Where Would CM Punk Rank?

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Es exspectata.
If CM Punk was to leave WWE for good after Money in the Bank, where would you rank him? Would he crack your top 20? Or top 30? Would he even make it into your top 40? ? Is he just another IWC favourite? Simply put, this thread is about where you'd rank CM Punk on your list of the greatest wrestlers of all time if his career was to end after Money in the Bank.
I would put CM Punk in my top 25.

Not that he wouldn't be higher than that, it's just tough to say where he'd be off the cuff. I'm sure some people will brush it off and say he hasn't done enough... those same people will probably have someone like Batista in their list.

-Punk is great on the mic
-great in the ring
-knows his character
-and has provided the most interesting angle since Jericho/Michaels
He's definitely in my top 20 favorite wrestlers list, as well as in my objective list of what I think are the top 20 greatest wrestlers. I would put the following wrestlers ahead of him (because sorry, he hasn't done enough yet. He's only just started to become legendary): Bret Hart, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Mr. Perfect, Stone Cold, The Rock, Eddie Guerrero, Benoit, Chris Jericho, Hogan, Andre The Giant, Ric Flair, Macho Man, Kurt Angle, Sting, HHH, Iron Sheik.
If he left on Monday, he would be lucky to break into a Top 50. Just off the top of my head, using only guys who have been WWE champions in the last 20 years, I came up with a list of 25 guys who have easily outranked him.

1. Nash
2. Hogan
3. Flair
4. Savage
5. Andre
6. Benoit
7. HBK
8. HHH
9. Cena
10. Undertaker
11. Warrior
12. Backlund
13. Hart
14. Austin
15. Foley
16. Rock
17. Kane
18. Edge
19. Guerrero
20. Lesnar
21. Angle
22. Booker
23. Big Show
24. Jericho
25. Orton

That list, like I said, is only World Champions from the past 20 years, and doesn't even include guys who might be considered "controversial picks over Punk" (like Batista, for example). It doesn't include midcard champions or guys like Roddy Piper who are legit WWE Hall of Famers, or guys like Rhodes who are wrestling hall of famers who also worked in the WWE. I daresay if I took a little time, and started including those guys as well, Punk would struggle to make a Top 50.

I'm sure some people will brush it off and say he hasn't done enough... those same people will probably have someone like Batista in their list.

Batista accomplished far more in the WWE than Punk has. Batista is definitely higher on my list than Punk, and I'd even go so far to say as he probably had more quality/memorable matches than Punk has.
Well, I actually keep a personal toplist and CM Punk recently broke into my Top 50, but scratched along and I'm not fully convinced. There are so many guys that you quickly forget about the numbers. Punk is great and all, but really lacks mainstream success. He has all the tools though in my opinion, and I'm sure that he could end up in the Top 30 once he really retires.
I would put CM Punk in my top 25.

Not that he wouldn't be higher than that, it's just tough to say where he'd be off the cuff. I'm sure some people will brush it off and say he hasn't done enough... those same people will probably have someone like Batista in their list.

-Punk is great on the mic
-great in the ring
-knows his character
-and has provided the most interesting angle since Jericho/Michaels

Batista was the biggest face in the WWE in 2005 and was only surpassed by Cena because he was so damn injury prone. Even with all the injuries and missing WrestleManias 22 & 25, he retained his huge face status to the point where it was hard to turn him heel in 2010. How is Batista not a top 50 talent? Had he been healthy from 05-11 he'd be the unchallenged face of the brand (and a top 20 talent) but because he was injured, he's just a big name who is definitely top 40 material.

Punk is better on the mic and in the ring but when talking about impact on the company Punk hasn't been near Batista's level till right now. Even in 08-09, when he became the fastest Triple Crown winner ever and a 3-time world champion, he really didn't seem like a big star until Hardy put him over. What did he do in 2010? They buried him, there was no injury, he was just buried and became just another guy until his injury actually saved him. He got over as commentator and then became top heel briefly before getting lost in the shuffle again and now all of a sudden he's the hottest commodity in wrestling. That's not top 50 material.

