Which current African-American wrestler will win a world title first?


Pre-Show Stalwart
For months now WWE chairmen Vince McMahon has stated to his creative writers, agents, and others backstage of the company that he wants a african-american wrestler as a top star for the WWE and eventully become a main event player who (hopefully) wins a world championship. So far there has only been two world champions in the whole history of the WWE. The Rock (if you choose to call him blacK?) and Booker T aka "King Booker".

So which african-american WWE superstar will reach that goal for the gold and make the WWE history books??? Shelton Benjamin's gone after eight long years. Let's take a good look...

From RAW:

R-Truth-Great on the mic! Has good ring skills, gets over with the WWE universe. And had a mid-card title for a hot minute (the U.S. strap literily). Has a bright future!

Mark Henry-Size, power, the WWE look & build. OKay on the stick but not 100%. Has been with the company for 14 years.

From Smackdown:

Kofi Kingston-ENTERTAINING! Pure worker! Great on the mic, great in-ring skills with a little chain wrestling thrown in. And gets over with the WWE universe.

MVP-Good wrestler and worker, but has been losted in the WWE mid-card shuffle for some reason besides his age. Gets a good reaction as a face or a heel.

JTG-Looking like another D'Lo Brown life after Cryme Tyme!

Shad-Who knows? When big Shad returns from training in FCW he's suppose to return on Smackdown as a MONSTER heel. Hmmm???

From Nexus:

David Otunga-Has the "it" factor but that's it.

Michael Tarver-Crappy in the ring!

I'm not being racial. But me being a african-american male whose a fan of wrestling. I would love to see a black wrestler win a world title belt before John Cena wins atlease three more! I remember what Teddy Long said on "WWE Legends Roundtable" (on demand cable), about when Ron Simmons first won the WCW championship (from Vader at the great american bash) that it was like how african-americans felt the night when Barack Obama became our first black president of these united states. Now that's deep!

But my question is who will win it first in the future and who will help continue to raise that bar in wrestling period?
This question is quite an easy one to answer. Kofi Kingston will probably be the first of these wrestlers to grace the world title scene and perhaps even a world title. Kofi has the crowd reaction, is marketable towards the more family friendly programming the WWE puts on today, and is capable of putting on good matches.

All the other said wrestlers seem to be career midcarders, maybe with the exception of Otunga if they want to push him, but I don't think he should be pushed as I think he's pretty shit. Kingston all the way for the first of these wrestlers to get a main event push, and in all seriousness he deserves it.
The question is a no brainer as it is going to be kofi IF anyone of them get the chance. Kofi got a big push from orton as MSG. Kofi right now is paying his dues and pulling in the middle card status and is doing a great job as so is the miz. They are both in the same area I think.

But ya out of all those people I dont understand how this can even be a serious question when its obvious that the answer would be kofi.

I dont see R-Truth being in main event. Mark Henry, I think the fans are just not into him that much. Kofi really has the fans behind him and if they do it right he can be in the same spot that jeff hardy was in and that is the guy that always came up close but never got the title. If they do it right, it would work perfect for kofi.
If we choose to call The Rock black? Absurd logic. He IS black -- African descent mixed with Samoan and anything else I don't know about. I don't see why people don't see it that way. /rant

Anyways, my pick would be Kofi. Like SpeedBeest said, everyone else is doomed in midcard, but there will be a few who will get to flirt with the main event or again. Who knows, maybe someone will have a push or a gimmick change in the future and change what we think about them.
I'm not being racial. But me being a african-american male whose a fan of wrestling. I would love to see a black wrestler win a world title belt before John Cena wins atlease three more!

Um, yes you are. That is being racial. I think the term you are looking for is not being racist.

The answer is R-Truth. He has, like you said, good mic skills and decent enough ring skills. He has also been a world champion in TNA. It seems to me like most of the fans like him. I certainly do. If he gets a better push, and starts selling merchandise almost like Rey does, he will be world champion.

EDIT: I know the OP was NOT being racist if anybody else cares to state that he wasn't in my direction. Thanks.
Um, yes you are. That is being racial. I think the term you are looking for is not being racist.

The answer is R-Truth. He has, like you said, good mic skills and decent enough ring skills. He has also been a world champion in TNA. It seems to me like most of the fans like him. I certainly do. If he gets a better push, and starts selling merchandise almost like Rey does, he will be world champion.

What the OP is saying is not racist in any way. Racism is actions that you take and the word you may be looking for is prejudiced in which his post is anything but.

