What's your favorite Cage Match

Although my favourite match (Angle vs Benoit 2001) has already been mentioned, im going to say my 2nd favourite Cage Match was Rikishi vs Val Venis w/Trish Stratus for the IC Title at Fully Loaded 2000.
I know, I know, I am as surprised as you are but check out the match bits classic...



This match made me care about Rikishi, and helped prove how greeat a wrestler Valbowski really is, despite some dodgy gimmicks givwen to him...
That it was for my personal favourite championship AND had Trish and her "puppies" involved only sweetened the deal...
Hulk Hogan vs the Big Bossman on Saturday Nights Main Event was one of my favourites, it was so exciting, this was the first time I can remember someone been suplexed off a cage aswell. Thats what made it for me, there was also an electrifying atmosphere.

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart at Summerslam 94. Bret and Owens in ring chemistry was tremendous and this match is a great addition to the Wrestlemania X match (which i consider to be the best match ever). It was an amazing match which also featured a great suplex off the cage. I love that it was bloodless aswell cause I think its added to the excitement of the actual wrestling. Loved the ending aswell where Owen got caught in the cage, just cage wrestling at its best.
I'm going to go with one based on nostalgia and not match quality and say Hogan vs. Bossman from SNME. Having Zeus beat Hogan up at the beginning made me think that maybe Hogan could lose. The suplex from the top of the cage was awesome, or at least it was back then. This was a standard Hogan tv match which means it was at least entertaining. Bossman was a solid heel challenger that made Hogan look good, so what more can you ask for? Just a fun match from when I was young that I stil like today.
I'm going to go with one based on nostalgia and not match quality and say Hogan vs. Bossman from SNME. Having Zeus beat Hogan up at the beginning made me think that maybe Hogan could lose. The suplex from the top of the cage was awesome, or at least it was back then. This was a standard Hogan tv match which means it was at least entertaining. Bossman was a solid heel challenger that made Hogan look good, so what more can you ask for? Just a fun match from when I was young that I stil like today.

Yeah I totally agree, Back then i did believe Hulk was going to lose because of Zeus aswell but back in the early years I think you did used to believe they could lose the title to anyone. The Suplex wasnt all the way from the top but to me to see Hogan do a suplex from the top turnbuckle was a shock. That match to me was just so exciting.
I personally like the Rock Vs Triple H match from Raw sometime in 99 i think it was. Okay so both men battling outside the cage was a bit far fetched but fun. And both men on top of the Cage at the end slugging it out was good too.
My favourite cage match ever was the triple threat one from Breakdown with The Rock, Mankind and Ken Shamrock.

To start with, having each competitor interviewed backstage was an awesome touch, all three gave good promos, Shamrock's was short and to the point, The Rock's was awesome and Mankind's was good too with a touch of humour.

Man was The Rock was over that night, more so than Austin and DX IMO. The action was back and forth, highlights were the Double People's Elbow (sell that abortion Mankind), Mankind jumping off the top of the cage and Mankind going over the cage rather than through the door (JR - GO OUT THE DOOR MICK!!!).

I have tons of favorite Cage Matches, but the one that I remember the most is actually the first Main Event I ever saw, April 25, 1989, Hulk Hogan vs. Big Boss Man at Saturday Night’s Main Event for the WWF Title. All I remember was thinking how the Big Boss Man could actually win this match, and then the Real Triple H Hulked up. Oh well!! Maybe next time.
Wargames 1997 nWo VS The 4 Horsemen. That was when Curt Henning had joined the Horsemen to replace Arn Anderson and turned and joined the nWo. He slammed Ric Flair's head with the cage door at the end.

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