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What's working for TNA, and what's not?


Sally Section
The TNA "reboot" has been going on for two weeks now (plus a set of tapings- I will avoid talking about them here, but am basing what I have to say off of knowledge of the spoilers.) At this point, what's working within TNA, what hasn't, and what needs more time?

* Get rid of Bubba

The biggest mistake TNA has made in their reboot to date. As it was for Mike Adamle, it was painfully obvious in a very short amount of time that he is not going to work out. Fortunately, TNA television is not as character driven as WWE is, and their contracts appear to be structured much differently. We will not have to suffer through months of watching him shift from awkward interviewer to awkward announcer to awkward Jenna Morasca vs. Sharmelle. This is all before we even discuss his recent comments about Haiti and how that's affected his public position.

One position that I think he has the potential to work out as, if not the ability to make the time commitment, is as a manager. He has a little bit of Paul E. Dangerously in him, which with time and effort could be developed. (Sorry, Paul.)

Unless your market research has told you that his little guppies are the kind of consumers that can get their friends to buy everything they recommend, get rid of Bubba.

* Highlight the X-Division

The reason for the changes in how the TNA stage is setup is simple; the WWE has convinced the casual fan that's what a wrestling arena is supposed to look like. It's not a mistake that it looks exactly like the prior RAW set without the ramp.

However, one feature of TNA that distinguishes them as something "different" from the WWE is the X-Division, which has been getting somewhat short shrift lately. The X-Division isn't going to the main event, but if all we had were main eventers, we'd treat it like boxing and show up for the last half hour. You will not see a guy fall from his head from a guywire anymore in the WWE, intentional or not. They won't set up the spot.

Some of the gimmicks have to go, like the Steel Asylum match. It looks awful, gimmicky, and focuses more attention on the cage than the wrestlers. Some have to stay, like the Ultimate X match. Whatever the individual details, the X-Division needs to be a major part of TNA going forwards.

* Either get the Cripple Crew on board, or get rid of them.

There is a well known group of about 10-20 idiots that you let sit in 'the pit', because they have a lot of positive energy for your show. However, if they continue to try to make the show about them; turning their backs when they see something they don't like, chants that screw up kayfabe, etc.; get rid of them. I don't need to tell anyone in TNA this, they already know- this is more for the Cripple Crew. They are there to help sell a product, not as a focus group. The average viewer at home doesn't know it's the same group of 12-20 idiots every night, unless they're rather perceptive at picking out one person who dresses for "Let's Make a Deal" over another. Those "This is Awesome" chants? You can tell people something is awesome, and if you do it enough, they'll start agreeing. But on the other hand, that can be dubbed in on the tape. That can be played through the arena sound system for a live audience.

If the Cripple Crew wants to help you sell the product to the fans at home, embrace them and put up with their lesser bullshit as you have been. When they start trying to tell fans not to buy, use your discretion and bar them for being disruptive.

* When Hogan finally wrestles, make it mean something.

Hogan's eventually going to wrestle someone in TNA. We all know it.

Of course he's going to say he has no intentions of wrestling; no one wants to go back to mid-90's WCW, where the only time you could see Hogan wrestle a match was every two months on pay-per-view, and young, athletic guys in their 20's had to work at a snail's pace in order to keep Hogan from looking awful as opposed to merely bad. Hogan knows this. But, amazingly enough, he's not done yet as a wrestler. He can still put asses in seats for a match involving himself, and that's all that matters. If a unicyclist playing "The Stars and Stripes Forever" out of a trumpet jammed in his ass sold seats, we'd be listening to marching music on Thursday nights.

But build it up. Hogan vs. Angle could be TNA's Hogan vs. Rock, if it's set up right. If it happens in March, we've got problems.

* Get on Monday nights, NOW.

TNA has a remarkable amount of buzz still hung over from their 1/4 Monday Night Impact. They need to capitalize while the iron's hot, and they have an unusually favorable set of circumstances. They're on a cable channel that has plenty of viewers but little original programming that draws. They'd be bumping reruns of "1,000 Ways to Die" or the nine-thousandth showing of the lesser three Star Wars movies. Work the deal out fast and go head to head against Raw now, while your audience is thinking about pro-wrestling on pro-wrestling's night.

