WHC or WWE title?


Prof Ulti at work as usual....
If you were the wrestler, the face of the company and the storyline writers gave you a chance; be the wwe chapion or the WHC champion. Which would you choose? I would personally go for the WWE title. First of all it is THE WWE title and it has the WWE name in it which goes to show all the tradition it has within the WWE. Also it spins and is more 'bling' which makes it look hundred times nicer than the WHC. It also has diamond in it whereas the WHC doesn't. So which would you choose?
Well personally i would want the nwa heavy weight belt but since thats not part of the topic im going with the world heavy weight plenty of names held that title that makes its more important then the wwe title wrestlers like rock hhh hbk edge jericho cena taker cm punk have all held the belt
Simple, whichever title is on Raw. If I'm the face of the company, I'm going to be on the flagship show more than likely. And not having the spoilers at the fans' disposal would also be a big plus. My show would get more viewers just because it's live and no one knows what's going to happen.

Now in terms of the title belt itself..at this point I would take the WHC. The WWE title is just ugly and looks right ONLY with Cena. As he is not even gunning for that title and hasn't been for some time, it needs to be changed. But if were talking about the Winged Eagle belt of the Undispute title belt I might change my mind over to that one.
It depends, the WWE title has more prestige, but the World title is on Raw. I'd probably go for the World Heavyweight title because then you go out to a wider audience.
wwe belt as long as its the 1 with the white straps that warrior wore wen he was champ
I would say the World Heavyweight Championship.

I just find the belt to look more honerable and official where as the WWE Championship looks very very WWE style and prop like. The WHC still looks somewhat real and prestiges.

Defo the WHC.
Hm.. people who scarred the WHC:

Batista (x4)
King Booker
The Great Khali
CM Punk
John Cena

People who scarred the WWE title (I'm only considering late 90s to present day):

John Cena (x3)
Jeff Hardy

I think I have a winner. WWE title, it is.
WWE Title has so much more prestige so I'd have to go with it over the WHC belt, despite it looking extremely terrible... the thing is so ugly, I dont know why it still looks like that, but I guess it sort of reflects the era we're in right now (the Cena era). However, you just cant beat being the WWE Champion on WWE's flagship show, Raw.
well i dont see why people think the wwe title is ugly but as long as it dont spin than thats the title i would go for but the whc looks more honorable
I would choose the WWE Title over the WHC. It has more prestige to it. The WHC doesn't really have a lineage. They're not sure whether to mix it up with the WCW Championship or put it by itself. That itself makes it looks like less of a belt.
I think people are vastly underselling the prestige of the former NWA/WCW title, the current WHC. I really dont belive the gulf between them is much at all. That being said, I would much rather carry the WHC, and its not even a slight hesitation on my part. The WWE title looks absolutely ridiculous right now. It looks like either a toy, or a mid card title, or a fucking gimmick belt for goodness sakes.

The WHC, and the way it looks, just screams prestige, legitimacy, and "I am the champion". I have no idea what the current WWE title screams. "Im an idiot" maybe.
I agree with what NorCal says about the WHC, and how it makes the statement "I am the champion", but I like the way the WWE Title looks. Also, if you're wrestling in WWE, wouldn't you want to be WWE Champ? The WCW/NWA belt always seems secondary to me, because it came to the company after the Invasion.

Without the Invasion, we would only have the WWE Title, and there wouldn't be any debate.
Hmm, would I rather carry a Championship that's been in the industry and worn by some of the all-time greats. Or a Championship, originally made for a white rapper. Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Without question, and without having to stress overly on it.. the World Heavyweight Championship in no contest.

A.) It's a bigger Chapionship, and looks more impressive.
B.) Since the days the W.W.E. Spinner belt was even made, anyone (not named John Cena) who wore it.. looked stupid with it. Edge came close to making it at least great when he switched in a Rated R spinner. But the bottom line is this..

Any Championship that spins.. isn't a respectable Championship, at all. Its a children's amusement toy. It's made purely to make the fans go "Ohh, ahhh". Nothing more.

If I were given an option, without a doubt.. it'd be the World Heavyweight title. And without further proof.. it even looks good on an average guy. :p

I would chose the WHC because it looks and SOUNDS better

"approaching the ring the World Heavy Weight Champion ...."

to me that sounds better then WWE championship intro
plus the prestige is way more intact in the WHC

The current WWE title started in 2002 and since then has had some great wreslters holding it but not as great as the WHC
Id definitely go for the WWE Championship as it has more prestige than the World Heavyweight Title plus as the World Heavyweight title is just the WCW Title not recognising the WCW Title history lol
Isn't the current WHC belt the same belt Ric Flair showed up with in the WWE when he jumped ship from WCW? That makes it the same title people like Sting also held. Yeah no history or anything there.

Besides who wouldn't want to hold the same title that wrestling legends, such as David Arquette, held with pride?
Both titles have great lineage but The WHC actually looks nice though. the WCW/WHC has great lineage if you look at it because guys like Hogan, Flair, Savage, Sting, Steamboat, Bret Hart carried it. it's also the title whose credibility was shot for a bit with guys like Russo and Arquette holding it. The WWE title i'd say has a bit more history because you've got Hogan, Flair, Savage, Sammartino, Backlund, Hart, Michaels and many other greats holding it. Both have great history though. I'm not sure who held the NWA title but according to WWE.com the WHC title goes back to like 1904 because it used to be WCW which was NWA before it. If I were champ I'd wanna hold both lol but the WWE one first because it is the WWE title and WWE is the only one of the 2 companies still around. With that being said I miss the WWF days When the Fink used to announce a title match as a World Wrestling Federation Championship match. The good old days. I wish they'd create a new mold for the WWE title. Stupid spinner. Triple H looks like a clown with that belt around his waist.
Personally I'd want to have the WWE title around my waist... as long as it wasen't the spinner belt. God that belt has seriously out-stayed its welcome. If the WWE were to go back to the formal WWE title belt than I'd pick that every day of the week, just because being the WWE title is showing that you made it to the top of the world's greatest wrestling company. Not dis-crediting the World Heavyweight Championship but I reckon it looks better to have numberous WWE Championships on your championship tally, than World titles.
I'd definitely go for the World Heavyweight Title. It looks like a prestigious championship and if you consider the WCW reigns with it, the belt really has a decent legacy (besides Russo and Arquette). Huge stars like Sting, Hogan, Hart, Flair, Goldberg, and Nash have all held the WCW belt. Though I don't think WWE acknowledges the NWA/WCW lineage, but current stars like Kurt Angle, Triple H, Undertaker, Batista, Edge, and John Cena have all held the World Heavyweight Title.

The WWE Title has also been held by many greats and has a much longer lineage if you exclude the WCW/NWA reigns from the WHC. I would have said the WWE Title since IMO it is the true flagship belt of the company but it simply doesn't look like a world title. It looks good on Cena and Cena only but he hasn't had the WWE Title in over a year now. They really should change the belt back to what it was originally or come up with a new design.

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