Where would they be now?


Shawn Michaels ❤
This thread is looking at people whose WWE careers have ended prematurely, through death, injury, or changing promotions. Choose one of them, and explain where they’d be in WWE now, or what their career would have been like had they stayed.

I’m going for Bret Hart in this. Such a shame he had to go to WCW, as he was great in the WWE. Never have I seen a talent wasted as much as WCW wasted his. I think it’s safe to say he and Shawn would have had at least one more major feud. And I think it would have been better than any other matches we’d seen. I also believe, without injury, he’d still be in the WWE today. Probably doing a job similar to that of Shawn; helping alleviate younger talent on to the main event stage.

He’d have also been WWE champion again. No doubt about it. Shawn’s reign wouldn’t have come until later. I also think Shawn would have had more reigns due to the amount they’d feud over the belt; being 2 of the biggest stars.

This could also have changed the attitude era. Some say the beginning of the era was the Montreal Screwjob. Maybe the era would never have happened? Or maybe Hart would have been a big part of it.
Chris Benoit - Would have gone on win the ECW title and possibly bring some of the hardcore ECW fanbase back. Would have led to excellent matches with CM Punk, Morrison and Shelton Benjamin.

W move back to Smackdown would have been in the cards for a fued with Edge over the WHC title, with another poossibly fued against Taker
One man that I always marked out for was Ahmed Johnson. Back in 96 I believe it was fairly clear that he was being groomed for the WWF title, but he hurt himself, and when he got back he was never the same. Before he left he was getting pops that would make Hardy look like a jobber. He was Brock Lesnar before Lesnar, and then nothing. He was given the IC title and got hurt. He came back and was a shell of his former self. He could be a multiple time champion now, maybe even still wrestling in his early 40s. Guy had the voice, the look, the awesome finisher. Could have been something very special.
That may be what you think of him, but like him or not he was the IC champion and won a battle royal to be #1 contender just before he left. He could have been someone special in the company if he hadn't gotten hurt. Its the same as Hardy getting busted. The star that he had was so bright that he could have gone to the top of the company, but it just wasn't meant to be. Were he still around, I could see him having something like the role that Lesnar had, just with a longer time frame.
One man that I always marked out for was Ahmed Johnson. Back in 96 I believe it was fairly clear that he was being groomed for the WWF title, but he hurt himself, and when he got back he was never the same. Before he left he was getting pops that would make Hardy look like a jobber. He was Brock Lesnar before Lesnar, and then nothing. He was given the IC title and got hurt. He came back and was a shell of his former self. He could be a multiple time champion now, maybe even still wrestling in his early 40s. Guy had the voice, the look, the awesome finisher. Could have been something very special.

Man, I loved Ahmed. I defend him to this day. I was just watching him on Youtube and watched him do one of the more impressive things Ive seen in that he set someone on the top turnbuckle and proceeded to deliver a dropkick to their face. Quite the jump for anyone much less someone Johnsons size.

I'd like to see where Chris Nowinski would be if he hadn't been smacked around so much. He was probably below average in the ring, but he was really young. The guy was fun on the mic and had a good look. Chris would have never main evented but he could have been a solid addition to the mid card ranks.
ill go wit eddie guerrero the pops he was gettin as a face was nuts and the rumor was he was the one to get the belt when batista was injured so if that was the case at wrestlemania 22 he prob would have faced orton for the belt or benoit
Becca, to reply to your's first..

Bret Hart: I doubt very seriously that he'd of returned to the W.W.E., after it bought W.C.W. I think Hart would've ended up like Lex Luger, and Jeff Jarrett without a home. He said himself he only agree'd to do that DVD because the W.W.E. was going to produce it anyways, and he at least got over half control on what matches were picked and the ability to speak.

I guess I can't say "never" but his stroke pretty much ended his wrestling career before his hatred for the W.W.E. got over with.. so I doubt his career would've been much different to be honest.

At any rate.. my own thoughts would be..

