Which Heel should be next WWE Champion?


Getting Noticed By Management
CM Punk is currently having a decent WWE title reign. He won the strap back in November from Alberto Del Rio in a quality match at Survivor Series.

Sooner or later Punk is going to lose the belt, but to who? My question is who would you like to see beat Punk for the gold?

I would like to see Kane beat CM Punk and win the WWE Title. I think Kane deserves 1 more run with the title. I think Kane's current look is the best he has ever had. Going back to Masked Kane has given him a more evil and demonic image than he had before. In the first few weeks of his return he really did look like a Legitimate threat to Cena. Kane made Cena look weak for the first time in ages, until the WWE had Cena eventually bury him (which was a bad move in my opinion, although i understand Cena needed to be made strong to hype up his match with The Rock)

Although Kane will never be as legendary as The Undertaker, he is so very much like him that for me it offers a reminder of The Deadman when he was around on a full time basis. (long dark hair, body size, height, agile in ring, Chokeslams and Tombstones)

I think Kane is one the most underated guys in recent times. His Mic work is really good, although he doesn't say a lot his voice fits his image perfectly. Next to Brock Lesnar,, Kane is the best heel in the WWE (just my opinion of course)

When the Punk/Jericho fued ends (if Punk defends the title) I would like to see Kane be the next in line for the WWE Title. His clean WM win over Orton puts him right up there in the title picture. I don't think Kane will be the next heel champion as i feel Jericho or Lesnar will be, but i would like to see Kane win the gold 1 more time.

Which Heel would you like/deserves/should be the next WWE champion?
I don't see Punk losing the belt any time soon. Anyways, he's gotten ridiculously stale as a face to the point where he is reaching Zack Ryder/Great Khali levels of unwatchability. With less entertainment value (if possible) to boot. I say Punk should turn heel while still holding the belt, maybe by enlisting Big Johnny to help him retain the belt against Jericho in some kind of slimy way (or in my dream scenario of pummeling both Ryder and Hornswoggle into a future endeavor at the same time but that won't happen). This would put a whole new life on the Jericho feud by making Punk the heel and Y2J the face, but Punk would still win.

He would then feud with and eventually lose the belt to a younger, fresher, more charismatic talent that is a face such as Ted DiBiase or Sin Cara once he returns. Both those feuds would be extremely entertaining, with the potential to reach legendary status if timed correctly and not rushed. Either way, I don't see Punk losing the belt at all as long as he is a face. And for that the WWE should be ashamed of themselves.
I would like to see Christian or Cody Rhodes feud with Punk but I don't see them winning the WWE Title... I've heard Lord Tensai might get a title run which is a mistake in my opinion... But in all honesty I wouldn't mind The Miz (lead by Johnny) getting the belt for a month or two after beating Punk @ any PPV leading into The Rock V The Miz @ SummerSlam for the WWE Title... I know it won't happen but I think it would make for some good TV.
I don't see Punk losing the belt any time soon. Anyways, he's gotten ridiculously stale as a face to the point where he is reaching Zack Ryder/Great Khali levels of unwatchability. With less entertainment value (if possible) to boot. I say Punk should turn heel while still holding the belt, maybe by enlisting Big Johnny to help him retain the belt against Jericho in some kind of slimy way (or in my dream scenario of pummeling both Ryder and Hornswoggle into a future endeavor at the same time but that won't happen). This would put a whole new life on the Jericho feud by making Punk the heel and Y2J the face, but Punk would still win.

He would then feud with and eventually lose the belt to a younger, fresher, more charismatic talent that is a face such as Ted DiBiase or Sin Cara once he returns. Both those feuds would be extremely entertaining, with the potential to reach legendary status if timed correctly and not rushed. Either way, I don't see Punk losing the belt at all as long as he is a face. And for that the WWE should be ashamed of themselves.

No i wouldn't say punks became stale at all, just watered down rather than stale. It all began after the HHH feud when after the match they were friends all of a sudden. Just the writers being lazy and turning him into too much of a babyface rather and in turn losing the edge that fans love the man for.
Too answer the question - ziggler at summerslam - CLEAN. By ways of ziggler cashing in MITB for an actual match rather than your usual run in bollocks. This will help prove the point that ziggler can hang with the big boys.

On a side note, when it inevitably happens, how high will ziggler bounce after taking an F5?
I really do think Punk has become a bit stale/watered down becuase he hasn't been using his strongest attribute enough. "The Pipe Bomb" is what makes CM Punk shine, and during this fued with Jericho he hasn't been doing it all that much. It's been all Jericho doing what Punk does best. Punk used to be the one dishing out the words and recently he is on the recieving end just listening.

turning him into too much of a babyface rather and in turn losing the edge that fans love the man for.

Agree, the babyface is not suiting Punk at all, leave that job for John Cena.
Most definitely I think it is the right time for Wade Barrett to take the strap from CM Punk when he returns.

It would be a fresh, interesting feud between two of the best mic men in the game - the Jericho storyline would have faded out by then so I really do think it is time we had the very first English WWE Champion.

