Which Does The Most Damage? Boxing Or MMA?

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Personally I think Boxing is far more dangerous. For one the match's have potential to go consederably longer than a UFC match for example. In boxing you can only punch. Wheras in MMA you can punch, kick and defeat people by submission. Body shot's in boxing might wear you down. But it's the head shot where most people aim. And MMA is more about getting a quick victory whereas in boxing a lot of fights last more than 15 minutes.

What's everyones opinion?
Well, I'd have to go with MMA on this one...

So many injuries to ribs, legs, arms, skull... it's intense. No one's been killed, and wont be killed, but you'd think some guys would be close at times... And then you see HUGE punches and kicks that KO a guy... How can that not be incredibly brutal?
There both pretty brutal ,but my brother showed me this asian mma promotion, i cant remember what it is called ,but i don't think its well known,but anyway almost every card got a fighter takin out on a strecher, its really brutal it dosent seem like theres any rules in it,broken bones and all that good stuff, but as far as whats more damageing id say it would depend on the mma promtion because of the differnt rules in each.
I would definately go with boxing on this one. Where as guys are injured and have broken bones a lot more often in MMA, boxing will quite literally kill you slowly if not instantly in some cases. There have many, many deaths in boxing for example while none in MMA. Plus, when guys retire from MMA they usually still are able to form coherent sentences. Usually not the case with boxers.

Gotta agree with Jake though, boxing matches go much longer then MMA matches typically do, and where the strikes are spread out all over the body in MMA, its mainly just punches to the head in boxing, which ends up really messing guys up. Look at guys like Ali, he's an absolute mess, no disrespect to the greatest of all time of course though.
yea thats ture they mostly get hit in the head more 15 mins straight,i never thought of that,i think its called punch drunk er somthin like that when they get all messed up.theres alot of calliflower ear in mma tho
No one has died in an MMA competition since the early/mid-90's in Europe, but even in the last few years there has been a death in a boxing ring. MMA's infancy was a time when the referee's (even "Big" John McCarthy) didn't really know what the hell they were doing and weren't very adept at stopping a contest at the right time (usually before someone was KO'd and just kept receiving extra head trauma). Boxing uses the ten count to allow a fighter to recover after getting knocked down, while MMA uses referee's discretion to stop the contest the second they feel a fighter can't intelligently defend themself. There are inherent risks, though, in each. In boxing, for instance, you can't readily have a broken arm or other appendage due to a submission hold being applied in a heavy duty fashion. For the small stuff, it could go either way, but the clincher for me is the death count. And for that, boxing is more dangerous, to me.
Boxing is the most dangerous for applying the most damage, as UFC says they havent had a serious injury where as in boxing there can be matches where people have died in the ring during a fight from there brain being moved around by getting hit in the head area too much where as in MMA there are submissions, quick KO's and refs who stop fights alot quicker and more hands on in enforcing rules
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