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What's the Point of NXT?!


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What's the point of NXT if the rookies still end up on TV? Right now, Riley,Harris & Henning have brighter futures than Kaval.Kaval didnt win a damn thing.Just because he got a championship match(IC or US) at a PPV, doesnt equal a tangible push.Its the same as when Daniel Puder won Tough Enough &got a spot in the Royal Rumble.It didnt help shit! Sure he was part of a "big-match" but it didnt help him succeed.

WWE wonder why people don't care about NXT anymore, yet they undermine the whole concept of the show by intergrating eliminated rookies into the main roster.:wtf:

Being the "BreakOut Star" is just a meaningless tag. Right now, all NXT rookies need to do is not suck toooo badly(ala Eli Cottonwood& Titus O'Neil) but they are at least assured of still making it on either RAW or SD!.As for NXT Season3; its bad enough that its Divas only, but why the hell should I care who wins or who to vote for if I know that they'll all be on RAW/SD! by year end?? :banghead:

The Nexus angle made sense, well kinda.I still was angry that they brought all of them back, but the did it sooo well & at least Barret was the leader( because he was the #1 Rookie) But now you've got Alex Riley running around RAW & talk of Percy Waston teaming up with Darren Young. :disappointed: I don't see the point of having to endure 4months of lame wrestling TV.

And also: Does it make sense for one show to go through 3 seasons in under one year? Even if the show was a success, where the hell did they think they would keep getting new rookies from?! FCW has already been depleted enough.
What's the point of NXT if the rookies still end up on TV?

It's only Nexus and Kaval that have remained on TV, if my memory is correct.

Right now, Riley,Harris & Henning have brighter futures than Kaval.Kaval didnt win a damn thing.

Kaval just won Season 2 of NXT if you didn't already know.

As for NXT Season3; its bad enough that its Divas only

I agree with you on the Divas being on NXT thing. That's a horrible idea, whether the WWE is trying to avoid being labelled as "sexist" I don't know; but how can the rookie divas possibly put on a better show than the Veteran divas? They are all horrible. It's just scratching, clawing, screaming and fatsuits in the Divas division.

Either way, this was a good post. I'm sure alot of people feel the same way. I don't think they should carry on the seasons the week after the elder season finishes either. Sooner or later they're going to have to stop NXT because their wont be any rookies left. Lets work it out, we have Season 3 starting and Season 2 was shorter than Season 1. So if they keep doing this we should be on Season 4 going into Season 5 by the end of the year at least.
It's only Nexus and Kaval that have remained on TV, if my memory is correct.

Kaval just won Season 2 of NXT if you didn't already know.

Alex Riley was just on RAW( tapping out to Daniel Bryan) and when I said "Kaval didnt win a damn thing" I meant that winning NXT doesnt guarantee him long-term success.In 3years time, the rub him having had won NXT is going to have worn off.Especially if half the guys he was with on NXT are also on the roster, and excelling more than him.
The point of NXT is to debut a fuckload of tallent, get them over and push the cream of the crop HARD. It's done great at that.
BOLD type gets your point across faster!!!!!
Anyway, the "point" of NXT is to get the WWE Universe who may not have access (or interest) in FCW familiar with up and coming rookies. By allowing voting and polling WWE can gain a sort of focus group effect and determine—at least in theory—which rookies fans tend to prefer. Likewise if fans don't like who WWE would prefer them to, WWE can move around challenges and matches to potentially skew fans in one direction or another. It was never about finding one guy and then getting rid of the rest. From Tough Enough to the Diva Searches that is never how it has worked. Why expect them to change now?
Have you seen Kaval in TNA or ROH the guy is a machine. If he gets placed in a match with someone like Evan Bourne, Daniel Bryan, Mysterio or Del Rio all those programs could last easily 2 months each.
Sorry for the double post but the reason is because all those guys are closer to his size even the Miz could belittle him and that could become a potential feud down the line.
New talent man, thats the whole point of NXT. Some wrestling fans actually want to see some of the FCW wrestlers and thats the whole point of NXT to show of the FCW wrestlers.
The point of NXT is to make new stars. Its like a second stage of FCW. They see if these wrestlers can make it or break it in the big time. Its also a way fro them to work on their skills and get used to a much larger crowd.

It has worked pretty well so far considering the Nexus is the biggest thing going on Raw and Wade Barret is basically a main eventer now.

People bitched for years WWE wasnt pushing new talent, well here you go.
I do understand the concept and what it's trying to do. Push the new talent, give some of the FCW (and other developmental) wrestlers a national T.V. tryout, all that. It is a good thing, I'll grant you that...however I think there are better ways to do it.

NXT had so much potential in the beginning, but unfortunately the WWE took the focus away from the actual wrestling and placed it on a series of stupid Survivor-style challenges. Not only that, but the majority of the rookies look and sound absolutely horrible at them (and I have no doubt that all of them are scripted from the beginning.) With that in mind, I'm actually inclined to agree that the "point" of NXT has largely been lost in the shuffle. At least ECW was built around the wrestling.

In my opinion, the "challenges" of NXT should be based much more around what these people are likely to be doing upon moving on from NXT. For variety, there are an infinite number of gimmick matches and so on to choose from. It seems to me that the point of NXT is, quite largely, to make the various upcoming talents look awkward and ridiculous.

Now, I'll grant that some of the wrestlers that have gone on from NXT have started to prove themselves (specifically for NXT 1.) Barrett, Bryan, and even Young seem to be on their way up, at least for a short period. The rest, I don't see that NXT has done anything for their future in television.

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