What's the point of Fortune?


Dark Match Winner
They haven't done anything meaningful with them since making them a faction. AJ got bumped down the card and has a useless belt that he never defends. Beer Money got beat by the Motor City Midgets and haven't done a thing since then. Williams had to drop the X Division belt for no reason. Morgan and Kaz are completely irrelevant right now.

They should be trying to make these guys stars right now. Beer Money should be tag champs and made to look like dominating bad asses. Matt Morgan should be in the world title picture. Williams should be dominating the X Division. AJ should actually be involved in feuds and DEFENDING his TV title.

All they are right now is a glorified JOB squad.
Right now? TV fodder, but I have a feeling that's all going to change post Bound For Glory.

There's simply too much behind the concept of Fortune and a group headed by Ric Flair (no matter what age) to simply allow them to toil in mediocrity for much longer.

2011 will be their year, undoubtedly, and I have a feeling that starts a little early on in 2010.
I think that right now they are just using Fortune to destroy EV2.0 then after BFG, I think that Fortune will become one of the main focuses of the Product going into 2011. I would definitely not call them The Job Squad either. I see big things in the future for this group.
Fortune started with great potential but this whole EV2 feud has gotten them off to a bumpy start. They can be a huge dominant heel group if given the opportunity to do so. My only concern is the thought of a potential Bischoff/Hogan heel turn and faction that it will overshadow Fortune and really run them down. Then again the idea of two heel factions trying to consume TNA with various swerves and switching sides could bring back reminants of WCW during the height of the nWo era and that could make for some good TV. For now though I still see them as the top program on TNA following BFG and hope they stick around.
The point of Fortune is to have "The best group of guys in TNA" and put them together to be a dominant force that has some influence of the 4 Horsemen and showcase all these men and their skills at once.

I mean they're doing a decent job now. They have been on Impact pretty regularly and they have a match at Bound For Glory that has been advertised pretty well. Last night after the Flair and Foley match, Fortune came out to beat down Foley which gave them even more incredible heel heat for beating down a legend like Foley.

The whole point of the feud they're in now is to drive the EV.2 faction out of TNA. Fortune is a group of TNA wrestlers that have established themselves in that company and they don't want a bunch of "has beens" coming in and trying to take their spots.

I don't see how you can call them the glorified JOB Squad. This is probably the best wrestling faction we have seen since Evolution. Im honestly not big on Williams and Kazarian being in because I wanted to see Desmond Wolfe get the spot but thats another subject.

Beer Money just came out of a hot feud with the Machince Guns and those two teams put on some of the best matches of the year. Doug Williams held the X-division title for about 5 months and had a nice but short feud with Brian Kendrick who is now siding with the EV.2 faction Williams is currently feuding against.

I agree Matt Morgan should be featured more often in World title spots, but with a main event level roster like TNA has its a little hard to get Morgan in there. I also agree the TV title should be defended more often or even scrapped. AJ Styles is easily one of the best performers right now so him alone make Fortune anything but a JOB Squad.
Generally speaking, Fortune has all but been wallowing in mediocrity since it's inception. Guys like AJ Styles and Beer Money don't need the group. They've been stars for years already in TNA but, since they joined, Beer Money is no longer the tag champs and AJ Styles is stuck with a meaningless prop championship. Not to say that the Guns didn't deserve to win the titles, I'm just saying that Beer Money hasn't necessarily shined since becoming part of Fortune.

I was talking to a friend say that Fortune is helping some of their members get over and there's just no logic to that. Douglas Williams, the only decent X-Division Champion in close to 2 years, lost the title in a forgettable 5 minute match to a guy that hasn't been seen on iMPACT! since, except through the occassional video or vinyette footage, and hadn't been on the show for weeks prior to that. Kazarian is still every bit the scrub in Fortune that he's always been on his own and has lost every match he's been in and Matt Morgan hasn't won a match since hooking up with Fortune. Morgan being the "enforcer" of the group is laughable when he loses to the likes of Brian Kendrick after being hit with a single move. To top it all off, they've been mired in an awful feud with the ECW has-beens, never-wases & never-will-bes for months now.

