Reverse a Title Change

I stopped watching wwe for about a year a while ago, but if im not mistaken, didn't the spirit squad get the tag team titles??? What a load of Bullshit!
Yet another Reason the Tag titles aren't worth a dime anymore.
I got one John cena vs edge royal rumble 2006 what edge had the title for what three weeks before he lost the title to the same guy that made edge look weak that he could only hold a major title for a short reign. Edge is a great heel he can wrestle not like cena he made edge tap out to the worst move ever the stfcrap. He could have held it a longer time like around one night stand.
One title change that I never agreed with was at Backlash 2002, where Triple H lost the Undisputed title to Hogan. That was ridiculous.

I mean, here is Triple H, the best in the company at that point. He had his big comeback from injury, won the Royal Rumble, spanked Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania, he was on a huge role, was by far the most popular face at that point.
Then his reign lasted for less than a month, he was beat clean, by Hogan, who was well past his prime, I don't even know why he got a title shot to start with. It was a classic WCW decison that benefited no-one but Hogan. I'm just glad that he got his ass handed to him by Taker not too long after that.
One title change that I never agreed with was at Backlash 2002, where Triple H lost the Undisputed title to Hogan. That was ridiculous.

I mean, here is Triple H, the best in the company at that point. He had his big comeback from injury, won the Royal Rumble, spanked Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania, he was on a huge role, was by far the most popular face at that point.
Then his reign lasted for less than a month, he was beat clean, by Hogan, who was well past his prime, I don't even know why he got a title shot to start with. It was a classic WCW decison that benefited no-one but Hogan. I'm just glad that he got his ass handed to him by Taker not too long after that.

You were forgetting, Hogan was gettinga HUGE reaction when came back, look at matches vs guys like the Rock(where he was supposed to be the heel) and the crowd went bonkers over Hogan.

It wa sput on him to strike whilst the iron was hot, sorta speak.
Yeah, I suppose he was popular, but I wouldn't have credited him as the single best that the company had to offer at that time.

The Hulksters time was over long before, and no matter how nostalgic some of the fans felt, I believed putting the title on him was a bad decision.

The man looked like he was going to die during some of his matches, and based on ability, and in-ring performances, he was in no way worthy enough to hold a title of any kind.

The fact that everytime he stepped into the ring he won was ridiculous, wether it be against Triple H, Randy Orton or Shawn Michaels. What else did Hogan have to prove?
You were forgetting, Hogan was gettinga HUGE reaction when came back, look at matches vs guys like the Rock(where he was supposed to be the heel) and the crowd went bonkers over Hogan.

It wa sput on him to strike whilst the iron was hot, sorta speak.

I agree. I was one of those people that was excited and marking out when he came back. I enjoyed his run and I really couldn't care less what happened to HHH because Imo he is just the "Hogan" of the WWE always holding people down and trying to surpass the 16 time "record" even though the most titles record is held by, ironically, Hulk Hogan, with over 20 world title notches in his proverbial belt.
well that sort of depends on what compamys you include you could argue that jerry lawler has the most reigns with over a hundred mostly in memphis wrestling

i agree that rey's reign shouldnt have just been aboout eddiee guererro

spirit squad winning the tag titles over big show and kane is definately one of the worst but did it really effect that much in the long run

david arqette winning the world title was just plain bad as well

but my vote would be the montreeal screwjob it ruined shawn michael's and vince mccmahon's reputation ( the peoplle not charactors) and caused bret too hate wwe for life it could of happened the next night on raw bret agreed too lose it but not at survivor series
Edge losing the WWE Title to Cena at Unforgiven 06, in his hometown of Toronto, in his specialty match TLC. This was unforgivable, the loss in the TLC in his hometown made Edge look incredibly weak, which is now being followed by the 1 1/2 years of stealing cheap victories after the loss in the TLC. Edge is undoubtedly (with orton) one of the best heels in WWE, but the loss at Unforgiven started a downward spiral for Edge. To lose the title in his hometown, in his specialty match, where there was huge heat from the crowd on Cena was the title change i would most like to reverse. Edge could have gone on to have great feuds with HHH HBK Orton and the list goes on, but instead we got a year long reign from Cena facing people like Umaga and Khali. Stupid title change

