When the 619 meets the 305


Australian Heavyweight Champion
East and West, The Franchise Player and the Ultimate Underdog. I just watched their tag team match against SES on Smackdown (australia plays it fridays and sundays) and i was shocked.

I remember years ago Sabu and RVD as a tag team in the original ECW some of their moves where great, then only 4-5 years ago RVD tagged with Rey Mysterio and there their moves almost emulated the same as what where the same as in ECW with Sabu.
But just watching that and thinking about how they well they worked in their first televised match on smackdown. Hell they even had a Tag Team finisher. (good name would be the name of this thread)

My question do you think The Master of the 619 and the Franchise Player should be "Ballin!" together as a legit tag team? If yes why? If no Why? Please give reasons.
I think Rey should tag more, since he is a cruiserweight him and a big man (like big show) would be great!

When him and Edge we're tagging during smackdown six era in those 3-way tags with benoit/angle and los Guerreros, they were dynamite a fast flashy team. Could get Rey over better since he would have some beef with him.

MVP needs something to do since him and Henry are separated (Henry still on raw i believe) and they could work while we wait for Mcintyre/Hardy to finish!
No Rey Mysterio and MVP wouldnt be the best tag team imo. MVP got drafted to Smackdown in my mind to contend for the Intercontinental Championship
and as soon as Drew McIntyre loses his championship to a face MVP as a heel could win the championship, but anyways...

Rey Mysterio should tag with Kofi Kingston bc their styles would mesh well together and would deffently help build WWE's tag team Divsion. As a team they would remind me of when Kofi used to tag with CM Punk well back then before he turned heel. Also with both members of this team being high flyers would deffently help them draw in good rating for their matches.

As a side note i would hav both men compete in singles compition and hav them mange eachothers matches to make them seem like a legit tag team/freinds kinda deal.
UMMMM no. I am tired of MVP being put in mismatch tag team combos. I was totally against the Mark Henry and Mvp team solely cuz I knew it would never go anywhere. I mean outside the ECW title what was the last important tile mark henry held??? Yhe european Title...see my point. MVP needs to be a singles wrestler wrestling in the midcard for either the US title or Intercontinintal Title. Not held back by a tag team in a division that is going nowhere.
It seems to me that lately, the WWE has thought that throwing 2 random guys together like R-Truth and Morrison or Miz and Big Show is a great idea for a tag team. Now it's Jericho and Miz. Who do you think would make a good tag team and why?

I think that Cena and Orton would make an interesting tag team. Since Orton is a face now, it would work and put Orton over for good. Plus I can totally see an Attitude Adjustment into an RKO:wtf:


lmfao, that moderator's really pissed off.

I'm personally not a big fan of "mega" tag teams because one of the members always seems to get injured and sidelined for several months (austin/hhh, jericho/edge). i'd really love to see evan bourne and yoshi tatsu in a tag team together as they are probably the best high flying wrestlers in WWE today and have potential to be a very entertaining team.
lol, mod is mad haha

i want to see evan bourne and justin gabriel, they would remind me of paul london and billy kidman, they would deffinately need a mouth piece though cuz niether one of them can work the stick.

also the reformation of chris jericho and christian some where down the line. i loved that team.

also i wanna see cody rhoode join the SES, he could team with gallows or mercury, and eventually be the breakout star by turning face on punk
Why not have 2 monsters like Mark Henry and Ezekiel Jackson team, They could become the 2 bad ass bastards everyone hates! Lord know Mark Henry as a face just sucks, he is a believable heel. Hell you could even put Khali and Vladamir Kozlof together and have a turn Khali's interpreter into the next heel manager. The reason I think they need to do this is because everyone love to cheer on the underdogs, look back at Demolition beating Andre and Haku. The WWE needs to have another power tag team that people will want to see lose.
Have them hold the belts for a while then have some extremely underrated team beat them, like when the Rockers won the belts for the first time.
I'd like to see Carlito and Jericho.

Both have similar finishers, both have a tendency to bitch, moan and complain about everything, both are excellent tag team wrestlers, both can cut some decent promos, both can draw some serious heat and Carlito needs to become relevant again. Imagine Jericho hitting a Codebreaker and then when the person pops backwards, Carlito hits the Backstabber. That would be a great way to end Tag matches.
I think the biggest problem with tag teams in wwe right now is they have no true tag team specialists. To make that division exciting, you have to set it up that the tag team belts are a much more prestigious prize than they are now. Instead of constantly just throwing 2 names together, and giving them the belts, they need to create a stable of teams that make that their ultimate goal. Personally, I also enjoy tag teams that have a finisher that requires both men to do it. Like Lod and the doomsday device, The dudley boys and the 3D.
The Hart dynasty is the only true tag team that there is right now. It needs to be a little more like it was a few years ago when you had Los Guerreos, Hardy boyz, dudley boys, E&C, ect. It definetly gets more buy in from fans when you have several teams competing for tag team belts.
I am a fan of fast tag teams, like MCMG, however WWE won't push them most likely, so it needs to be something with potential to really turn out well. I could come up with a host of teams I'd like to see. But ones with potential are Zeke & Bourn and Masters & Ziggler.