It's sure not going to be Mark Henry or JTG so it's either going to be MVP or Kofi. The easy money is on Kofi because he's the closest besides Christian to main event status on Smackdown but it could be MVP because Vince believes Kofi will get to the main event anyway.
R-Truth-They thought about pushing him but they thought he was too old (37 or 38) so they decided not to.

Mark Henry-His push has come and gone.

Kofi Kingston-One day he probably will. But he should not reach it for a few years.

MVP-Great heel. Awful face.

JTG-I dont see him becoming a main eventer.

Shad-I always liked him (dont really know why). He might be able to but I have to wait for him to return.

David Otunga-Might but it depends on how the nexus thing ends.

Michael Tarver-No chance

I dont get why The Rock isnt considered black because samoan is not a color. So for me I consider him the first black world champ.
of course theres gotta be talks about people being racist in this thread....blah blah blah all of that nonsense aside

the FIRST to the world title i would have to say either r truth or kofi pushing a little more kofi cause of how over he is with the universe and i just wouldnt even mind that i think kofi has fantastic skills (for wwe) and isnt terrible on the mic, but who knows it could also be r truth as he is pretty over atleast when i went to the live show a lot of the little kids around me loved him it seemed i dunno but if these two both fall from grace id say percy watson i think he has the it factor honestly i mean hes a diamond in the rough his personality is over the top which works and the crowd has already started to get into him so i dunno after a year or so we'll see how he can do in the ring cause thats where he needs the most work and he is sitll better than tarver or otunga
I'm going to go a different way. I'm going to say thet the two most likely people are Shad Gaspard or someone that has yet to be mentioned Ezekial Jackson

Both are good enough on the mic, and good enough in the ring, without being great at either. They both have a decent look, and can easily get a decent gimmick. Don't forget, big Zeke was the last ECW Champion.....
I am going to go out on a limb and say that MVP has probably the best chance of getting their first right now.

I know that a lot of people would have definitely gotten behind Kofi Kingston but I don’t think he has that in him for one reason or another. Kofi has shown so much promise over the last year and I would be a fool to write him off completely. However, what always gets me is that he has failed to make anything of himself. He had a great feud with Randy Orton that had everyone convinced that he was ready for the big time and more importantly the main event. However, since then, he has been drafted to, what many would call, the “B-Show” and has held onto a mid-card Championship for the entirety of that tenure. The other thing about Kingston is that he isn’t really doing much at the moment. I know he was feuding with McIntyre and that has been put on the shelf recently. However, he is just not a name that I would associate with the main event.

MVP, on the other hand, has shown me that he has all the ability to get to the very top of the business. I think his feud with Matt Hardy years ago was the first sign that he could really go places. He had a solid gimmick and the great mic skills that he has managed to keep a hold of. Other than that, I think he is pretty solid in the ring too. I don’t think I have ever watched a serious MVP match that I haven’t thought MVP was good in and for me that is the telling statistic. I am not a mark for MVP but I do think that he looks like the most well-rounded competitor of all the African American athletes in the WWE.

He may be getting buried at the moment but I do think that he is getting a raw deal on Raw. I think he has a lot of talent and potential and if the WWE decided to take a chance on him, I don’t think they would be sorry.
You will probably not like this answer, given the forum, but my vote goes to D'Angelo Dinero. He's better in the ring than pretty much any of those guys, and completely destroys every single one of them on the mic. And, to be completely blunt, he's also far more over than anyone on that list. Yes, I know. He's on the TNA roster. But, the question was "A World Title," not "A World Title in WWE." And, he will likely be TNA Champion at least twice before any of these guys get that level push in WWE.

Edited: @therockisewwf...... Dude, check your history, son. The first black World Champion was Ron Simmons in 1992. He won it from Vader, in WCW.
Umm you may not know this but Mark Henry has already held a world title so he shouldnt be on the list silly. And the guy i want to win one isnt even on that list and its shelton benjamin. Intense and talented. By far the most underused wrestler in his time. Henry would be my only choice on YOUR list even if he shouldnt be there. Because Mark Henry is the worlds strongest man. Hes not YO YO CRIME TYME, hes not BALLIN, hes not all SOS Jamaican man, and hes not dancing and singing rap. Marks the only one who actually is black and doesnt use it to entertain the fans. He just wrestles and is friendly. Sure he used to be known as sexual chocolate but that was then.
Boom. Boom. Boom! It's Kofi Kingston, of course!