Hopefully, once this thing with EV2.0 comes to an end, there'll be brighter days ahead for the group. However, I'm not optimistic about Fortune's chances of ultimately winding up listed as one of wrestling's elite factions when it's all said and done. They've just wallowed in mediocrity as a group throughout their entire existence thus far. I think they can improve and I hope they will.
I haven't been a fan of EV2.0. I think having them in stalled some other story lines, but maybe doing so allowed these other story lines to drag out to the biggest PPV of the year.
EV2.0 is there to build up Fortune. you can't have Fortune will all the time, so EV2.0 got some wins but for the most part Fortune has taken care of EV2.0.

I don't know why they changed the name of the Global title to the TV title. TV title makes it sound like something that should only be defended on TV and not PPV. they should change it back to the Global title and defend it more often like a real mid card belt. I think the reason they have it to AJ was so that as the leader of the stable he has a title. AJ should be getting back into main event scene and let the Global title get put back into the mid card scene. maybe in the future someone like Kazarian could go after the Global title.

I think Matt Morgan has a bright future, but right now as the bodyguard/enforcer in the group along with AJ I don't see him getting into heavy weight title contention. I do think he can get into main event type matches. maybe in the future they could break Morgan away from the group?

IMO Doug Williams should not even be in the group. everyone else in the group all fit more of the style of the group. wearing suits and being in the night scene, similar to Flair. Williams looks SO out of place in a suit.

I think Beer Money will get back into having the tag team titles, at least I hope so. they are the best tag team in TNA. I hope 3D come back and get involved as well. I would put 3D as the 2nd best tag team. then it's probably MCMG followed by Ink/Ink.
They are being pushed as a dominant group right now. TNA wants them to dismantle a franchise in a sense, with EV 2.0.

I think the key is Ric Flair's feud with Dixie and Foley. It is an angle where the leader of Fortune is rivaling leaders within the company. Soon, the actual members of Fortune will take center stage.

I actually like how they are doing it. They are trying to establish Fortune as a faction you don't wanna fuck with! Which will carry over to most of the members, individually.

I think if they try to put them (Fortune) over too fast, it won't mean as much.

Showing the continuity of them as a team/group and having them make a gradual climb to the top of TNA is a smarter way to do this.
I believe Ric Flair & Fortune will be the people to save TNA from "they" or "deception" depending on which one includes Dixie.

I think it was on Impact that Ric Flair was calling out Dixie- sayin something along the lines of: *when u need me- you know where to find me*

Im sure most played it off as Flair being a horny old man, tryin to get in Dixies pants. But I personally think its gonna go deeper then that. Dixie will have no choice but to sid e up with Flair & Fortune to "get back" TNA.

Just MY opinion
I have to say that I agree with IDR and MoneyMack. Fortune has yet to do anything of note, but that will soon change as I too feel that 2011 will be the year for them. At one point they will all have great storylines and championships and Fortune will be remembered as more then a job squad or a group of nobodies with Flair in charge. Secondly, Fortune very well could be the group to save TNA once it is all revealed. With everything centered around Hogan, if Hogan turns out to be the bad guy, you can count that Flair will be there to go against Hogan. Even if Fortune stays heel, they can still be the ones to save TNA, citing that they are some of the TNA originals and want to bring TNA back to the prominence it once was.

Fortune's time is coming, and soon we will see each of these men step up in the ring and do something noteworthy.
They're doing a great job. Fortune will get rid of EV 2.0 and then begin their domination. Don't be surprised to see them get on a real tear soon and see AJ in the Heavyweight Title picture. They're going for an Evolution-type stable, so I can see them carrying all the titles that they can. I don't want them to get overexposed though. I'd just like to see them in smaller doses and then when they're ready... let them explode.
What are most Heel stables for? Showing how dominant they are. Every promo is about everyone being the best wrestlers in their division.
But right now, they are meant to take down EV2, and after that, they will feud with Abyss and "They".
I can't see a Fourtune being much longer, maybe at the end of the year will be the end of fourtune.
I have said this a billion times when people knock Fortune, Fortune is being built AS A STABLE! Is Aj Styles over yes! is Beer Money over yes! Is matt morgan talented yes! But Fortune is not over so they are being built up as a stable. i dont know what people expect for Fortune to just come up and destroy hardy, angle, joe, anderson(top names in TNA) hell no these guys were but together its not like the NWO who had Hall, Nash, Hogan all mega stars who came together and decided to take over WCW, these are all young guys who are top TNA stars (not mega stars) put together in flairs vision.