Big Zeke & Evan Bourne would be an awesome tag team. Zeke could do the power moves, look dominant, and Bourne could be the beat down guy. Imagine it now, Zeke hits a massive power finisher, then Bourne hits the SSP, be an awesome combo.

Masters & Ziggler, there would be an awesome team. Masters with his muscle & face act, and Ziggler maintaining his heel persona. Why? Because it would be unique, a heel & babyface duo is rarely see on TV anymore, and it has potential. I'd rather see a higher pair, like Kofi & McIntyre, but it's not gonna happen. This pair could, and being there are both muscular with submissions I see potential to boost Ziggler up to IC contention..
Tyler Wrex and Vance Archer, neither of them are currently in any angle, both are pretty decent sized dudes, and it would be interesting to see what happens and it would be better than both of them jobbing. Why not get the new guys on the block tagging together. Maybe even repackage them as a real tag team. Plus Archer was in a Tag team for a while that was fun in TNA. NAd they both kind of had party boy gimmicks in the past, Surfer and Rocker respectively.
Couple Tag teams i would like to see

Cody Rhodes and Goldust - I mentioned this in another post. I think it would be fun to see the brothers work together. Especially since they are nothing a like. It could be a lot of fun to watch. Plus it would give Goldust much deserved TV time.

Chris Masters and MVP - Turn MVP heel and pair these two up. I think they could be very cocky together and could really boost each others careers. (Although I know Masters has some problems in the past, I don't really know if WWE wants to give him a boost, but MVP SHOULD be a star)

Evan Borne and Brian Daniels - Both wrestlers have some serious talent. This team I think will be able to make tag team wrestling exciting again.
There's a few teams I'd like to see:

#1: Gabriel and Bourne as mentioned earlier could be a London and Kendrick type team

#2: Cody and Swagger: The American Dream and the All-American American, so they could do a Team America kind of thing

#3: JTG and R-Truth: similar gimmicks could do a Cryme Tyme like deal

#4: David Otunga and the Miz: They could do a we're famous A-listers type gimmick, Miz could be the "brains" and Otunga the brawn
I have multiple Tag Teams that I would like to see to really make the Tag Team Division more decent.

Team 1-Ezekiel Jackson and Shad: I think this would work because they could turn a discrimination angle. How African Americans never get titles. I know this wouldn't work on Smackdown, but if Raw is infact turning it rating to Pg 13 I think this could really work to get the two over, and actually be a okay storyline, if it takes off, they could then start a stable. Shad would have to be drafted to Raw, because as I said, Smackdown, seems to be turning more kid friendly.

Team 2- Chris Jericho and Carlito: I think that this would be a great tag team, elevating Carlito to the Upper Mid Card. I think that they would have a great finisher, a Backstabber knocking the opponent forward into a CodeBreaker.

Team 3- Finlay and a Justin Gabriel: I think that this would work only if Finlay would start getting TV time now, making himself credible. Then Finlay could do a taking you under my wing type angle with Justin Gabriel, forming them into a tag team. I think that the finisher would be cool too. Finlay hitting the Celtic Cross near the turnbuckle, and Gabriel hitting a 450-Splash. It would look like it really took alot out of the opponent.

Team 4- Sheamus, Wade Barrett, and Drew McIntyre: I saw this somewhere and I really like this idea. Have Sheamus get treated unfairly, and NOT have Barrett win NXT. They all come and say that the only reason they have been mistreated is because they are all better than you, or something like that. (Barrett saying NXT = Rigged, Sheamus= Something, McIntyre= Fired.) They could even say that they are being treated unfairly because of they are all not from the USA.

I think that these tag teams would really have a purpose. (minus Jericho and Carlito) They could make up a good tag team division. Only adding 1 or 2 of the teams would be pointless, so they would have to get 3 or 4 to really make it better. Add these to the Dudebusters, Colons, Hart Dynasty, Kozlov and Regal, Truth and Morrison, S.E.S and you have a good quality division.
Firstly, why is a mod swearing at me?! Classy.

Secondly, I'd love to see the reformation of Edge and Christian. They were arguably the best tag team of the attitude era (you may say the Hardys, I say you're saying that because they were the faces). They accomplished everything, beat everyone. They invented alter-egos and wore masks. They were so damned entertaining. I mean clearly it's not going to work out since they're on different shows and Christian will probably one of the bigger faces on SD. It would be fun though.
Secondly, I'd love to see the reformation of Edge and Christian. They were arguably the best tag team of the attitude era (you may say the Hardys, I say you're saying that because they were the faces). They accomplished everything, beat everyone. They invented alter-egos and wore masks. They were so damned entertaining. I mean clearly it's not going to work out since they're on different shows and Christian will probably one of the bigger faces on SD. It would be fun though.