The way they are structured now, they can't immediately go live every Monday. Their wrestlers aren't around that much, and many joined TNA exactly to avoid that kind of commitment. But there's no harm in doing what RAW used to do; tape one show, then do one live. WWE isn't going to acknowledge you by reading your results on their program; they saw how that ended up biting WCW on the ass.

Other thoughts, comments?
I agree 100% with all of this. There is no reason to keep JB off of tv or to even think of replacing him with Bubba the LoveSponge. The only place he belongs is on the radio, and some people feel he doesn't even belong there. JB has been with TNA since day one I believe, and the fans love him, so why bother with this?

The X Division has always been a staple of TNA, however, the men that made up the majority of the X Division over the past couple of years have moved onto tag team wrestling, in the Motor City Machine Guns and Lethal Consequences, and main events, in Styles, Daniels, and Joe. In order to get the X Division back on track, they need to go out and get some more wrestlers, not necessarily people with star power like Hardy, but just wrestlers that will suit it well and help create some stars.

As for the crew of fans at TNA that feel they are the show, they need to grow up. I realize that they can boo and cheer for whoever they want, but to turn your backs on matches and what not, that is disrespectful. If you don't like the product, don't show up to the tapings, go sit at home and do something else.

When Hogan wrestles in TNA, which WILL happen, it needs to around Bound For Glory, that is their big pay per view, and that is when his moment needs to happen. If Hogan were to appear in a match at BFG, I believe it would truly sell BFG as TNA's Wrestlemania without people having to go around saying it.

As far as getting on Monday nights goes, you couldn't have said it better. They need to capitalize on it , and soon. As far as the wrestlers liking the lighter schedule, even if they filmed a live iMPACT for every single Monday, the schedule would still be light, but I suppose the only problem would be the travel issues for the stars that aren't located in Florida.
Thus far, most of what they've done has worked for me. I love the move to the 4-sided ring and the new set, I love most of their new acquisitions, and I love how they've showcased the stellar talent which has always been TNA's strength. AJ vs Angle main eventing the Jan 4 show was a brilliant move.

What hasn't worked for me are Bubba and the Nasty Boys. I'm not one of those that complain about bringing in "old guys". It's clear that Flair, Hall and Waltman are there to put over the younger guys, and again, that's a brilliant move. The Nasty Boys are doing no such thing, though. They're in a feud with Team 3D... why? Even if the Nasty Boys lose, Team 3D doesn't benefit. They're already as over as they're ever going to get. And god forbid the Nasties should win. I'll throw my remote through the tv.

As for Bubba, it's already been pointed out why he doesn't need to be there. A word about Borash though... I wouldn't worry. I'm 99.99% certain he's not off tv for long. It's just part of the Foley storyline, and maybe a good excuse to give the guy a little bit of a rest. He's a workhorse and has been for a long time. We'll see him again soon.

Going forward... well, honestly I think they're on the right track for the most part. The X-Division has been getting a good amount of exposure since the Hogan era began. There's been an X-Division match on every Impact, and on Genesis. That's encouraging. A VERY exciting new tag team in Generation Me has debuted, the other newly acquired talent has performed well for the most part (Anderson's match was meh, but that wasn't his fault), and things seem to be firing on all cylinders. There's still a LOT of unanswered questions that could make or break TNA's progress, but I'm optimistic thus far.
BTLS is absolutely worthless in TNA. I shuddered when I saw him on 1/4 and have no better opinion of him now. He's there for the same reason he appeared in CCW... he's Hogan's buddy. TNA needs to get him off of TV... now.

As for the X division, I won't get too much into the Steel Asylum match on 1/4 other than to say it was horrible in and of itself. However, the MCMG vs. Generation Me match last week was pretty incredible. TNA needs to drop the gimmicks and focus on the talent these guys can put out. That division can be incredibly strong... with or without Jeff Hardy.

