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When Big E Langston turns babyface

CM Steel

A REAL American
It'll be a matter of time before Big E Langston leaves the side of Dolph Ziggler & AJ to become his own man and as a babyface. Because Big E can't be Dolph's bitch bodyguard forever. Big E Langston got called-up to the main WWE roster while he was still the NXT champion in Florida. Now he's in a non-speaking role as yet another bodyguard debuting in the WWE. The same way that Ezekiel Jackson debuted in the E as the bodyguard for Brian Kendrick.

But doesn't Big E Langston kinda remind of Bobby Lashley in a major way? They both have the same facial expressions, strength and power. Oh yeah their both african-american. Big E Langston has already crossed paths with John Cena in the ring. Something that took Bobby Lashley two years to do. Yes Big E has alot to learn about the business still but he has alot of promise for the future in his career.

So whenever Big E Langston does turn face. How far will he go in the WWE as a superstar?
A question like that is completely impossible to answer with the total lack of Big E. Langston's skill set we have seen so far. Turning him face so quickly is hilarious. Why would one even want to cheer someone who hasn't been on the roster all of a month or so? I'm almost positive we've seen Langston do two moves so far. With zero matches under his belt and the total lack of mic time he's been given so far, I'd like to see more of him before I can decide whether or not he will be a success. With all the great stars down in NXT I've heard so much about, Langston got the call up for a reason. I'd like to know that reason before everyone starts wanting a dominant/Bobby Lashley style babyface run from him.
It'll be a matter of time before Big E Langston leaves the side of Dolph Ziggler & AJ to become his own man and as a babyface. Because Big E can't be Dolph's bitch bodyguard forever. Big E Langston got called-up to the main WWE roster while he was still the NXT champion in Florida. Now he's in a non-speaking role as yet another bodyguard debuting in the WWE. The same way that Ezekiel Jackson debuted in the E as the bodyguard for Brian Kendrick.

But doesn't Big E Langston kinda remind of Bobby Lashley in a major way? They both have the same facial expressions, strength and power. Oh yeah their both african-american. Big E Langston has already crossed paths with John Cena in the ring. Something that took Bobby Lashley two years to do. Yes Big E has alot to learn about the business still but he has alot of promise for the future in his career.

So whenever Big E Langston does turn face. How far will he go in the WWE as a superstar?

Are you sure that is whats going to happen? I've heard conflicting reports that Big E and AJ would break away from Dolph and Ziggler would become the face. Can you provide a valid source for your statement?

According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, there's been a lot of talk recently about turning Dolph Ziggler babyface.

The report alleges that there's talk among WWE officials of having Big E. Langston breaking away from Ziggler but ultimately staying with AJ Lee. It was initially thought that this would be done for the purpose of a Langston face turn but it appears that it'll be Ziggler turning face instead.

The report also alleges that Vince has been going back and forth on the face turn. However, Vince's issues aren't based on if Ziggler will turn babyface but rather when to make the turn take place. Many within the company have confidence that Ziggler will be huge as a babyface once the call is made.

See this goes against what you are saying so if you have another report please cite it.

But as an athlete there is no doubt he'll make a big impact given the right time frame. They showed him when they were plugging the Rock vs Cena once in a lifetime nonsense when Cena went to his gym. Dude is strong as anything. He'll need a new finisher before anything though. That lame duck finish he does now doesn't look like it would hurt anyone. Oh here let me lift you on my shoulders and then drop straight down letting your fully extended body land on my arm. For a guy with that much power he should have a much more demolishing finisher. I'd see him rising the ranks of the IC title BUT he might in fact get a solid Championship run provided 3 things:
1. Vince is still alive
2. Cena is still kissing Vinces @$$
3. Big E doesn't test positive for anything.

Yes I am implying that Cena will be the key in his accomplishments in WWE. Why? Because of how tight Cena is with the brass. Having Cena as a friend only helps Big E's chances of making it in the WWE.
It is certain to happen. Ziggler will win the belt and start pushing him around. He will eventually get pissed off and snap.