Amongst a sea of deathly boring, predictable and re-hashed storylines and feuds (Orton/Kane anyone?), this could be very interesting.
As much as I would love to Kane win the strap off Punk, it most likely will not happen. Lesnar is busy with Cena, so that rules him out. Ziggler just isn't quite ready yet. Del Rio is occupied with the WH Title. Barrett is out till Summerslam, which I highly doubt Punk's reign will last until then, so the only creditable person I could see winning the strap off of Punk.....would be The Miz. Say what you want about him, but I LOVED his WWE Title reign. He is the ultimate heel. People love to hate him. HE made the WWE title more credible during his reign than anyone else, because people wanted him to lose.

Vince, and several other's were impressed with him because of his hard work and dedication behind the scenes, which ultimately led to his title reign, and Vince claiming that he was indeed, "The Future of the WWE." Though he seems to have picked up heat lately, I say that he is the only person who could have a decent feud with Punk and finally take the strap back.
The next WWE Champion should be Kane,he has done great since his return,despite WWE's horrible writing decisions for him,his mic skills are extremely good,he's still good in the ring for his age(45 Years Old).

If you paid close attention to the last Kane Resurrected Promo,that was aired the night he returned,when he punched through the glass,it showed three superstars,CM Punk,Randy Orton,& John Cena.

I think they're just having him go after those three targets,he already had his feud with Cena,he's currently in a feud with Orton,which should end at Extreme Rules,so Kane has only one more target to go,which is the most important,the WWE Champion CM Punk.

The signs are there,it was shown in the promo,he's going after all of the top dogs,I do actually believe that Kane,could quite possibly be WWE Champion by Over The Limit,here's why.

Kane will most likely lose to Orton at Extreme Rules,thus ending the feud between the two.

Punk will beat Jericho & after the match,when Punk is extremely exhausted,Kane's pyro & music hits,he comes out & chokeslams CM Punk & stands over him,almost exactly how he stood over Cena the night he returned,but this time,he'll be holding the WWE Championship,with his hand raised high,thus starting the Kane/Punk feud for the WWE Championship.

Kane can & should win at Over The Limit,clean over Punk,& then win the rematch for the title with Punk,so he can move on to a younger superstar or someone else & he can have his most deserved WWE Title reign,because I do believe this is his last run in WWE.

If he's going out,he should go out with a bang.
You know what, with Lesnar returning, I think he'll be the man to beat Punk. Lesnar is currently occupied with Cena, and Punk and Jericho have unfinished business, but once Jericho's out of the picture and Cena moves onto a new feud, Lesnar is gonna go straight after the WWE Title and can see him winning it at some point between Summerslam and Survivor Series, and holding onto it till Wrestlemania where he'll defend against The Rock.

It'd be a shame to hard workers like Ziggler, Miz etc if this is the case, but I could see WWE doing it. Punk has a few more title defenses in him after Jericho though and could see Mark Henry or Kane getting a title shot at No Way Out or Money In The Bank but I think Punk will keep prevailing till Lesnar beats him
Hoping Punk will feud with Bryan or Tensai, first dropping the belt to jericho. He is due for a title run before he leaves the company again for a fozzy tour.
Jericho would be the perfect heel to put over someone like Ziggler, hopefully becoming face in the feud and getting the long awaited push he deserves.
I think in the next 6-12 months Lesnar will definitely have a title run toward the road to WM29.

Also, any thoughts of where Show/Cody will end up? Feud getting old quickly and I'm so against another boring title run for Show. His moves are getting sloppy and he has lost so much pace.
How is this relevant? I expect Cody to get a major push in the next 6 months and may feud for the title but not take the belt. Someone like Orton would be a perfect person to put Cody over.