Speaking of Hardy, if he's going to stick around TNA for any period of time (which could be debatable), he needs to be in the main event scene. He was a world champion in the #1 wrestling company in the world a short time ago. Why put him on at the start of the show? Why associate him with the X division? He should be bumping heads with the Kurt Angles, AJ Styles, and other bigger names in TNA.

"The band" could be ok as long as it doesn't take over the show. Seeing Nash, Hall, and Waltman back together is pretty nostalgic for long-time wrestling fans like myself. I like them in the position of Bischoffs "hired guns" as it means they're mostly stirring up trouble, but not taking too much TV time away from younger and/or more active talent. I think their usage so far has been "just right" and look forward to seeing how the storyline plays out with Hogan.

As for Hogan, I agree that we'll see him in the ring eventually... we probably shouldn't, but we will. If he has to do it, hopefully he'll use the opportunity to build TNA's next big star, whoever that might be. I like Hogans current angle of "we did a lot of damage to the business, now we've got to make it right." Getting in the ring again could definitely jeopardize that, unless Hogan does with the expressed purpose to make a new star.
I think its unfair to judge or assume what working at this point for two reasons:

1) They perform in front of the same crowd every night (including the Clown Crew). And they cant really get a proper gage on crowd reaction until they travel and perform in front of different people every week.

2) They are still in a transition stage at this point. Things like the roster, set, production, storylines, etc. are all being worked out and tested. This is far from a finished product.
onlu get to see xplosion on free to air digital here (no cable) but one thing i'd suggest..ease up on the steadicam upnostril zooms etc, it seems sometimes that in trying to be energetic that we are looking kinda up at the wrestlers n moving in and out too much during promos and vignettes. gotta admit as an old wcw fan i loved seeing the band in the ring on the 1/4 show. Havent watched a lot of tna as its recent to the free tv but AJ is brilliant.
One thing i must say is that tna needs to get their booking staright. we have jb being replaced, abyss in jeopardy, stupid crowd chants, "this is awesome chants after 2 mins of wrestling??" the crappy crew need to go. I can't understand tna booking atm. No storyline except aj and ric flair makes sense. wtf is this tna!! you bloody ignorant fatfucks. make tna worth watching, make the storyline seem sense
To me, moreso than Tenay, Taz or Don "Buy a Ginsu and Mickey Mantle Replica Card" West, Jeremy Borash IS the voice of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. Getting rid of him from backstage interviewing for Christy Hemme and MAYBE Bubba The Love Moron in that role is, for lack of a better term, revolting. That would have been like taking Bobby Heenan or Gorilla Monsoon and having them replace Sean Mooney doing interviews on Superstars of Wrestling.

I agree that TNA needs to highlight the FASTER PACED action of the X Division. Lemme rephrase.....FASTER PACED action of the X Division. The Red vs Kendrick title match at Genesis looked like a WWE Cruiserweight Title match, not what I would expect from the X Division, and the fact that they are about to put the belt (on TV at least) on Doug Williams shows that they're going to continue to got on a slower pace for the division. Remember when the X Division was about "No Limits", well, I guess they're now enforcing a speed limit.

They need to get rid of that ramp. I'm not saying the whole set, because I actually ALMOST like the look of it. It's just that elevated ramp that needs to go. It's low rent, low class....it's the Cody Deaner of wrestling entrances. They also need to expand the ringside area just a little bit, again, so they can feature the X Division a little more.


Also, if you're going to hype a major acquisition, and say that he's going to change the future of TNA.....make sure it's someone that is credible in that role. Just because Ken Anderson had matches (and may hold a victory over, I might be wrong) over Shawn Michaels, and did win the Money in the Bank Ladder Match, it doesn't mean he's a main eventer.

Bubba the Love Douche has to go that's a given.

