Where's the comedy?

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"Original Blade"
I just watched this week's episode of TNA and I found there were no comedy skits or promos. There was Cody Deaner being a dumbass as usual. But there was nothing like Shark Boy, Curry Man, face Eric Young etc. No weird, random skit that TNA usually tries to do. They have no comedic characters apart from Deaner, and he doesn't do obvious attempts to be funny.
The only thing that technically counted as comedy was Don West's heel commentary, he said some pretty funny stuff. One whole TNA show with absolutely no segment attempting to be funny. I found it quite strange and I'm not sure if I like it or not. Sure, it's a wrestling show. One could argue that comedy doesn't really have a place. But that's probably bullshit, it's entertainment, and something funny can be just as entertaining as a good wrestling match if it's done properly.

So I ask you why has TNA stopped with the comedy bits? Are they just relying on Don West to provide comic relief? Or is this a strategy for TNA to try and seperate themselves from WWE? Because we know it'll be a cold day in hell when a WWE show doesn't have some sort of comedy in it.
And most importantly, is it a good idea or does it not actually matter?
I think they also class Motor City Machine Guns being out in the crowd during the Knockouts match with signs saying "CONSPIRACY VICTIMS" and "YES, WE STILL WORK HERE" as comedy. That was funny.

I think its a good idea. I love comedy in wrestling but recently thats all its become. TNA I think are trying to make the transition from using a variety of comedy and less matches to a minimum of comedy and more wrestling. This could be in light of failed WWE attempts with Santina and Vickie etc.

Either way. I do think it matters, because the average wrestling fan complains about a shortage of matches replaced by dumb skits. TNA's segments seem purely to set up matches for PPV's or the show these days whilst WWE can throw a weekly segment that leads nowhere particularly: aka. Jeezy and Cryme Tyme.

I think it matters, and I like it personally.

Anyone else also noticed that this change has happened since Jarrett's been off TV. Maybe there's a change in power at Creative with more people getting a say whilst Jeff's credability might have temporarily took a dent? Who knows?
I just watched this week's episode of TNA and I found there were no comedy skits or promos. There was Cody Deaner being a dumbass as usual. But there was nothing like Shark Boy, Curry Man, face Eric Young etc. No weird, random skit that TNA usually tries to do. They have no comedic characters apart from Deaner, and he doesn't do obvious attempts to be funny.
I'm going to go ahead and assume you don't watch TNA too regularly since Shark Boy, Curry Man, and face Eric Young haven't been around in months.
The only thing that technically counted as comedy was Don West's heel commentary, he said some pretty funny stuff. One whole TNA show with absolutely no segment attempting to be funny. I found it quite strange and I'm not sure if I like it or not. Sure, it's a wrestling show. One could argue that comedy doesn't really have a place. But that's probably bullshit, it's entertainment, and something funny can be just as entertaining as a good wrestling match if it's done properly.
TNA focuses on "action", WWE focuses on "entertainment". It's not the end of the world, and the promos done by Beer Money in the past and whatever it is that Booker does are entertaining/funny. Bubba Ray's promos are hilarious. The Beautiful People also have their little moments when they yell at Lauren. Just because TNA doesn't hire guys to only be funny jobbers doesn't mean there's no comedic entertainment.
So I ask you why has TNA stopped with the comedy bits? Are they just relying on Don West to provide comic relief? Or is this a strategy for TNA to try and seperate themselves from WWE? Because we know it'll be a cold day in hell when a WWE show doesn't have some sort of comedy in it.
And most importantly, is it a good idea or does it not actually matter?

I think it's a good idea on TNA's part to move away from it. Having funny promos is one thing, but don't waste 15 minutes of your program with a match between Chavo Guerrero and Hornswaggle. It's not a push for Hornswaggle, and it serves no real purpose other than it's entertaining (which I don't think it is, but I guess enough people think so). What they do with Santino is how I would prefer it. He rarely has matches anymore, and he just gets to be hilarious backstage. That's what Hornswaggle should be doing also. The interactions with the hosts that Hornswaggle and Santino have been doing have been pretty good, but those backstage promos waste a match. They easily could've given Brian Kendrick a match every week for a push instead of Chavo Guerrero on his knees vs Hornswaggle.