Well said, and a great point. With all the momentum he had going in to his hometown where he was going to perform in his speacilty match and he loses the title to cena. Why did they book that kind of match while they were in Canada? At the very least why did they book a TLC, Edge's match. The only time i think they should of used TLC in this fued if Edge would have won it to put him over as a big time heel. I mean why the hell did Cena Have to win he was already over,that match could have been huge for edge and not having Cena looking weak at all becasue it is the match that edge hepled create,but instead it came out Cena staying the same in popularity and Edge being put out of the title scene. Thats the change i would reverse.
Andre the Giant was above everybody. But think about what could have happened. He could have dominated everyone and been challanged by all comers until that match with HulK slamming him and pinning him. That was an angle that was missed. Ted Dibiase was the top heel and he could have gotten someone to take it from Hogan. A newcomer to challange Hogan. Thats my opinion.
Another mistake in title switches was when Ric Flair lost the NWA title to Ronnie Garvin. The guy was a mid carder at best. He was not as popular as some other conterders but do to his friendships with the bookers he got the belt for a little while. If I remember it was about a 4 week run before he lost it back to Flair. They should have given the belt to someone else like Barry Windham.
a lot of people say rey shouldn't have won at mania 22, but while it wasn't necesarily a great business decision, there wasn't much he could go with it. however, even though a lot of people hated the abuse of eddie's legacy, i still say it made sense from a storyline point of view. he was the sentimental favorite, and it created that feel good moment that you don't always get in "real" sports. if wwe was a seasonal sport, and the "story" ended right there, it would have been the perfect ending to the emotional ride that rey mysterio was on. unfortunately, the wwe train always keeps a rollin', and wwe had to live with the reprocussions of their decision, and there was only so many places they could go with the "ultimate underdog" card. that's what killed rey's title reign
well that sort of depends on what compamys you include you could argue that jerry lawler has the most reigns with over a hundred mostly in memphis wrestling

Well not quite 100 but I'm pretty sure Jerry Lawler does hold the record, I just wanted to make my argument sound better ;P lol.

But seriously thing like that do bother me. I always wonder why WWE will say Ric Flair is the greatest ever and give him such a great send off when it is obvious he is not the greatest. I can think of several names which can come before him, men that were both better in the ring and on the mic. The name that obviously comes to mind is Hulk Hogan, and I don't think he has burned enough bridges with Vince or WWE where they woudn'tt bring him back, the 15th anniversary special is proof of that, but then why do they not recognize him as above Flair? And of course Jerry Lawler the man we hear from every monday, why not place him above Flair, the man at least IMO was miles above Flair in every way, so why not say that?
Because Hogan doesnt have the legitimacy of Flair.

And come on, Lawler won the title that many times because he owned Memphis wrestling. Its like saying Carly Colon is the greatest because he booked himself to win his promotions belt 22 times(then let Carlito win it 10 times himself)

The only titles that really matter are the ones that are recognised by PWI as world titles.
Peope throw around the word greatest a little too much. I argee that flair probably isn't the greatest wrestler alive but when people talk about the greats in the sport of wrestling u have to mention flair. Hogan is more of the wrestler know you know whether you watch it or not. His name is his legacy and its much more bigger then wrestling. Wrestling ability is equal cuz I don't think flair is any better than hogan but hgan will always be the first name mention when the world wredtling comes up
If I could reverse a title change, I would reverse Edge losing his first WWE title. I mean, he just became champion three weeks earlier, and was starting to get massive amount of heat as a heel, and at his first PPV defence, he loses the title. What the fuck? He was the top heel in the WWE, everybody hated him. But he loses the title so quckly. Remember the reaction he got when he won the title, everyone was shocked, their hero Cena lost the title. Then the "Live Sex Celebration", that gave him even more heel heat. And finally the TLC match with Ric Flair, after that match that solidified him as the top heel in the WWE.

But then at the Royal Rumble, WWE decided to put that belt back on Cena making Edge a transitional champion. That really pissed me off as Edge was on fire, he had so much potential with that title, but the WWE took it away so quckly. I thought WWE were going to milk that reign until WrestleMania, atleast. Imagine if that title reign continued until 'Mania. Edge would keep on building heel heat, and then when Cena would beat him, Cena would get more over, and less damage would have been done to Edge.

So, if I could reverse a title change it would have been that one.
If I could reverse one title change? This is a no-brainer for me. I would have Hogan beat the Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania VI. Knowing what we know now, about Warrior's attitude, about how he would crash and burn, giving him the belt as a symbol of the "new" WWF of the 1990s was a mistake. Even if you had to strip Hogan of the belt, there were other well deserving potential champions.

Perhaps if Savage had gotten the belt instead of Warrior, him and Vince wouldn't have had their falling out, Savage stays in the WWF/E for the rest of his career, and takes his rightful spot in the WWE Hall of Fame.

Perhaps give it to the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase, and let Hogan try to win it back. Perhaps let Roddy Piper take a turn. Or Ravishing Rick Rude. Perhaps Mr. Perfect gets elevated. At the time, Rude and Hennig could have been seen as the future of the WWF...
I already put one up about Rey Mysterio, but there's another one I greatly disliked, and only one person mentioned it.