I judge all-time greats by how over they were, their ability to draw, their ability to put on 5-star matches, and most importantly their overall impact on the industry. In that case, Punk would be in the 47-50 if he even made my top 50. Batista would probably be 39
He would be somewhere between 50 and 70.

I love CM Punk and think he is one of the best talents of the last 10 years but there is so many fantastic talents he is going up against when you are making a G.O.A.T. list. Especially over the last 3 years I would rank Punk as the #1 wrestler in the world or at least in the top 3 that entire time. That said its in an era of wrestling that doesn't have the talent like the 80's, 90's and early 2000's had. For example I would put someone like Jake Roberts over CM Punk and he was never the best during his time (not saying he wasn't in the top 5, he just wasn't number 1).

Another thing to remember is a superstars push also dictates where he would go on the list. If Vince didn't push Hogan so hard he wouldn't be near the top 10 but no one was pushed harder so at the very worst he is #3 on my list. CM Punk was never pushed hard except over the last few months and because of that he can't be in my top 10,20 or even 50 even if he has more talent than most on the list. He is more talented than Cena, and better than Cena but I would have to put Cena higher on the list in all fairness.

If it was my list I would put him at 60.
If he left on Monday, he would be lucky to break into a Top 50.

I'm glad there are folks with perspective left on this forum. Many others seem to be totally fooled by the program, thinking the guy is irreplaceable because they're buying everything they're being handed.

Since many WWE angles have been fueled by real-life events (Hello, Matt, Lita & Edge!), I do wonder how much of this is real and how much is a work. In other words, does Punk really think he's the greatest, or is this a total fiction? (Personally, I think it has elements of both).

At this date and time, I would place CM Punk right alongside The Unpredictable Johnny Rodz.....and just ahead of Special Delivery Jones.
Punk has literally been the only reason I have been watching WWE since HBK retired...And he is easily my favorite wrestler currently in the WWE. But with that said, Punk would be somewhere in my Top 50, but he wouldn't break into my Top 25 greatest wrestlers of all time.

Sure, he is the hottest commodity in the wrestling industry right now. Sure he is pure gold on the mic. And yes, he is outstanding in the ring. However, I think he has a little more work to do before he can break into anyones Top 25. If he adds some more Championships to his resume and puts some more asses in seats then I think he will eventually crack my Top 25.
LOL @ the mention of SD Jones (I really liked that guy though). But on the topic, Punk has yet to make a mark as to where he'd be considered an all time great, I'll even go as far as to say he never will. And as far as the Batista comparison, he's not even half the superstar that Dave was. Do you remember Batista's fued with Undertaker? Epic, the best fued of Taker's career (yes even better than HBK) you can barely even remember Punk's Taker fued.
He'd likely be in my top ten, for no other reason than unlike many, I have watched him since '04 when he was in Ring of Honor, I've had the benefit of watching him for a longer period in time, and my top twenty-five would have more than several current independant stars as I watch a lot of independant promotions.

1. Bret Hart
2. Ric Flair
3. Shawn Michaels
4. Mr. Perfect
5. Stone Cold Steve Austin
6. The Rock
7. Chris Jericho
8. Randy Savage
9. CM Punk

Yeah, he ranks at number nine. I'd imagine without much thought, that my number ten spot would be for The Undertaker, with Randy Orton behind him and then you'd have guys like Foley and Angle behind them. Really it depends on what you like in a wrestler and what your personal preferences are when it comes to professional wrestling.

