Where is Brian Kendrick?


Pre-Show Stalwart
After months of jobbing and doing nothing Brian Kendrick finally gets a feud with X Division Champion Douglas Williams. They even allow BK to make him tap on several occassions. He even made Desmond Wolfe tapout in a match.

They then have two matches for the X division title on PPV with Doug Williams retaining both times. However the night after Victory Road they let BK make Doug Williams tapout again in a non title match and then nothing.

I'm not even the biggest Brian Kendrick fan but I just find it odd that they put in him a program like this and have him dominate most it and then just drop the feud completely.

So I just wonder what happened and could Brian Kendrick possibly be one of the talents that gets released next?

Not sure, to be honest. He took a nasty bump in that match with Williams that required him being woken back up with smelling salts after he looked like he fell head-first onto Williams' knee when they dropped from the Ulimate X ropes – could have to do with that, especially if he was concussed as a result.
I don't know where BK is but I could care less. BK is useless. Ever since he's come to TNA with that stupid gimmick, he's been half assing it in the ring. He doesn't deserve his spot at all. People give Shannon Moore shit for whatever reason, maybe because he was nothing more than a WWE jobber but he consistently tries to prove why he belongs. I do not get the same feeling from Brian Kendrick. He has contributed nothing to TNA or the X-division. They need to can him imo! Just because you wrestled in WWE or ROH doesn't always mean you're worth it and Kendrick proves it.
I found this odd to as I was quite enjoying the fued. It could be what IDR said but it could also be that they sent him away to improve his submissions as his rear naked choke looked awful and was never hooked in. Kind of embarrassing to have to tap to.
Hopefully future endeavoured. The guy hasn't done anything of note since the Londrick days. His ring work has been lacking and that was without a shadow of a doubt the worst looking rear naked choke I have ever witnessed.

He's absolutely awful on the mic. Did any one of you think that little psychotherapist gimmick he was running the least bit entertaining? If so, you might need a psychotherapist. TBK may have been trained by HBK but nothing seemed to stick.
I wanted to like Brian Kendrick. I really do. I remember around 2002-2003 he would always wear these bright outfits and he went by Spanky and he seemed to be a pretty likeable wrestler. I marked for him when he came to WWE. And that was it. He hasn't interested me since. Brian Kendrick is so "unover" with me that I was still thinking he wrestled on Smackdown, to tell you the truth. I do remember seeing him on TNA a few months ago but it made so little of an impact on me that I was thinking I saw it on Smackdown. (Nothing against Smackdown, I just don't watch TNA or Smackdown regularly so I confused the two.)
Are you serious with this thread??? Its TNA we're talking about here. Ur really shocked that they started a storyline or a push and then just ended it ubruptly for no apparant reason and no explanation? They've already dropped the ball with stuff like this a few times these past few months. I'm still wondering who Bitch-off and Hogan were going to pick up at the airport to present him with Hogans HOF ring. And I'm also still wondering what they were planning long term with Chief Morley and The Nasty Boyz.
I've liked the spark that BK brought to the events that he was a part of. I honestly liked the direction they were going with the "Mad Maestro" angle and his future in the X Division.

They gave him a strange swerve which was out of the ordinary for his abilities as an actor and he did what he could to keep the character alive.

And as far as where he is: I hope he's in the back somewhere just waiting to step back up. He needs to be given a legit shot at things. The only way you can better yourself as a physical performer is practice. TNA doesn't tour as often as they should, so he doesn't get the shot to home in his skills.
The Douglas & Kendrick feud seemed to be good to me when it first started. But than it went all down hill saddly. I didn't get why they booked it that way which made Kendrick look really strong after he beat Wolfe by tap out. I wish stuck with the Red & Kendrick feud abit longer, I would of loved to see it for abit longer.

But I think they should turn him back Heel, and let him use the gimmick he used during the Douglas Feud. Also his gimmick ironicly reminds me of Leonardo Dicaprio's character from Gang's of New York. But Kendrick is just doing TNA house shows now, Thats the last time I saw him at the one in NJ, very nice guy and was out signing untill they most of the crowd was gone. Him & Neal where the longest to stay out and one of the nicest there to.
Hopefully he’s packing his bags and getting ready to be sent home on the next thing smoking. The guy just doesn’t cut it. He’s little, his promos are weird, it looks like he has on a pull-up pamper in the ring, and his spots are lack luster.

He can be kept on as a high end jobber, but there is really nothing for him to do. His only hope is for Paul London to get back in touch with him and they can work as a Tag Team again. The guy was shit in the WWE, and he’s shit in TNA.

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