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Whats the best WWE show today Raw or Smackdown??


CM Perfection
Every simple question what do u think is the best WWE show going 2day.?? In my opinion I think Smackdown is the best show going today now here me out for a sec. Raw will always be my favourite show because thats what I grew up watching, but I just think Smackdown has better storylines and more "wrestling" going on in the ring. Apart from the John Cena & Cm Punk storyline ( which by the way is a really interesting storyline that we haven't seen since the Nexus first debut last year) Getting back to smackdown even do smackdown isn't as edgy as Raw is.. It's still has some pretty kick ass storylines the likes of Barrett vs Jackson, Randy Orton vs Christian now mixed with Sheamus into it with the WWE title. I watched Smackdown this week I thought it was a pretty decent show, I like way how the creative team are pushing Mark Henry and yes I would be the first to admit Im not a huge Henry fan, but I how his push is going Im just hoping they don't give him the WHC titlebecause in fairness that would just kill smackdown and how it's really improving as of late.

The only flaw I have from watching smackdown this week was there was another Orton vs Sheamus match again Im kind of getting tried of seeing a orton vs Sheamus match nearly every week now. I would have loven to have seen a Wade Barrett vs Sheamus match as the Main Event for this week's smackdown.

Onto Raw. Raw has changed alot in the past few years they kind of forcuse more on Promo's then they do with wrestling matches, when u watch a Raw match the lent of time it only goes on for is like 3 or 4 mins. Now I understood when they did that when it was WM season they had to grame in so much storylines in a 2hr show I get that. But I don't no why they have a promo go on for so long the likes of R -Truth promo sometimes takes up 10 mins of air time they should easly give that 10mins to a mid or lower carder that 10mins of fame and not just have them be nonexistent for the hole show.

So what are your thoughts ??

And I would like your thoughts on what I just said

Thank's :lmao:
Raw's always been the flagship show, and has been for good reason: it's the most entertaining. The top guys are usually placed on the show, the segments are more entertaining, the storylines are more entertaining, it has a bigger atmosphere, and the in ring product is solid. It's the most important wrestling program ever.

Simply put, Raw is more entertaining. For whatever reason, it always has been.
The best WWE show is smackdown because it has like Ministry of Death said has better storylines and everybody is happy with the Randy Orton draft to Smackdown. During the draft i was angry that john cena wasnt going to be on Smackown but I now understand that John Cena doesnt deserve to be on the same show as the viper because Randy Orton is a big hit on smackdown and i have never seen him happier that he is now on Smackdown
I think the best show today is definitely Superstars, it has almost, just as much, ore more actual wrestling in 1 hour than 2 hours of Raw or Smackdown. Not to mention I'm just a huge fan of the undercard, the guys who can't show off too much to outshine the tops name, and those who the WWE have no faith in even though the fans do.

If I have to choose between the 2 mainstream ones its Smackdown. For a few years now Raw just feals like a rerun with Cena always ending up on top, granted Smackdown is headed in that direction with Orton, it still has better storylines and undercard matches that outshine anything on Raw...except Punk
Well here we go with this thread for the millionth time..

Ever since the draft RAW has been the better brand.. I just can't get into Smackdown's main event scene.. I was happy when Orton got drafted and I thought he would make a good face BEHIND Christian, but of course I was wrong.. they pushed him OVER Christian.. plus now all Smackdown has in the main event scene is one babyface(Orton), and two heels(Christian and Sheamus).

Now to Smackdown's midcard Ezekiel Jackson is the intercontinental champion.. when the only thing special about him is his roided look, he lacks mic skills and he lacks talent, Smackdown has guys like Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, and Sin Cara who could be great IC champions but looks like Bryan and Cara aint getting it soon.. let's just hope Cody beats Zeke.

Now the only thing Smackdown beats RAW with.. the tag team division.. I am really impressed with The Uso's, they're finally getting some TV time, and against another talented tag team in Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater non the less.

Now when you look at RAW, the main event scene has CM Punk and John Cena, other main eventers on RAW are The Miz, R-Truth, Alberto Del Rio, and Rey Mysterio, now I don't know about you but I would take that over Orton, Sheamus, and Christian any day.

And when you look at the RAW midcard you have Kofi, Ziggler, Swagger, McIntyre, Bourne, Alex Riley, and even though out with injury.. John Morrison, just like the main event scene, I would take RAW's midcarders over Smackdown's any day.

Now RAW's tag division.. it's just stale, McGuillicutty and Otunga vs Santino and Kozlov pales in comparison to The Uso's vs Gabriel and Slater, I'll give Smackdown the tag division I hope they both get it better though.

Overall RAW is better in my opinoin, not to mention Smackdown is the B show in the WWE.
It depends on what you like? If you like more entertainment with not that much wrestling then raw is your show. But if you like more wrestling and less talking than smackdown is the show for you. Although raw is and will always be the number 1 show in the wwe. I personally prefer smackdown I always had because when I was younger I didn't have cable and ever since then I've always liked smackdown over raw.
RAW is the the best wrestling show on tv of all-time. Yes me being a bias Attitude era fan and the fact that it is the only live tv show makes it more entertaining due to the element of surprise...hence CM Punk.

and simply put...you never see a Raw superstar on Smackdown, but Smackdown superstars are on RAW at least twice a month.

