Which Celebrities would you like to punch in the face?

3 celebs I wanna punch:

Lindsay Lohan- For being a sell out for over partying adovcates.:disappointed:

Wendy Williams- OMFG! When can that woman STFU! She also dissed Bill Cosby once so yeah.

Miley Cyrus-:wtf: Ugh! don't let me get started on her!!!!
That is my belief yes.

So let's just totally disregard her other activist efforts, like engaging in conversation with Harry Reid and other senators about DADT (LINK), or her YouTube video (LINK), because otherwise it'd just look like you were talking out of your ass.

Oh well that's stand-alone evidence you have there chief! Hey why don't we just make lie detector's redundant and hire you to judge the truth of a statement based on it's clarity of intention, you obviously have "the gift". No more evidence for your belief than I have for mine.


Good then kindly leave me be. It may (or may not) interest you to know I recieved a plethora of support (some from some guys of high standing but I'll name no names) for the points I made in our last debacle opposing your one mere objection.


But go on, I'd love to hear more about what this supposed to mean in any of this.

I'm happy for you to keep picking apart the "dumb shit" I'm saying as long as your tool-like statements of a Michael Cole proportion are kept as the lesser-accepted around here. Now once again, I followed the rules of the thread, I stated my own belief. You have NO grounds for trying to correct me. Kindly sod off.

Being a "Spam Discussion" thread, I think that's sufficient grounds to discuss your picks and share opinions on them.

Just for the spirit of things, let's just add another pick for me: Axl Rose.
Ooh!! I've added a few more to my list of celebs who need to get punched!!!

Jesse James (Sandra Bullock's ex, Kat VonD's fiancee)- the guy is a racist douche. You are in denial sir, you are a creepy ignorant a-hole. You are a person who doesn't deserve to have happiness for being so stupid to cheat on your loved one. Then to Kat VonD, as talented as an artist you are, you are one dumb lady for falling into a relationship with this dude. For that you both get the punch of a pissed off chick because two stupid people do not need to be brought together. More on JJ's end.

Joan Rivers and Melissa Rivers- Those two 'critics of fashion' should be punched in their plastic/silicone/lithium/steel faces. I think those two are THE MOST annoying broads ever. Who are they to criticize people's fashion, some of their outfits ain't so hot either. For that..I take a shovel, and knock em out, and even worse than a punch, take them to plastic surgeon and give them their ORIGINAL faces!!! :wtf:
Sarah Palin...


and maybe Justin Beiber, but I feel like kicking him would me more satisfying. He looks small, so a good old fashioned leg jab-step 45-round house kick combo would be ideal.
I'm curious to see why the hating on Wenger?

He is an excellent manager and has done so much for the English game, just one of the most moaning, whining men I have ever seen.

Plus his utter inability to admit any failings of his side, Fabregas is a very dirty player, supremely talented yes, but he can certainly handle himself and leave his foot in in tackles. However, Wenger never sees his players commit fouls, but always cries about any opposition player breathing on one of his Arsenal players.

I just find him really unlikable.
Noel Edmonds.... please fucking retire, everything about you irritates me

Alan Carr...completely unfunny. I was at a gig when he came out in between acts to do some comedy and I actually hit him with a pack of chewing gum...he told the crowd he "was going to fist whoever it was".....my asshole is still in pristine condition so I got the last laugh there Carr you cunt!
DirtyJosé;2785419 said:
So let's just totally disregard her other activist efforts, like engaging in conversation with Harry Reid and other senators about DADT (LINK), or her YouTube video (LINK), because otherwise it'd just look like you were talking out of your ass.

So, why is not possible that it's a mutually beneficial publicity stunt? The fact that she is a celebrity and it'd bring good press to her just happen to coincide? OK, well I'm sure Madonna would have adopted all those children from various parts of the world whether or not she was a celebrity. I'm sure all the famous people who "believe" in scientology would have done so regardless of them being a household name. Pretty naive. I'm not saying I know the inner workings of her mind, for all I know the acts could be genuine, but your taking a lot for granted about the moral fibre of a person you truly know very little about. That these acts were not as pure as you percieve them is my personal belief. Nice links btw.

DirtyJosé;2785419 said:

But go on, I'd love to hear more about what this supposed to mean in any of this.

Either that I made a better arguement or I took the better stance on the matter. Not that it should phase you, the minorities can be right. I just thought it was note-worthy seen as how tight-gripped you were during that debate.

DirtyJosé;2785419 said:
Being a "Spam Discussion" thread, I think that's sufficient grounds to discuss your picks and share opinions on them.

Fine, if you insist.
Any one who has ever appeared in Little Britain or anyone that's joined those two in a stupid comedy skit involving men dressed as chicks.

Any one who has ever appeared in Little Britain or anyone that's joined those two in a stupid comedy skit involving men dressed as chicks.


Agreed, David Walliams isnt funny, and I would love to uppercut Matt Lucas in his fat bald head. Then play bongos on it while he was unconcious.

Then push him off a cliff
So, why is not possible that it's a mutually beneficial publicity stunt? The fact that she is a celebrity and it'd bring good press to her just happen to coincide? OK, well I'm sure Madonna would have adopted all those children from various parts of the world whether or not she was a celebrity. I'm sure all the famous people who "believe" in scientology would have done so regardless of them being a household name. Pretty naive. I'm not saying I know the inner workings of her mind, for all I know the acts could be genuine, but your taking a lot for granted about the moral fibre of a person you truly know very little about. That these acts were not as pure as you percieve them is my personal belief. Nice links btw.

I never claimed them to be totally selfless. You put out the assumption that she was totally fake about it. I find that hard to believe, especially when she's been a supporter of her "gay little monsters" for a long time now. Did she pick up a big chunk of the attention out of this? Sure, but she was already on track to make a TON of money last year and was already more or less in the center of the spotlight most of the time.

Either that I made a better arguement or I took the better stance on the matter. Not that it should phase you, the minorities can be right. I just thought it was note-worthy seen as how tight-gripped you were during that debate.

Lulz, you really want to get into a pissing contest of "who got more rep"? Some shiny green and a friendly PM is not a gold medal, sir. If you want to go that route, how about we talk about the rep and PM's I got from folk who also don't appreciate seeing that kind of language around? Don't pat yourself on the back too hard there, champ.
The Hardys
The entire "Glee" cast
The entire "Twilight" cast
Justin Bieber
George W Bush, I would beat that mofo until he dies.
Every band memeber of Fall Out Boy, Panda and probably everything related to teenagers.
I said it in the Prison version I'll say it here.

Olly Sykes from Bring Me The Horizon- If anything because he seems to smug.
I'd fucking train martial arts for ten years straight to beat the shit out of Tom Cruise. I genuinely hate the cunt. When i saw him on Oprah was literally going to fly there to the studio and kill him. I just hate him. Shit actor, he is an alien fucker.
Try punching me in the face & see what happens.

I would love to punch Justin Bieber in the face. I would also love to punch his mother right in the ovaries for giving birth to him.

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