Which gimmick matches do you want to see more/less of?


Shawn Michaels ❤
We all have our favourite gimmick matches, but are there any you wish McMahon would work into storylines a little more? Or is there one you think he uses way too much?

Personally, I love Iron Man matches, whether it's 30 minutes, or 60 minutes, I love seeing them. It takes a lot of skill to wrestle non-stop for an hour and we see some true talent coming through in those matches.
I enjoy watching Elimination Chamber Matches the best. I am glad they only have one or two a year in most cases. I could see how the Elimination Chamber Match could get old if used too much.

I think the WWE should use the Iron Man Match more often as well. The match is actually pretty difficult to put together because you have so many other matches that need to take place on any PPV to set aside a half hour or an hour. Yet, I would love to see them at least once a year.

The WWE doesn't really use any match too much. Maybe the Last Man Standing Match but, everyone enjoys that match and they only use it 3 or 4 times a year.
Personally, I love Iron Man matches, whether it's 30 minutes, or 60 minutes, I love seeing them. It takes a lot of skill to wrestle non-stop for an hour and we see some true talent coming through in those matches.

Yes. If there was one gimmick match I would like to see wheeled out more often (or at least in the near future) it would be this match. We don't see them too often but when we do they're usually really entertaining. I think Shawn Michaels is a master of these matches, whether that be his classic with Bret or the half hour one he had with Angle on RAW. Personally, I would like to see HBK v 'Taker in an iron man match, now that would be something else imo...

In terms of what is being used too much, I think cage matches are too often an occurance and also the last man standing match...it seems to happen quite often and when this happens then the fun and special nature of these matches are lost because they are seen too much. Less is more sometimes. Apparently WWE are looking to do a PPV were all the main events are contested in the Hell in a Cell, so that would be similar to the Elimination Chambers at No Way Out...
Feels like there hasnt been a Hell in a Cell match for ages! Although now WWE is PG14 no HITC will ever compete with those gone before them.

I'd like to see less ladder matches, dont get me wrong I think they are great but we seem to get more of them at the moment esp with MITB at Wrestlemaina every year.

Oh and what happend to things on a poll match......
I would like to see some submission matches, but WWE needs more submission specialists. A submission match between Jericho and HBK would be great! Also, hardcore matches aren't used as much, and when they are its usually just a chair or a table or something. I liked the days when they would brawl backstage and into different rooms.
Last man standing match - These used to be great. Now it's nothing more then an excuse to work a very lazy, slow paced match.

I'm going to agree that some more Ironman matches would be good, more Hell in a cell would also be nice to see as would TLC.

Lastly, they need to bring back the bra and panty matches. If i'm stuck having to watch women wrestle it may as well be in this match.
POLE MATCHES! Those are my favorite because of how horrible an idea it is. I'd love to see stupid things on a pole again. Paintball gun on a Pole match! First wrestler to get it gets to use the paintball gun on their opponent! Rope Break on a Pole match! First wrestler to get the rope break coupon on a pole gets a free Rope Break to an otherwise rope-break-less match!

You can just smell the "Fire Russo" chants brewing now. Presuming these take place in TNA.
any real wrestling fan must agree with me the scramble match from last year was one of the most exciting match iv ever seen i was actually standing on the couch as the clock was goin down. very excited bout the scramble (ecw) this sunday side note wish koslov was in it!!!
iron matches and inferno matches- both will probably die out sooner or later as kane is in his twighlight years and its non-PG, d matches with taker and kane were legendary. Iron matches will probably die out in wwe as what 6 year old has d attention span of 1 hour of wrestling
I think wwe should limit d appearance of d regualr cage not hitc. It seems every month that they're using d steel cage for Batista and hhh to beat d shit out of cody rhodes
Also d hitc and elimination chamber r being used right at d moment although d double header at NWO kind of makes it less special. hitc should be a feud ender and contain d right wrestler e.g. taker who match d sadisticness(is that word) of their surroundings
Might not be a direct hit, but I always enjoyed the War Games matches and I think it would be great to see one in the WWE. Maybe at Survivor Series or Armageddon. As for matches that I'm tired of?? Definately ladder matches, there's too many lately. Also less handicap matches. It seems that lately Legacy has been put in alot of handicap matches and being made to look like fools. Not only is it killing their heat, but its killing those types of matches
Yeah I'd like to see the return of the shorter Iron-Man matches. I think the reason they dont get used is because there aren't many people on the roster talented enough to go for that long.
I'd also like more traditional cage matches. I don't like pinfalls in a cage match, what's the point?