I will give Smackdown a few extra points however since it is The Rock's creation.
IMO Smackdown is a much better show. Its much more wrestling oriented, which I prefer.

Raw is more of circus. With guest hosts, computer gm and some really lame comedy skits etc. They still have good matches and moments but I feel like their is much more filler on Raw than on Smackdown. Also, Smackdown lately has been doing a great job at developing wrestlers. On raw a lot of the guys get buried.
I've gotta go with SmackDown here. I posted a thread just like this awhile back and I'll repeat what I said there. RAW and SmackDown are victims of the Simpsons/Futurama Syndrome. People will always say that the Simpsons is the better show because it's the first show and most have grown up watching it. But when you compare the two's current product, Futurama is the FAR funnier show. SmackDown is the better show all around. From the Mid-Card to the Tag-Teams to the Divas all the way to the Main Event. Besides C.M. Punk, RAW is COMPLETELY unwatchable.
What is the best show this is easily Raw. Not only does it have the best talent but it is also live, and in general has the better matches and storylines. Smackdown is taped and the results already posted before the show airs. If you look at the numbers Smackdown draws less then Raw. Raw HAS ALWAYS drawn better then Raw and regardless of what happens on both shows will also be the B show in the WWE.
Cm Punk and John Cena makes me more interested in Raw than Smackdown. The thing is, Smackdown's ratings have been real bad as of late. I dont know why it has, the matches and segments are awesome. But I hope they can overcome their bad ratings as of late and compete with the ratings Raw gets.
It all depends on what you're looking for.

If you want a lot of entertainment, and mainly watch wrestling for the soap opera-type aspects, then Raw is the show for you. The focus on the flagship is squarely on the storylines, with the wrestling mainly serving to support them. Sure, there can be good matches on there from time to time, but most of them are pretty pedestrian in comparison to the other shows.

If you want a lot of wrestling, watch Superstars. Nothing else really happens on there except some very good matches, between guys who only have that spot to show what they're really made of as opposed to bigger TV shows and PPVs. For people who can watch matches without the stories to back them up (something I'm not very good at, admittedly), Superstars is a great choice.

SmackDown is a pretty good balance of both with good matches and storylines between guys that the fans are familiar with. It's pretty rare that there is a bad episode of SD, as it seems like whatever roster that show has, the guys on it seem to deliver on a consistent basis. It's also a show where people like Kane (last year) and Christian (this year) can strive, because they're not being held down by all the bigger stars on Raw.

And then if you want something to laugh at, there's always NXT.
I am going with SmackDown too, and it has a lot of reasons...

1) The team of commentators, they are funny to listen too, better than King anytime;
2) The roster always look better than the Raw one, I prefer Ted DiBiase over Kofi Kingston;
3) It is taped so the quality will always be better (if you don't read the spoilers, you will see);
4) Wrestling matters here and the storylines are a lot better, I prefer Christian begging for a title shot than a guest GM anytime!!

It is relative and it depends in every people, I root for the blue team, they never make me fall asleep, RAW make me, especially when they have semi-famous people their.
I can relate to what you said, but in a different light. I grew up watching Smackdown (which was on regular TV) until my parents got cable. But even today I find SD to be the more entertaining brand. Everyone has some sort of storyline going for them, its not just random matches. Wade and Zeke, Orton/Christian/Sheamus, Ted DiBiase/Cody/Bryan/Sin, hell even Khali has some sort of family storyline going on. On RAW its just the CM Punk thing and R-Truth spewing conspiracy theories. SD has better wrestling, better storylines, and they dont even need to waste that much time on promos to make it work. People have always been down on SD because its used to develop superstars instead of being the flaship show but I feel SD is the must watch brand right now.
I know that every brand has their ups and downs and goes through a cycle every year but in my opinion, SmackDown proves to be the better show. Aside from their problem with their main event scene and the obvious commentary scenario, SmackDown has a great undercard and recently they are giving some relevance to the tag team division. Raw is okay, but it can be a boring show at times. The reason why Raw is getting better ratings is mainly due to being on a Monday night where everyone is home rather than a Friday night (especially if its summer). However, WWE did test out SmackDown recently to air live on a Tuesday back in December during Christmas week. The ratings for that episode was really good and was almost on par with Raw's ratings.

However ratings aside, I believe SmackDown is the better show and maybe the blue brand has a higher DVR viewership.
This is a joke!

Smackdown has a roster full of cruiserweights, virtually no mid-card and a bland heavyweight scene and the biggest name on the show is doing commentary its not even fair.

And so Raw is loaded with the biggest faces (Cena, Rey, Jomo) and the best heels (Punk, ADR, Miz, Truth)

When they stop treating Smackdown like its a stepkid, we'll stop looking at it as such!

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