What's your favorite Cage Match


American made.
Okay, After looking back at some older cage matches it's really a shame to see how terrible this match has become. Just last month we had a cage match that didn't even last 10 minutes. This use to be a great match that captivated the audience. Now days it's seems like they're just throwing two guys in there and see what happens and hopefully it will be good. Not saying that's the case with all of these matches. It just seems to me that this match has lost it's fire.

One of my favorites that I just got done watching again, is Jeff Hardy vs John Morrison, or Jonny Nitro as he was then. To me this was a really good match. It had the spots that you are looking for a gimmick match, Hardy getting power bombed from the top rope. Then Nitro getting caught in the top of the cage. Adding drama to make you keep watching. Also it had a great ending with Nitro getting got on the door :blush: and Hardy escaping for the win.

The other match I just watched is Bret Hart vs Owen Hart for the wwf championship. This was a truly remarkable match. Both men look really good, while the Hardy Nitro match was more high flying this match was a great technical match. You still had some high spot, but not like Hardy Nitro. Which made it more impressive, as today we get caught with all these huge spots to make a match great. This match was more mat based then many Cage matches with many close calls for each man. Also had a great finish with Owen getting caught up in the cage, and Bret falling to the floor for the victory.

So those are a couple of my favorite match, two different styles but still great imo. So what are some of ya'll favorite cage matches.
Kurt Angle VS Chris Benoit on RAW in 2001... brilliant wrestling in an epic match... moonsault & diving headbutt off the cage... simply amazing
The one that sticks out to me is between Undertaker vs Lesnar. 2 Very agile man who could bring the best in each other and werent afraid to take risks and carried their own weight. There was never a dull moment in the match. Plus undertakers brokenhand also added to the drama. I also think during lesnars feud with the undertaker - this match really made lesnar look like a unbeatable monster
One of the more recent cage matches that I liked was Umaga vs Jeff Hardy on an episode of Raw. It might not have been one of the best ever or anything like that, but it is definitely one of the better ones of recent memory. There might not have been blood but the match was still fairly entertaining. It kept me watching and entertained throughout the entire match, which is what ultimately matters the most in a match, to keep everyone watching. There wasn’t one slow moment or any boring parts and this is why I choose this one as one of my favorite of recent memory. Like I said, definitely not the best ever cage match but it was still fairly entertaining even without any blood so those reasons are why it is one of my favorites of recent memory.
Well I have to say I'm downright ashamed of all of you. Not one mention of the greatest Cage Match in the history. Shame on all of you.

Tully Blanchard vs. Magnum T.A. ("I Quit" Cage Match)
NWA Starrcade 1985


Without a doubt the greatest cage match of all time, and probably in contention for one of the greatest wrestling matches ever. The story these two told in that ring and in their feud was one of the absolute highlights of not only the NWA, but of that entire decade of wrestling.

This match was probably the most satisfying conclusion to a feud you could possibly find, with just a brutal knock-down drag-out fight that was bloody as hell and hardcore in an era of mat technicians. These two guys got in that ring and showed everybody that a cage match wasn't about climbing out, it was about punishing your opponent to the point where he wouldn't be able to climb out.

I suggest if any of you haven't seen this match, you watch it immediately. The greatest cage match, ever. Here you go:


That is fucking wrestling boys.
Sorry Xfear, that was before my time. I did watch it and like you said it's a great match. Something that we don't see today from these type of matches. There wasn't a big spot, it was just a straight up brawl. I really wish we could see more of these types of matches, because they show the passion of wrestling. Instead now all we are getting is some water down stretcher match, or a cage match were one man tries to get out the whole time. I wish we could go back and make the cage match a match were you didn't want to escape. Sort of how the HIAC is. Sadly that will never happen.

