Where are the best places to buy wrestling DVD's?


Dark Match Jobber
In particular I'm looking for compilation/best of DVD's. Like "best of Great Muta", "best of Low Ki". That type of stuff.

Also is there still a place that lets you buy individual matches/create your own dvd with matches you pick?

imo highspots doesn't have a lot of great deals because they fill their dvd's with clipped matches.

IVPvideo has some decent stuff.

I have found what appears to be good deals on ioffer.com. I just bought an 18 disk best of vader compilation dvd set for 26 bucks.

Do yall know of any good places?
Wrestlewarehouse.com seems decent, though I've never used the website so I can't tell you if it's the most reputable website there is.

HighSpots.com is probably going to be one of the more popular answers. They have DVDs that are WWE products, but they also have compilations of matches and the quality is pretty decent, as well. Just checking out the site, they have a website collection of $9.99 DVDs. Still, it depends on what you're looking for.
websites are the best, but i do know that theres a store that sells lots of wrestling dvds/blurays i would have to say HMV as the best store or go to ebay or something.
If You're interested I do a lot of compilation work, as well as selling on Ebay. Let me know what you might want, chances are, I have it. I also do all custom artwork for the dvds
I'd suggest RFvideo, but I ordered/paid in April and the DVDs were just sent out last week. (Only ordered two DVDs) :confused:

If you keep an eye out at Wal-Mart, sometimes they'll get a load of DVDs in from the previous year or so and sell them for 5$ each. That's how I snagged a crap load of PPVs and multi-disk sets from '0?-'10. Including Best of Raw '09, Rise & Fall of WCW, and Allied Powers.

Other than that, I have used HMV, WWEShop, ShopTNA (Wouldn't recommend it outside the US), and eBay. I'd order from other places, but the shipping is crazy. Oh! And buying in-person at shows. At a show I went to in May, the TNA and indie DVDs available (Including newer releases) were all 10$ each.

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