Where's The Beef Between Kane and Randy Orton?


Getting Noticed By Management
So, we all know came back to smackdown to attack Randy Orton and since then they have been brawling all over the place for 2 weeks now? but.....where is the storyline?? it seems they will fight at Wrestlemania 28, but why? what is Kane´s problem with Orton? is he going to tell him to rise above the voices? is there beef because randy orton is the last man that beat kane just before he resurrected and he wanted to become a monster again but rko beat him?

we have more than 6 shows till wrestlemania, so there is a chance to make a compelling enough story between the two....

what do you think? should they just keep brawling till WM or do you want them to talk and build this feud through words and not just fists?

The reason is simple. Creative has nothing for either of them, but both Kane and Orton are too high up the totem pole to leave off of the WM card.
Every match at Wrestlemania doesn't need some storyline. Randy Orton vs Kane is just like Undertaker vs Triple- H at Wrestlemania 27.
Two people fighting each other to see who is the better man. It is better without another corny storyline like Kane/Cena/Ryder attached to it.
Who knows, but we're gonna need some sort of explanation sooner or later. There's 6 shows left until WrestleMania, and I can only see Orton and Kane brawl all over the ring and through the crowd so many times before I get tired of it.

They don't need some convoluted storyline like they had with Kane/Cena. It could just be something simple. Maybe Kane just doesn't like Orton. I'm sure creative can make up some reason for Kane to hate Orton and use that to fuel this feud.

But right now, I'm all for this match to happen at Mania. There has to be some sort of street fight stipulation though because the way these guys have been brawling, a singles match at WrestleMania won't do this feud justice on the biggest stage of them all.
Hopefully next week kane and orton start talkin and start to build towards some kind of storyline. Maybe if they were added to the WHC match becoz at the moment, that match lacks "star power", something orton aperently has in spades. At the "biggest WM of all time", every storyline should be given a good amount of effort. Just becoz you have the huge Rock/Cena main event dosent mean your allowed to put half-assed storylines underneath it. I have no interest in Kane/Orton on its own, it makes no sense and its nothing special. But if it was added to the WHC match then you have a smackdown main event that people will come to see.
A back story would be good though, some sort of beef, because i think this match might steal the show. Randy should cut a promo saying i dont know why Kane choose to attack me but i will teach u to never sneak up on a viper. Kane can then give his explanation which will then be the storyline about how he "hates" randy, and that he "hates" how the fans embrace him. This match should be for the heavy weight title in my view...bryan and sheamus aint big stars, and pale in comparison.
Kanes last match before being sidelined was against Orton where Kane lost after a very good match. This could be tied into it, maybe it's Kane trying to prove that without his human side he could take Orton
with this whole "embrace the hate" gimmick, maybe this is Kane trying to turn Orton back to his old ways. maybe it was only for Cena but i think they could do this nicely.with the big payoff at extreme rules.
WrestleMania - Orton beats Kane/Sheamus beats Bryan
Smackdown - Kane continues to terrorize Orton/Bryan and Sheamus continue to feud
Extreme Rules - Kane beats Orton/Sheamus retains against Bryan - Orton comes back out, embraces the hate
I think you could have kane fueding with the WWE universe by attacking all the superstars they idolise, like cena, orton, sheamus, etc and trying to get them to turn on the fans. Could be an interesting storyline for a few months, and i don't think it's been done before.
Hopefully next week kane and orton start talkin and start to build towards some kind of storyline. Maybe if they were added to the WHC match becoz at the moment, that match lacks "star power", something orton aperently has in spades. At the "biggest WM of all time", every storyline should be given a good amount of effort. Just becoz you have the huge Rock/Cena main event dosent mean your allowed to put half-assed storylines underneath it. I have no interest in Kane/Orton on its own, it makes no sense and its nothing special. But if it was added to the WHC match then you have a smackdown main event that people will come to see.

Good lord. I can't even imagine the exchange these guys will give on the mic. Polar opposite of what the Rock and Cena have done so far. Slow, robotic, no emotion whatsoever. That's going to be a train wreck.
The reason is simple. Creative has nothing for either of them, but both Kane and Orton are too high up the totem pole to leave off of the WM card.