CM Punk is currently one of the top guys on the microphone, he seems natural and that's something lacking with wrestlers in todays generation. His wrestling skills are slick and varies from different styles, there isn't many guys that can be as good technically and arielly as Punk and hes always had that to his advantage.
CM Punk will be remember as one of the most controversial superstars in WWE history, his worked shoot promo has to be one of the great moments that will live on in the WWE forever, just like the montreal screwjob, I'm not comparing Punk's promo to the montreal screwjob but all I'm saying is that it was the most controversial thing to ever come out of the PG era so far, everyone was wondering if it was real on not, work or shoot, the guy's a legend in my opinion, all he's missing is that big Wrestlemania moment, so I think I would rank him in my top 30.
CM Punk definitely has a home in my top 25, he'd probably hit around 12 on my list because he is almost as good as he says he is. His wrestling is great, his mic skills are some of the best we've ever seen and he is damn entertaining. He is the only reason i'm excited about a John Cena match at MITB, and he's the main reason i'm watching Raw right now.
I like CM PUNK, he's in my top 5 in the business right now, but no way is he in the top 50of all time. This has inspired me to make a list of the my top 50 of all time. He has the tools to be top 20, when it's all said and done. Replacing the likes of Hogan, Flair, Savage, Bret Hart, Ultimate Warrior, Owen Hart, The Rock, Steve Austin, Andre the Giant, Iron Sheik, Kevin Nash, Razor Ramone, Dusty Rhodes, Roddy Piper, British Bulldog, Mick Foley, & many more. It's too early in his career. He's not leaving WWE btw, this is an angle folks. He has big things coming his way in the WWE. Like I said though, not top 50 as of now. I'm not sure being world champion determines whether or not you are a great wrestler...Roddy Piper for example, it would be hard for John Cena to be in my top 35. If we were talking in all of wrestling, Cena or CM Punk doesn't even crack the top 100! LOL
If you go based on what he's done in the E compared to say Cena, Orton, or Batista, yes he would be in the lower rankings, but is that really his fault or the fault of Vince and his ego?

Vince never wanted to push Punk, but rather take another indy guy off the books so no other company can lay claim. Punk skyrocketed from there. Even in OVW, Heyman saw something in him (just like Lesnar who is in various other people's Top 25). Just because Vince chose to never showcase Punk until recently doesn't mean he's not a top tier talent worthy of atleast Top 25. He reminds me a lot of Jericho, in the fact that he got over in spite of Vince.

The problem isn't what he has achieved, because that alone would make him Hall of Fame calibur (Back to Back Money in the Bank Winner [Only superstar to do so], 3x World Heavyweight Champion, ECW Champion, Intercontiental Champion, World Tag Team Champion, Triple Crown Champion), but the fact that a lot of casual fans are just now hearing about him and WWE die-hards refuse to give him credit because Vince never pushed him.

I've seen some people even say that they would rank him BELOW Batista which is a crock of shit. Batista doesn't have HALF the wrestling skill, HALF the charisma, or HALF the ability to put on great matches with anyone as Punk does (Throw out his Taker match if you want to, but we know who carried who). Besides, what was the one reason why Batista got over in '05? His buddy, Triple H! If Punk had Hunter in his back pocket (Tista and Hunter were traveling partners for crying out loud!), we'd be telling a whole different story right now and getting Punk re-signed at this point wouldn't even be an issue.

Orton is the same way. He was groomed to be a star from the get-go because of his relationship with Hunter and because of his pedigree. CM Punk had NEITHER and still managed to get just as over as Orton.

Cena has been pushed down our throats since his jump to RAW in '05 and it's been non-stop. If RAW last night proved nothing else, it proved that the Universe WANTS and DEMANDS Punk and look at him as a top calibur star, where as with Cena, we're really tired of him (and mind you this was IN BOSTON! CENA'S HOMETOWN!)

If Punk can get a babyface reaction in his opponents hometown (even overshadowing his opponent no matter how hard WWE tried to sway it otherwise), it proves just how great Punk really is.

For these moments alone, I will put Punk in my Top 25 and rank him ABOVE Cena, Orton, and Batista.
I've seen some people even say that they would rank him BELOW Batista which is a crock of shit. Batista doesn't have HALF the wrestling skill, HALF the charisma, or HALF the ability to put on great matches with anyone as Punk does (Throw out his Taker match if you want to, but we know who carried who). Besides, what was the one reason why Batista got over in '05? His buddy, Triple H! If Punk had Hunter in his back pocket (Tista and Hunter were traveling partners for crying out loud!), we'd be telling a whole different story right now and getting Punk re-signed at this point wouldn't even be an issue.

