"What's wrong with wrestling?" - How about what's wrong with the IWC?

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Dark Match Jobber
Many people are concerned of the state of professional wrestling, but despite that, many of the same people still tune in every Monday or Thursday on USA or Spike.

This provides evidence to suggest that the IWC are loyal fans of the product, and even though the business is "rotting", we still watch and follow the sport. The IWC has never been an easy crowd to please and to bargain. My point?

The IWC are filled with hypocrites and narrow-minded idiots. It might sound like suicide to talk about this on a wrestling forum, but carefully think about it. Case in point:

For years and years, people have been praising the Cena rapper gimmick and requesting its return, even if for a short period of time. Nowadays, you visit any topic or post talking about it, people bash the gimmick left and right, talking about how terrible and corny it was. Um, what? Am I right or not?

For about a year or so (correct me if I'm wrong) people couldn't get enough of The Miz and demanded the world belt to be slapped on his waist ASAP. I'll admit, his gimmick has become a little stale and boring, but as soon as he won that belt from Orton, people bombarded him with hate and talking about how he didn't deserve it. Coincidence, I think not.

Fans consistently pretend as if the business is corrupt, evil, and dead, when it generates a boatload of cash every quarter of a year. Monday Night Raw is a consistent ratings magnet for the USA Network. Don't give me that "I want wrestling" BS, because the last time "rasslin'" was prominent in the business was back in the day. The Indy's are probably the only place you can watch "real and quality wrestling", and I don't know about you, but I don't like to watch wrestling all night long, I like storylines, I like to be interested, and I like to be entertained. I don't act as if Indy wrestling is the only thing keeping the business alive, because I'm not a poser.

Now, I have only one question for you.

Is the business actually dead or is it only the fans?

Don't get me wrong, this is not the majority of the IWC, and I have left out several things that has been boggling my mind, but if you put 2 and 2 together, it would make sense.
Nah, it's not dead. In my opinion it is pretty shit at the moment, or at least largely uninteresting. I haven't watched more than 5 minutes of any wrestling show in many a fortnight.

I don't think that's a sign the business is dead though. I may have left the wrasslin' arena but a bunch of other young wipper snappers have come in to replace me. For the forseeable future there will always be enough fans and interest to keep the product going. As for the IWC that is completely irrelevant.
I love wrestling and I DVR all WWE and TNA shows that I can get my hands on. I mostly fast forwad through it as it really has become quite poor to my tastes (I'm not talking about others).

However sometimes there are gems that pop up from time to time. Eg. The Chris Masters/Tyler Reks series on Superstars, or The Machine Guns vs. Beer Money series. I'm a Sting mark so him being Champion will make me watch TNA but then again, I hate Anderson, so I don't pay too much attention to that particular feud. And so on and so on. Even puro has been quite down at the moment also...

The point the OP makes is that yes, the IWC will continue to watch because we love wrestling and live in hope that something on the show will appeal to us and we'll be happy with.

Guys like me are just happy Christopher Daniels is back on tv, I'm not even screaming for him to be Champion any more I'm just glad I can see him.. I think that's all I can really expect any more.
Are you kidding me? Majority of the IWC loves the Miz. He's the one new talent that people seem to enjoy watching, and to be honest, I love him too. Sure, I started out hating him cause he was this nobody, but after years of promoting himself and putting himself out there with intentions on making Vince see who he was, Miz got his wish and was given one of the best heel reigns in a long time.

IWC isn't really as knit picky as it seems, it's just that when one group of IWC is fine and settled, there's another side of the IWC that's all "OMG NOOOO!" it's like watching the Jets beat the Giants, or vice versa... either way, there's gonna be some people upset.
It's not dead at all. The fans are making it out to be worse than it actually is. Do I miss the attitude era? Of course. That doesn't mean I think pro wrestling is dying though. They have Cena as the face of wrestling and guys like Miz doing lots of appearances to branch out making new fans. Fans need to not live in the past and try to enjoy today's product. More often than not you end up remembering things as being better than they were, so just sit back and enjoy the show because in the future you'll likely be missing today's product.
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