True. It's ironic; I hadn't even noticed there was no particular motivation for Kane to be going after Orton; we've seen so much over the years of Kane attacking anyone he wants.....often without rhyme or reason..... that it seemed natural enough he would go after the top man on the brand. Now that I'm forced to think about it, it's kind of funny: What in hell did Randy Orton ever do to Kane? (at least this incarnation of Kane)

The "character flexibility" has got to be one of the reasons WWE loves having Glenn Jacobs as an employee. He fits everywhere; whatever you want him to do, he can do and get away with it. Even before he put the mask on again, he's always been a "monster"..... the guy who can go after heels or faces, allies or enemies...... and wind up making a good program of it. When they discovered how well he can speak, it added menace to his madness, increasing his value.

Face it, the company has invested huge amounts of time in a few programs that will lead to matches at Wrestlemania, headed by Rock-Cena. They don't have unlimited time to build other rivalries in time for the show, but with Kane and Orton, they don't really have to. They can put on a big-time match for WM by having Kane attack Orton.....because that's what he does......bouncing off the concept that Orton will respond in kind because that's what he does. The writers may come up with a grudge in these few weeks before the show.....or they may not..... but it doesn't really matter. Just seeing the fight on April 1 will be enough.
Orton use to be good as a heel as face he just stinks.
Kane is cool with the mask on.

Orton vs. Kane at WM :shrug:

if it leads to Orton being heel is the only pay off i see.
i simply Love this match right when attacked orton. good move by creative teams but, if Kane says Orton hears voices in his head but Kane says he also hears voices in his head that maybe just maybe this could be why Kane attacked orton. anybody agree with me?

Kane: Hey Randy, at least my dad never wore a cast on his arm for the longest time in human history.

Orton: He never had a chance, you burned your parents alive. Dumbass.

And feud...

Yeah, like everyone else said, Vince wants these guys on the card and to get the WM payday. I think Orton was supposed to have a different feud but injuries to Christian, Henry and Barrett pretty much changed things on the fly. WWE just went with the simple route with the bully taking a shot at the wrong guy and that guy fighting back. Nothing intricate, nothing subtle but also no reason why these guys shouldn't fight.

At this point I am buying in to Orton/Kane as much as I am buying in to Rock/Cena.
i simply Love this match right when attacked orton. good move by creative teams but, if Kane says Orton hears voices in his head but Kane says he also hears voices in his head that maybe just maybe this could be why Kane attacked orton. anybody agree with me?

...I don't quite get what you think you just explained. And it may just be because I'm still foggy from having slept in late so maybe someone could explain this again. Kane hears voices. Yeah, okay I get it. That's kinda his shtick these days. Randy Orton hears voices according to Rev Theory and he's supposedly the "Apex predator" or whatever nickname he's going by this week

but I don't understand why that would lead to Kane's attacking him like you say. (and again, it may just be because I'm not thinking clearly at this moment)
Didnt they have a no disqualification match or a street fight or something like that right before kane left and said that he was becoming more human. Now hes back and wants to finish his resurection the way it started, with randy orton.
In 2003, Kane was forced to unmask when Triple H defeated him. If you remember correctly, Kane had the match in the palm of his hand, that is until Orton interfered and hit his first RKO costing Kane the match and forcing him to unmask. Kane can come out next week and start blaming Randy that he's the reason Kane wasn't a monster for the better part of the decade, and now he's gonna repay the favor (by making him "embrace the hate". Also before Kane left he and Randy had a street fight on Smackdown in which Orton won. He can also blame Randy for not coming to his aid when Henry "injured" him.
Good lord. I can't even imagine the exchange these guys will give on the mic. Polar opposite of what the Rock and Cena have done so far. Slow, robotic, no emotion whatsoever. That's going to be a train wreck.

True. You know Kane's promos will be amazing like they always are, but they really need to stop letting Randy Orton talk until he gets a lot better. His promos have literally put me to sleep at least 3 times.

In 2003, Kane was forced to unmask when Triple H defeated him. If you remember correctly, Kane had the match in the palm of his hand, that is until Orton interfered and hit his first RKO costing Kane the match and forcing him to unmask. Kane can come out next week and start blaming Randy that he's the reason Kane wasn't a monster for the better part of the decade, and now he's gonna repay the favor (by making him "embrace the hate". Also before Kane left he and Randy had a street fight on Smackdown in which Orton won. He can also blame Randy for not coming to his aid when Henry "injured" him.

I don't know if they'll go as far back as the match where he lost his mask, although that could work. But all they have to do is go back to Kane's last match before he left. He lost to Randy Orton. In that sense, his feud with Orton makes a lot more sense than the one with Cena.