Some may say MVP and I can see why. He is something special. Workable as a heel or a face. Has a good gimmick for either. And now, with his new finisher the 'Play of the Day', a good moveset. But, and this is a huge but, WWE don't seem to rate him very highly. So much so, he couldn't even get into an 8-man Money in the Bank match. That takes some doing. I hope he gets there some day. It won't be for a while. A couple more years in the midcard looks likely for him.

Now onto the master of the controlled frenzy: Kofi Kingston. I'm a huge fan of Kofi. He's exciting in the ring and hugely underrated on the mic. Despite being the Intercontinental Champion, he has had very little promo time. But we know what he can do when given half a chance (who can forget him atop Randy Orton's car). His IC title run has been a mixed blessing to say the least. Sure he has a prestigious belt to carry around, but it has given him less of a chance to be World Champion. Given a decent feud, Kofi can be as good in the main event as anyone else. And if a new world champion is going to be crowned, a Raw stacked with main eventers isn't where it will happen. SmackDown will be the place.
Of those you mentioned I would say Kofi. He's held both mid-card titles, he's very popular with the fans, & he had a decent feud with one of the company's biggest stars, Randy Orton. But I think the person on your list with the most potential is MVP, but only if he turns heel. MVP as a heel was really entertaining. Remember his feud with Matt Hardy? If he were to go back to that character, he could climb the ranks pretty quickly in my opinion. But unfortunately, a heel turn doesn't seem to be in MVP's immediate future. So I'll stick with Kofi.
Most likely Kofi, but the WWE can easily pull a swerve with Ezekial Jackson when he returns, if there isnt a black world champion by then. The reason for Kofi is for the sole purpose that he is entertaining in the ring. Yes he can get over with the crowd, but if he wins the world title it's because he can go in the ring, and he can match up with superstars that are bigger than him.

If the WWE decides to go in the Ezekial Jackson route, it will be because of his size, and the fact that he is young. Big Zeke is a rare kind of superstar these days. We rarely see a young superstar with the body-builder type physique.

Therefore, it will either be Kofi or Big Zeke to win a world title first.
Does Alicia Fox count shes Divas Champ lol but seriously

R-Truth- Maybe he is pretty over and good on the mic, decent in the ring

Mark Henry- No way, bad on the mic bad in the ring and hes been around for 14 years if he was gonna win the world title he would have already

Kofi Kingston- The most likley option could happen soon if he wins MITB which I think he has a good chance at will def be a World champ within the next 5 years, hes over and very good in the ring

MVP- No he had his chance and he blew it, maybe if he turns heel soon but very unlikleyc

JTG- No way evver since cryme time split up he has been Jobbing he even lost to freaking Chavo

Shad- Maybe but I hope not he isnt that good in the ring or on the mic but vince likes big guys

David Otunga- Probably the second best option he maybe s**t in the ring but that didnt stop Cena

Michael Tarver- No I could see him as a good IC/US champ but not World Champion

Ezekiel Jackson- Maybe he was on a decent push before his injury being the last ECW champion

Darren Young- Same as michael tarver

Titus O'Neil - He was eliminated first from NXT so very unlikley

Percy Watson - I see him being like santino maybe afew IC/US runs but mainly used for comedy purposes
I've arranged them by order of likelihood:

Kofi Kingston - This guy is over with the fans and is fun & exciting to watch in the ring. Yes, he has an aerial arsenal, but he's also unconventional and attracts older & younger fans alike. On Smackdown, I can't think of anyone better or more over than him currently aside from The Dead Man. He should have at least one reign by the next draft.

MVP - I think he'll win one eventually. It may not be for a few years, it may be in the next month, but I think he'll hold the WWE title at least once, even if it takes him a long time like it did with Y2J because like Jericho, though he's great with the mic, he's kinda shorter, doesn't really have any exciting move set but is a good wrestler & worker and, like Jericho, it'll take him becoming heel to win one.

Shad - He's tall, strong and exciting to watch. I think that as a heel he could be every bit as good as Batista was near the end of his run and that's exactly what WWE should do with him. Big time decapitating sneak attacks from behind. Sucker shots. You know, what a monster heel should do.

R-Truth - He's over with the fans, exciting to watch and his theme music is fun to hear/sing a long with. He's a legit wrestler...But he's old. If he weren't old, I could see him getting a push. He may get a short "accidental" run as champion, but that's really it.

Ezekiel Jackson - He is probably a few years away from even being thought of as a main eventer, but I think he has a future for at least a short feud with someone major. Usually guys his size get pushed by WWE.

Mark Henry - He's had his run, but he won't get another try as a face ever. He's labeled as the World's Strongest Man, but really, he's just the World's Strongest Jobber.

