Which gimmick matches do you want to see more/less of?

No more steel cages matches. Don't get me wrong, I like steel cages matches, but I have to agree that they don't seem that special anymore. Now, a Hell in the Cell match on Raw or SmackDown would be cool. Even though it is more dangerous than a steel cage, I think the HITC would draw more ratings and excitement.

I would also like to see the bra and panties match return. Too bad it won't because WWE wants to be TV-PG, but I get tired of the lame divas matches and I think having the bra and panties match would make them worth watching.
I'd like to see a proper tables match once in a while - It seems to be the one they pussyfoot around an awful lot without actually comitting.

Ladder matches have been revitalised in the past few years with new innovative moves making them extremely popular - Tables matches are in the similar strain of weapon based gimmick matches and thus I'm sure there's plenty that the smaller guys like Mysterio/Jericho/J. Hardy/Kofi/M. Hardy could do with a tables match.

We see tables in pretty much every hardcore match and the commentators tables get broken up weekly, so it's not like they have to dust off any old books on how to do Table match wrestling, just merely learn how to make it a focal point of a match.

I'd also like to see more Title vs. XXX matches or just XXX vs. XXX (and no - That isn't some sort of prostitute on a pole match), like we're getting with this Mask vs. Title match, I always like when I know someones going to lose something no matter what, and it always adds an extra dimension to the match.

Ironman matches aren't a bad call, but to be honest - I don't think WWE has 2 wrestlers on a brand that could make an entertaining match last an hour, certainly not ones who are at their physical peak. It's pointless asking for match types that just have no wrestlers to support it, you'd probably be looking at guys like Shelton, Jericho and maybe Punk - And 1 of those (while easy on the eye) wouldn't be able to entertain me for an hour and the other two are an arguably decent combination, both rank highly on performers I appreciate, but I wonder whether others could watch an hour of it.
i would like to see the elimination chamber, hell in the cell, and match of 10000 tacks...
the elimination chamber is the best structured cage ever imo... and the concept is also great. 6 people, every 5 minutes eliminations are unpredictable as well as the match itself...
the hell in the cell
2 wrestlers and a cell = ratings
the match of 10000 tacks is such an awesome match for TNA to have nuff said :)
I feel that we have too many Last Man Standing matches as of late. WWE has made so many as of late, I believe it's time to give us a time with no last man standing matches.

A match I have always thought was quality, but never featured nearly enough, is the 3 Stages of Hell match. Last one I remember was Triple H VS. Shawn Michaels in 04. This could be great nowadays for a couple of wrestlers with distinct match styles. For example, we could have Tommy Dreamer VS. Christian: Normal match, Hardcore match, and Ladder Match. (I'm not sure Dreamer/Christian would be the best for a 3 Stages of Hell, but you know what I mean...).
After seeing the WWE make a 3 Stages of Hell match for the Bash they must have someone reading these posts, or others on here know more than they're letting on. Either way it is nice to see something different.
A match that should remain a rarity but I would like to see is an "I Quit" match. The last two featured Chavo and Rey. This is another match that could be a feud ender. There is no incarceration like the Hell in the Cell. Anything goes. Beat a guy until he can't answer a 20 count if you like. You can take a "submission" match style or a more hardcore style. I know they announced a 3 Stage of Hell match for the Bash tonight, but I hate stretcher matches. Pushing a stretcher across a line seems a little silly to me. Maybe a straight-up wrestling match, a first-blood match, and end it with an "I Quit."

As far as most overused, I don't know what more I can add to the general consensus of Steel Cage and Last Man Standing.
Iron man Match, Submission match. i want to see these, but i think its too realistic and technical for todays fans. but then again, i like ROH more than TNA, but thats just me
exactly Last Man Standing matches are now just slow paced, long break matches that are built up as "hardcore"

if you guys remember the LMS match between HHH and The Big Show on Smackdown a couple months ago, it was terribly boring. It was actually the most boring match I'd ever seen. IT WAS TERRIBLE
Another match i wanna see them bring back that The Undertaker and Mankind made famous is the Boiler Room brawl. how does everyone else feel on this one. It would be cool to see either Orton v HHH or Cena v Show in one of these matches.
In my mind, there are a few gimmick matches that should remain very limited. For instance, Iron Man matches. To me, the Iron Man match should be THE match for a feud. Hell in a Cell, to me, should be used once a year, tops, as the final blow-off to a feud (when they've run out of the other gimmick matches), but for an Iron Man match, it should almost be once every couple of years, and only for immense rivalries. Hart/HBK...massive rivalry. HHH/Rock, huge rivalry. Not too sure about Lesnar/Angle and Benoit/HHH cause I wasn't watching at that time period. So for the Iron Man matches, it needs to be above all, and right now, there are only a few options we have for that: Cena/Orton, Cena/Edge, and HBK/HHH. While Jericho and Undertaker could pull off an Iron Man match, they have no feuds that are big enough, except possibly Undertaker/Kane, but that's not something that equals a great IM match, as that's more suited for weaponry.