Buff Bagwell: I know it's pretty bottom of the barrel and all, but I'd be really curious how far he could've went with as over with the fans as he was.. had it not been for his over-natured cry-baby fits about being on the road, or apparently his Mother calling him all the time. :lmao:

I doubt Bagwell would've been anything overly huge, but I'm willing to believe he would've been secondary to Booker T. in the E.C.W.C.W. v. W.W.E. wars, especially instead of Rhyno. It likely would've been Chris Jericho against Rhyno at Summerslam that year, and possibly Bagwell on the 5 against 5 Survivor Series team.

Bagwell could've easily been an Intercontinental Champion, as well as a Tag Team Champion with someone. He could've challenged for the heavyweight title, but likely never won it.

Lex Luger: Another "what happened here" question mark. Luger just kinda.. fell apart. I don't know why, I don't know how, but for whatever reason (my guess is the showing up instantly on Nitro bit) he was never given the opportunity to return to the W.W.E. and I think if he would've, he could've easily been World Heavyweight Champion his second time around.
Owen Hart: Everyone says Owen was destined to be a huge main event star if his career never ended but Im not sure. Hart reminded me of a Shelton Benjamin, of today. Amazing athlete and ability but I think he may have been stuck in the midcard for a while. He probabaly would have gotten into the mainevent scene eventuall but I dont think Vince would pay as much attention or put that much effort into elevating Owen for whatever reason. I could see Owen getting fed up with his lack of push(christian, Kurt)and moving to TNA.
Oh man so many names here... I think british bulldog was gonna try and return with DH Smith for a tag run and help his son out.. That would of been great.. I was always a bulldog fan and if he and owen were still alive we would of seen the hart foundation of some kind with them two teddy hard dh smith and natalya being part of it.. I think Bulldog and Owen would of gained heavyweight gold.. Owen was just about to finally shine.. I think hart foundation had to many names and nation of the domination was the same.. Too many mid cards together with talent you didn't know who to push.. Owen was with jerrett and was making a name for himself.. Watching the over 10 min match at wm10 with bret hart proved right there that he was main even status.. He would be fighting triple h michaels and the rest of the top talent.. Even in tna if he would of moved there he would have 5 star matches with angle aj styles and the rest of that crew... Now its just all a dream
Im gonna mention a guy not because he was great but because no one that Ive seen has mentioned yet and thats Droz. I mean he wasnt the best but its just sad that he had a career ending injury because you just never know. Now with Droz you can go either way, he could've been something big or he couldve been granted his walking papers earlier than later we'll never really know.
Brian Pillman,

He was light years ahead of anyone when it came to "the attitude era"- he was doing shoots when it was actually rare. He would have thrived along with Austin, the Rock, DX... he had the wrestling skills of Benoit but could cut better promos than The Rock.

His short time in the wwf/e the fans didnt have any time to appreciate his work. - I have no doubt he would have been in some of the hottest and most memorable fueds just because he has the natural ability to make the audience forget wreslting was scripted.
One man that I always marked out for was Ahmed Johnson. Back in 96 I believe it was fairly clear that he was being groomed for the WWF title, but he hurt himself, and when he got back he was never the same. Before he left he was getting pops that would make Hardy look like a jobber. He was Brock Lesnar before Lesnar, and then nothing. He was given the IC title and got hurt. He came back and was a shell of his former self. He could be a multiple time champion now, maybe even still wrestling in his early 40s. Guy had the voice, the look, the awesome finisher. Could have been something very special.

Almost the same as Rhino. I truly believe that if he hadn't broken his neck in the summer of 2001, he's at least be a 1 time WWE champion by now. At first he got an ok push. He was allowed to appear at Mania in some capacity. And I can't really remember what happened to him after that until he joined The Alliance. During that time he was frequently in their main events. Now you could put that down to the fact that they didn't have many main event wrestler, thus why Austin was added. But even so he was having competative matches with The Rock, Angle & others. I certainly think he would have gone on and had a title run, especially with the brand split.

As it was he returned 18 months later with no build up and was nothing. The push had stopped.
While watching the old S-Slams, I had this one...

What in the FUCK happened with Ken Shamrock?? Seriously??

Guy had a great look, character, was WAY over and put on some pretty fucking sweet matches. I think he is in Benoits spot at the very least if not better. And to think all of that was so very wasted, for the guy to never have a title run, and to become released based on refusal to do an incest angle. For shame, seriously, for shame. He could do it all, some flying, some hardcore, work technical. A huge waste.
Definitely true about Rhino. He was one of the guys that ECW nailed and nailed perfectly, and that actually carried over into ECW. He was just a guy that was tough and had a great finisher. A lot of the time that's all you need to be successful, a la DDP.

