When 2010 ends who will be the bigger star: Orton or Cena?

Defintely a fun question. Based on my screenname and avatar you can guess who I am pulling for. Thing is, I really think it will be Orton. It looks to me like they are getting ready to throw him to the top of the championship ladder, based solely off Monday night. First, the crowd explodes every time they see him now. In a match with the current champ, the man who lost the belt the night before, and the MIB winner, Orton absoutely dominated. That sequence of his back-breaker move into his INSANE snap-powerslam (for lack of a better term) followed by RKO's to Batista and Swagger was incredible.

Also, did anyone notice Cena's face after the match looking at Orton? It was bascially a "What have I unleashed?" kind of look and Cena played it perfectly. To have Orton standing by himself doing his old (awesome) pose on the turnbuckle in a match with three other main-eventers says alot of where the WWE is pushing him, at least IMO.

Also, I agree with others that compare him to Stone Cold. That is exactly the kind of character he needs to be.
This thread is an IWC dork's dream. Of course most of you want Orton - you crave the Attitude Era, you need the Attitude Era ... many of you can't even go on living in this PG World. Orton satisfies your thirst for that time period of WWE history.

Unfortunately ...

WWE is still PG. Will remain PG. And has no plans in the near or distant future to switch directions. That alone should be enough reason for people on this board to realize that Cena will remain the face of the company.

Here's another - much more important - reason why ...

Randy Orton's history will prevent the WWE from truly marketing him any time soon. Orton is a guy who has twice failed a drug test. He has wrecked hotel rooms. He has been surly to fans.

...does that sound like someone the WWE is going to market in their kid-friendly era?

Meanwhile - John Cena does 50 appearances a month. He makes movies. He deals with all the media. He goes on all the charity visits. He works as an ambassador for the WWE. And he does it all with a smile on his face. And that's what separates Cena and Orton. Cena goes above and beyond for the company outside the ring. Orton - though not a bad thing - comes off as a guy who would rather be kept alone.

This is kind of a ridiculous reply to be honest.

John Cena was the most over when he was doing "attitude gimmicks"

The guy used to end ever one of his raps with Suck my D***... Ever since he's dropped the rapper gimmick and started the Marine/Respect Gimmick he has been dropping support little by little. He defiantly has picked up in the casual fans though i agree. But you saying the attitude fans want to see Orton over take Cena.. why wouldn't we just say cena go back to an attitude like gimmick like he had when he first got drafted to Raw.

We want Orton more because

A- He's a better wrestler
B- He unpredictable
C- And in my mind he's a better Heel than Cena and when he wants to be.. he can play a better face than Cena. He just understands the business more.

I like John Cena.. so stop with this attitude bs you preach.

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