We need to see more of him before passing judgement. He seem to be a solid wrestler but we have seen that before. There is such a thin line for guys with a monster image. Some turn into world champs, some get fired and the odd one is a dancing dinosaur.
Honestly, I think its much more likely that WWE will drop the ball with Langston and release him before actually turning him face. Either that 'OR' they will have him break away from Dolph but keep both men heels. Langston will want to branch out on his own, Dolph will still want to be the center of attention, and the two just wont work and will split.

Langston as a face right now really has no fuel behind it. Dolph bosses him around, but so far it hasnt been in a demeaning way, AND Langston has always appeared MORE THAN HAPPY to do as he was told. Infact he has always looked eager to help Dolph. If a turn were to be possible for Langston, the E would at least need to have some seeds planted such as doubt to some degree. Look at Legacy. Even when they were still a solid team, Orton bossed them around in a very demeaning manner and constantly let THEM take the brunt of attacks for him so he could pick up the peices after. So far both Dolph and Langston have shared a majority of Dolphs conflicts with opponents, together.

I dunno..Like KOC...Id like a source cited as to where your getting the idea a face turn might be in the future for him. But back to your original question...

IF/WHEN he does somehow go face..I think his face turn will be about as popular as Kahli's was. Kahli got pushed as a monster heel which I could see for Langston...then he got turned into a uselass sack of shit face, which I see for Langston unless they give him some sort of epic fued leading into his face turn.
I don't see a babyface turn in Langston's future anytime soon. As someone else cited a report I initially told in a threat regarding a Ziggler face turn, it seems that Vince is more interested in a Ziggler turn than Big E. at this point.

There's more money, at least in my opinion, in a Ziggler face turn than Big E. because, frankly, there's no money at all in Big E. right now. AJ is pretty good at generating heat at this point and if WWE is looking to get Langston over, then pairing him with AJ for a while and letting him develop his own presence, which I think he MIGHT have the potential to do, is probably his best shot at this point.

If or when he does turn face, who can answer the question? We've yet to see him wrestle a match in WWE just now. Even in NXT, most of his matches have generally been squash matches that, apparently, the NXT audience eats up whenever he comes out. I've really no clue what he's capable of at this point, but I'd be willing to gamble that WWE isn't so sure about his in-ring ability at this point. Given that possibility and the fact that he could fall flat on his face if he were to suddenly go babyface anytime soon, I don't know why anyone would want to see it happen. I highly doubt Big E. is ready for it and WWE doesn't need to cast him in a similar babyface role as Ryback, which is probably where he'd end up heading right now.
I'll definitely need to see more out of him before I come to any sort of definite conclusion, but my feeling thus far is that Big E won't go far or last long.

His look isn't great. If you didn't know he was a wrestler you'd think Full Force was making a comeback. He isn't tall and doesn't have an intimidating or expressive face. Sure he's built like a brick outhouse, but in comparison to Ezekial Jackson or Mason Ryan, he's nothing special. His singlet makes him look like he's 15 years late to joining the Nation of Domination. To sum it up, visually he does nothing for me.

The only way he reminds me of Bobby Lashley is that they're both black and neither has a voice to match their appearance. It's something I never liked about Lashley, and it'll likely keep me from connecting with Langston, too. When a guy looks like he just came out of an experimental genetics lab, then he opens his mouth and sounds like an accountant, a lot is lost.

Big E also seems to be deficient in the charisma department. Sure he's brand new, but sometimes it's easy to tell. Many have been raving over Brad Maddox, and for good reason. There is something about that kid that makes him watchable. He isn't the greatest actor or physical specimen, but he has something that draws you to him. Langston on the other hand doesn't inspire any emotions or lead one to think that he has "it." Granted he hasn't been given the kind of role that Maddox has, but based off of the role he has, I don't get the feeling he's capable of much more.

Again, it really is too early. I'm not feeling his look or presentation so far, but if he proves me wrong then I'll eat my crow.
Now he's in a non-speaking role as yet another bodyguard debuting in the WWE. The same way that Ezekiel Jackson debuted in the E as the bodyguard for Brian Kendrick.

