Which angle has you more invested?

Which companies storyline has you more invested?

  • The Nexus invasion

  • Hulk Hogan/Sting (Possibly ECW connection)

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Money Inc.

Pre-Show Stalwart
Arguably the two biggest story lines in professional wrestling today (on Cable, I think Generico/Steen is #1 all around)

#1) The Nexus invades


Lets go over the setting first. It might of been a coincidence.. but does anybody else remember the debut of the Nexus came shortly after TNA's announcement of a huge announcement? Once again, could of just been the wrestling gods giving Vinny Mac favorable timing for the story. The next day after the attacks on John Cena/SES/King/etc NOBODY was talking about TNA's announcement. The TNA forum was in a coma for about 5 days following the debut of the Nexus.


A lot of members on this board have felt the Nexus have lost a bit of steam in recent weeks. Possible reasons...

1) The firing of Daniel Bryan (this could be a pro if it does turn around into a great angle when rehired)

2) Wade Barrett's Visa expiring leading him to miss a couple dates.

3) Similar attacks week in and week out getting stale possibly?

#2 Hulk Hogan/Sting (possible ECW entrance)


Similar to the way the Nexus took away the excitement of Dixie's announcement, you could argue the past 24 hours has been 100% TNA discussion.


1) Some fans refuse to get emotionally invested into this angle simply because TNA's past of not continuing stories.

2) Some people feel once again TNA is pushing Hulk Hogan and Sting to the point where it buries other main story lines

3) Some people feel all these story lines are not connected.


So in conclusion:

These boards have been hot the past month with speculations on where these stories are heading.

Q & A

1) Which storyline are you more invested into? Why

2) How long should each company continue their respective stories.
Great thread man. I definitely think that the Nexus angle is a lot better. TNA is just recycling old ideas, be TNA not ECW. The WWE on the other hand is doing great with this Nexus angle. I just saw earlier today that Barrett will be back soon so that is a good thing and also I think that with time the attacks will get more and more complex. Look at last week for example, they focused on Arn Anderson's neck because they knew that he had prior injuries I mean how great is that? This Nexus angle can be really great, I mean think about the return of Daniel Bryan, he can side with them or go against them, and who is the man behind Nexus? There are so many great possibilities with this angle and I think that it is the best angle of this year. I sure hope the WWE ends up making this go all the way to SummerSlam and that they don't blow it beforehand because what if we get to see Team Nexus against Team WWE? The Nexus angle is just plain great.
1) Which storyline are you more invested into? Why

I'm more into the storyline of The Nexus, not because I necessarily think the TNA storyline is gonna, or already is shit, but because I have been absolutely hyped for The Nexus storyline, I like the majority of the guys in the group, and Wade Barrett's influence in this as well as his overall talent has him being one of my favorite active WWE roster members right now.

But I still think that the Hogan vs Sting one could have potential, I always see potential in a storyline all the way until it has proved itself awful.

2) How long should each company continue their respective stories.

The Nexus storyline could continue as long as it remains interesting, I think a good break-up point would be somewhere where The Nexus can be completely involved and not just a single wrestler being involved to slowly break up one by one.

Even though I have said that I could see them breaking one by one, I think a place like either The Royal Rumble or Survivor Series would be the better places to break up the faction if they do break it up.

The storyline between Hogan and Sting could as well be broken up any given time, all depending on how it's booked, and I think that as soon as it has run it's course, there's no need to further use it.
Well for me personally I would say the Nexus angle. The reason being is that I started watching wrestling in 2007 and never really got to see the nwo or a faction like this before. When they first debuted the Invasion it was awesome for me and it was sorta like what the hell just happen type of moment for me.

As for how long they should continue this storyline. I would end it around SummerSlam because you don't want the storyline to get stale and I am not sure how long term this can last. But so far its to pretty well with the beatdowns and promo's they just need to actually wrestle though but the beatdowns will get boring and predrictable after a while.
I'm gonna go with the popular trend here and say the angle which has me more invested, is most certainly the Nexus angle. It has more interesting charecters, a more organized plot, and in the long run, is helping the WWE by getting all these younger superstars over.

TNA's storyline has been very jumbled, it doesn't make much sense and seems to be an excuse to put all these old men on TV in the ME spot. Rather than pushing their younger talent, and using the guy like AJ, Pope, Wolfe, and Lethal for the big storylines, they're focusing on Hogan, Dixie, Bischoff, and now seemingly Kevin Nash is going to be somewhat involved in the storyline, I hate to say it, but this is WCW all over again, and I am sorely dissapointed in the direction TNA is taking. This is an easy one for me, the sensible, exciting angle, over the jumbled, ridiculously stupid angle.
I'm going to have to go with The Nexus angle by far. Overall, I love the way the WWE has gone about building the angle up slowly over the past month and has been hyped extremely well. I do regret that Bryan Danielson is no longer a part of it, but that hasn't killed the angle at all. I do think it'd be even better with Danielson, but oh well. I like most of the guys involved in Nexus and a couple that I don't like have started to grow on me a little. It's a group of young, unknown wrestlers being given a big spot and opportunity to shine.