I think they should keep the Elimination Chamber being at a specific ppv each year. No Way Out works. I liked it better the year they had it to determine who would be the #1 contender for the championship on the brand that the Royal Rumble winner didn't challenge. I don't think they should defend the championships in the EC.

I'd like to see them make the Scramble an annual ppv thing.

I'm sick of Last Man Standing matches. I'm INCREDIBLY sick of them having no-disqualification matches and calling them 30 different names. Just because Finlay is in the match doesn't make it a "Belfast Brawl", its just no-dq. Don't call it a "Street Fight" if they're not in the street. Don't call it "Extreme Rules" as that's the ppv now. Just call it a "no disqualification" match. I'm very sick of Stretcher matches too.

Another thing that bothers me is the TLC match. Why not just call it a Ladder Match? That's what it is. There's no difference whatsoever. You can use chairs and tables in a normal ladder match, so why have two distinctions?

I'm more so "I want to see them use gimmick matches to their potential and at the right times" than "I want to see more of the ___ match". Sure, I'd like to see an Inferno match as its been a while, but I don't want to see 3 in a year's span as it cheapens it, and right now, there's no storyline that could work with an Inferno match, so don't just give me some random HHH/Orton inferno match for the sake of it.
Hello all! There have been a lot of great threads on here, but this one finally made me sign up. I agree with a lot of what has been said in here, some great opinions. So here's my 2 cents:

Steel Cage Match -- overused, but the way it is used is terrible. The door exit should not even exist in my opinion. It was always the cheapest exit for the heel to take. The true winner of this match should be the one who has the strength to climb up and over. There should be no pinfalls in this match either. The deal is you must escape from the cage, and be in some shape to do it, and beat the snot out of your opponent to where they cannot stop you. No door!

Last Man Standing -- overused, I agree. We only see this match with main event level players (of course), but I think the problem with the match is who is in it. If I see HHH or Cena in another I turn the channel. Slow, boring matches.

Triple Threat -- I forget who said it, but they hit the nail on the head when they mentioned the 3rd Man is always the one to take the fall (They mentioned HHH vs. Orton, HHH vs. Orton, then HHH vs. Orton vs. Cena with Orton pinning Cena). We usually know who the fall man is, and that makes the match creditless. What would spice up that match and make if far more credible is if one had to pin/submit BOTH the other competitors. If someone is beaten twice, they are eliminated and must leave the ring.
Ex. HHH vs. Cena vs. Orton.
HHH pins Orton first, meaning HHH only needs to pin Cena to win the match. Orton will do anything to stop it. Orton pins HHH. Now both are gunning for Cena. Cena pins Orton. Orton is elminated and must leave--no surprise run ins. Cena pins HHH, thus winning. THAT is a good match, and gives ring psychology immediately.

Fatal Four Way -- bad idea. One pin and this is over? No way. I remember they did it right at WM XX. Four opponents. If one is pinned, they are eliminated and sent to the back. There are 3 falls in this match, not one. Or else this is glorified version of the bad triple threat. Even if you have one pin, don't make it cheap. I mean, was anyone else ticked off at TNA Sacrifice that Foley didn't LOSE the TNA title? What a scam. That is why I don't buy TNA anymore.

Elimination Chamber -- good idea, and I do agree it should not be for a title. It should be on a fixed PPV to make a #1 contender. A test by trials. It should be used once a year only.

Ladder Match -- I love them. Yes they are used too often and they are getting a little predictable. This is one brutal match, and scary. This is probably the most injury-prone match in the entire scope of matches. This is the match where my heart has stopped due to fear for the competitors (ahem...Shelton Benjamin MITB at WM...dude, I thought you killed yourself). While the spots are getting harder to be unique, I think the problems with the match are with who is in it. AJ Styles/RVD/Christian/Hardyz/Edge = great at them. Remember the Edge/Cena ladder match from a few years ago? Cena=bad at ladder matches. That is why he hasn't been in one since. Mark Henry in a ladder match at WM?...um...can he even climb a ladder? You get my point.