Might as well get rid of the Nasty Boys, Hall and Waltman (even though I think he could help out in the long run). The Band is going to only work if they pass the torch on because they stick around too long an Bischoff hires 3 young guns to take them out and they are the "new" Band. The Nasty Boys aren't worth the time and effort Team 3D is putting into it........sure they are a former okay tag team, but they aren't the Steiner Brothers (which didn't TNA promise us a Steiners vs 3D that never happened?) nor a Harlem Heat (if TNA was smart they'd get Booker back and bring in Stevie Ray) The Road Warriors (sucks that Hawk died, that would have been a killer match to see in WWE or TNA ring) so trying to put over Team 3D as the BEST tag team around today is pointless even when Beer Money is going around claiming they are the BEST tag team today. I ALSO love how Beer Money has dropped the INC after their name sounds much more legit. Shouldn't we just decide who the best tag team is between those two teams and roll from there?

Hogan wrestling could be a good move 3 matches total in TNA EVER; Hogan v. Flair/Hogan v. Sting/Hogan v. Angle (those matches could be great for TNA viewers)

Also I know Brock is not a professional wrestler anymore but what about maybe a legit grecko roman match with Kurt Angle or Bobby Lashley? (That in itself would be HUGE for UFC and TNA and SPIKE) A HUGE crossover match of course you'd let Brock beat Bobby but actually let Angle an Brock wrestle (something which the WWE could NEVER claim to have had THE ONLY Olympic Gold Medalist and the UFC Heavyweight Champion in a legit wrestling match) the wrestling world would BLOW UP with media exposure well at least UFC/TNA/Spike would BLOW UP ahahhahahahah FUCK WWE!)

The X-Division means Xciting now not NO

Also the Hulkamania Tour......Orlando Jordan, Ken Anderson, Jeff Hardy and Brian Kendrick are going to be good for TNA because they all with the exception of Hardy havent gotten a real break in the ring before they were snuffed out of WWE so to call them rejects is wrong because look at Matt Morgan and The Pope both of those guys were WWE rejects as well and look at them, plus Matt Morgan was a WCW reject when WWE got him. All I am saying is given the guys some time ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY and TNA wont compare to WWE in a DAY
I agree with what the OP said. I've never been a fan of "shock jocks" as I find them to be guys who couldn't cut it in comedy (and we see why) or they were fired from regular radio for being "too extreme" (which in other words means they were boring so had to try to cuss and be shocking to get over). Bubba is no different. I personally prefered JB because he was quicker with his mind. Watch Spin Cycle and you will get it. Lauren leaves and we gett Bubba? Joy!

The X-Division needs to be the focus of shows. I was so happy when AJ/Joe/Daniels highlited the PPV with the X Title on the line a few years back. The X Division is one of those things that could make TNA stand out. No one does what these guys do and that will attract the viewers. I've heard that Destination X will be a total X Division show this year. And I'm hoping for that because those show will cause people to stand up and take notice.

I wont even waste my time talking about the douchbags

Like you said, if Hogan wrestles, make it big and make it exciting again. That may be a struggle but if done right it could be massive.

Monday will be a big step for TNA. As Ive stated before I would love to see it happen but right now, (speaking in Mountain time in the US) TNA would be best suited to be on from 6-8 while WWE is on from 7-9. Only having one hour competing would be good for right now. Put your biggest stuff against WWE's first hour and see what happens.
I agree with a few additions.

1) TNA Needs to Rebrand itself better.

The fans have no idea what the new TNA is supposed to look like which has caused the uproar from the die hard loyalist. I blame H/B for not getting an expert on Brand Management to help them redefine the company without distancing the people who made it attractive to them in the first place.

2) The X-Division Should Be the Main Event

I may sound far off but what makes TNA is the Highflying X Division and Main eventers that are smaller and more agile than WWE. Lethal, Consequences, and others should open the show while the better workers get a push to the main event status or event midcard.

3) Hogan Wrestle Only at BFG

After that, he should take a backseat. BFG would only make his entrance to the company worthwhile and could crown the next mega star.

4) Only Highlight the Knockouts that Can Wrestle

This keeps us from having to watch Tara vs ODB for the 100th time. Take a note TNA :" They don't have great in ring chemistry. " Highlight Roxie, Alyssa Flash in the main event for the title and then you'll have outstanding television.