The Fingerpoke of Doom was just freakin' stupid! This counts as a "reverse a title change" because Nash should never have lost the belt to Hogan that night. Now, people argue that the angle did what it was supposed to do, which is tick off the fans with a massive heel turn and swerve that made Goldberg the #1 face again, but it backfired. A LOT. I love it when heel turns are done right, but this one just made everyone and everything look absolutely weak:

1. The NWO Wolfpac and NWO Black & White turned to dust. All of the feuds, the wars, the beatings, all just to screw Goldberg out of the belt? Every storyline up to that point was rendered useless, and nothing made sense. Even Vince being the "higher power" made more sense because everyone in the Corporation and the Ministry hated Austin more than they hated each other. The NWO Wolfpac openly helped Goldberg in storylines.

2. Sting looked like a goof because he went months of contemplating just to join the Wolfpac, only to have them go heel a few months later and leave him stuck with nothing to do since Luger and Konnan turned as well. It would have been better if he just stayed mysterious Crow Sting and hid in the shadows for WCW or as a "free agent."

3. The World Heavyweight Title meant turned into steamy horseshit since Kevin Nash literally GAVE Hogan the belt. He goes through months of beating opponents just to earn the shot, needs Scott Hall to taze Goldberg during the match, and then gives it up like it's an apple pie to his neighbor the very next night? Why work that hard just to give the belt to an older guy who hasn't wrestled in months and who's afraid of the guy you beat? Plus, you want him as your leader? It made Nash go from a main-event player to just another high-card stooge for Hogan, and it made the World Heavyweight Title seem less important than screwing over Goldberg.

4. Speaking of Hogan, yeah, he looked like the mastermind behind this elaborate plot to reclaim the World Heavyweight Title from the guy that beat him, but this wasn't even a match where a bunch of guys ran in and helped him win the title in a match. This isn't even equivalent of Dibiase buying the belt from Andre the Giant. Hell, I WISH Hogan would have presented a case full of money to Nash to buy the belt from him. That would have made some sense! This was more "Hey, Nash, give me the belt now, thanks for doing all the dirty work because I'm a punk and I can't even step in the ring against, wait, it has to be done in a match, so let's do this in front of the entire world, let's show how much I control you and them." At least Edge, the Ultimate Opportunist, takes his opportunities in the ring. Remember, he had to win Money in the Bank to use it. Hogan never looked weaker and more pathetic than that moment.

5. They put all of their eggs in one basket with Goldberg basically being the only guy to compete against the NWO. At least the Wolfpac was a bunch of faces who could hang with NWO Hollywood. WCW already looked like a bunch of low level jobbers and mid-carders who didn't matter in the main event scene. With the turn, the NWO literally had ALL of the top heels, and the only one main-event face to challenge them was Goldberg. The WWE ALWAYS had minimum two main-event faces and two main-event heels (guys qualified to win the top title) since the first Wrestlemania at any point (with a few short-term exceptions, but I doubt it lasted more than 6 months).

6. Finally, one of the few matches that has NEVER happened in the history of wrestling, and this is the result? The fans were baited into a Goldberg\Hogan rematch on free TV, then a Nash\Hogan match, and between the two not one punch was thrown. This kind of bait and switch pissed a lot of people off in the wrong way. They're lucky they didn't try this on a PPV, because a lot of people would want their money back. WCW could have marketed and benefitted so well if either match had taken place. Even if Nash turned on Goldberg at the end of the Hogan\Goldberg rematch, THAT would have been a much more accepted ending than a fingerpoke. He may well have poked with the middle finger and flipped off the fans. Too bad the fans flipped back by flipping channels.
The one title change I would have is:
Kurt Angle beating The Rock at No Mercy, I would have built Angle up ALL the way till WrestleMaina and have him take the title from someone else. Rock v. Austin still could have taken place at WM 17
IMO it would have been alot better for the WWF/E if they did that with Angle
Because looking back now he was just "holding" the title for The Rock until No Way Out, where Rocky won it back and lost to Austin
while his title reign was about 4 months I feel he was only holding it, and in the end I feel it made him look weaker than before.
Starrcade 95 Ric Flair beating Savage; he went thru 60 men at World War 3(I wanted Hogan to win I'm a Hulkamaniac) and survived the Dungeon of Doom just to lose the belt the next month Flair pissed me off I respect Flair but never was a fan. Bret Hart losing to Bob Backlund at Survivor Series just for Diesel to beat him in 15 seconds I found that to be very pointless.
[QUOTE="THE FIERCE ONE" MIKE W;463531]Well not quite 100 but I'm pretty sure Jerry Lawler does hold the record, I just wanted to make my argument sound better ;P lol.[/QUOTE]

Well actually Lawler has held 129 championships in ilustrious career.

But this does include winning the AWA Southeren Heavyweight Championship 52 times.