Iron Man: Definitely needs to be used more. Whether it is 30 or 60 minutes, it is a test of who can survive and who has the heart/stamina. Hart/HBK was a great match, and there have been more since. The planning for this kind of match is torturous to the performers. But when pulled off, the entire crowd is on its feet and both men get credibility. Out of all the wrestlers, I want to see CM Punk and Jeff Hardy try this one. They want to prove who is better/who deserves the title? Will Hardy burn out before time is up? Can CM Punk beat a pissed off Hardy? Do this at NoC or SS.

Stuff on a pole match -- meh. It was never good. Ditch them all together.

War Games -- now THIS was a great concept. McMahon supposedly hates it. Why they cannot pull off this match is obvious....no factions. They need factions with 4 or 5 members strong to pull it off. It does eat up about 40 minutes as well (20 to get people in the ring, 20 to finish). But I saw War Games 1 and 2 a few years ago and was just blown away.

Hell In A Cell -- Use it less. Once a year at most. When it first was introduced, we were treated to awesome matches. Now it is just a match inside of a cage. When the action goes to the outside of the ring, the crowd loses interest. No one goes on top of the cage anymore, and no one gets thrown off the cage anymore. Great for videogames, but boring in real life as long as its PG 13. Although Edge vs. Taker in a cell was awesome.

Table Match -- do you only need the Dudleys/Team 3D to have this match?? Get the tables! More tables!

No DQ matches -- aka cheap loss match. They use one chair, the championship belt, maybe a ring bell...then Legacy or some other heel comes in, beats the snot out of the face, and they lose. Its the standard title change match. This kind of match only had integrity when the Hardcore title was still around, because you would know that everything under the sun would be used. This is the most overused gimmick match in the past 5 years.

Handicap matches -- no problem with them. They are meant to make the heels have the advantage. But it gets stupid with 3 vs 1 matches, or 4 vs 2. There should only be a one person difference, or something with meaning. A 5 vs. 2 (ahem Spirit Squad vs. DX with DX winning....) is just ******ed.

Scramble match: Unique idea, but screwjob city. Always always always there is someone who takes away the win from the rightful winner in the last 3 seconds. (*cough* Triple H *cough*). To give this some integrity have someone get the pin and hold off the rest for the last 5 minutes.

Buried Alive/Inferno Matches -- these are wrestler specific, just like Casket Matches. You need Taker or Kane. No one else can do them. These are few and far between. Although I would love to see Cena get buried alive by Taker...or The Miz...haha

I Quit Match -- having a mic held up every 5 seconds is annoying. Just tapping out in a good ol' submission match is all you need. To fill it with dialogue sometimes kills it. We audience/viewers should understand the story in the ring without it. Rey/Chavo tried it, meh. Jeff/Matt tried it. Remember Foley vs. Rock like 10 years ago? It was such a setup with the pre-recorded "I Quit I Quit I Quit" dubbed in. Nice try, not a success. Just tap out. Not overused, just not necessary.

I think I hit em all...This concludes my rant.
Gimmick matches are always fun to watch but arnt always around, WWE favours the steel cage way way too much and its getting boring, they havent created anything new since the Punjabi Prison match, and that they have only had one? wouldnt mind seeing that again, or another Hell in a Cell (sorry Kennal from Hell), and an elimination chamber WITHOUT Triple H winning, a big big one with all the top stars, and have a surprise or two, the problem with having a gimmick match would be the same people would be in it and the same people would win it, one that i think we all wanna see again is.....TLC, not seen that in a long long time!

Plus ill add, what happened to good old 6 man elimination matches? for any title would be interesting, and add another stipulation like tables, or hardcore!
i really miss tables matches. I know they are obviously a Dudley signature, but doesn't mean they can't have them in WWE anymore. The last one was between John Cena and The Coach, courtesy of Hornswoggle, if I remember correctly.
The last one I remember before that was the ECW Originals and CM Punk vs the New Breed at like ONS 2007, they really could use these more often, because they have people going through the announce table all the time, and with PG in swing I don't think there are blood-based consequences in Table Matches.

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