5) Main the Knockouts Tag Division Cutting Edge

Even if you have to bring some of Mexico's best teams in to fued with what you have. Do things WWE would never do. The knockouts present an opportunity to truly do some amazing things.

For all of you that don't like womens wrestling, Check out WWF back in the 80's when they had bull nakano, jumping bomb angels, etc. wrestling. Those women put on some amazing wrestling matches that are better than some of the crap the men are doing. Women's wrestling can be exciting when you have great workers.

6- Make the Wrestlers Take Acting Classes

Most of the wrestlers have no mic skills because they don't know how to act. Hire an acting coach and a creative writer to help them learn how to develop the characters and sell it to us ! Then we will be able to get into the roles when the wrestlers know how to become thier gimmick.

AJ, Hernandez, Amazing Red, Kendrick, Jordan, MCMG, and Tara's characters need work on the mic. They are not compelling while ODB for example - sells her white trash gimmick . Beer Money needs to go back to selling the gimmick. Other great TNA mic workers include - Angle, The Pope, Wolfe, 3D, TBP and Alyssa Flash .

In Closing

TNA has to step up in areas that can beat WWE In.

X Division
Better Storylines
Innovative Matches
Live Tapings

If they do this, they can be a competitive #2 !
I tihnk is is pretty clear to what TNA needs to do and that is stick with what brought them to the dance, TNa stepped out from the hundreds of indy fed for 3 reason 1. a kick ass X divison that brought the crowd to there feet in the so called "under card" matches 2. The best pure Talent wrestling had to ofer and 3. New story lines and not the same old crap we had seen time and time again is TNa can go with this I belive they will do great .....oh btw I can Say This enough BRING BACK 6 SIDES!
I don't see much change in terms of Hogan and Bischoff bringing anything new to the industry as a whole, but I've enjoyed what they've done so far in terms of bringing us more interesting and organized product.

One can't really complain about the new transition right now. In all honesty it could be about 3 months before we finally see what Bischoff and Hogan have actually done.

Going by what I see now. They seem to be using the talent very well. However I just wish there wasn't 5 or 6 segments and hour and that there was more wrestling. I see alot of opportunities for these guys to get out there and wrestle. Since they're supposed to be starting over with talent, why not have Hall and 6-pac go out there and wrestle. They could get rating just by having people wrestle, not having them come out doing nothing. Nobody may stick around to see Wolf vs Pope, but they may stick around to see Hall vs Wolf. Have them go for 20 minutes. A great way to use these old guys to get these unknowns over.
TNAs biggest mistake was hiring hogan. TNA was doing just fine without him wanting to change TNA to wwe standards.look at them now the structure and framework of the company is wwe like. The best thing that happened for them was foley, he made ppl want to tune in and see what came next
TNAs biggest mistake was hiring hogan. TNA was doing just fine without him wanting to change TNA to wwe standards.look at them now the structure and framework of the company is wwe like. The best thing that happened for them was foley, he made ppl want to tune in and see what came next

ReaLLY now? Hogan is the worst thing for TNA?

Let's see before Hogan TNA had been on a Monday Night? Nope

Before Hogan TNA had actually drew some WWE fans away? Maybe a few but not enough to count (I should know totally very seldom do I watch the E anymore)

Before Hogan TNA had more than 6 or 7 main event stars? Not really same ole 6 wrestlers in the main event time in an time out was beginning to think I was watching WWE when it first started out (hahahaha) sure they don't have but a few going for the world title but they only have ONE world title just because they arent going for the world title doesnt mean they arent main eventers.

Before Hogan TNA had legit older wrestlers to pass the torch to the new guys? Nash (check)..........Dudley Boyz (check)..........not much more than those 3 guys.......doesnt seem like alotta new guys can get over with only 3 stars helping give them the rub does it?

