Which "BIG MAN" has/had the best mic skills?

Big Man with best mic skills is..

  • The Undertaker

  • Kane

  • Kevin Nash

  • Mark Henry

  • Big Show

  • Other..

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F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
I've noticed while a lot of big men have an intimidating presence, a lot of them have atrocious mic skills (Lesnar, Khali, Umaga, etc..).

I'd say Undertaker during his "American Badass" days. He seemed more human, could control the crowd, and brought great intensity.

Kane is close, but his only memorable promos was when he was World Heavyweight Champ in 2010.

Mark Henry also has underrated mic skills. Good delivery and intensity, and clear voice, but no crowd control.
Kane. Kane. Kane. Kane and Kane again.

Kane is currently one of the best microphone workers going in any company, anywhere. He didn't speak more than a couple words for the better part of three years, and until around mid-2009 didn't even communicate all that much through words, but during his World Heavyweight Championship run, although overly dramatic and sometimes corny due to the ominous background music and light effects, he was cutting stellar promos.

Fast forward to his latest return back under the mask and anytime Kane has been handed a microphone, hes produced something which is beyond a standard most can reach. He's one of the best microphone workers recently in the WWE alongside Punk, Cena, Jericho and The Rock, that is saying something. His promos are advancing feuds more than his actions, the promo he cut this past week on RAW was intense, maniacal, eerie and somewhat disturbing. And when he bent over a laid out Bob Orton and said, "...fun the whole family can enjoy," it was pure awesome, the way he delivered that line.

In-terms of big men, Kane reigns over the rest on the shtick. He wasn't all that great when the mask was originally scrapped but within the past two years his microphone work has gone from strength-to-strength with the best WWE can offer. Kane is the answer, and only Kane.
Kane is easily the best Big Man on the stick. I think it helps that he is also a very intelligent man in real life.

Being a former teacher he is able to have confidence in himself to speak in front of a crowd. I know that speaking in front of 20 kids in a classroom and speaking in front of 15,000 at a Raw taping seems like a big difference but as anyone with a fear of public speaking would know, it doesn't matter if it's 30 people or 30,000 people you need to have to confidence in your own ability.
Obviously The Great Khali has the BEST mic skills! I'm kidding, calm down everyone :p

But, I definitely agree with The Dragon Saga.

Undertaker doesn't talk much, but when he does it is effective. But, I would still say Kane has the best mic skills of the "Big Men." I thought he spoke very well in his feud with Cena, along with the feud he has now. Plus, when he was feuding with Taker for the world title, he was great on the mic.

Big show and Henry aren't too bad on the mic themselves. It's just that Big Show is kinda boring and gets repetitive sometimes. Henry did alright when he was the World heavyweight champ. Hopefully he regains the title in the future.
I say Kevin Nash. Not so much in his last run, he seemed to struggle, maybe he wasn't used to going by a script. I just remember Nash in his nWo days, he always had something interesting to say. He was different from 'Taker and Kane in the way that he spoke with a sense of realism. While Hogan was the leader of the nWo, Hogan always said the same stuff, but Nash kept things interesting and his sheer size commanded your attention.
I have to agree with the suggestion of Kane. I was amazed at his mic work during his world title reign, especially how he had said sod all for years before. Mark Henry also showed off some believable menace last year.
Before it used to be Undertaker however now here are some options.

- Big Show.
Big Show isn't one of my favourite wrestlers. I'm not a Show mark but he cut good promo's like the one he cut when he come back from the injury Mark Henry gave him before Vengeance.

- Kane.
I actually liked some of his promo's in the feud with John Cena.

However I think that the best big man in WWE at the moment on the mic has to be Khali. Jokes. It's the big show.
Most big guys are better on the mic than they are given credit for. Guys like Show, Kane and Undertaker are good on the mic but their character does not require that much mic work to get them over. They rely more on their physical presence rather than their promo abilities.

As for the best, I would have to go with Undertaker. The basic objective of a promo is to captivate the audience and keep them interested in what you are saying. That is something that Undertaker is really good at .It may be aided by his persona, but nonetheless, his mic skills are good. He can get much more across the audience by saying 'Rest in Peace' that most guys can in a five minute promo.
Kane by far. Every promo Kane has cut whether it was fully masked, without a mask or in his latest return has been good. When he had the mask and was talking ala 2000, he came across as far more intimidating and scary. Just look back to when he was threatening Undertaker/Jericho etc. I was legitmately scared of Kane as a child.