I think the biggest difference is TNA doesn't shove the Monty Python humour down our throats. It's more subtle things like word choice or simply insanity, not watching a midget try to dunk a basketball.
TNA always does this.They always change or make the people forget about what they did.For example Karen Angle and Aj storyline It'd been build up for months for what?Right know TNA don't acknowledge they were married and in Aj's promos he always talk about his kids and wife.WTF?Did he have two wifes at the same time.Another example is Jarett vs Foley feud at the end of the feud they reunited again or Angle/Sting feud.They'd feuded for a month or two then forgot what they did to each other.Sting even became godfather after that.There are also lots of missing people in TNA?Where the hell did Jackqueline,MMA fighter who is Angle's friend,Jim Cornette.. go?Don't even tell you heel/face turns.Beer Money they at least turned 4 or 5 this year.I don't know if they forget what they booked but they always do it.For example watch a one of the iMPACT's from last year and this year.See the difference.Joe had beaten the likes of Angle,Booker T,Scott Steiner and right now he's Angle's lackey.I don't know why TNA is doing this but if remember I'll start a thread in here about what changed in TNA.I'm also bored from blurring positions.Rhino who was a midcard suddenly became the leader of Frontline even got a world title shot and then he is stuck in midcard again.It's something TNA always do.I don't know why but they do it.
First of all AJ and Karen were just friends...

I remember in the last few months of 2007 there was alot of comedy and I looked forward to the show more every week. Not as much comedy now, its a little different
I think comedy is very important in professional wrestling, very important, I know for a fact that if wrestling didnt make me laugh I'd probably not watch it anywhere near as much, it gives you a nice break from the serious storylines. Every TV show needs variety.

I think TNA do the comedy right, I mean you've got competitors that are actually hilarious and good wrestlers, you've got Booker and Steiner for example, both worthy of being put in the ring and both very funny when given mic time.

Not that there is anything wrong with silly characters, they might run out of steam in the end but it gives the audience someone to laugh at and probably route for in a match. Plus you get more heat as a heel for beating someone funny shitless as opposed to a boring bastard.
I would classify Steiner and Booker as comedy releif. I can't explain it, but Booker cracks me up when he just blurts out random shit. If there wasn't comedy im wrestling, I probably wouldn't watch anymore. Comedy is my favorite genre of entertainment. Those who think it doesn't have a place in wrestling are usually uptight and shit.
One week people are complaining because there is too much comedy and the next week they are complaining because there isn't enough. To be a successful show, TNA doens't need to have comedy. Sure it doesn't hurt, but it isn't necessary. I'd rather see matches like Hernandez/Joe and Morgan/Styles be given the time that they were instead of having them cut short in favor of comedy sketches. West is really enough comedy for the whole show. Throw in some Deaner/ODB and some Booker/Steiner and it's plenty. The entertainment value of TNA is fine right now, they definetly don't need any more comedy skits.
I'd be lying if I said I'd read past the first post. I've read past the first post.

I reckon they stopped doing comedy because they were shit at it. It's the reason I don't get into many fights. Or seduce many women. Or make many friends...

But yeah, Curry Man, Shark Boy, erm, Super Eric - all shit. Kurt Angle, Alex Shelley and James Storm can be moderately humorous on occasion, but aren't really considered "comedy characters".

In summary, TNA is really, really shit.
I don’t think the comedy is gone. What I do think is that the comedy characters are going gone or aren’t going to be seen as much. Right now we’re getting a different brand of comedy from TNA which quite frankly I enjoy more. We have Scott Steiner with his promos which are always hilarious, then there are the MCMG sitting in the crowd with different signs, there’s also Don West who can be funny on his commentary too. Finally we have Booker T and Kurt Angle. I find Booker T annoying as hell but I guess some people find it funny and Angle is funny too sometimes. Notice that all of the wrestlers/announcer I listed aren’t using comedy gimmicks, instead they are being who they’ve always been but they are just adding some comedy but they are still taken serious. When we were getting the comedy type they were using before it was with comedy characters. Now we get comedy but with normal characters that can still be taken serious. So, I think the comedy is still there it’s just that the comedy characters are not there and instead we get the normal character giving us comedy but we can still take them serious.
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