Yes, non-speaking and zero personality. He may have a personality, but we haven't seen it yet. Some folks are comparing him to Bobby Lashley and Big Zeke, which is appropriate, yet it isn't just the Afro-American connection: as I recall, Batista had no personality when he served as a bodyguard for Reverend D-Von. In fact, even as a star, he never did display much range in his emotions except rage, no?

Big E? Who knows? In the end, I suppose it will boil down to his repertoire in the ring. So far, he's got that strange version of a body drop and nothing else, as no one has countered his move yet so we don't know how he'll mix it up with other wrestlers now that he's in the big time (I never watch NxT, so I don't know what kind of a performer he is).

As far as turning good guy, I don't know how much of a priority the company views him as for a face change, but suffice it to say that every heel turns good after awhile (and vice-versa). After the initial cheers, we'll find out if Big E. has the goods that Big Zeke never did.
I don't see him getting very far whether he turns face or not. He's rather boring and I'm simply not interested in watching him work a match. Perhaps with time he will improve, but at the moment I am not a fan. He seems to be in the best role for him right now, a heel bodyguard type of character. This is a good role for him as someone his size is believable in the role and he can take losses against opponents of Ziggler or whoever else he might work as an enforcer for. I'm not entirely against seeing Langston be a bodyguard for other wrestlers, including faces if he were to turn, but if/when he goes solo.... I would quickly lose any interest in him unless he becomes signficant better between now and then. I didn't think I'd be much of a Ryback fan at first, I detested him on NXT season 1 as Skip, but he won me over as a fan in his current persona. Langston could do the same but he's got a lot of improvement he needs to make first.
If or when he does turn face, who can answer the question? We've yet to see him wrestle a match in WWE just now. Even in NXT, most of his matches have generally been squash matches that, apparently, the NXT audience eats up whenever he comes out. I've really no clue what he's capable of at this point, but I'd be willing to gamble that WWE isn't so sure about his in-ring ability at this point.

So far, he's got that strange version of a body drop and nothing else, as no one has countered his move yet so we don't know how he'll mix it up with other wrestlers now that he's in the big time (I never watch NxT, so I don't know what kind of a performer he is).

If neither of you can be assed to watch the show in which the majority of his work is on, in which you see him actually doing something, then why are you even bothering to comment on the guy?

I don't mean to sound contentious when I say that, but stop pretending you have the pulse on an audience, especially when you haven't even seen the guy in front of an environment, actually working. For that matter, let's face it, neither you nor I have any idea if this is going to get over the casual fan.

I have watched this guy on NXT; from what I can tell, this guy is going to get over, because he's believable as an aggressive beast, who just mauls people. Shock and awe; that gets over, more often than not. Now, there's no way to tell if he's going to get over right now, because he hasn't done anything. But I'm willing to buy that what I have seen him do in NXT is going to get over eventually. Now may be too soon for the man to get over... But this man is going to be over.

Critiquing a guy
It's probably best you have
Some sort of insight
It's not when he turns face, it's if he turns face, and I don't see it happening anytime within the near future. At first there were rumors swirling that Big E. was going to turn face, then it was Ziggler (with a valid source provided), so I highly doubt they turn both face in such a short period of time, if you do, you might as well keep the group together and just turn the whole group face.

I haven't seen much of Big E. so I really can't form a good view on him, but judging from the very little I have seen him, I kind of like him... he has one thing that a lot of the other body-guards doesn't have, he actually shows somewhat of a personality, when he clotheslines someone, he leans up the barricade and smirks as if nothing happens where as usually when another bodyguard does the same thing... they keep the same, boring, stone-faced expression, they actually keep that their whole career, even when they break off into singles competition, the only one that hasn't from recent memory at least is Brodus Clay.

Big E. once he gains some more experience looks like he can actually gain some charisma... I just don't see him turning face anytime soon.
While we're at it;

Can we sod off with this nonsense that all we've got from his NXT run is a couple of squash matches. I mean, yes, the majority of his matches of squashes, you know, because that's one way you introduce a character. But if you actually watch NXT, you'll find plenty of reason to believe Big E Langston is going to make a great face.