As for something with Hogan & Sting, I couldn't care less at this point really. I think that the cons Money, Inc. listed for this angle really does reflect a lot of how I feel. TNA often has a problem when it comes to continuing storylines and this could very well wind up overshadowing just about everything or anything else TNA has going on. But, most of all, I've already seen what these two have. I know they're legends and I know they're huge names but they're also the past. To me, it's a continuation of TNA's attemps to live in the past.
1) Which storyline are you more invested into? Why - Nexus because it is fresh and new and we do not know where it is heading or what it could end in. Plus there are so many possibilites with it, not to mention what happens when Nexus split. It can go on for a long long time and not be stale if done right.

Sting v Hogan and the ECW thing have been done before and they drew money before because they were good stories and were relevant. All involved wont exactly be securing the future of the company really. They are not the people TNA should be focusing on

2) How long should each company continue their respective stories. - TNAs story not too long really. It may culminate at BFG with those 2 but i think it would be a mistake. I can tell you know no matter who Hogan would wrestle at BFG he would win the match. Sting could job to a guy that would really benefit from the win, not Hogan winning to satisfy his ego.
The NXT one if done properly could be around in 1 form or another at the time of Mania 27. I think you can have Wade winning the title to keep it fresh, the war games match, Wade losing the title, the split, hell even people switching sides and i havent even mentioned how a Bryan Danielson return could benefit it. It could be everything the Invasion angle wasnt.
1) Which storyline are you more invested into?
The Nexus, I do agree with the cons, but it's just more interesting, at elast its happened...The WWE have built this up really good and we know its going somewhere really good..With TNA your never too sure whats going to happen, I mean it TNA...I think too many wrestlers are getting involves in it if its involving Sting especially, he can't be behinh a ECW stable can he??

2) How long should each company continue their respective stories.
The Nexus should go on for a long time, I don't think the TNA has even started (ECW InVasion!!), but when it does start, we'll have to see how it starts and from there we can decide how long it will last, probs BFG ppv..
As for the Hogan/Sting angle, it's got be asking questions...they still haven't had a good explanation to why Sting has gone mad and also with him being suspended, it could go anywhere!!
1) Which storyline are you more invested into?
The Nexus Angle has me way more intrested then the TNA angle.I order TNA last PPV and didn't like it very much so I haven't been watching so it is Nexus for me.

2) How long should each company continue their respective stories.
The Nexus stories should go as people have said until it becomes boring.But with that said I don't want it to get boring before they stop.They should figure out when the time is right and split the group and send them onto whetever.

The TNA angle just like the WWE anagle should go until it becomes boring but not to the point where I'm changing the change.
More Invested
Nexus, by far, I am really not enjoying TNA's product right now, I just really cant be bothered watching anymore. The Nexus angle is quitre intriuging, I cant wait untill they have an actual match and the faction starts to go for titles. I like their music, they way they all attack the people like they are wolves, just about everything about them. I really dont care about TNA on the other hand
How long do you think they should go
I think with the TNA storyline, they should still go at it for a few more weeks, and the Nexus Faction should go on until atleast september/october.
I think the WWE storyline is alot better
Since none of the other three awesome people who voted for TNA's storyline posted a response, I guess I will.

In all honesty I could not give a shit less about WWE anymore. This NXT invasion angle is not something that would interest me for more than two months max. How long can you watch a group of guys interfere in main events before it gets boring and predictable? They remind me so much of Legacy. Everybody thought Cody and Ted joining with Orton was just the cooliest thing ever, and then those same people all turned their backs on it and grew sick of them because it got to the point where you always expected Rhodes and DiBiase to interfere in any of Orton's matches. The same feeling will more than likely arise with NXT, in fact I have already seen people on this site saying that they think it's getting predictable since you can now just expect the NXT guys to interfere in a WWE main event match.

The Hogan/Sting storyline is interesting because it is still developing. There are still discussions going whether this whole storyline ties in with the "Deception" angle Sting was blabbing about, or whether the ECW guys are related to this, or whether Abyss is connected to it, or who the heck is going to turn heel from this. Barely ANYTHING has been revealed about this angle, not even why Sting is acting like a heel in the first place, so I don't think it's fair to put this angle against the NXT invasion, since the NXT invasion for the most part has already climaxed.

How long should they go? I dunno. Like I said I don't give a shit about WWE anymore, they can continue the NXT angle as long as they want. But if they don't spice it up a bit in the near future (Danielson returning, a new member joining, whatever) then I can almost guarantee people will be bitching about it being predictable if it goes on for another month.

As for TNA they need to continue it until everything ties together. Like I said, barely anything about this angle has even been exposed yet and it's just starting to pick up steam with the suspension of Sting, so it's going to need some time to continue on.
The Nexus invasion is way more exciting than any other angle at the moment. Barrett, Otunga, Young, Gabriel and the rest all new faces in the WWE and fans will not have seen them in action and they add new impact to the WWE.
Hogan, Sting, Bischoff and the other guys have been in wrestling for ages and we all know what they are capable of and their moves, gimmicks etc. The Nexus invasion is fresh and new and the ECW is just another stale storyline that TNA is making to try and be more attractive to its fans.
Nexus all the way

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