When should Swagger return & how?

He's always been kind of hyper. I think that's part of his problem getting over.

I'd bring him back as a face with a much more laid back vibe than he's ever had. Put him in stylish clothes, give him a haircut that doesn't suck. Instead of loudmouth mouthpiece like Vickie, Cole or Heyman or whoever, give him a cute female valet that fans generally like, like Layla or something. Have him be buddies with all the faces. Have him just generally be a good dude.

Don't even have him wrestle right away. Just let him be hanging out backstage and such. Paint him as an everyday, average dude.

Then, pick a midcard heel, and have the heel start "bullying" him. Talking shit, picking on him, macking on his woman, generally just being an asshole. Swagger tries to let it go for a while, then eventually, he "snaps" and defends himself, in a match at a PPV. After the match, he even checks on his opponent and all that jazz.

He would "Be A Star".
I would have him doing vignettes about how he loves his country, and is a true patriot, and how he loves the Flag. I would then pull the camera back to show the Canadian Flag, showing that Swagger has left the USA and moved to Canada. I would then bill him as the All-Canadian Canadian. Instant heat in the USA.
Keep Swagger out of the public eye for an extended amount of time, January at the earliest. Until then, continue to work on his repackaging and get it right. I've long supported Swagger based on his in-ring ability but it's hard to get over without being able to talk, so I'd try and get him a mouthpiece. Not necessarily a HOFer, but just someone who can talk and make us take Jack seriously.

Jack has great attributes; size, look, background, ability. If they can get him to apply what he has to work with to a new development in his character, Swagger will get people talking again.
Either have him join Punk/Heyman stable as a heel very soon or have him return at the Royal Rumble as a face and let him make a big impact. I am not saying have him win but make him look meaningful and in a position that is due for him. He is very talented in the ring and deserves another shot.
Okay I have been reading on here for months that Jack Swagger is suppose to be completely repackaged and probably a babyface now so wouldn't right now be the perfect timing for him to just make his triumphant return? It's team ziggler vs. team foley now at survivor series and if he was suppose to be a babyface now wouldn't right now be a perfect time for him to come out against his old friend in ziggler and manager in vicky. It would put him in a relevant storyline where if he ended up being the last guy on team foley and beat ziggler cleanly in the middle of the ring it would bring him right back into title pictures. Maybe even world title picture if he has used his time off to improve the in-ring which he was already pretty good on and improve on the mic.

What are your thoughts on if this would be a good time for Swagger to come back?

P.S. Don't know if there has been a thread about this or not yet so if there has feel free to take it down.
As far as I'm concerned, he can return as a career jobber, a fine wrestler adept at making up-and-comers look good. If Jack is to advance beyond that, he needs someone with him, largely to his inability to talk a good promo and an almost total lack of charisma.

When he operated on his own, he wasn't exciting enough to command much attention, although the company tried like hell to get him over. He was more useful as a "bodyguard" to Michael Cole, a lesser tag partner of Dolph Ziggler, or a subject of Vickie Guerrero. In all cases, Jack was the supporting character, rather than the star. It fit him well. Even in the segment in which Big Show was destroying Jack's trophies (which were, for some reason, adorning the ring), the focus was on Big Show, not Swagger. Jack was there simply to stand helplessly by as Show did his thing, which speaks volumes in itself about Swagger.

If WWE can find a way to make this guy a star, even after fans already know him as someone who is a fine performer that never really caught on, more power to them. Personally, I don't see how.
I would have him join Punk and Heyman's alliance too. Get rid of his goofy haircut. Have him come back with a little more vicious streak. Basically promote him as a "wrestling machine". Let Heyman do Swagger's promos.. I dont think Swagger will ever be successful without a strong mouthpiece.