What I'd like less? Last Man Standing matches. It's basically an ordinary match with a horribly stop-start rhythm and a terrible ending.
The WWE is LONG overdue for a 3 stages of hell match; that's such an epic match. The last one happened in 2002 between HHH and HBK and that was great. 3 matches in one? You could have submission, cage, and ladder matches all in one; it's like the sampler-appetizer meal of wrestling. Plus it's the perfect fued-ending match because you beat your opponent twice, in two different matches, one of which could've even been in his favor.

Cage matches I'd like to see less of. We see them like 10 times a year and they're never really that good; in fact, I can't remember the last great cage match. They're so boring now, they're basically singles matches with 1 or 2 cage bumps. Cage matches have lost it's "specialness" to me and, in my opinion, should occur only slightly more frequently than HITC.
i would also like to see hitc and 3 stages of hell.triple h vs undertaker hitc match would be awesome.2 men who have the most experience in hitc.and 3 stages of hell is a match that every wrestling fan loves.3 gimmick matches in one.there is no better match than this one. cage match and last man standing match have become boring for me.cage matches are used for faces to beat the shit out of heels.take the 3 last cage matches for example.orton vs batista,batista vs cody and triple h vs cody.orton and cody looked like jobbers in those matches.lms i don't like because of crappy ending.
I would love to see an Iron Man Match. Not those 30-minute ones but a real 60-minute match. What may deter Vince from doing this is he probably doesn't think too many superstars can last 60 minutes. I believe Cena, HBK, Edge, Jericho, and maybe Taker and Orton but that's it. Another match I would like to see more of is Three Stages of Hell. I know the Hell In A Cell is the standard end-all-be-all for feuds but this match can work. HHH and Austin put on one of the greatest in 2001 and that was the benchmark.

Gimmick matches I like to see less of are steel cage and Last Man Standing matches. Steel cage matches have never had that appeal to me and I just hate the fact that you can just walk through the door and win. They are overdoing the Last Man Standing match to death as well. It's good for at least once a year but at the rate they're going, there will probably be around 10 by the end of the year.
More of:
Steel Cage, but adjust the rules a bit to make people have to climb the cage more.
Iron Man - Maybe not 60-minute matches. Maybe 30 minutes. These are good tests to see who's really putting the work in.
Bullrope matches - I always liked these. Beat the hell out of the other guy, drag him around the ring and touch all four corners. Classic

Less of:
Triple Threat/Fatal 4-Way - I HATE these matches.
Last Man Standing - Dumb match.
No Holds Barred - Isn't that the same thing as No DQ? Well, nowadays it is. There aren't many holds that are barred.
Ladder matches - They're great, but they have too many of them. Takes away the luster.
I would like to seethe WWE bring back a match from the WCW days. They would probably have to replace the royal rumble or something, but I would like to see the World War 3 match. 3 rings, 60 superstars (20 per ring), total nonstop over the top rope action. This match was obviously a rip off of the rumble but a good one IMO.

I also agree with the majority of the board and say that I would like to see more Iron Man matches. Bret/HBK was awesome and I think Edge/Morrison could probably pull this off with perfection.

I do like the 3 stages of hell idea. Orton/HHH need to do this to FINALLY end this damn feud once and for all. With RKO coming out on top of course.
I don't know about anyone else but the one match i wanns see (can't rmember what the called it) but the three story cage match the had at the end of WCW. I enjoyed that match and woul like to see it again.
I agree with everyone here about the Iron Man match. There hasn't been once since 05. And that was a 30 minute match, but still was a solid match.

HIAC is a great match, yes it's the end all feuds. Though this is match that they don't use as much or when they should. Most likely this will be the end match for Orton, and HHH. I thought they could have used this match for Jericho and Michaels last year as that was a personal feud.

TLC match is a great match. One that we haven't seen in almost two years since Unforgiven. If I'm not mistaken. I would love to see this match again. If they could have Jeff vs Matt vs Edge vs Christian that would be an awesome match.

Cage Match has been done to death. These matches haven't even been that good lately. It's become one of the worst gimmick matches. They aren't creative, and have become terrible.