Kane really came into his own back when Undertaker was in this "vegetative" state angle. His promos were like lines from a movie and he expressed almost genuine emotion. His heel turn and feud with Taker back in 2010 just showed Kane is one of the most intelligent people in WWE, using complex words and never fluffing his lines.

It's a damn shame half the audience has no idea what Kane is speaking about in his promos because he is one of the best mic workers in WWE at this current moment. I'm a mark for Kane promos.
Hulk Hogan. He's bigger than Lesnar. Probably best big man, and maybe best any man, to cut a promo.....

Currently, Matt Morgan is actually pretty good on mic. Still surprised his time at WWE was such a flop.
I agree Kane is probably the best big man on the mic but Undertaker, Big Show, Kevin Nash I think were still good.

And: Mark Henry! I think is fairly underrated in this regard. He has a slower delivery but it works great when he is a monster heel. His World Title reign was awesome and I LOVED how he put Michael Cole in his place when he was on commentary on SmackDown that one time.
Kevin Nash hands down was the best. Owned just about anyone he encountered on the mic. Charisma, intelligence, humor, seriousness, whatever the occasion called for Nash could do verbally.
I say Kevin Nash. Not so much in his last run, he seemed to struggle, maybe he wasn't used to going by a script. I just remember Nash in his nWo days, he always had something interesting to say. He was different from 'Taker and Kane in the way that he spoke with a sense of realism. While Hogan was the leader of the nWo, Hogan always said the same stuff, but Nash kept things interesting and his sheer size commanded your attention.

Nash? You're kidding right? Nash was and always will be a terrible wrestler and terrible on the mic. He was just lucky to be around when it was competitive. Other than that he was a waste of space.

My pick is easy Kane. Greater talker and can still go.
Despite getting tounge tied every once in a while, and asking for a do-over on a pay-per view, (If you have'nt seen it Youtube it!), I think Sid had the best skills of any big man not named Hulk Hogan! Hogan in his prime was just fuckin' awsome! But Sid also had intensity and made you belive he really was... "Pshyco". Nash was lazy and sarcastic. Sarcasim does'nt make good mic skills despite what people think nowadays. Great over the top characters like Hogan and Sid is what the buisness needs today...
sTYlnk: All I can say to anybody who thinks Kevin Nash had poor mic skills is HA! Nash was money on the mic in WCW. He may not be the best big guy on the mic, but he was up there. Nash was lucky to be around when it was competitive? hahaha. Nash being around is what made it competitive. There are not enough Kevin Nash's today and that is why WWE is not where it used to be. WWE isn't competitive anymore so how does that make a guy like Kane or Brock Lesnar a better talker? I'm sure some of you think Nash was bad on the mic because all you base what you know on is the WWE Diesel run and Nash's latest run with CM Punk and Triple H. Although many of you prefer script followers like The Miz or CM Punk, Nash always worked the mic better without trying to remember a script. If you don't think Nash can use that mic to work a crowd, go watch WCW circa 1996 to 1999. Go watch the Four Horseman parody. Go watch the initial NWO invasion. You can't just judge Nash on the promos he did as the unstoppable Diesel or the purposely-weak ones he recently did to help put over CM Punk. Although I did enjoy Nash telling CM Punk that he looked like a 'short order cook from a waffle house'. That was unscripted Nash, not WWE creative trying to create some character for a dumbass main event wannabe that today's average moronic WWE fan eats right up. It's not really 'how' the mic is used by guys who all use the mic to show off their attitude like Rock, Jericho, Punk or Miz. It's what the guys are saying that they come up with on their own that counts. That's what makes all these guys, besides Miz, really good. They say things that everybody else is thinking. Like Rock pointing out that people are sick of Cena. Or Jericho exposing Punk's 'holier than thou' personality. Or Punk pointing out that Triple H is a major douche backstage. Or Nash pointing out that Punk looks like a little girl compared to him. This is what makes someone fantastic on the mic. No one gave a shit when The Miz pointed out that he was the best main eventer since King Kong Bundy to be relegated to a 'nothing' match the following Wrestlemania. Nobody was thinking that, because no one gives a shit about King Kong Bundy and no one gives a shit about The Miz. What Punk, Jericho, Rock and Nash have is something you can't really see with Kane. Brock Lesnar trips all over his words. Undertaker is good at what he does, but he's inflexible and it doesn't blow anyone away. And Psycho Sid? Go watch Sid circa 1999 in his feud with Savage and Nash. Sid is absolutely awful on the mic. He may be the WORST ever big man let alone WORST wrestler ever on the mic.