Yes what you said in this post, Heyman should manage Swagger and help get him over and have Swagger come back more vicious and ruthless than ever by being a wrestling machine and with Heyman as a mouthpiece, by aligning himself with both Punk and Heyman, Swagger can be even better than what he once was
I think Swagger has got tons of potential but he really lost his way in the last couple of years. That title reign really hurt him, so much so I don't think he ever recovered. He was a promising mid-carder who they hotshotted straight to the title picture despite him barely having any credible wins under his belt. If I remember he'd just jobbed a couple of times to Evan Bourne on RAW. The shock value certainly worked, but he wasn't ready. Saying this, I though his title run was much better than people say. He was over, improved drastically on the mic and was pretty engaging in all his feuds. He was booked strangely and was never presented as a real threat to top babyfaces, but considering how he won the belt in the first place, it made sense. His primary flaw was having no consistency to his heel persona, and for that reason I think a face turn would suit him very well. What exactly do they have to lose by doing this? He's the All American American for God's sake, surely that's a gimmick that can get over with most people. Let him cut a promo about how he lost his way but is grateful for how he the WWE universe stuck by him, how much he loves his country, yadda yadda yadda. He'll probably return to a babyface pop anyway, they might as well take advantage of it. As far as a title run is concerned, I don't think it's necessary yet, character rebuilding is much more important at this stage.
Jack Swagger in terms of his return, they should definitely hype it up in the sense of showcasing vignettes of Swagger building him up once he does return similar to how they built up Barrett in his return by showcasing vignettes of Barrett for weeks teasing us the audience until they finally had Barrett unexpectedly return and I believe they should do the same thing with Swagger especially if they plan on getting Swagger over in his return but Swagger definitely needs a mouthpiece

As for when Swagger returns, I predict Swagger will return on a RAW episode or on a Smackdown episode unexpectedly but to make it a real surprise, Swagger should return but at the Royal Rumble in the Royal Rumble Match as a surprise entrant but as for how Swagger returns, he will definitely return as a babyface
It needs to be against Antonio Cesaro. If they want to bring bring some prestige back to that title, then it needs to be defended at RR and WM. They should find a way to start a feud between the two soon. Maybe have Cesaro mocking the US fans or something.

Another idea, would be to have him team up with the Miz and start a tag team feud with Rhodes Scholars.
I would want Jack Swagger to return as a face. He would be the perfect opponent for Cesaro. The whole thing of him bragging in his other languages while saying no american will ever defeat him creates a golden opportunity to bring back Jack Swagger as a face counterpart of the All American American. Things didn't go so well for him as a heel and a face run is worth a try. Swagger also deserved a US Championship run where he actually did something. I'd have the feud between Cesaro and Swagger go on for a couple of PPV events. Cesaro would retain at first, but Swagger would win in the end and go on to have a title run as the "All American American United States Champion Champion" that actually means something. Good feuds and strong title defenses during a lengthy run with the title would then benefit both him and the belt. This could easily turn Swagger's career around to get him back in the right direction.
I think WWE needs to give Swagger a gimmick. It can't be a gimmick like a 'wrestling machine' because no one wants to see a wrestling machine. They should do a story on how when Swagger was on his hiatus, he went to Afghanistan. Instead of making him a patriotic face, make him racist. Have him 'realize' that the only good people on this planet are Americans. Keep him away from Cesaro, unless Cesaro turns face that is. Have him feud with people like Sheamus, Khali, Del Rio, Cara & Rey, etc. Then, when he runs out of people to feud with, turn him face into the patriotic face he was always meant to be. By this point, he'd be over as crazy if handled correctly.
I'd like to see Swagger return and not indicate if he is a face or heel. Just come out and win matches by out wrestling his opponents. Play on his strengths.
Do that for a few weeks then one week have him grab the mic and appear that he's going to say something then drop it and walk away. (Kind of like they did with Jericho at first.)
The next week have him backstage being interviewed. Before he can respond have someone (I have no idea who unless Flair signs with WWE.) come interrupt the interview and lead him away.
The following week have Swagger and his new manager cut a promo in the ring with the manager doing all the talking. It has to be someone entertaining though for this to work and for anyone to care about Swagger. That's why I say Flair.
I really wish Bobby Heenan was a modern day manager because he could make people care about Swagger. It's too bad managers for the most part don't exist.

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