Orton is the same way. He was groomed to be a star from the get-go because of his relationship with Hunter and because of his pedigree. CM Punk had NEITHER and still managed to get just as over as Orton.

Cena has been pushed down our throats since his jump to RAW in '05 and it's been non-stop. If RAW last night proved nothing else, it proved that the Universe WANTS and DEMANDS Punk and look at him as a top calibur star, where as with Cena, we're really tired of him (and mind you this was IN BOSTON! CENA'S HOMETOWN!)

If Punk can get a babyface reaction in his opponents hometown (even overshadowing his opponent no matter how hard WWE tried to sway it otherwise), it proves just how great Punk really is.

For these moments alone, I will put Punk in my Top 25 and rank him ABOVE Cena, Orton, and Batista.

I agree with this. Cena (the kiddy version), Batista, and Orton were all force fed talent. We were told by WWE "These are our top stars and dammit you're gonna like it!" Sure they all get there share of chants and decent pops but nothing like Punk last night. Can you see Batista or Orton try to pull of a segment like that last night and make it believable? Batista would be stumbling over his words and his delivery would be piss poor and Orton has the charisma of a dishrag so I can't see him pull that off either. With Cena's goofy kiddy character, it would look very awkward to see him pull of what Punk did last night.

Remember how we were suppose to believe that Miz and Del Rio were the hot commodities? And all this time WWE had Punk right under there nose. All they needed to do was to get behind him more and not present him as "just another guy."

Punk is #1 in my CURRENT WWE list. But of all time, its quite difficult to rank Punk. I mean you're talking years worth of talent from the territory days, The Attitude Era, and so forth and the business has dramatically changed so much. I dont even know if its even fair to rank Punk below or above a Terry Funk, or Flair, Hogan, Austin, Rock, Piper, Lawler and so forth b/c so much has changed in the business.
Hes in my top 100, but hes not getting anywhere past #75. Punk has a great moveset, great in the ring, but didnt get any big attention until he cut his recent promos. I think once the "Punk buzz" cools down he'll be seen in a normal light. It'll be easier to see him in a proper perspective once we take into account his entire career, not just the last few weeks. Hes been Heavyweight champion, feuded with a couple top names, won the MITB, and spoke about stuff that has never been spoken about on camera before, which all makes for a stellar career. But as far as changing the landscape of the WWE, he hasnt done that. Hes not John Cena, or The Rock, or Hulk Hogan. People didnt flock to the arenas to see CM Punk. Hes had his accomplishments, so hes definately top 100 in the last 20 years, but I'm not sure he'd make it too far on the list.
it isnt exactly fair to try to compare 5 or 6 years to 15 to 20 years of being in the business. i think his promo was the best promo done on wwe t.v probably ever (i love the rock's but switch a few words and names and it is almost the same).

he is easily top 5,probably top 3 in the world right now and is just stepping into this prime,and if he leaves wwe,then he becomes a barry sanders and goes to other promotions and will always be a "what if" topic. im not going to try to put him in the list of all time because no way he cracks the top 10 or top 20 even. but i saw some of the other lists and one had kevin nash at number one ahead of hbk, flair and rock...(which is insane but i suppose putting fav wrestlers ahead of better wrestlers may work for some)

he is probably the best worker int he ring at this moment (or until jericho comes back), but now is the time for him to become elite
LOL @ the mention of SD Jones (I really liked that guy though). But on the topic, Punk has yet to make a mark as to where he'd be considered an all time great, I'll even go as far as to say he never will. And as far as the Batista comparison, he's not even half the superstar that Dave was. Do you remember Batista's fued with Undertaker? Epic, the best fued of Taker's career (yes even better than HBK) you can barely even remember Punk's Taker fued.

I'm sorry, Batista is the Best feud of Undertaker's career?? BATISTA?? REALLY?? you've got to be kidding me, shawn's wasn't the best either, but what about oh i don't know, Kane, or Mankind for that matter. Punk was never meant to have a great feud with Taker, he was just meant to give up the title to him. Has Punk had a better career than Batista? probably not YET, but then again, that's the whole point of this current storyline. Punk is a better performer than Batista, he's better on the mic and has more range in the ring. Batista on the other hand, fits the WWE mold and so was pushed further. If MITB is successful and Vince sees Punk for the cash cow that he is then we may see Punk get the push that many see him deserving.