Asiatic7: No Psycho Sid did not have the best mic skills of any big man not named Hogan. Sorry. Sid Vicious/Justice had no mic skills or selling power. All he was was a big body. He was around for half a year here and there, his career amassed something like 4 full years in WCW and WWE. Nobody needs another Sid today. We already have guys like Sid today and they are nothing like Matt Morgan and Jack Swagger. World doesn't need anymore big guys who can't talk and lack charisma. And the business will never have characters like Hogan. Hogan isn't a character. He's a legend. He is the greatest wrestler of all times bro. The wrestling world will not be full of characters like him because he is Babe Ruth of wrestling. There will never be another Babe Ruth. There will never be another Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Greatest big man on the mic, greatest ever heel on the mic, greatest face ever on the mic. Greatest on the mic period.
Kevin Nash is EASILY the best hands down.

Mark Henry...are you fucking serious?


Jesus Christ

I think you people need to go watch so more Kevin Nash material especially from WCW & TNA where he was able to be himself.

For the people who base his promo ability on his last WWE run there was circumstances as to why he was rusty which he addressed in this video...

Good topic. I think the admins should make a poll on this one.

Anyways, I would vote Kane as the best mic skills for a big man. All of his promos are cryptic and scary which is exactly what he is trying to get across. So bang on job for Kane.

Taker and Big Show are both hit and miss. Don't get me wrong they are both great on the mic but they just don't do it for me.

Kevin Nash is called Big Lazy for a reason. Ringwork and micwork went downhill after he started getting the big money

Mark Henry is vastly underrated on the mic. I loved his promos when he was chasing/won the title. Dude is pretty damn good on the mic.

Hulk Hogan is not a big man in my opinion

Brock Lesnar one good promo does not make him the best. This guy is way to nervous on the stick

Also I think a vastly underrated big man who is good on the mic is Big Daddy V/Viscera/Mabel. I don't know why but whenever he spoke I bought his words
kevin nash by far, he was a smooth talker in his wcw days on the mic, always something interesting to say, always a focal point of niro to hear him speak
Nash? You're kidding right? Nash was and always will be a terrible wrestler and terrible on the mic. He was just lucky to be around when it was competitive. Other than that he was a waste of space.

My pick is easy Kane. Greater talker and can still go.

I wonder if you're one of those people jaded by Kevin Nash the man so you can't be objective to the attributes he brought to the industry. Sure Nash hung on a little too long and probably should have retired awhile ago, but I'm talking when he was in his prime, his mic work as part of the founding fathers of the nWo was great. I got a sense that some of the stuff he was saying had an element of real truth to them. He also didn't need to follow a script, not to take anything away from Kane, but I wonder who writes his stuff.
Aka "The Big Boss Man" now he had some good material. Everytime he spoke i truly believe he was a Cop upholding the Law on the mic. He played that role/character to the fulliest. Go back and listen to his skills on the mic R.I.P Ray Traylor

Going to say Kane by far. His promos when he held his last world title were some of the best of that time. For someone who didn't say anything at all when he first debuted he can cut a hell of a promo. Even the ones since he returned with the mask rival any of the other promos today.
The American Dream Dusty Rhodes Had the best mic skills He is one of those guys who honestly can come up with his own lines on the spot,
Kane. During his last championship reign, weren't we all surprised to discover how well this guy can talk? The thing is, he speaks about his next opponent, but he also incorporates dialogue about dark forces that guide his life, how those forces will be used to decimate his enemy.....and he can even bring remarks about other characters affecting whatever he's trying to accomplish. For instance, he talked about Zack Ryder even as his target was John Cena. Kane will mention things that happened in the past and how they effect what he's doing now.

To me, Undertaker has always been too one-dimensional to be considered a great talker. I'm told his voice has no inflection; he simply explains in a monotone what he'll be doing to his next opponent. 'Taker doesn't talk about anything else; it's just threat upon threat directed as whomever he's about to face. Unlike Kane, he never mentions things that happened in the past (Talk about a guy who lives in the moment!)

I'll take Kane....he's more interesting on the mic than just about anyone, not just other big men.

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