JTG - I jsut don't see him as anything more than a jobber or mid-carder. he's got decent skills but I don't think he excites anyone and will probably get buried or will make his way to TNA

These guys are too soon to tell, but based on their work, this is the likelihood so far. Considering they have no more than 6 months of experience and it's been as a group and w/o what their real gimmick is (aside from probably Otunga & Watson...) there is just no telling yet and all may get sent right to OVW. Regardless:

David Otunga - He's very young and new to wrestling, but he has the look & mic skills to be the guy as a hell MOST if he overcomes his problems as a wrestler, especially as a heel.

Percy Watson - His character is just great and he can wrestle a bit. He may have to change it , though, as I can see his character getting old quick and not having any potential as a heel.

Titus O'Neil - Yes, he was eliminated quickly, but I really liked his gimmick and I think he has a good look, too.

Michael Tarver - I think he's the one guy in the Nexus that just is the least exciting. The only way I even realize him is when his facemask thingy is on.

Darren Young - Little John Cena minus the mic skills. He probably doesn't have a real career in the WWE.
So Ezekiel Jackson doesnt exist anymore?

Anyway, I like Big Zeke, but dont see him winning the World title, but rather being this generation's Ahmed Johnson

I like Kofi and realistically, he's the one, but MVP is my pick and personally I'd rather see him get elevated. As a heel of course, and on SD! with a lack of star power and the obvious big pushes coming for younger stars and even stars like MVP & Christian the opportunity has presented itself in a bigger way
the first african american champion will be in the wwe now would hve to be ezeikiel i dont see anyone else with the fit for the title
i would say kofi but to me he doesnt look like championship material , mvp i dont think can carry the company
as with ezekiel give him a year or two in good feuds and maybe winning the rumble and he could be a solid player in the championship scene
Kofi great on the mic?? I have never heard him cut a promo...lol

But he is the obvious answer here at the moment..he got the push we all wanted like 8 months ago, but then he went back to being the IC champion...I think his chance wil lcome again...he is far more over with the crowd than anyone else...

MVP second and R-Truth third...and maybe Otunga like 5th!!
You will probably not like this answer, given the forum, but my vote goes to D'Angelo Dinero. He's better in the ring than pretty much any of those guys, and completely destroys every single one of them on the mic. And, to be completely blunt, he's also far more over than anyone on that list. Yes, I know. He's on the TNA roster. But, the question was "A World Title," not "A World Title in WWE." And, he will likely be TNA Champion at least twice before any of these guys get that level push in WWE.

Hahahaha, dude look at where the thread is though...its in the WWE section...so you have to actually say...the title does say WWE champion...but still loving your pick...if he somehow returns to the WWE i can bet anyone, he would top the list and be champion within a few months..
How could I forget Ezekiel Jackson!? I guess the less I see big Zeke the more I forget about him. When big Zeke returns from injury and mouring the death of his father, Ezekiel Jackson will get that big push for the WWE title after the fact that he is the lastever ECW champion (sorry Rhyno).

Ezekiel Jackson was on a role over on the Smackdown side before his injury. And I believe Vince McMahon is big on big Zeke. A guess we will have to see when he returns on RAW.
With how TNA has shown interest in Jay Lethal as of late and him getting the push vs Flair I could see Jay Lethal being the next african american to win the heavyweight title...

R-Truth has many obsticles to overcome before he becomes champ in WWE.. First, he'd have to get over on John Cena and a Returning Triple H (whenever he gets back), and NOW Randy Orton. The only way for R-Truth to become champ is for him to get shifted once again to Smackdown and take the title on that show.
The choices of Kofi and Jackson have already been mentioned, so I'm going to throw my hat in the ring for Michael Tarver.

Besides Barrett, Tarver is the only Nexus member that is world champion material. He can talk, and talk well. He is very believable in his intensity. He is also very good in the ring. If WWE decides to make Nexus a "golden stable", Tarver is going to be the World Heavyweight Champion with Barrett as WWE Champ. In fact, depending on how tonight goes I believe he will make it before Kofi.
It's hard to pick just one african-american wrestler. But all in all I would have to go with big Shad Gaspard since he's getting a MONSTER heel push when he returns from FCW in Tampa. Vince McMahon is big on his BIG men anyways and Shad is the breakout star of the Cryme Tyme tag team.

And as far as that other african-american wrestler from Nexus Darren Young. I've heard good things about him. But it's hard to picture him as any kind of champion little alone a world champion in the WWE. The last time we saw Young was two weeks ago on RAW where Young was John Cena's whipp'in boy in the ring and is still selling his injuries.

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