As to the topic at hand, it is really difficult to place Punk in history just yet as there are just way too many performers who in hindsight could be higher, thus pushing his name further back. On a more current list, Punk ranks very high though, but to break that GOAT list he's got some work to do (but I think in time and if used right he could easily do so).
It's interesting you ask because I've often wondered how would a certain superstar do if they were dropped back in a more competitive time and when it comes to Punk I've always silently believed he would flourish. Back then they utilized gimmicks better and his straight-edge moniker would have really worked against an attitude Era type of crowd, sort of like a Right To Censor but with a better foundation.

It's hard to envision how good a superstar is when you start ranking your 'all time favs' because they come from different Era's and time which may suit the star better. Sometimes trying to imagine how a superstar would do in other times is the best way to rank them. When I do it with Punk, I come across the stark realization he would have done great.

I think he's somewhere in the top 25 superstars and possibly higher talent-wise. He is a complete package and they are very rare so he has to be quite high on the list. I don't think anywhere from 15-25 would be un-fitting.
Vince never wanted to push Punk, but rather take another indy guy off the books so no other company can lay claim. Punk skyrocketed from there. He reminds me a lot of Jericho, in the fact that he got over in spite of Vince.

How can you say that with a straight face?! If BIG-EVIL VINCE didn't want to push Punk, Punk wouldn't have won all the matches and accolades that you yourself quoted in your post. I swear everyone thinks its a conspiracy because everyone isn't treated like Cena. The bottom line is that the WWE is a publicly traded company that has to make the stockholders happy. If Cena would have kept his punk rapper gimmick, he wouldn't be where he is today. It's all about marketability. Bottom Line = Guys like Macho Man and CM Punk are awesome talents and have their place in WWE. They could never be the face of the company though. They are too controversial for the way the look(ed) and act.
Unfortunately for me, I haven't heard of CM Punk until he made his "WWECW" debut vs. Justin Credible, but since attending the event and watching his in ring skills, I was an instant fan of his work, wrestling wise.

Most people are right. Punk right now would or wouldn't probably just make the top 50 alone with the work he's doing with Cena now, but is it really Punk's fault?

Sure, he's been in a good amount of feuds with wrestlers (Personally I think the Jeff Hardy feud was more memorable then the Undertaker feud) but his best stuff in the WWE are just from memorable moments. (2 MITB wins, cashing them both on Edge (as a face) and Hardy (transition from face to heel), getting his head shaved, color commentating, abruptly joining the Nexus (when the Nexus still mattered) etc...but the writers for so many years have made a guy like Punk hold back what he was saying and enter programs as the champion or fighting for the belt which made him more transitional.

Punk is a WAYYYYYY more talented asset to WWE then a lot of their roster past and present and with this being a PG WWE, we (the audience) don't even know what makes compelling TV anymore because there has nothing that has been this groundbreaking for this era since it went PG.

Yes we don't know if all of this is a work, some is a shoot, all of this is legit and so on, all I know is whatever Punk said in that shoot promo, captivated so many people that they want to know where this goes. People in Boston, MA (Cena's home area) was the sight of RAW last night and you mean to tell me that CM PUNK had the biggest pop, alongside WWE ice cream bars before the hometown boy Cena?

Whatever does happen to Punk, I can assure you we will see him and for me he does break the top 50. I blame WWE writers by not giving him anything worth being a legit star until this whole "contact issue/story-line/shoot/work" happened. This issue makes for compelling TV and I gotta say for once, people are not going to buy MITB PPV for Cena, they are buying it strictly for Punk.

In a months time, he ranks my top 50, easily.

Bottom Line = Guys like Macho Man and CM Punk are awesome talents and have their place in WWE. They could never be the face of the company though. They are too controversial for the way the look(ed) and act.

