Where do you see yourself??


Pre-Show Stalwart
So i just finished watching the Four Horseman DVD and first of all I have to say out of all the WWE DVDs this one is at the top of the list as my fav. but it got me thinking...There have been alot of big name stables and groups. and i want to know if you could have which faction would you e in if you could have a chance? I'll name a few big factions an if think of one that i dont name please say it and explain why...
The Four Horseman
NWO(Red and Black,Black and white)
New Blood

See the one i would choose is either Evolution or the Four Horseman. Why?? theres something about "I got more money I'm Better than you" type of lifestyle with the limo driving and flashy jewlery and expensive clothes that i see myself in better than crotch chops and being outlaws and rebellion lifestyle. Not that those other groups arent cool and fun to watch i see the evil heel as the flashy aviator shades and holding the championship belt agianst your waist a classy maner but still have that gang features that are cool...but thats just me.

tell me what group would you be in if you had the chance and why would you be in that group and what draws you to like that group
Definately the nWo

I love the idea of being a rebel invading another organisation and raising hell, doing what you want, when you want to do it. The music was cool, the image was cool, the logo was cool, and the things they did like doing their own advertising during the WCW broadcast was so original and entertaining.

I like your idea of the Horsemen though, Flair did look damm cool when carrying the Championship belt in his suit, flashing the money and getting the girls

nWo, and if they didnt want me, then the Horsemen!
I watched that DVD as well. I really enjoyed it apart from Arn Anderson being of the belief that wrestling fans still think it's all real and talking about the storylines as if they legitimately happened. It would've been higher up my list but he really spoiled it (as he does pretty much every DVD he speaks on).

My favourite gang was the Dangerous Alliance in WCW as it had Paul Heyman at his most obnoxious best, and it had Steve Austin and Rick Rude pulling out top matches. It was such a great group
Very interesting topic.

If I had to choose any of the stables you listed, I would have joined D-Generation X. I'm not saying this the best stable, but this seems to be the only stable where you could get over and not be overshadowed or buried by other members.

If you look at the other stables mainly the NWO and Evolution. Almost every member that wasn't already a main eventer got buried. Batista and Orton may have gotten to the mainstream but the focal point of the group was always HHH. Same with NWO some guys may have broken through but no matter what were buried by Nash or Hogan.

You didn't get that with D-X. Although HHH was in it, he wasn't the focal point, it was always a team effort to see how much mayhem and chaos you could create at one time. HHH was the only one to main event after HBK but that was after he chose to leave D-X behind and let the Outlawz and X-Pac fend for themselves, but I can't recall him burying them while in D-X.

Also, you got the same aspect with the 4 Horseman, that all for one, one for all. we're the best in the world attitude. But they weren't bent on taking down the "system" and wreaking havoc, they just wanted to show they were the best, which I admired, but doesn't seem as fun imo.
Ravens Flock, because even in the event I was actually a professional wrestler, wrestling in the same federation as Raven, I'd still be a Raven mark.

Raven is one of the most cerebral characters in wrestling history, and he always had the ability of making the most of guys with very little to offer otherwise. Where would Billy Kidman be without Raven, for example? Kanyon's success was heavily predicated on Raven's work, as was Perry Saturns and Lodi's, too.
I would want to be in one of these groups in their prime. I wouldn't want to be in a rehashed Four Horseman, NWO, or DX version. I would want to be an original in the original group. I would have to pick The Four Horseman. I wouldn't even care if I had JJ Dillon's role. When anyone was picked as a member of the Horseman you were the best in the business. That is where the money was, the girls, the partying, and the gold. If you someone says I was a member of DX or NWO it is not as special since the majority of WCW as in NWO at one point or another.

Even though Triple H and Shawn Michaels were the original members of DX, it started becoming different and watered down once more members came in. You could say the same thing about the Horseman too. Not anyone could be a member of the Horseman though. Anyone could probably join NWO or DX at any given time. Horrace Hogan in the NWO and Hornswoggle in DX are examples of bad members.

I would have to work with the best in the business where there is less politics. I'm going with the Horsemen.
I completely mis-read the topic, my bad.

For dirty reasons I'd pick PMS as, let's face it, you're getting some rear view action from Terri Runnels,

From a wrestling point of view, the nWo Wolfpac as that meant you was in a position you was making serious money near the top of the card, without having to wrestle much or get hurt.
I see myself in Randy Orton/Batista's position in Evolution. Both were young guys being mentored by the veteran until they were able to make a name for themselves on their own. Through this faction, they were able to win titles, fued with legendary names like Mick Foley, The Rock, and Shawn Michaels, and become the focal point without doing much besides aligning with Triple H.
Currently I would have to say SES
1. I'm a complete Punk mark
2. I don't drink or smoke
3. I AM BETTER THAN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Way back when I would say Evolution or the Ministry
1. Randy Orton
2. Both groups were un-touchable
3. Something about the darkness excites me (Insert evil laugh here)
Honestly? I don't. I watch wrestling for escapism, and there is absolutely nothing consistent between it and my life. I don't really emerse myself in the stories of wrestling in the same way I do music, but that's simply because I can't relate to wrestling in that manner. If I had to pick a stable to be in, it'd probably be The Brood. Not because I pretend to be a Vampire, but because I generally hand around with weird long haired people, though many of them are female, and I am also cool.

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