REMEMBER about the guys that have come in........Morley was always a low card talent he never got a chance to shine (so he can definately help give the rub because he is good at layin on his back)........Orlando Jordan he's a great talent acquasition he can still go an is young and if need be he can lay on his back just like Morley (isnt he the only openly gay wrestler anyways? if he is the man is a fucking patron saint for homosexuals everywhere, but he proves that even backwards ass hillbilly wrestling fans and wrestlers are tolerant to their sexual choice man deserves a medal)...........Jeff Hardy oooooooohhhhh but TheFOUR he left WWE after failing a third drug test or he quit to go work on another project but was supposed to go back to WWE an lied to them..........it DOESNT MATTER WHAT THE REASON WAS! He's back in TNA and it gives them a HUGE name in the business on their roster, they can draw WWE fans by marketing Hardy being in TNA (hopefully Matt an Hurricane come too!) but the guy is still young, can still go, has great high flying matches yup thats not gonna work in TNA..................................Mr. Anderson (Hello Mr. Anderson hope someone references the Matrix villain an uses that line just once) Yeah cuz he's not a young, talented, can still go wrestler that has a bright future where WWE was slowly trying to push him an yet they seemed to keep him down for some reason (only thing is, HOGAN I dont like you and I have NEVER liked you and I'll go to my grave before I let Hogan get away again......needs to keep the man a face because as good as he was as a heel, the fans eat him up)

The structure and framework of TNA looks alot like WWE..........whoa hold on, time out, flag on the play, illegal forward motion, personal foul.......how do you a fan of wrestling not look at ANY federation and not see that they all have some form of WWE structure an foundation? so what they switched to a four sided ring, personally now the shitty wrestlers (alot in the X-Division) can only mess up bouncing off of 4 ropes and not 6 ropes......

Foley made people want to tune in and see what was gonna happen next? DUDE to be quite honest since MEM broke up I was tired of seeing Foley work with Abyss........If they'd have continued to have great hardcore matches it would have worked, but they became buddies again and started tagging together. Foley needs an anti-Foley to be able to actually seem good, take for example Foley/Taker feuds, Foley/Rock, Foley/Austin, Foley/McMahon, Foley/Sting, Foley/Funk HE can not be the coup de gras without an anti-hero to feud with, and I LOVE Foley.........cause Foley is GOOD! So HAVE A NICE DAY and remember kiddos............

it hasnt been a month since Hogan came in.....ease up off the man's nuts and give him a fucking chance...........WOOOOOOOOO
I've gotta say that since knowing about Hogan and Bischoff coming to TNA, looks like I done crossed the line!!!

TNA in my opinion has been much more organized and much more entertaining to watch. There's a lot of things that have changed that I like. For example, the 4-sided ring was a great choice. Being a guy who was a WWE lifer, seeing the 4 sided ring helped make the change a lot more comfortable.

Another thing that I like is seeing Hall and Waltman. At first I didn't really enjoy seeing them since Hall just looked out of shape with his chipmunk cheeks and Waltman's arms are just wicked skinny. But now that I'm seeing where their place is in the whole picture, they've actually become a lot more tolerable. I'd like to see those guys put over some more talent in the next few months. I also like seeing Flair in TNA. To have Flair be AJ's mentor just seems awesome and thanks to "the dirtiest player in the game", AJ's heel turn will be a whole lot more legit.

The production of an iMPACT taping seems a lot more organized now. I'm really digging the stage set up where they come out in the middle and go up steps, that was a cool spin on an old idea. The idea of Face/Heel entrances was okay, but I don't really like having who's face and who's heel be defined that easily. It's like, "Wasn't AJ a face last week? I guess because he's coming out of the heel entrance, he's gonna do something bad."

But with every up, there has to be a down.

Bubba the Love Sponge is terrible. I can't stand listening to that guy talk. JB is the original TNA interviewer. He is TNA's Mean Gene. We know that he loves wrestling and nobody that loves the wrestling business should be a part of it (like most of RAW's guest hosts). I really hope that Borash's disappearance is only temporary as is Bubba's career as TNA's backstage announcer.

I also don't like the Nasty Boys being in TNA. To be honest I never liked them ever. It's just a couple old overweight guys who's only mission is to take out a couple of younger but still overweight guys in Team 3D. Team 3D doesn't even need to be put over by the Nasties, and if the Nasties get the better end of this feud Team 3D, I (dare I say it) just might watch Superstars instead!

