What's Your Story Part 2


Totally Reeking of Awesomeness
A while back I made a thread called What's your story, and I asked what is a fond memory you have of wrestling that you looked back on and made you smile or made you glad you were a fan. This one is the opposite end of that. This time I want to ask what is an event in wrestling that brings you back to a bad time in your life. Nothing to heavy, but my point here is to show that when I think back on certain things in my life I always can think of what was going on in wrestling at that time. My example is Chris Jericho's debut. At that time in my life I had just graduated from High School, and I had just messed up and gotten a DUI. I wasn't sure where my life was going, and I was very confused at that time in my life. Wrestling was always something that helped me pull through the bad times. Now everytime I rewatch Jericho's debut I think of a down time in my life, and think about how I pulled through it. So question is what events in the history of wrestling when you watch them make you think of a not so good time in your life, and can you associate things that happened to you with an event or time period in wrestling history? I hope this gains as much interest as my first thread like this.
back in 2007 wrestlemania 23 . . . i was headed down a bad road being addicted to heroin nothign else mattered but yet i was watchin wrestling . . . my father ordered it for me because it was in our home town . . two months later i got arrested and went to jail for 4 months, whenever i think of wrestlemania 23 i think of this whole year, however i got out of jail and have been clean ever since and wrestling is still there, i guess thats the bright side of this story
Back in 2005 I was separating from my marriage. As you can guess this was a turbulent time for me. One day I just happened to check the obituary in my hometown when I scrolled to the bottom of the page and saw the picture of Eddie Guerrerro. I was more upset about his death than I was about ending my own marriage.
Easily for me!! Wm18!! That last fall before WM18 my dad died! When my other family left me and my mom (grandma aunt uncle even my sister left us all alone!!) Needless to say me and my mom were very devastated by this loss and while we were slowly putting the pieces together before i knew it,it was Wm time!!

Now i have watched wrestling all my life and when they announced Hogan Vs Rock i had to get it!! And i did order it and still look at that WM with very fond memories and that match while not a five star match didnt disappoint at all!! Great WM for me
As usual, mine deals with Ric Flair. Myself and my wife went thru a separation right around the time of Flair's retirement at Wrestlemania 24. I had every intention on making the trip down to Orlando to watch my childhood idol get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame and wrestle what everyone knew was his last match. Unfortunately, this event coincided with myself and my wife separating for 7 months. We've since reconciled, but I will always remember that being an especially traumatic time in my life.
Easily for me!! Wm18!! That last fall before WM18 my dad died! When my other family left me and my mom (grandma aunt uncle even my sister left us all alone!!) Needless to say me and my mom were very devastated by this loss and while we were slowly putting the pieces together before i knew it,it was Wm time!!

Now i have watched wrestling all my life and when they announced Hogan Vs Rock i had to get it!! And i did order it and still look at that WM with very fond memories and that match while not a five star match didnt disappoint at all!! Great WM for me

Exactly what I was looking for with this thread. Its amazing how wrestling can lift a fan through the hard times, and I think that is what being a true fan is. Many times something bad has happened and I would forget my problems during the fantasy world of Raw. To many people critisize this sport we love, and forget what the superstars actually do for us. Its like when people use alcohol to escape their problems only wrestling is a harmless way to do so. Thanks for the post. you hit what I wanted right on the head.
Wrestlemania 20 "It all begins...again."

Yeah you got that right. How fitting for my life. Just
moved...new town, no friends, parents ugly divorced that separated the family.

It was a bad time for me, and I started drinking ALOT and didnt care about wrestling. Stopped watching prior to WM 20 up until around WM 25.

But the good thing is that it did begin again for me...a new life. Im married, own a home and have a good job. Plenty of great friends and my family is the best theyve ever been.
Great question. For me it was when Undertaker beat Hulk Hogan for his first WWE Title at Survivor Series 91. My Dad(who was a big wrestling fan and was the person that got me into it) took me to this card. He had Leukemia at the time and about a week after this passed away. I was only like 9 years old at the time so I didn't have a ton of memories with my Dad but this event is one thing that I always think of when I think of him.

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