some realistic finishers are good such as Orton's Kick.... but it does not get the crowd as excited as his RKO does. Then there are other awesome "flashy finishers" such as Starship Pain or the Shooting Star Press that continue to impress me every time I see them. Whether you are attending the show in person or watching from home, the flashy finishers just look so cool (most of them anyway) and do a great job of providing the fans with an entertaining finish to a match. That's why they are better than realistic finishers in my opinion. Some wrestlers have characters that do better with realistic finishers rather than flashy ones so it comes down to the gimmick sometimes. I still prefer the flashy finishers though!
The Stunner is a good example and another good example of how a move is made to look more realistic by the person who's selling it. The Rock always made it look devastating and by extension realistic, despite being quite flashy. The Trouble in Paradise is another example of a move which in essence is realistic, but looks flashy and then gets a decent pop for it.

There is also a similar problem with the 619: in essence a realistic and probably painful move, however it's the set-up which stops me from fully suspending my belief.

Their are also the types of moves which I sure would hurt in actuality, however look weak, the two that come to mind are The Playmaker and the Axe Kick.
actually i'm a little torn here..

to some point i like the realistic ones because when you see them come down against their opponents, even thou you know its not intended to hurt them as much as possible, you can't help but give out a small "damn that must've hurt".. besides it sells the finish so much better, giving the feeling "he's never gonna kick out of that!" and in the high profile matches, it makes it more awesome seeing the other guy actually kick out.

then the flashy ones.. well certainly as i believe someone said earlier in this thread, it gets the crowd excited, some of the flashy finishers are also those that gets popped like out of nowhere.. RKO for example, to me it doesn't seem too realistic rather than flashy, and its popped so devastatingly easy that you can't help but love it.

so my "verdict" so to say would have to be a flashy but somewhat realistic finishing move, such as the RKO..
If you're not going to do the move in a real fight or see it in the UFC I would call it a "flashy" finisher. Guys saying the RKO or Pedigree as realistic is a little off to me. If you and a guy are in the street fighting, the last thing you are going to do is try to pedigree him. That's a move that you'll only see in professional wrestling. If it was "real" the guy would have to be literally unconscious because you can easily prevent that move from happening to you in real life.
If you're not going to do the move in a real fight or see it in the UFC I would call it a "flashy" finisher. Guys saying the RKO or Pedigree as realistic is a little off to me. If you and a guy are in the street fighting, the last thing you are going to do is try to pedigree him. That's a move that you'll only see in professional wrestling. If it was "real" the guy would have to be literally unconscious because you can easily prevent that move from happening to you in real life.

I agree with the RKO part and yes if I were to fight some one the last thing on my mind would be a pedigree. But the pedigree actually hurts. Yes you can easily prevent it. But if you actually let some one do it to you can hurt. It won't knock have you unconsicous like t.v but it can hurt.
A mix is always good. I don't want to see John Cena attempting a 450 splash or nothing. Big Show doing a corkscrew neckbreaker. Nothing like that. John Morrison's flashy moves fit him because he's a flashy person. I don't want to see everyone do a kick or a punch for a finisher. That's boring. Wrestling has to maintain a bit of flashiness in it for me to keep interested. Even Benoit did something flashy every once in a while to stay relevant.
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