Also, realize that Kane didn't single out Randy Orton. He's attacked several people on the roster, Randy Orton was just the first to really fight back. So that's all the beef you need.
This is how many feuds start nowadays. Superstar #1 attacks Superstar #2 and they immediately start a feud. What's different is this feud is lacking mic time; mic time is there to establish what exactly it is they're feuding over. Kane welcoming Randy back to action isn't enough for a Wrestlemania type feud to go on. If the WWE wants to cover up the fact that this feud was thrown together without any real problem, then they need to establish some type of credible story. I don’t really care what.
with this whole "embrace the hate" gimmick, maybe this is Kane trying to turn Orton back to his old ways. maybe it was only for Cena but i think they could do this nicely.with the big payoff at extreme rules.
If anyone needs to embrace the hate, it's certainly not Randy Orton. I understand everyone and their mothers want Orton to return to his original persona/gimmick, but Orton doesn't get much hate from the live audience. Even if he did, Orton punts his opponents out of action and promises agony to each and every superstar he faces. A little while ago, Orton cut a promo and said something along the lines of admiring Wade Barrett for having the balls to throw him down the stairs. If Orton was placed in that situation, Orton would've done the same thing – there aren’t many faces that will do that. Orton is already as aggressive as they come. How exactly does his current character need to embrace the hate?



Kane: Hey Randy, at least my dad never wore a cast on his arm for the longest time in human history.

Orton: He never had a chance, you burned your parents alive. Dumbass.

And feud...
Once again, you've managed to hit the nail on the head. It's so damn simple, yet, it works. Also, I believe Undertaker is the one who accidently started the fire but I get your point.
Randy has bad mic skills but i will not say that he is worst. he was good with his fued with cena,batista,legacy,etc. wwe needs to build a good storyline and in my opinion these guys should be added to WHC match. orton missed EC and had unfinished business with DB. What you guys think?
So, we all know came back to smackdown to attack Randy Orton and since then they have been brawling all over the place for 2 weeks now? but.....where is the storyline?? it seems they will fight at Wrestlemania 28, but why? what is Kane´s problem with Orton? is he going to tell him to rise above the voices? is there beef because randy orton is the last man that beat kane just before he resurrected and he wanted to become a monster again but rko beat him?

we have more than 6 shows till wrestlemania, so there is a chance to make a compelling enough story between the two....

what do you think? should they just keep brawling till WM or do you want them to talk and build this feud through words and not just fists?


Rise above the voices? :lol: What is wrong with a new feud building? They are building a new feud for Randy Orton which may last till Extreme Rules so that he can go and challenge the champion at Over the Limit( I think so.) It is not always necessary that every feud must have a grueling past. It's a new feud like Sheamus vs Triple H at WM 26 and most importantly to keep Orton away from injuries for a longer time. Kane is considered as a safe worker than the most so I think he will make a good match out of Orton without thriving him hard.

I think they will have an altercation this week. I don't know how but it will answer all of your queries. They NEED to have some mic time or else it will be a filler.
I don't think there is a single idea that Creative can throw out in this amount of time and make this feud at all good. So I'm going to go out on a limb and say that maybe they should scrap Team Teddy vs Team AWholeBottleOfViagraCan'tGetMeExcited and just do Kane vs Randy Orton for General Manager rights. And end it with Kane losing the match and annihilating Blandy Ace off TV once and for all.
Before Mark Henry attacked Kane, Kane and Orton had a street fight match, in which Randal Keith Orton won and left Kane in a position to be beat down and broken by Henry.

Also in typical WWE bad booking, they do not have anything for Orton, Kane and the majority of the Upper Middle Card going into WM28 because the focus has been on Rock vs Cena, Triple H vs Taker, and the two world title matches.

Kane vs Orton is a safe match, that will keep Orton on the card, and give Kane something to do, but at the end no one will remember. Since Triple H vs Taker is a Hell in the Cell match, I expect Orton vs Kane to be something very mild to avoid another big gimmick match on the card. Pink Slip on a pole, Bra and Panties, or loser leaves Smackdown type of thing
Kane's attempting to take out the top guys :shrug:

We all know it's because Orton was injured and Kane had nothing better to do, but the story isn't out of the realm of believability. Kane came back after the top dog on Raw, and lost. Now he has set his sights on Orton. Plain and simple, easy booking.
I assume the general idea is for Kane to feud with WWE's top stars who are hated by some sort of community. Cena had the crowd's hate to embrace and who knows if Kane will convince Orton to embrace the hate he gets from the IWC. Its too soon to tell however but I dont think WWE is stupid enough to come up with a storylineless rivalry. Let it play out.

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