When Christian turns heel...


Pre-Show Stalwart
It could go either way between Matt Hardy and Christian on Smackdown on who's going to turn heel on SD first. There involved in a storyline right now as the two superstars are connect from their past fighting against each other. If Christian is the one who turns heel in between the two, (since Matt Hardy played a heel last year) that could be a turn in the right direction for Christian's chances to FINALLY become a (real) world champion.

Because Christian needs an Edge (no pun intended) to get him over as a soild main event player for the World HeavyWeight Championship on Smackdown. I'm not saying that Christian should go back to being the "C.L.B." (Creepy Little Bastard). He should come with a whole new persona. A darkness simular to Matt Hardy when he was a heel last year. And then we can see Christian fued with the faces on Smackdown (Big Show, Mysterio, Undertaker).

But the question still remains. Will Vince McMahon cut this guy a break? And let the past be the past and invest in the future of Smackdown, Christian as world champion!
Just so you know, this thread has been done many, many times before and probably will get taken down.

But I'll answer.

Christian will get his push, and IMO, it will be when he will be heel. Or, Christian will not get a push but will keep the mid card strong with a nice feud with Matt Hardy. There are rumors that Edge is returning to SD!, so there can be a feud there...unless Vince changes his mind, which he does every 2 hours.
i thought we went over the "Christian/Matt Hardy will never be world champ" thing already? it isnt needed. Christian is right where he is needed, an upper mid-carder. im pretty sure i already said in your last thread that Christian and Matt are the smackdown version of Mark Henry and Goldust. none of those 4 men are going to move up to the main event card, they are right where the company needs them right now, and it really wouldnt do any good to make a guy you had around since the 90's a world champ, when you have all these guys you are grooming right now. and doing so by using these Vets, and having thm jpb to the new guys. Kofi deserves a Title shot more then Christian, because he is an up and coming talent, and the best is yet to come from him.

Savion, i understand you are a big fan of Matt, and Christian, and i applaud you for it! nothing wrong with that at all. but you really need to stop with the "Christian/Matt hardy for world champ" campaign.
Oh I'm sorry... the NWA World title isn't a REAL World title? Yeah, keep smokin' whatever you're on.

And what I don't understand is why not have Hardy go heel? When he had the cast on last year, he was gaining heat like crazy. People can say whatever they want, but Matt is at his best when he's a heel or involved in some rivalry he cares about.
Oh I'm sorry... the NWA World title isn't a REAL World title? Yeah, keep smokin' whatever you're on.

if you were talking to me, then no, i was not including that, because this is the WWE section, and there for TNA titles dont count in it. nothing against TNA, but the thread is about either one of them winning the World Heavyweight Championship. which neither one will, may suck for some, but makes sense for others
I would personally love to see both Christian & Matt Hardy form some kind of heel alliance together......people keep saying one or the other but how about both? It makes all the sense in the world and could finally give them their chance at gold......they both would have a purpose or agenda kinda like Nexus, but it would only be these two......if only Matt got into shape he wouldnt be so sloppy in the ring as he has been as of late
Honestly why do people say they will never be world champions? Matt Hardy is great When he's actually in shape. Christian is always great. Im not saying there gonna have long important reigns, not by any means, but i see them as transitional champs at least once before they retire.

And another thing, i dont have a problem with matt being fat, hes just better when hes not. And notice how people always give him sht for it when theres Jack Swagger whos got some Fat on him, and Kane hell even the Under taker has some extra weight. The difference is people arent looking for reasons to critize Taker. So why go off at Matt for being fat when the #1 face on SD! is too.

Ok now that that little rant is done on to my next point. Matt is too well liked to go heel and plays a much better face he just needs a new gimmick or add a little to the current one. Christian can play either very well but i think he will get a big push once Edge comes to SD! its gonna be an on and off fued up till Wrestlemania. Matt had his chance but got injured so he missed out on that.

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