While I enjoy listening to Bischoff and Hogan cut promos, I think they need more variety in what they're talking about. Since they came in, it's been, "lace up your boots, Jarrett and get in the back of the line with the rest of them" or "We're brothers for life, but things are changing" or "Change is gonna happen, whether you like it or not." When Lashley and Bischoff were talking last Thursday that was a great segment in my opinion. It showed that Bischoff was willing to get more personal with other wrestler's problems and try to help them. It may not be much but it was a lot more different than the same stuff they've been spewing the past few weeks.

I think overall though, TNA is still producing a great product, and with a few nicknacks fixed here and there, It could be a force to be reckoned with.
The main thing TNA needs to do is change it's creative people. Vince Russo has had more failures ten fold than the very few successes he has had. If TNA is trying to sell wrestling as it claims they do, it's imperative that they form their own identity and stop and I mean STOP rehashing old, tired WCW/WWF angles. Why is Sean Morely still running the tired porn star gimmick? Why is Sting in the rafters when he's been flappin his gums like Mr Ed for the past 5 years? Why are they doing a screw job when the E is running an angle on the actual event WITH THE ACTUAL PEOPLE INVOLVED? Why does TNA find it necessary to weeze off of WWE talent with their old WWE gimmicks? Everything they do screams of petty jealousy and no focus on creating their own identity.
Where is the young, fresh talent that Hogan AND Jarrett promised would be featured on Monday Impact? Getting 1/3 the tv time of the Nastys, "the Band" (another tired rehash btw) Hogan and Bischoff and no namers and never weres like Orlando Jordan and Morely.

But to answer the question at hand it looks like not much is working for TNA. They have yet to truly feature the X division, there are so many broken storylines and too many talents getting lost in the shuffle. How did Pope go from being one of the lone bright spots to jobbing to Orlando Jordan? Why is Daniels losing to Morely after headlining the previous PPV? Where is Eric Young, the holder of the second most important singles title in the company? Oh, wait, there he is, but he's jobbing to the NASTY BOYS in a throw away tag match.They wasted the Tomko angle they had. I mean everything is one huge clusterfuck, as is the norm in TNA. Nothing has changed, it's just that people are being duped into thinking nostalgia is change for the better and in fact TNA appears to be taking steps back. They lost Cheerleader Melissa and are perhaps losing the best female worker on the planet in Kong and have already put Daniels and Homicide on Hogan's crap list and it's rumored that many other talent's have asked for their releases too. Things aren't lookin too bright there in Orlando.

Probably the best thing about TNA right now is Ric Flair saving AJ Styles from having to work the mic. AJ has obscene wrestling ability but little to no charisma, Flair, being one of the best on the stic ever, gives him a mouthpiece and some legitimacy.

And getting rid of that awful 6 sided ring is a plus too. Looks to gimmicky to take seriously. Wrestling is a business of simplicity and now maybe we'll see a ton of those bogus and ridiculous gimmicks gone as well.
i personally think tna doesnt need hogan, hogan needs tna. tna could've got that same rating maybe a better one without hogan. The problem is that they never tried to go live b4 so now they're giving hogan all of the credit. If tna would've advertised Jeff hardy instead they would've brought the at least 1/2 of raws viewership. sponge, nastys, morley, orlando jordan, and ken anderson have to go, they don't bring ratings all they do is make the current viewers want to change the channel. the band is good short term, they should've also brought in heyman instead of bischoff. and i think randy savage would've been a better on screen character than hogan. The roster tna had prior to 1/4 was great already, all they needed was Rvd. and maybe for the knockouts division trish stratus and chyna. there isn't enough time on impact to showcase the roster they already had so i don't get why they're adding all of hogans buddies. i was a die hard tna fan but after the last 2 impacts i'm started to lose interest because it could only get worst. he probably wants to make it really bad so dixie gets frustraited and sells it to him and eb. hogan is there to kill tna mark my words.

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