Reverse a Title Change

There are a lot of questionable changes ... especially when you have hindsight ... I am not a huge fan of Triple H's two-hour reign at No Mercy (though I do like Trips more than most) ... I actually was a big fan of Rey's run ... so I am not going to mash on that one. I even don't hate Khali's run as it was clear that McMahon was making a major move to a major market in India with this world title run ... and I cannot argue business, no matter how bad the wrestler is.
So ... here is my top 10 title changes that should have never happened:

10. Godfather - Intercontinental Title - 4/12/99 to 5/31/99 This guy simply should have never held a belt. This was at the time where EVERY superstar in the WWF was some sort of former champion with the IC, Euro, Hardcore, Tag Team and World titles out there. I just don't understand why he needed a belt. It didn't make him any more over nor did it aid his or his opponents legacy.
9. Kane - WWF Champion - 6/28/99 to 6/29/98 I dislike this one for different reasons than everyone else. I don't think Kane should have won this title at all, much less had it longer. I am not really saying he should have NEVER been champion, but this was not the right time. Besides, taking it off of Austin only to put it right back on him one day later? Just seems kind of pointless to me.
8. Hollywood Hulk Hogan - WCW Champion - 7/12/99 to 9/12/99 I really dislike this one because they should have let Savage hold on to the belt a little longer and feud with Hogan instead of just putting the strap back on Hulk. Another one-day reign by a superstar like Savage. One of many short title reigns that helped kill WCW.
7. Albert - Intercontinental Champion - 6/26/01 to 7/23/01 Really? Albert beat Kane for a major title? Really? I mean seriously? No way.
6. Ric Flair - 2 WCW Championships - 5/15/00 to 5/22/00 & 5/29/00 to 5/29/00 These are TWO world titles so I am kind of cheating ... but these were ridiculous. It started with him defeating Jarrett and ended two weeks later with the strap back on Jarrett's waist. Absolute lunacy right in the middle of WCW's downfall. I love Flair, he is one of the greatest ever, but he did not deserve TWO world title reigns in two weeks at 51-years-old.
5. Kevin Nash - WCW Champion - 12/27/98 to 1/4/99 This is of course the Finger Poke of Doom and is often talked about because of the ENDING and lay down to Hogan, but the fact is ... the belt should have NEVER left Goldberg's waist in the first place. He was the top draw (with Hogan) and a feud with Hogan could have saved WCW's ratings/revenue at least a little bit. Instead, they take it off of their top draw ... put it back on Hogan and everything seems stale. Goldberg was taken out of the picture for a while and never really returned ... and while the Finger Poke takes the blame ... the match a few days earlier where Goldberg lost HIS TITLE (has the WHC looked better on anyone else really?) was where WCW officially lost the war and sealed its fate.
Vince McMahon - WWF Champion - 9/14/99 to 9/20/99, David Arquette - WCW Champion - 4/25/00 to 5/7/00, Vince Russo - WCW Champion - 9/25/00 to 10/2/00 and Vince McMahon - ECW Champion - 4/29/07 to 6/3/07All four of these are obvious ... NON-WRESTLER's winning MAJOR titles (and all of them taking the titles off of major stars). The first one (McMahon over Trips, Vacated, back to Trips) is SLIGHTLY excusable because it was the first, was kind of funny and he really went overboard to win (was not even slightly clean).
Arquette winning the title has been discussed at length and clearly should NEVER have happened.
Russo topping Booker T. only to vacate back to Booker T. was clearly just a slap to McMahon saying "I can do it too." The only difference Russo, you idiot, is that McMahon was getting ratings.
And the one that makes me the most irate is McMahon with the ECW title. He clearly did this because he LOVES burying everything about ECW, from the wrestlers, to Heyman to the World Title of the former great company itself. This was just another way for McMahon to say, "ECW is a fucking joke." And to those of us that remember ECW in its prime ... a joke it definitely was not.
During his title match with Triple H when he dropped the belt he broke his collarbone anyway so that would have meant nothing in the long run.

That's incorrect, Orton dropped the belt to Triple H at Backlash, Orton didn't get hurt until one of his rematches at One Night Stand in their second Last Man Standing Match. If Orton would have retained at Backlash there is a chance that he would have moved on from defending against Triple H for a while, and even if he did keep facing him, I believe that it's unlikely they would have faced in a Last Man Standing Match again.
If I was able to reverse a title change, I would reverse the Rey Mysterio title reign. It's not that I hate the guy, but he doesn't do it for me. I believe he got the belt because of Eddie's death and Vince doing this was like a sign of respect to Eddie, which is nice and everything, but Rey is not a credible champion in my eyes. His size lacks and makes his matches and victories hard to believe. He couldn't hang with the main eventers and shouldn't have been put there to begin with. He a solid mid-carder, but not a main eventer. There's just some things that people can't pull off and Rey couldn't pull off being the world heavyweight champion. This could also be blamed on bad booking, but I don't think he would have looked good as a champion to me either way.
I would not have had Bret Hart drop the title to Psycho Sid the night after the February 1997 In Your House. He and Austin have their WrestleMania 13 match (arguably the match of the decade) as the main event of WM 13. Austin gets even more over than he was after the match already, and Bret drops the title to him at KOR or SummerSlam. WWF turns the corner quicker in the battle w/ WCW. Who knows, maybe Bret never leaves for WCW, which means no Montreal, but the Attitude Era is still initiated.
Santino beating Umaga for the IC title on Raw. Youre supposed to be making this guy look dominant and u have him lose to a jobber from the crowd. totally worthless and now were stuck with santino and all his obnoxious fans.
Would not have had Bret Hart lose to Bob Backlund back at Survivor Series 1994, only to have Backlund lose the World title at a house show to Diesel. First of all if Vince wanted to push Diesel as his new champ he could have done much better to build him up. Diesel should have gone on to win Royal Rumble '95 as opposed to Shawn who's win did absolutely nothing. Also, instead of losing the belt to Backlund, Bret should have kept the belt and lost it to Diesel at Wrestlemania 11. I think a great feud could have developed between Hart and Diesel from after Nash's Rumble win all the way to Survivor Series where Bret regained the world title. I don't know if this would have worked, but I think this would have been much better than what went on in the WWF in 1995.

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