I think everyone would like to see Edge and Christian reunite but I would like to see a few things happen first.

1) Christian needs to get over more. WWE hasn't really given him the push he deserved in the past but I think that it is about to change.

2) The Tag Team Division needs to get built up a little more. Edge and Christian would always be fun to watch regardless of who they are fighting but I wouldn't want to see Edge and Christian become a full time tag team again unless it is for something good. They are both too talented to be wrestling mid carders. Build the tag team division up and make star tag teams again like they had in the 90s. Make the tag belts mean something and we are on to something.
OK... so why is everybody bitching about random wrestlers getting thrown together, and yet coming up with "ideas" of tag teams that have thrown together wrestlers?

What the E needs is some tag teams to DEBUT as tag teams. Or a someone debut as a partner of a star not being used. You know it's a legit tag team when people only care about their matches if they it is a tag team match. Nobody gave a shit about Rory McAllister's single matches, but they loved the Highlanders.

I personally would like to see Cade and Murdoch come back and tear up the tag division.
I have always felt Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston would be an amazing tag team. High flyers that would have amazing chemistry with great moves very similar to when the Rockers first came out. Kofi is popular and Even just needs a purpose so he can show how good he really is. Too bad Evan is stuck on Raw doing squat.

After watching Rey and MVP recently I think they would be very good together. Both are popular and showed they already have really good chemistry. A very dynamic squad for sure.

Lastly, Sheamus and McIntyre would be good and yes it is because of the Irish background, but there is talent between them that needs time to be polished. This one is a long shot, but if done right they could be very good together since the WWE already likes them and sees them as the potential future of the company.
OK... so why is everybody bitching about random wrestlers getting thrown together, and yet coming up with "ideas" of tag teams that have thrown together wrestlers?

What the E needs is some tag teams to DEBUT as tag teams. Or a someone debut as a partner of a star not being used. You know it's a legit tag team when people only care about their matches if they it is a tag team match. Nobody gave a shit about Rory McAllister's single matches, but they loved the Highlanders.

I personally would like to see Cade and Murdoch come back and tear up the tag division.

Who said "everybody" is bitching? Listen, obviously WWE aren't pushing developed tag teams at the rate they used to. They tend to throw some rando's together of late. Why not talk about it? It's better than another "I hate Cena" post.

Also, no one like the Highlanders...
I agree with Evan Bourne and Yoshi Tatsu. I think their styles just fit together to well to ignore. Their styles mirror each other, and I think they could have a sick finisher. Imagine Yoshi doing his buzzsaw kick to lay someone out, and then Evan Bourne off the top rope with the AirBourne.

I think Matt Hardy and Justin Gabriel would make an interesting tag team too, because Justin Gabriel has a style that is really close to Jeff's, and he and Matt already look so well together as pro and rookie. I could see them pulling off all the old Hardy Boy moves, like Poetry in Motion.
This was something I was thinking about for awhile. For a tag team, I want to see more people on SmackDown join the straight edge society. I want it to become the NWO of the WWE, and I want them to dominate the company the way NWO did with WCW. Luke Gallows and the mystery guy (Joey Mercury) can team up to win the titles, that way, IMO, i conside that to be a real tag team. I agree with u, wwe is making too much random pairings, at least Hart Dynasty is a real team.
I would also like to see Wade Barrett and William Regal team up. I think they could be a dominate pair.

also i miss hawkins and ryder

In regards to the other posts, there is a difference between makeing a team of two guys and throwing 2 guys together.

examples of 2 guys thrown together, shomiz and jerishow. niether lasted longer than their tag title rien.

examples of making a team, londrick, MCMG, london and kidman. all are great teams, but none of them debuted together.
I would love to see the WWE sign two guys like Austin Aries and Davey Richards or Austin Aries and Roderick Strong.. Anyway if they were to sign either of those guys they could have them debut on superstars with no brand affiliation and just have them go through make shift tag team after team.. Eventually have them start going through the current actual tag teams on the roster.. The entire time they are going through teams have them cut promos every now and then about how they can out wrestle anyone in the world. Eventually leading to them being undefeated team and winning the tag team titles and then going onto have a very very long reign with the belts. In the end this would elevate the tag belts and it would make the tag division worth something again.
I could never see Orton and Cena together. Orton isn't really a face, he's just being cheered now because he's attacking heels AND faces now. As far as a good team, I'd have to agree with...some one and say Yoshi and Bourne. They both need some thing to do and Tag Titles would be a good direction. Also Mark Henry needs some thing...ANY THING. Big Zeke needs some thing to do when he comes back, put them together? No one really cares about Henry, and not many really care about Zeke, so put them together lol. Hell it would be kinda cool to see a racial stable. Maybe Zeke, Henry, Kozlov, Carlito, and possibly Primo. Just go ape shit on the GMs and the whiteys because they aren't getting a push.

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