Back on point. I thought it was a great match, I enjoyed it. Though I don't know if it's the greatest cage match ever, but it sure will be up there in my top two or three.
Well Hell in a Cell doesn't count, so the obvious Mick Foley vs. The Undertaker won't work here. So many come to mind, like Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart, great feud between two brothers, very classic, because it was about escaping the cage. That use to be the only way to win. Then, I loved Mick Foley vs. HHH, Foley diving off the cage, and getting an escape. Really the past ten years, haven't seen a great cage match, because Hell in a cell emerged and taken away from the cage match itself. So in my opinion is Mick Foley vs. The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock. It had everything, it almost had an escape, but it had a pin instead. Great match to the very end.
I'll have to go with Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart at SummerSlam 94. A classic match between two of the greatest wrestlers of all time. There are only a handful of ppv matches to go over 30 minutes. This was one of them and every minute was awesome. This was the first ppv I attended and it was a thrill to watch these two go at it live.
Randy Orton vs Ric Flair, Taboo Tuesday 2004 for me. Was actually the last match on the card ahead of HHH v HBK for the WHT. This was fresh off the back of Orton winning his 1st world title at Summerslam. The match had plenty of brutality, both men bled a fair bit. Had a good embrace between the 2 after the match too, nice touch.
In recent memory, my favourite two cage matches both involve Jeff Hardy.

Jeff Hardy vs Johnny Nitro (IC) - Good match with loads of spots and a great ending. This was also a good feud ender between the two.

Jeff Hardy vs Umaga - Considering this match was unhyped before the RAW it was on and the ending focused on the Orton vs Hardy feud, a great match. Umaga dominating with Jeff pulling out a couple of spots in the match. The ending with Orton blocking Jeff one side and Umaga the other and Jeff with the whisper in the wind from the top...awesome! I watched that spot so many times in slow motion that week. That was before the next RAW, obviously.

These two matches are why I'm a fan of Jeff Hardy...and godd cage matches aswell.
very underated match in my opinion but

Edge vs Angle from smackdown 2002..shortly after judgement day

it was amazing, and it had the twist at the end where the ref got knocked out, angle escaped but hogan came down and threw angle back in the cage...epic match
I Have to say my all time favorite cage match of all time is Magnum TA Vs Tully Blanchard I Quit Match at Starrcade 85 or my other all time favorite has to be The American Dream Dusty Rhodes vs Ric Flair for the NWA Title at The Great American Bash
The Magnum TA vs. Tully Blanchard is one of hell of a match. However, I've praised that match forever now, so allow me a new favorite.

Wrestlewar 1991 - Wargames

The match was The Four Horsemen (with Larry Zybsko filling in for Arn Anderson) vs. Sting, Brian Pillman, and the Steiner Brothers. It was a hell of match, with a completely brutal ending. The excitement goes back and forth, with advantage wavering between faces and heels. Awesome match. And for those of you who put stock in such things, it also received 5 stars from Dave Meltzer.

This was the best quality I could find.
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America's Most Wanted vs Triple X at Turning Point 2004 in a Six Sides Of Steel match where Turning Point is remembered for the disbanding of Triple X and for Elix Skipper pulling Chris Harris off the top of a cage with his legs to perform a move he named the New School check out highlights from this link below.

Best cage match I ever saw was the Hell in a Cell match between DX vs Shane, Vince, and Big Show. That match was brutal from start to finish. Shane got his neck crushed, Vince got a sledge hammer broken over his back, Triple H was a crimson mask, Shawn was a human javlin. That match was also the most believable Hell in a Cell match I had ever seen. Great match.
Best cage match I ever saw was the Hell in a Cell match between DX vs Shane, Vince, and Big Show. That match was brutal from start to finish. Shane got his neck crushed, Vince got a sledge hammer broken over his back, Triple H was a crimson mask, Shawn was a human javlin. That match was also the most believable Hell in a Cell match I had ever seen. Great match.

Okay, first off. This thread isn't about Hell in a Cell matches. It's about steel cage matches. So that throws your post out anyways. Then you picked a terrible cell match on top of that. I can list five off the top of my head that are better than that match.

