Which brand is better?

Which brand is better?

  • Raw

  • Smackdown

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Da Big Champ

Pre-Show Stalwart
I'm a fan of both Smackdown and Raw but I find myself getting bored of Raw because it has always been the same. The main event stars wrestle in the main event, the midcard is used wrong and the undercard arn't on the show. There is also hardly any intresting storylines. The midcard wrestlers are fillers and the undercard are squash. Raw have the same set-up every week which is midcard either face midcard or get squashed by main event and nobody gets moved up to another division e.g midcard to main event.

On Smackdown the main event stars don't always wrestle in the main event. The midcard have good fueds, the undercard are featured with other undercard wrestlers which makes the contest more intresting. The midcard wrestlers have matches with main event stars and look like they could be a featured in the main event everyweek. The stars dont need to move from their divisions because all the divisions look strong.

I find myself watching Smackdown every week and only watching Raw if there is nothen else on T.V. and what I want to know is which brand you think is better.
For a decade I've been a strong supporter of Smackdown. Back when it was The Rock's "Show" and after the brand split. Smackdown always seemed more interesting and had better pacing. Promo's on RAW tend to run into boring territory when you have 10 or so minutes of talking that goes nowhere. Similarly the whole show revolves around the Main Event match. Very rarely do you get anything above average prior to it. Smackdown doesn't have as much star power but it's far more balanced. Part of that comes from the taped aspect with promo's being re-shot and edits being made. But that doesn't change the fact that RAW just drags too often. Matches are too short, segments are too long and with the guest host concept added in I get less and less wrestling each week. Smackdown is the superior show if you want a wrestling product and that's exactly what I want.
It depends on your tastes. If you're a wrestling fan, one who enjoys watching great wrestling with with the storyline playing second role, chances are you'll prefer Smackdown. If you're more into the storylines or shock TV, then Raw would be more your flavor. I prefer Smackdown, it features more wrestling, but as of late its the only show I watch (and TNA). It gives a regular wrestling product while Raw is way too inmeresed in getting rating at any cost. Even if it means getting second rate actor as performing their stupid "sketches'. Thank God Khaluber, Dr. Ken and Super Cedric are all kept in one show and not both.
smackdown all the way. its full of young new talent that
was buried on raw. plus raw always repeats the same matchs HHH vs john cena
and throws orton in every now and then.
I agree that Smackdown has more wrestling and that the show being taped helps but even the promos are better on Smackdown. Raw have the same promos which are the main event saying they won't lose to their opponent or saying how much they hate someone.
Smackdown promos are different. They have the heal being better that the fans, the heal telling the fans the truth, the face helping their fued by saying what's gonna happen to their opponent.
Raw will have Cena play to the crowd and say how he hates the person he's in a fued with.
Smackdown will have Punk try to tell how he's better than everyone because of his lifestyle.
Smackdown is the fun show and they try new things. The newest thing Raw tried was pushing young guy.
Smackdown has always been the better brand and WWE needs to realise this. Raw was good when Bischoff was GM but Smackdown was still better.
Ever since I first started watching wrestling my show was Smackdown. Back when Stephanie McMahon was in charge and their roster split. They had the best storylines, the best wrestling, and the best booking in my opinion. Even on Raw it was all about Triple H back then, with an occasional title change like Shawn Michaels and Goldberg.

I always thought Eric Bischoff was the best GM Raw ever had, and it's a shame they can't use him now. The problem I believe with Raw is that (as the "flagship") they repeat themselves almost every week with the same Main Event and people on top. Even now with the Special Guest Hosts it's really the same product they are giving us every week. At least on Smackdown you don't see The Undertaker in every Main Event, or CM Punk really for that matter.
I'm not even gonna vote in this one, because both shows has a different "charm" to it, RAW has some superstars, some entertainment and feuds you wanna watch, or might not want to watch, while Smackdown has exactly the same thing, just with different twists to it.

I have to admit I find it sad that Smackdown isn't getting the ratings that RAW is, because while RAW is clearly the flag ship and is promoted to be such, I still find it to be entertaining no matter which show.

Sure some of the shows depending on the roster will sway me a little more, or depending on the feud might sway me a little more, because certainly a little biased you can always be being all like "Uh ! tonight ... is continuing his feud with ... and ... is my favorite wrestler of all time so I have to watch ..."

I enjoy watching both shows, and value both as highly, there's not one show I'd neglect for something else (seeing as I stream, I can watch them whenever I want.. ).
2 very different shows, raw is all entertainment and smackdown is all wrestling. for that reason, i enjoy watching smackdown more than i do raw. and the classic matches with the vault, i watch both shows, but to decide, well the poll tells you pretty much what you need to know.
I'm not voting because I only get RAW where I live...no MyNetworkTV on DirecTV. I can't wait for the switch to SyFy in October :) I would like to point out something...it is entirely possible that SmackDown seems fresher because creative can actually try new things and fail...and still have a job. You mess up on the flagship show, and your ass is going bye-bye quickly. (And that doesn't just go with creative...see Mr. Kennedy last year). I could be wrong here, but it does make some sense, I think.
WWE might try new things on Smackdown but even if they fail the fans never notice. Smackdown seems to keep working no matter what the storyline is. They have fueds for every division and even have a diva fued. They do more than Raw and it seems like the better product.
I was a Raw guy but I see myself watching SmackDown a whole lot more because it's fresh, it's different and it's not the same 3 or 4 people in the main event. When was the last time you saw John Cena in a mid card like feud? Exactly! He's always somehow in the title picture. Even when he isn't, he's still fighting with someone to get back into it. Yes the wrestlers should be trying to go for the gold, but the same people month in month out just gets boring after a while.

SmackDown is constantly changing and flowing from what I've seen. CM Punk, Undertaker, Chris Jericho and now Swagger, I mean who's next on that brand to become champion? On Raw, it'll be Cena, Orton, Edge, Batista, Jericho and Triple H when he returns. It never changes. Sheamus was nice and all, but it got overshadowed by SUPER CENA and Triple H and Orton.

Raw and SmackDown are two very different shows, but hopefully someday, Raw will figure it out and change it up a little bit. At least for the sake of the company!
I'm in complete shock that Raw got a quarter of the vote.

Smackdown is leaps in bounds ahead of Raw

It gets raped in the draft every year and still finds a way to be better. Michael Hayes has done a wonderful thing with it, and I'm glad the Raw politics isn't around. Smackdown creates new stars and really gives WWE superstars there first "rub" in most cases.

It's just not about it being better in the ring as well.. don't get me wrong its the main point... but Smackdown has better promos too. If you have been watching the CM Punk Rey Mysterio feud closely.. it tells you which brand is better right there.

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