I find it so humorous... One of the big complaints I hear people give about WWE booking is how they give up on guys too quickly. And then I see a thread where the vast majority of people have already shown Big E isn't going to get over with them... Well, for some reason, I guess. I mean, we've already established that at least some of the people in this thread don't watch the show where he does the most.

So... Anyone who actually has watched NXT want to chime in? Or are we just going to continue to yammer about things we don't know?
I find it so humorous... One of the big complaints I hear people give about WWE booking is how they give up on guys too quickly. And then I see a thread where the vast majority of people have already shown Big E isn't going to get over with them... Well, for some reason, I guess.

While the folks you addressed can get back to you about NXT, I do sort of take exception to this statement. Although I'm 100% in agreement that the complainers can be hypocrites. They want new stars, they want legends. They want long term booking, they want things revealed now. So on and so on.

My only issue with your statement there is that I think you're being dismissive of the reasons people have mentioned. Nobody knows what the future holds for Langston, of course. I based my forecast off of his look and presentation. Others invoked things like a rumored turn for Ziggler or Big E's relationship with Cena. There are a lot of factors at play. Re-reading the thread, I think the only real consensus is that it's very early in the proceedings to speak with any kind of certainty.

Time will tell. I doubt anyone's rooting against him, though. His background is certainly relevant, but I think most folks are looking at things as contained within the Raw continuity. Again, I speak only for myself when I say that I just don't see him becoming a big deal, but I've been wrong before and will be wrong again.


Anyone that has formulated an opinion on anything that has to do with Langston based on what he's done since his Raw debut is a complete and utter moron.

Shame on you, D-Man.

Don't listen to him, folks. Right or wrong, having an opinion on Langston's future is completely fair. When John Cena came out and confronted Kurt Angle 10 years ago, people had an opinion. When Armando Estrada ha ha'd his way through introducing the Samoan Bulldozer, people had an opinion. When a talent debuts in a conspicuous manner, people have an opinion. You're supposed to. WWE wants you to. No opinion is ambivalence. As long as you're not ambivalent to Big E, then he's getting attention. As long as he's getting attention, WWE is satisfied.

Don't be deterred from saying what you feel about Big E. Having an opinion makes you the opposite of a moron, because it shows you're thinking and being an active participant while you watch. Don't here or anywhere in life let someone try to shut you up like this.
I don't see him getting very far whether he turns face or not. He's rather boring and I'm simply not interested in watching him work a match. Perhaps with time he will improve, but at the moment I am not a fan. He seems to be in the best role for him right now, a heel bodyguard type of character. This is a good role for him as someone his size is believable in the role and he can take losses against opponents of Ziggler or whoever else he might work as an enforcer for. I'm not entirely against seeing Langston be a bodyguard for other wrestlers, including faces if he were to turn, but if/when he goes solo.... I would quickly lose any interest in him unless he becomes signficant better between now and then. I didn't think I'd be much of a Ryback fan at first, I detested him on NXT season 1 as Skip, but he won me over as a fan in his current persona. Langston could do the same but he's got a lot of improvement he needs to make first.

Seriously, Dagger?

Unless anyone has watched and followed Langston throughout his stint in NXT, no one is going to have a clue as to what the future holds for him; and even THAT is a stretch since NXT is a completely different show than Raw, Smackdown, Main Event, and Saturday Morning Slam. It's minor leagues versus big leagues and wrestlers are treated completely different on NXT as compared to the other shows.

Anyone that has formulated an opinion on anything that has to do with Langston based on what he's done since his Raw debut is a complete and utter moron. What has he done so far: crossed his arms, made angry faces, interfered in a few matches and thrown a few clotheslines?? That's like asking how good of a singer a deaf-mute can possibly become after knowing them for a month. What do you have to go on? The guy hasn't been given a chance to do... well... anything. Where do any of you possibly get off?

This thread cracks me up.

Personally, I will provide no opinion because I don't know enough about him. And this is coming from someone who actually watched him on NXT.
Remember when Alex Riley - who is shit - turned on The Miz and everybody went apeshit? Remember when Big E Langston - who is a talented wrestler - was a massive, badass looking black guy? Well, I'm sure you see where I'm going with this.

wrestlers are treated completely different on NXT as compared to the other shows.