Last Man Standing matches have lost all a lot of what they use to be. They have been done to death as of late. They don't work with the pg rating. Which is sad considering the great match that Michaels and Triple H had epic match.
They need to hold off on Last Man Standing for a while its getting pathetic, but we havnt seen an Hell in the Cell in a good while,

I want to see a good Hardcore match not a No DQ match like we see once a month on Raw a true Hardcore match like the one at Wrestlemania with Raven,Kane and Big SHow,

Elimination Chamber is perfect once a year match, I'd like to see them at Summerslam yearly as well

Ambulance match-loved the concept, wish we saw more of these(even thou there was only one)

Strecher match- getting boring, the Rey-Finlay one was so sad

Theres been more Ladder matches latley than usual,

we need to see more Tag Team Ladder matches or TLC but wait theres only 3 teams left ahaha

I really want to see War Games come back

I acctually want to see more Punjab Prison matches suprisingly I liked that match

but I am so tired of Cage matches and Handicaped matches
I would love to see less gimmick matches overall.

The most overused is a tie between the Steel Cage and No Holds Barred.

There have been some well-worked Steel Cage matches in recent memory, but then we're smothered with a random Steel Cage being lowered on RAW, ****ing it out. It's also the common dark match, which says something. There are some great spots available, but it seems in the last 4-5 matches we've seen the exact same spots.

One match I would love to see, few and far between, would be the Buried Alive Match. I don't want to see it 2x a year, but I would like to see it. It would be a fresh way to send someone off of TV for extended periods of time, and I personally am entertained by them. Worked much better than it's little sister, the Casket match, this is very violent, and requires a lot of action.
Well the ones I would like to see less of are;

Ladder I love these matches, but it's at the point where we see them all the time, whether it be MiTB, TLC or an actual ladder match, it's just ruining it.

Last Man Standing well there's another one on raw tonight, but there must have been a lot of these in the past year.

Whilst people don't agree with me, but I also see triple threat as a gimmick match, they're getting boring as, see them every month at least and overall it's just lazy booking.
I've always liked the falls count anywhere match when the guys actually attempted pins on the floor, locker room, concourse etc. The recent ones have had the guys fight for a bit outside, in the crowd and then get back in the ring. Pole matches were good too. Iron Man Matches of course. Cage matches are used way too much. Buried alive matches would be alright. Texas Tornado Tag Team matches. A Captains Fall match. Handicap matches are overdone. World War 3 concept was lousy. Too much action to be called correctly. A first blood match, a real first blood match would be good. None of the Cena JBL blood from the mouth. Full blown busted wide open. Also a title for title match is hardly ever used. We see champion vs. champion, but with only 1 title on the line. Not both.
Well the ones I would like to see less of are;

Ladder I love these matches, but it's at the point where we see them all the time, whether it be MiTB, TLC or an actual ladder match, it's just ruining it.

Last Man Standing well there's another one on raw tonight, but there must have been a lot of these in the past year.

Whilst people don't agree with me, but I also see triple threat as a gimmick match, they're getting boring as, see them every month at least and overall it's just lazy booking.

I find the problem with both those matches to not be the match it self or how much it's used but the way they treat the match.

Ladder matches these days always involve those really shoddy practically plastic ladders and it just takes away so much of the match for me. It's hard to get into two men beating the holy hell out of each other with a ladder when you can see it bending/contorting on contact, making practically no impact.

I agree about triple threat matches though, they generally feel like nothing more then a way to keep a stale feud going longer.


HHH (c) vs Orton - HHH wins
HHH (c) vs Orton - HHH wins
HHH(c) vs Cena vs Orton - Orton wins by pinning Cena.

Now they can start the whole thing over again with

Orton (c) vs HHH.
For the love of God I would love to see the WWE be rid of Ladder matches for at least 6 months, along with any type of triple threat lazy booking match. The spots in the Ladder match are getting too predictable, because we see a ladder match every 3 or 4 months or so.

Oh yeah, Last Man Standing. Waht used to be an awesome match between guys slugging it out with each other non stop, trying to get their opponent down for a ten count, has now become the slowest, dullest, most repetitive thing the WWE has to offer.

As far as a match I want to return, and return badly.

3 Stages of Hell. Simply put, it's the best gimmick match concept of the decade. Instead of having a Cell end a feud, you put two guys that can work their asses off, give them 45 minutes to end the feud, and you do it in 3 unique settings. The 3 Different match types are enough to keep people interested, and to show how good each wrestler is by having to change it up a bit. I'm saddened that the WWE seemingly has abandoned this potentially great concept.
I would love to see more just multi man non tag team matches with quick action. I mean one on one isnt bad but a fatal 4 way between H, Orton, Cena and MVP for the strap. Thats money.

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