It would be straight trash if fortune just went a destroyed everyone from the gate, as much as long time TNA fans dont like to admit TNA product is presented under the assumption that pre hogan not many people know the characters to well, so yes Fortune can say they built this company which may be true but they need to prove it inside the ring and the only way to do that is to slowly build them together. Each part of fortune has contributed to TNA thats the gimmick of fortune.

For people who say Aj does not need it, beer money does not need it, here is a news flash TNA needs it Fortune is over with the long time TNA crowd after BFG look for them to be a major part of the show. TNA's roster is large, people have seen Beer Money dominate the tag division, people have seen Aj be the WHC, and be in the chase for it, people have seen Matt morgan as the cocky big man of the roster. TNA put these top guys together so they can have something new and perhaps memorable with their careers, add to that it opens the tag titles, and WHC picture for other people. Just please have Aj lose the TV title to RVD or some popular or up and coming heel who will defend it EVERY IMPACT because its the TV TITLE
Fourtune needs to trim the Fat. Williams doesn't fit in with them and Kaz isn't really over. Wasn't this supposed to be a reincarnation of the 4 Horsemen and there are 6 guys? Fourtune should be A.J., Beer Money & Matt Morgan. I don't know where their place will be after the THEY angle finally is revealed. I personally think they work better as heels. They should be main eventing but right now they are relegated to the mid-car vs Ev2. I think they are being wasted right now and deserve a stronger push and should be the top stable in TNA. No matter who THEY consist I don't see them being as strong as Fourtune could be.
I had big hopes for this faction, and they've done shit since coming together. AJ Styles in the mid card? If you're trying to make him the face of your company, it isn't working. He should be a fixture in the Heavyweight title picture, not holding a mid-card belt.

AJ is probably TNA's most talented superstar. Fortune should be the focus of the entire show, Horsemen/Evolution style. IMO, the group is too big, and has the wrong set of guys. They don't need Kaz or Williams, it would be fine with AJ, Morgan, Beer Money and Flair. AJ should be fighting for the World title, with Morgan backing up Flair and Styles. Morgan can eventually get tired of taking a backseat, and feud with AJ, but that's a ways down the road.

I just don't see the point in having this kind of heel stable if they are going to linger in the mid-card. You can talk all you want about EV2, but none of them have been anything but mid-carders in years. They are no longer relevant, sorry to say.

Fortune should be the biggest thing going in TNA right now, and I think they're dropping the ball.
They haven't done anything meaningful with them since making them a faction. AJ got bumped down the card and has a useless belt that he never defends. Beer Money got beat by the Motor City Midgets and haven't done a thing since then. Williams had to drop the X Division belt for no reason. Morgan and Kaz are completely irrelevant right now.

They should be trying to make these guys stars right now. Beer Money should be tag champs and made to look like dominating bad asses. Matt Morgan should be in the world title picture. Williams should be dominating the X Division. AJ should actually be involved in feuds and DEFENDING his TV title.

All they are right now is a glorified JOB squad.

The reason you don't think of 4tune as a huge faction is because EV 2. EV 2 is a really boring faction even though 4tune has been beating up on them, you still don't think that 4tune has done anything and that's completely understandable. Once EV 2 is out of the pic, 4tune is going to dominate.

The original group was Beer Money, Styles and KAZ(in that order) so why would KAZ be one of the irrelevants? IMO the irrelevants are Morgan and Williams, but i understand that having the "muscle" in a group so Matt can slide but that makes five in oppose to how many fingers they actually hold up. Then you have Doug. Why? He's not great at all, he's okay in the ring but when he's on the mic he has to pause after every half line and that's a literal statement. Doug shouldn't be there.

And i guess you didn't watch WCW, but the TV title is meant to be defended weekly, so there's not really time for feuds. It's suppose to bring credibility to a superstar.
To this point Fortune has been distracted by EV2 which will end at BFG. No doubt Fortune will be involved in the "They" angle, either joining or opposing "They" depending how it effects Fortune's future. I agree with IDR, we are going to see a lot more from Fortune in the new year and eventually they will dominate TNA. Fortune's run-in on Foley was classic 4 Horseman stuff and you can expect this kind of stuff to escalate as they make their grab for power.


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