Anyway the title change Id love to go back and stop?

The Bash at the beach incident, where Jarret lay down for Hogan to win the WCW WHC for 8 millionth time.
Yes we know Hogans politicking and creative control forced Jarret and Russo to give Hogan the belt, and for the first time in my memory Im not blaming Russo, imo they had no choice but to embarress Hogan like that, or risk making Jarret look weak, but sadly that same necesary bullshit was imo the final nail in WCW's coffin.
I realise this title reign lasted all of 5 mins before Russo stripped him of it again.
I lay the blame entirely at Hogans feet, for this bullshit, and the death of WCW.

Rant over :let_it_all_out::let_it_all_out:
Interesting that the Hogan/Andre double Hebner affair was mentioned as a title change that should have never happened.

It pains me to say this because the WWF/E has made several poor decisions with the World Title as documented in this thread. That ERA of the WWF is my favorite of all time, but simply put, that decision was bad.

The background behind how the belt was switched is interesting to me.

For those that don't know, Savage was supposed to win the IC belt from Honky Tonk Man on February 5, 1988. Ted Dibiase was scheduled to win the World Title at Wrestlemania 4.

On February 5th, Honky Tonk told Vince that he was negotiating with Jim Crockett and would throw down the IC belt on NWA TV. Vince changed the finish, upsetting Savage. To appease Savage, Vince promised him the World Title at Wrestlemania.

The angle with Dibiase, Andre, and the dueling Hebners was revolutionary, but I think it could have worked better if they planned on giving Savage the strap originally.

Hogan should have dropped the belt to Dibiase on February 5th with the help of Andre and with the inclusion of the Hebner angle. Instead of Jack Tunney stripping Dibiase, he should have declared Dave Hebner a certified WWF official and while not condoning the heelish behavior, upholding the decision.

The outside interference with from Andre could continue the Hogan/Andre feud allowing their match at WM4 to be a supreme grudge match instead of a 2nd round tournament match with a double DQ. That match could have been built and meant much more.

Dibiase would have had a 2 month run as a heel World Champion, proving that his money really could buy the title and getting him over as a bigger heel than ever. Savage could have been named the #1 contender after being impressive against the IC champion (when it meant something) and the Savage/Dibiase feud could have been born.

Essentially everything from WM4-WM5 (a great year) could have remained exactly the same with only a few minor tweaks prior. So while from Feb 5, 88-WM4 was a great time, it could have been just a bit better IMO.
Another mistake in title switches was when Ric Flair lost the NWA title to Ronnie Garvin. The guy was a mid carder at best. He was not as popular as some other conterders but do to his friendships with the bookers he got the belt for a little while. If I remember it was about a 4 week run before he lost it back to Flair. They should have given the belt to someone else like Barry Windham.

Garvin wasn't friends with the bookers - No one else would lose cleanly at starrcade so Garvin got the belt by default - Rhodes wouldn't do it plus he just won/lost the title one year earlier, Luger wasn't ready yet and Sting was hardly on the map at that time. Kolloff wouldn't lose clean, especially after losing cleanly to Flair in 85. Whyndham wouldn't have been a bad choice as he was a good wrestler who had terrific matches with Flair. Garvin won the title in a televised cage match in September and held it till the end of November.
I would change every time Randy Orton lost the WWE and World Championship. The first time he won it, he only held if for a month before Triple H beat him at Unforgiven for the championship. The second time at No Mercy 2007 Triple H only beat Orton so he could get an extra title reign and 1 step closer to 17+ championship reigns. And then the third time Triple H beat Orton for the title at Backlash, I thought Orton's reign was going well and that he could have continued being champion throughout the summer till maybe Summerslam, the whole Age of Orton thing was working out so well, but it didn't matter cause Triple H beat him and took the title anyways.
I would change every time Randy Orton lost the WWE and World Championship. The first time he won it, he only held if for a month before Triple H beat him at Unforgiven for the championship. The second time at No Mercy 2007 Triple H only beat Orton so he could get an extra title reign and 1 step closer to 17+ championship reigns. And then the third time Triple H beat Orton for the title at Backlash, I thought Orton's reign was going well and that he could have continued being champion throughout the summer till maybe Summerslam, the whole Age of Orton thing was working out so well, but it didn't matter cause Triple H beat him and took the title anyways.

During his title match with Triple H when he dropped the belt he broke his collarbone anyway so that would have meant nothing in the long run.
Triple H's 4th and 5th Title Reigns. The 4th one, Randy Orton, a month after winning the world title drops in to Trips Because Trips wanted gold around his waist again. Then, After all the shit that went on his title was vacted. I thought, Finally a new champion. What happens he regains it again making the title vactation completely pointless besides moving Trips 1 Step closer to 17 Title Reigns.

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