Yabba Dabba Bitch
What's the point of all the build up and hoopla around Wrestlemania if none of the feuds are resolved there? I get that they should typically be the best matches possible, but if you're charging us more to watch this PPV then the matches should be the CULMINATION of everything that leads up to it. I really don't understand why it's such a big deal anymore. I mean don't get me wrong, I know the matches were better than usual and the production value, size of the arena, the week's festivities make it larger than normal PPV's. I'm talking purely from a storyline perspective. I mean so far the two matches announced for extreme rules are another concoction of Cena/Miz and Cole/Lawler. These were two of the biggest feuds going into WM and neither are resolved. Same with Orton/Punk. We saw Orton finally get his revenge on Punk for costing him the title and this past week the Nexus attacks him for the umpteenth time so you can assume they aren't done. HHH is waiting on Taker now so they aren't done either. I mean they already had 3 or so months to build these stories to a fantastic climax and none of them are over at the biggest event of the year? It's mind boggling to me. I just wanted to get this off my chest and find out what you guys think about this. Do you think the majority of WM feuds should end with WM or do you think they are doing things right?