Feedback? :)
personally i think that not only should it be but it will be wade barret when he comes back because they can use this jerico feud for a good little while still. possibly just enough time will pass to allow barret to claim the strap. dont know what kind of feud they would have but barret is great and whether people like it or not punk is great so thats where i see things going for the next little while.and if barret is still M.I.A we'll just get a ryback feud to hold us over lol.
Punk will more than likely be Champ until Summerslam. At which time, I think he should be facing off with Daniel Bryan. Their matches over the last couple months have been the highlights of Raw and Smackdown this year. Though Bryan will NOT defeat Punk for the title, whoever wins Money in the Bank will be the one to take the title off of Punk. With that said, your next heel champion will be.... Wade Barrett. WWE has had it in the cards the whole time for him to take that step to the next level of his career and when he return, that's what he's going to do. There's a good back story with Barrett and Punk and I believe the vocal war and feud will be gold for WWE's flagship show. Punk making fun of English should be a bit of comedic gold. Hopefully he enlists the help of Santino Marella to do so. I loved that tea party bit he did with Sheamus and Koslov a while ago.
The WWE needs to ride with a strong heel as champ and he should be able to hold the strap for awhile babyfaces are cool but the "heels" are more fun to watch and can get away with more and the crowds get into the heels better, look back in my day Flair ran the NWA/WCW as a heel great stuff then can be now.
If you had asked the question one month ago, i would have said cody or ziggler, but right now, they are not at a level where they can be considered credible competitors at the main event level. only brock lesnar is that one guy that if challenges punk right now, there isn't one guy in the audience that won't take him seriously.
Jack Swagger. I liked him last time. His ring skills are good enough. He got the size and the look. His mic skill are good, I mean he suppose to sound funny with the lisp and all. I think he could have some great technical matches with a Punk, Bryan, Jericho, Orton, and Ziggler. Why not.
Ziggler would be my next pick but I just dont get it when he talks on the Mic, I dont know where he is going with it most of the time.
i guess Christian but remeber he is no Edge no matter what. I dont just want to give him the belt because he is friends with Edge, do we have to do the whole rey Mysterio and Eddy thing again.
People I dont want to see anytime soon would be Alberto, Cody, and McIntyre
I would never like to see the Miz hold the titles again
I think the next heel to be the WWE Champion will be Dolph Ziggler. He has been so close for a couple years now and I think this summer will be the Summer of Dolph just like last summer was the Summer of Punk. Dolph Ziggler will be the next heel champion!
I dont want to see Cm Punk lose the Wwe Championship but i know it is going to happen sooner or later and the way i imagine it happening he holds it until Elimination Chamber next year where he is in a Elimination Chamber match against Kane, John Cena, The Rock, Brock Lesnar and Triple H. The match comes down to The Rock vs Cm Punk and after a long drawn out match The Rock hits Punk with a Rock Bottom on the steel floor outside of the ring and then he rolls him into the ring and gets the 1 2 3 and wins the match and wwe Championship, like he said he was going to and he gets to go into wrestlemania as the Wwe Championship.

I know The Rock isn't a heel but that is what i would like to happen
If I didn't know better, I'd say Jericho. But he's going to be gone for a bit soon for some Fozzy shows, so he's out.

Brock Lesnar? Possible, but I think he'll be put with Cena for long enough to where someone else will get to the belt first.

With the push he's been getting, I can see Dolph Ziggler being the next heel WWE Champion. They've been grooming him for another top title run for a while now, so he seems to be the logical solution.

Or... brace yourselves.. maybe it will be a current face that flips heel? Or someone that comes over from Smackdown after the Draft. Ponder that, whydontcha?

I really hope it's not Lord Albert Tensai Train Bernard whatever. I read that he may get put into a feud with Punk soon. Maybe... hopefully... that will be after Punk drops the belt.
Punk will not lose the title anytime soon. I believe that he will feud with Barrett because Barrett is expected to win the Money In The Bank match at SummerSlam. I personally would love to see a feud between these two. And they will be better than a feud between Cena/Punk vs. Lord Albert.
I don't understand why a fair amount of fans are bitching about CM Punk. I won't completely disagree that he hasn't been as entertaining as he was last year but the guy is one of the best on the mic obviously and he can WRESTLE really good! He can work with anyone and he deserves to be WWE champion. Would you rather see Cena or Orton win the WWE title again? NO!

I think Punk should keep the belt for a little while longer and lose it to Kane after the Jericho feud is over and he feuds with Kane for a while. Kane deserves one more WWE Championship run. He is more fun to watch than he has been in years. That's what I would do.
The next Heel champion is Def Lesnar!!!!! Barrett can win money in the bank and challenge Sheamus for the World Title on Smackdown keep Barrett off Raw. I personally dont see what people even like about Barrett. His in ring skills are not that impressive at all. His mic skills are nothing great he has the typical brit attitude where he thinks he is better than americans and everyone else. There is no emotion from him I fail to see why people wanna label him as the next great heel of the WWE. Barrett simply is not that good!!!! I'd rather see Sheamus turn heel..He is better at it and gets more of a reaction.
First time WWE Champion? Wade Barrett.
Next one that will be a champion that has held the title before? Brock probably. I just hope it won't be too soon. I almost want Jericho to win for the sake of Jericho winning...
I have a strong feeling that Chris Jericho will eventually defeat CM Punk for the WWE Championship, so my answer is Jericho. While Jericho's been able to put up an entertaining performance thusfar into his return to the WWE, it seems like it is still missing something. He didn't get the Rumble victory, he didn't get the 'Mania win... just seems a bit underwhelming thusfar. That's why I see him finally beating Punk for the title. It could be at Extreme Rules, or it may not be for a little while longer, as their feud may continue. But I think Jericho will eventually win the title.
Tensai to get a WWE Championship run, I am all for that, I especially love his Japanese character, he reminds me sort of like Yokozuna and Sakamoto being his Mr. Fuji, so to that aspect I would want to see Tensai get a monster heel run with the belt, and or have Tensai win the Rumble next year and go on to Mania to face the World Heavyweight Champion switching brands going over to Smackdown because on RAW for Mania 29 the main event needs to be Brock vs Rock II

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