Considering how both NXT champions thus far have ended up on the main roster (that's Seth Rollins and Big E himself, uninitiated people), there's probably going to always be a quick turnover at the top. Great show. People should watch it.
Unless anyone has watched and followed Langston throughout his stint in NXT, no one is going to have a clue as to what the future holds for him; and even THAT is a stretch since NXT is a completely different show than Raw, Smackdown, Main Event, and Saturday Morning Slam. It's minor leagues versus big leagues and wrestlers are treated completely different on NXT as compared to the other shows.
Yes, it's the minor league. But at the same time, I think one's success in the minor league can be predictive of future success. It's the Chris Jericho philosophy: (paraphrasing) "If you can get over in front of 100 people, you can get over in front of 1000. It's the same principle." I've believed this for a long time. It's why I hitch wagon to indy darlings. Not only do I like them, but they're proven winners. Good is good. "It" is "it." Big E has it, and if given the chance, his shtick can work big time on the big stage.

That said, Triple H allegedly has a lot of say on NXT. Who knows how playing in Vince McMahon's world will undermine yet another hot prospect. After fucking up Ryback, you can't put anything past that senile old fool.
He'll need a new finisher before anything though. That lame duck finish he does now doesn't look like it would hurt anyone. Oh here let me lift you on my shoulders and then drop straight down letting your fully extended body land on my arm. For a guy with that much power he should have a much more demolishing finisher.

The move is supposed to appear as if he is dropping the opponent violently onto their stomach as a gutbuster or something along those lines that would take someones breath away and make them unable to move for a few seconds. It's not supposed to look like a shot to the head or anything.

I'm not saying Big E couldn't adapt another power move but every Finisher can't be a DDT or Submission.

I mean Dolph Ziggler's "Zig Zag" is the most basic of moves ever. It's simply an aided back bump yet someone it knocks people out? And Ziggler is holding the MITB briefcase and bound to be World Champion.
I have seen Langston on NXT. I do like him. I especially liked his 5 count gimmick. I think that he does have a future with the WWE. If it's either as a heel or face, only time will tell. Am I as optimistic with him Reigns, Ambrose, and Rollins? No. But I do feel he has all the tools to make it in the WWE. I do feel him with Ziggler and AJ is an odd pairing however and I'm not sure it's working.

I haven't seen much of Big E. so I really can't form a good view on him, but judging from the very little I have seen him, I kind of like him... he has one thing that a lot of the other body-guards doesn't have, he actually shows somewhat of a personality, when he clotheslines someone, he leans up the barricade and smirks as if nothing happens where as usually when another bodyguard does the same thing... they keep the same, boring, stone-faced expression, they actually keep that their whole career, even when they break off into singles competition, the only one that hasn't from recent memory at least is Brodus Clay.

Spot on. This is exactly one of my reasons for liking him. These are the little traits that people miss when judging a character.
Anyone that has formulated an opinion on anything that has to do with Langston based on what he's done since his Raw debut is a complete and utter moron. What has he done so far: crossed his arms, made angry faces, interfered in a few matches and thrown a few clotheslines?? That's like asking how good of a singer a deaf-mute can possibly become after knowing them for a month. What do you have to go on? The guy hasn't been given a chance to do... well... anything. Where do any of you possibly get off?

Even though I hate negativity for the sake of it, I do think a lot of the people here have a decent argument. You're saying that they don't have enough to go on when basing an opinion on Big E. But alternatively, maybe they believe that in some of the very simplistic, basic, tasks that Big E has been asked to perform on RAW, he's managed to fail them. He had a very short speaking part and flubbed it. He doesn't make believably intimidating expressions. Recent bodyguard roles have not gotten over with the crowd. There's 3 reasons that someone might have a negative opinion of the Big E character/actor.

Just because people don't adhere to some imaginary rulebook that states they cannot have a valid opinion until you believe the time's right, doesn't make them morons for doing so.
Yes, it's the minor league. But at the same time, I think one's success in the minor league can be predictive of future success. It's the Chris Jericho philosophy: (paraphrasing) "If you can get over in front of 100 people, you can get over in front of 1000. It's the same principle." I've believed this for a long time. It's why I hitch wagon to indy darlings. Not only do I like them, but they're proven winners. Good is good. "It" is "it." Big E has it, and if given the chance, his shtick can work big time on the big stage.