HBK v Taker.
HHH v Foley
Mankind v Taker.
HHH v Jericho

Hell even the 6 man clusterfuck cell match was better then DX vs The Mcmahons and Show. You want a realistic match look at the match that Xfear posted on here earlier that is one of the most realistic matches I have ever seen.

Anyways stick to cage matches, not HIAC, or Chamber matches.
bret vs owen summerslam 94. probably the 1st cage match i remember watching. there was so much emotion in the storyline it made for a compelling match.
The best cage match besides the obvious choice of Tully Blanchard v/s Magnum TA from Starrcade 85, is the original War Games with Flair, Blanchard, AA, JJ Dillon and Lex Luger against The Road Warriors, Paul Ellering, Nikita Koloff, and Dusty Rhodes. This was a classic and the first ever War Games.


This was a brutal match that saw a painful ending for somebody. This was the first Cage Match I ever watched, too.
Although it was a third fall in a two out of three falls match, I would say my favorite is Stone Cold Vs Triple H from No Way Out 2001. Back and forth,no-one knew who was going to win...and I loved the endng to it too. Great match. Like I said third fall of a 2 out of 3 falls match, but hey! it had a big silver thing around the ring at one point so I'm counting it lol
other than bret vs owen, i enjoyed mankind vs HHH at SummerSlam 1997 with the old blue cage so good, Also this wasn't the best cage match but unique it was lita vs victoria on raw roluette
other then magnum TA Tully Blanchard was the best all time. but one that i think comes close are these 3

1 Bret Hart vs Owen Hart boy could these two tell a hell of story in the ring. they made magic and it was for sure top 3 that why i rank it at two on my list.

2 Edge vs Angle. this match is truly under valued as it was a great finish to a very great unknown value feud. these two also told a great story and it made Edge a credit main eventer on the rise. Angle went bold duaring this feud and it took off from there.

3 Mankind vs HHH again one that not a whole lot of people remember but these two would feud all the way into 2003. they were great in the ring together and gave me many memories over there years of feuding.
other then magnum TA Tully Blanchard was the best all time. but one that i think comes close are these 3

I'm not really sure of what you're trying to say there. You should consult a dictionary.

1 Bret Hart vs Owen Hart boy could these two tell a hell of story in the ring. they made magic and it was for sure top 3 that why i rank it at two on my list.

But you don't do you? You rank it at number 1 not 2.

3 Mankind vs HHH again one that not a whole lot of people remember but these two would feud all the way into 2003. they were great in the ring together and gave me many memories over there years of feuding.


A) The Mankind gimmick hasn't been used on a regular basis since 1999.

B) Mick Foley and Triple H never had a match in 2003, let alone a cage. Perhaps you're thinking of the Hell in a Cell (not a cage match) where Mick Foley served as the special referee for Triple H and Kevin Nash.
I would really have to say one of the best ever was in 2002 on Smackdown! Edge vs Kurt Angle,This match came just 2 weeks after their infamous hair vs. hair match, which of course Angle lost. An Epic match with after many highspots Edge started bleeding heavily. Both men trade finishers with Angle hitting the spear and then Edge hitting the Angle slam with reversing Kurt's ankle lock into one of his own. Edge eventually gets the win with a Perfect High impact spear from the top of the cage giving him the win.
what i meant was TA and Tully are number one. sorry for the confusion that does sound weird. my bad and i did not rank the Harts number one it was my bad English sorry. mankind and HHH i was talking about the feud as a whole not just the cage match. again sorry for confusion. another cage match that i liked was Nitro or now Morrison against Jeff Hardy that match had some sick twist in it. or Umaga and Jeff they were not the best but there ones to remember.
Austin vs McMahon st valentines day massacre, watching austin throw vince from one side of the cage to the other was awesome and that bump vince took looked painful, not to mention had the debut of big show

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