Where's Kane???...the Indestructible Big Man!!!

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Dark Match Winner
Am I the only person who thinks that Kane should come back from this most recent vacation/break with his mask back on. Kane has been one of my favorite wrestlers since he came in under this gimmick. I miss the former brilliance of the character though. Kane has become more of a jobber lately, and I for one am kind of sick of seeing it happen. Kane without the mask is just a normal guy. They need to bring back the gimmick with the mask, keep him a face (good guy) for a while, and bring back the brilliance that once was Kane. They need to put him back in the full outfit with the top and make him "indestructible" again. His character has gotten very stale lately. I want to see him unphased by chair shots, and sit up no matter what is done to him, much like he and Undertaker both did back in the day. Make him a good big man again, and make his character mysterious once again. Truthfully, the one thing I did enjoy about the fake Kane character was that it reminded me of what Glen Jacobs (Kane) is capable of, and we need to see it again. Does anyone agree or have any other suggestions of what could be done. I also feel that Kane has in the past had a good comedy routine if you remember with the rock and Hogan and mimmicking other wrestlers. He may be a good member of the new DX if they could go that way with it. Add some new flavor. He is also a guy who should be getting title matches of some capacity, even if it is only Intercontinental title matches. Let me know what you all think.
wwe isn't going to make kane as dominate as he used to be, at least not on raw...there are too many big names, he should be drafted to sd where they can actually make him look like a monster..he could beat up a new jobber every week lol
that would be good, i hate that bastard every since he beat John Cena, that was bs
as for where he is .......hes in italy as far as i kno hyping up see no evil
I got 1 question,why would they waste Kane in a fued with Umaga??He (Kane) should be gunnin for the championship not fueding with some freak who was better off as Jamal.
The best bet for Kane would be a trade to Smackdown and a tag team with 'Taker run. But my guess is, with Mark Henry gone for the year, they want to give Taker one more title run before he hangs it up, maybe both Tag and World Champ for Wrestlemania next year
I think that Kane will try to finish his career with is original mask on he will probably appear when we least expect it.
He should do one of two things:

return to help Taker against Khali/show or gun immediately for the Raw title. IMO, it would be awesome to have WM 23 end with both Kane and Taker winning the respective titles and then have each hold them until SS where they both lose and retire together.
ya i think a trade to smackdown would really give kane a chance to main event shows, but beacause of the rumors of him retiring soon he might not even want to bother.
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