Too controversial for the way they looked and act? Hmmm...i think there was a guy by the name of Stone Cold Steve Austin who was just as more controversial then PUNK or SAVAGE by cursing up a storm, drinking beer, kicking ass, kicking his bosses ass and flipping people off everywhere he went. I mean, he was the face of the WWE alongside The Rock and IMO The Rock was no where near as controversial as Stone Cold Steve Austin. Marketing wise, SCSA sold more than Hogan. A plateau where Cena is trying to break.

So why can't Punk be THAT GUY?

His traits are exactly the opposite of Austin, but Punk's mouth is what makes him controversial (as of now). Punk said it himself, he is good on the mic, in the ring and commentating. Why can't he be as marketable as someone like Cena, especially with his heel persona? If the fans like Punk that much now, how disappointing would it be if Vince McMahon and his writing staff really did drop the ball on Punk after all these years. The real life scenario of contract negotiations played into a story line is the way where people are speaking volumes about Punk. I think more people will follow Punk in his career and pay more attention to him now then anyone ever did after Matt Hardy, Edge and Lita story line ended. Punk is a rebel, just like SCSA. And I am not trying to compare Punk with SCSA on any similarity level because they are two different wrestlers/superstars, but with the PG era, its hard to take risks on things when you don't know how they are going to cross to a certain demographic and being PG, its hard to even get away with saying one cuss word. Do you think SCSA would get away with anything he used to do if it was all in the PG era duing his prime? No. Punk is bringing those fans who "once believed in wrestling and compelling story lines from the attitude era" back to the WWE to see this whole personal issue turned work shoot story line unfold.

Punk CAN be a top tier guy, it just depends on the powers that be and the audience and its safe to say that I think over the last month, the fans went from little tiny kids (boys and girls and elder adults) being Cena fans to majority of the audiences being 18-32 year olds who grew up in the attitude era, buying a ticket to see WWE Raw or a Raw house show to see what happens with Punk and actually giving a damn about what he says, cheering him (while Punk is still technically a heel) and ready to witness where he is going to go from here whether it is WWE related or on his own.

I know one month doesn't make you go in the top 10, 25, or even 50 wrestlers of all time, but I can say that maybe for the first time, something thats this groundbreaking can make you think...WHY NOT?
I dont get the Vince hate from some Punk fans. Vince just gave Punk a huge opportunity. So many wrestlers would of killed to be able to give a worked shoot promo like he did on Raw. Punk is a 3 time world heavyweight champion. Lets not act like the guy been getting buried.

I dont know why Punk is so upset. He has turned into the top heel maybe more like the top tweener in the company.

Does he want to be Cena and be the face of the WWE? I hate Cena but he brings in more money for the company. He is really popular with the younger audience. I dont see Punk being able to cater to the young children like Cena can without ruining his character. The Rock said it best, Punk is not in the main event at WM because he doesn't come close to the amount of money The Rock can generate.

Honestly, Punk has carved out a nice role for him in the WWE. Unless he is just burned out, he would be a fool to leave.
I agree with this. Cena (the kiddy version), Batista, and Orton were all force fed talent.

Orton was forced upon us? That's the biggest, dumbest pile of shit I have ever read. Did you not watch wrestling last year? We, the fans, turned him from the most hated heel into the #2 babyface on the roster. Say what you will about Cena and Batista, but Orton doesn't fall into that category, no matter how much you want him to. When you say things like this, you sound stupid.

Punk, all time? Top 50, probably. He has been World Champion, so that counts for something. I think he's a bit overrated, and I think that has a lot to do with him working in a not-so-great era. Those with some talent really stand out. He's one of my favorite guys out there, right now, but not of all time.
I am not sure where I put him all time but I can say that he is the only one on the current roster that I stop and watch every time he has the mic and every time he has a match. He is the only guarantee that something interesting is about to happen. Everything down to his sitting down on the mat or on the stage just adds to the only really nuanced character they have developed in the last couple of years. With Triple H out of the picture for the most part there is no one besides Punk who uses believable psychology right now.
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