Where Does Rey Mysterio Go From Here?


Staff member
Watching Money in the Bank last night, I couldn’t help but feel that Rey Mysterio is in danger of being lost I the fold after he lost the World Heavyweight Championship to Kane.

Let me take you back a couple of weeks to when Rey Mysterio managed to pick up the Championship. The clear and obvious choice for his opponent at Money in the Bank was Jack Swagger because of his rematch clause. However, the same cannot be said of this title change. Hell, I am not even sure that Money in the Bank cash-ins have a rematch clause attached to them and if they don’t I have no idea what Rey Mysterio is going to do for a long time.

With all of the angles on Smackdown being so intertwined, Rey Mysterio could slot into some of them but I just don’t see it happening. I think it is pretty clear that Jack Swagger is the person that Kane will be feuding with after what transpired on Smackdown on Friday but then that leaves Rey Mysterio out in the cold. However, if he does have a rematch, then will we be seeing a triple threat with Mysterio at SummerSlam?

I suspect that he will have a rematch but I just don’t see Kane dropping the title until Kane comes back and that obviously means that Rey wont be picking it up at SummerSlam. So with that being said, it looks as though Rey Mysterio is going to be dropping out of the main event scene as Jack Swagger, Kane and possibly The Undertaker settle their differences.

So I ask you, where does Mysterio go from here?
IMO he goes on vacation. The only reason he stays was because they gave him the title, and the only reason they gave him the title was because Taker was injured. Taker's coming back, Kane had a feud in place with Swagger if that takes longer than anticipated, Mysterio can take his time off and recuperate.

Of course, he'll just get injured again when he comes back, but that's besides the point.
The first obvious answer would be a rematch clause match at Summerslam or something. Followed by a decisive beat down that allows him to go on vacation. Rey has been buzzing for that vacation for a while. He's no longer champion and someone else is carrying it. Therefore there's no need for Rey to stick around to feud for it. Undertaker is gonna be returning sooner or later to take the spot off of Rey's shoulders after the rematch.

The same goes for Jack Swagger. Who could definitely take the spot against Kane. After all Kane is "feuding" with Jack Swagger right now. So it would make sense for those two to take the position of Rey. Allowing his vacation once again.

After the vacation it's a good question though. I would assume upper mid-card / lower main event again. Making talent look good as usual. You know the ordeal that Rey has been doing for the majority of his career outside of the cruiserweight division. There's no sense in anything else. Rey isn't going to be in the World title hunt for a while. I just don't see it.
i would assume Rey Mysterio is taking time off with that vacation he has been wanting. He might even get another surgery on those blown knees of his. I would assume that is time for Mysterio to be sitting on the sidelines because hasn't he been working through pain ever since before WrestleMania? He seemingly wanted to take time off but wanted to compete at Mania and stuck around for a few month as after it.

I think a sit on the sidelines is what is next for Ray Mysterio, and depending on how long he will be out for, we will see what he does when he comes back. However I don't know for sure if he is going to take time off for a vacation, surgery, whatever, because for all I know he could be on the next edition of SmackDown this Friday. But I assume that Lil' Rey Rey will be headed to the sidelines, since he has wanted a sabbatical for months.
I think Rey will get a re-match but it will proberly be on smackdown not a PPV so he can lose and then take a break like he was suppost to before Taker was injured, but this depends on when taker is due to return, if taker isnt due back for a while I think it will be a triple threat at summerslam with Rey Vs Swagger Vs Kane
I think rey should take a long vacation and not come back from it. He is the same as he was when he came back in 2002 and its getting kinda boring. Maybe if he took a vacation came back and did something a little bit more different with his gimmick maybe i would like him again. But for now he could quit or retire and i really would care to much.
The same as he was before, a Cruiserweight who was on the upper-middle card. I'm sure Rey will do fine going for the United States Title and sorts.
I think he's gonna hang around the upper mid card, and get a few world title shots, here and there, like usual. I think he might get one more run with the title, but I doubt he'll get any more than 4 world title reigns throgh out the span of his career. I've heard some rumors hes going to take a vacation? Well thats good, because that means both 'Taker and Rey are out of the picture, allowing booking to have no choice but to push new stars.

I see there being a triple threat for the title on SD this week so that Summerslam it can be Kane vs Taker as for Mysterio probably another match with CM Punk if he is healed or if not a match with Swagger.
I might be in the minority here, but my first response to the question is "Who cares?" Look don't get me wrong, I enjoy Mysterio's in ring work....as long as it's against guys that it's reasonable to believe he actually has a remote chance in hell of beating. This whole giant slayer, David and Goliath garbage they love to book him in I think is completely stupid. The matches look horrible, especially when he finally manages to snake out the win and the big guy he's wrestling has to sell like hell.

I mean if a bee stung Kane it'd probably do more damage to him than Mysterio could.

Mysterio as the IC or US champ is close to believeable, but as the Heavyweight champ? Come on, my son out weighs him and he's 3.
Im going to take a guess and say Rey is going to take some time off. Perhaps another surgery would be in Rey's future during his time off. He has been wanting time off for a while now so to me it makes sense that after his match at Summerslam he is going on Vacation. Rey is an absolute work horse and IMO he deserves some time off for everything he has done this year.

Rey needs some time on the sidelines. Whenever he decides to return its going to be interesting to see if he will be in the mid-card or if he will be back in the main event picture. We can't tell for sure if Rey is taking time off for vacation, injurys but whether Rey returns after Summerslam what will he do. But my guess is after the PPV Rey will be on the side lines.
We're going to have to see on Smackdown tonight, will there be some sort of contenders match, or a battle royal, however they plan to do it, I don't think rey will be choose to have his rematch clause, I mean WWE don't always mention either..

I think Rey should go on his holiday now...he deserved it, he aint got the world title anymore and therefore he should go..
I think Rey should invoke his Rematch clause for SummerSlam, make it a stipulation match and when Rey loses, he should then use his "injuries" as a reason for the time off he desperately needs to get healed up. Besides, I'd rather see Show, Taker and Swagger all gunning for Kane's title than little Rey.
I think Rey will get a rematch at SummerSlam, obviously lose, get attacked again by Swagger or something so he can get off TV, and when he returns...not really sure on that....

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