Another guy that's always intrigued me was Ludvig Borga. This guy was around for about 6 months or so and then he broke his ankle and never came back. I'm not sure how true this is, but I read somewhere that he was being groomed to take the WWF title from Undertaker (not sure how he was going to get it) then lose it to Luger at Wrestlemania X. To have debuted in 1993 and squash jobbers for 3 months then get thrown into the main event that fast makes me wonder what he could have done. I don't think his character could have lasted long term, but for maybe a Lesnar type run, he could have been something truly special with at least 2-3 title reigns.
I like Becca Harkening back to the Bret Hart stuff. what would have happened had Goldberg would never fucking kicked him in the head. Guy could certainley go out and feud with the greenhorns and make them look passable in the ring, especially for a first feud. I really belive he left the WWE at an all time high point in talent, in ring and promo wise, and couldve been a huge asset to them, even just coaching or helping with guerilla postion. I could certainley see him in the HBK Role right now, and would probably still be a viable title holder/feud participant when they need him in a pinch (Like HBK for the WM 23 main event). No doubt he couldve had an aweosme series with Kurt Angle, and probably a HILARIOUS title feud with Cena :)
While watching the old S-Slams, I had this one...

What in the FUCK happened with Ken Shamrock?? Seriously??

Guy had a great look, character, was WAY over and put on some pretty fucking sweet matches. I think he is in Benoits spot at the very least if not better. And to think all of that was so very wasted, for the guy to never have a title run, and to become released based on refusal to do an incest angle. For shame, seriously, for shame. He could do it all, some flying, some hardcore, work technical. A huge waste.

Ken Shamrock is who I was gonna bring up. Good one.

As you said Shamrock pretty much had it all and was over as hell. Most wrestling fans knew in the back of their head that 'this is fake'. But those guys all knew that Shamrock was 'real'. I think that had a lot to do with his overness.

And his push was pretty monsterous for a good while. He was making big opponent after big opponent tap out and at one time I believe he was the one closing off Raw to great adulation from the crowd and the commentators who were saying that he was assured to be a future world champion soon...

It seemed almost a sure thing during that time but...what happened exactly to stop it? And why would they think up a possible incest angle for someone who was supposedly a sure fire world champ in the future?
I know injuries didn't ruin his career or anything but I'm going with Brock Lesnar.

Talk about a guy who had so much talent and was only in the business for two years by the time he left. There was still so much for him to do and still so much for him to do if he were to come back. He missed out on a major feud with Triple H. Now if he were still there or were to come back they could do Lesnar/Batista, Lesnar/Orton, Lesnar/Triple H, Lesnar/HBK, Lesnar/Punk, Lesnar/Taker (again), Lesnar/Edge, etc., etc. There would be so much for him to do. It really stinks that he left.
I know that there was no injury or death associated with this guy, but his wwe career came to a premature end, and that is Matt Morgan.

I'm aware he is in TNA now, but i wonder what would have happened had he stayed in WWE. He came in summer/late 2003, had huge impact, was put in Lesnars Survivor Series team, had a great match, and then after that there was relatively nothing else. He had the right look, decent ring skills, and promo skills would have improved with time. He had the potential for great feuds with other big guys (Taker, Lesnar, Show) or the smaller more technical wrestler (Angle, Benoit, Guerrero) or the middle guy (HHH, Batista, Orton).

He really did have a lot of potential, and i wonder what position he would have been in by now. Im thinking a royal rumble win in 2006 and wrestlemania win over Angle (Rey wouldn't have got it if Morgan was competing at a high enough level). Any Thoughts on Morgan if he stayed in WWE?
My answer is Shawn O'Haire. The guy had a great look, was talented but just wasn't ready on the mic. If they would have pushed him and Jindrak harder when they came in and had a break-up angle after a couple of year he had the potential to be an HBK like star with some work. Now he's an ex-con, ex-MMA loser and who knows where. It could have a been a lot different for a guy that had a ton of talent.

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