I'm not denying this at all. NXT is the litmus paper for the future, no doubt about it. But there's no guarantee that you'll make the same impact on the main roster's shows as you did in NXT.

All that being said, my argument is directed towards the posters who never watched NXT. Basically, you're all formulating opinions based on a man who has done nothing more than some power moves, ran some match interference, and a few gestures that may possibly shed some light as to whether he's got a personality or not. How can anyone assume he'd make a good or bad babyface based on this information?? It's foolish to try.
Even though I hate negativity for the sake of it, I do think a lot of the people here have a decent argument.

Considering my negativity comes from a pretty logical place and not "for the sake of it", I respectfully disagree.

You're saying that they don't have enough to go on when basing an opinion on Big E. But alternatively, maybe they believe that in some of the very simplistic, basic, tasks that Big E has been asked to perform on RAW, he's managed to fail them.

Let's say, for the sake of argument, I was a completely negative person by nature (which I truly am not.) However, the only post I made in this thread was a picture of my face, smiling at you. Could you possibly tell that I was a negative person or would you assume I was relatively happy? That's my point.

He had a very short speaking part and flubbed it.

If I recall correctly, Steve Austin's first promos as "The Ringmaster" weren't too solid, either. Hence the reason why Ted DiBiase represented him at first.

He doesn't make believably intimidating expressions.

You mean there is a "believable" way to smile at someone? Or frown? Or show anger?

Recent bodyguard roles have not gotten over with the crowd.

Recent? As compared to old ones that have gotten over such as Diesel, Batista, Psycho Sid, and Virgil? Once again, it depends on how they're booked.

Langston has been on the main roster for just over one month. He hasn't had any time for development. How can anyone formulate any logical and fair opinions on him?

There's 3 reasons that someone might have a negative opinion of the Big E character/actor.

There are three reasons. Good thing this discussion isn't about Langston's grammar.

Just because people don't adhere to some imaginary rulebook that states they cannot have a valid opinion until you believe the time's right, doesn't make them morons for doing so.

Imaginary rulebook? What are you talking about?

It's common sense. How much can you know about someone based on them speaking a sentence or two and making a few gestures? That's like holding a job interview where the applicant doesn't answer any of the questions except for telling you their name, smiling, putting a few expressions on their face, and then you're supposed to hire them and determine their future in your company.
The move is supposed to appear as if he is dropping the opponent violently onto their stomach as a gutbuster or something along those lines that would take someones breath away and make them unable to move for a few seconds. It's not supposed to look like a shot to the head or anything.

I'm not saying Big E couldn't adapt another power move but every Finisher can't be a DDT or Submission.

I mean Dolph Ziggler's "Zig Zag" is the most basic of moves ever. It's simply an aided back bump yet someone it knocks people out? And Ziggler is holding the MITB briefcase and bound to be World Champion.

I'm just saying I think they should give him something better. I'm sure somewhere along the line they will but I guess we're stuck with it for now. I just know he is capable of so much more based on his pure strength that something as basic as that should be a set up move or maybe (in video game terms) a "signature move". I wouldn't be opposed to them giving him something like Monty Brown's "pounce". With Big E's size that would look really devastating.
The Zig Zag I can actually buy because a lot of the time it looks like there is whiplash and the selling by Dolph and his opponents is fantastic.

I never doubted that Dolph would be World Champion. I've been saying for a while that the guy is Championship material and that WWE is doing a great job (surprisingly great job actually...) of keeping the belt OFF of Ziggler long enough that people are actually getting on his bandwagon/fan-base in hopes that he gets that reign sooner rather than later.
Watching both NXT and RAW/SD can get confusing. Both Seth Rollins and Big E have been the NXT champ as faces, then go on to be heels in the bigger shows.

While I get that it's easier to debut as a heel and to get over like that, why not have them heels in NXT to begin with? Is it because people who go to NXT pop loudest for the most talented people, so they are made faces?

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