Where are we on the whole 'Have we landed on the moon' debate?

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What they f*ck happened in the thread section here
I've met a few folks who are dead sure that we, well the Ameyricens (as Zeb calls them) landed back in '69. When I asked one of these believers why haven't they ever, or ANYONE gone back up there, he replied that its a lot o' money for nothing...
Anyone who doesn't think Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon is a complete ******. We're talking 9/11 "sceptic" level dumbass here.
I think the two most compelling arguments are that 1)The Russians never challenged the US's moon-landing and 2) People are bouncing lasers off the moon nowadays.
So we should be accepting the official story no questions asekd? :wtf: :lmao:

Take your tinfoil cap off for a moment, Doug. Do you know how much would have to go into a conspiracy of that nature? Somebody would have slipped up. Not to mention, any rational person will have no reason to doubt the moon landing. People like the idea of a "mystery," but the fact of the matter is that most of the time, what you see is what you get -- the moon landing happened.
Take your tinfoil cap off for a moment, Doug. Do you know how much would have to go into a conspiracy of that nature? Somebody would have slipped up. Not to mention, any rational person will have no reason to doubt the moon landing. People like the idea of a "mystery," but the fact of the matter is that most of the time, what you see is what you get -- the moon landing happened.

I'm not gonna get into the whole tin foil hat thing because I'm sure as hell not one of those morons who think everything's a conspiracy. However I will sure as hell question ANYTHING I feel is not correct. If the official story turns out to have a hell of a lot of holes, (not saying that the moon landing thing is a hoax or anything because that's just dumb) I will question it. If you decide the official story is correct, hats off to ya. But don't call me an idiot for believing otherwise.
Atop a mountain of rocket fuel, where do you think they were going?

I rarely let the opinions of idiots get to me, but this is one that really does. Astronauts are some of the biggest heroes the human race has, and the first ones to go to the moon (and all subsequent astronauts to go the moon as well) doubly so. Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins don't deserve to have any question that their mission was a success, nor do any of the latter who went to the moon.
I was actually gonna post in this thread and mock Doug Crashin but he beat me to it.
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I'm not gonna get into the whole tin foil hat thing because I'm sure as hell not one of those morons who think everything's a conspiracy. However I will sure as hell question ANYTHING I feel is not correct. If the official story turns out to have a hell of a lot of holes, (not saying that the moon landing thing is a hoax or anything because that's just dumb) I will question it. If you decide the official story is correct, hats off to ya. But don't call me an idiot for believing otherwise.

So, basically, you'll question anything if you feel like it?
Ok I know the direction this is taking so I'll make a post to delay the eventuality i.e a "Doughie Thread"...

Look I believed in it, I really did and it fascinated me. Now as I grew older, I heard otherwise and watched a few documentaries that kinda poked holes in it. And now conspiracies are so worn out, everybody who doubts, is a nutjob.

I have no problem in being convinced that it happened. I'd be happy we went to the moon, but there are plotholes. On both sides really.
Delaying Post #2)
Mark Shuttleworth went into space to test the effects of zero-gravity on Springbok-embrios...
You are literally a ****** if you don't believe men landed on the moon. You can bounce signals off the shit they left behind. There's photographs of them on the moon. And before anyone says "that could have been in a studio". No it couldn't. Even with CGI and photoshop etc. in 2013, you can still tell when something that is supposed to be sun lit is lit artificially.

As for the flag not fluttering, I hope you're being sarcastic and mocking the nutters.

It moves when they put it up. Then it doesn't. That's pretty much cast iron proof its shot in a windless environment.

I'm not surprised Aldrin punched that cunt in the face.
I'm not gonna get into the whole tin foil hat thing because I'm sure as hell not one of those morons who think everything's a conspiracy. However I will sure as hell question ANYTHING I feel is not correct. If the official story turns out to have a hell of a lot of holes, (not saying that the moon landing thing is a hoax or anything because that's just dumb) I will question it. If you decide the official story is correct, hats off to ya. But don't call me an idiot for believing otherwise.

I'm with Doug on this. I far prefer a "Question everything" attitude to someone who just believes whatever they're told.
I'm with Doug on this. I far prefer a "Question everything" attitude to someone who just believes whatever they're told.

You absolutely should.

Problem is, Conspiracy Theorists who tell you to "question everything" really mean "Blindly believe the poor photoshop job/grainy youtube video/blog post that supports my world view."

They don't want you to question everything, they want you to believe what they do.
It's better to question things then be an absolute tool and agree with everything you hear. You gotta use common sense when questioning things though.

That being said, yeah I think its an open and shut case that the American's landed on a moon in '69. I never heard 1 good reason why it didn't happen.
I heard the pics were taken in an Arizona dessert. And something about the reason we don"t go back is due to technolgy. Stupid.

We did it, and will again someday.
Yes, folks, you should question everything. This most specifically includes people who request that you "question" your beliefs by means of accepting someone else's.

On that note, however , broad government wide conspiracies don't exist. That's not my theory, that's the theory of a journalist friend who I've known long enough to see he Knows His Shit. A couple of people can hide a crime, and a society can pretend to simply not see something they want to pretend doesn't exist. As far as actually hiding a conspiracy? There become too many people to bribe, too many people to keep quiet, and always too many consciences needing to be unburdened with the passage of time.

The more information you have, the more people you need to manage the information.
The more people you have, the more likely it is that any one of them will break the conspiracy.
Only one person with hidden information needs to leak in order to break the conspiracy.

Quite literally, it is a mathematical equation that demonstrates the success of conspiracies are inversely proportional to the amount of people involved in them. I'm sure some sociology PhD out there has a thesis where they've done a much better job demonstrating it than I have.
The Internet hasn't helped the conspiracy movement. Ancient aliens hasn't helped either. I'm still waiting for Naboo, or whatever that planet is called, to kill us all.
The Internet hasn't helped the conspiracy movement. Ancient aliens hasn't helped either. I'm still waiting for Naboo, or whatever that planet is called, to kill us all.


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