What's so great about The Pope?

Remy LaCroix

Lou Thesz' Favorite Son
I mean, seriously, what's so great about him? He doesn't do anything for me: his matches have been dull for me, and I'm a bit annoyed when he has time on the mic. I don't see what's so special about him.

I have listened to the "pops" he gets during iMPACT and, well, I don't quite hear 'em. I remember Lockdown and the response he got from the crowd, so I KNOW I'm not the only one here who feels the same or somewhat similar.

I want to read everyone's opinions about him and compare 'em to mine so I can try to find out what I'm missing about him. Why do you like him? What's so great about him? If you don't like him, would you care to elaborate why?

Also, if you can recommend a good match he had, I'd appreciate it and will look into it.

P.S. This is a PERFECT field day for Jenks, too bad it's not in the cage.
For the matches; He had good match with CM Punk back in the WWE at Unforgiven 2007. In TNA, he had two good matches with Suicide(No Surrender 2009 and the iMPACT after it.) My favorite is his matches with Desmond Wolfe(Genesis 2010 and Against All Odds 2010). and AJ Styles at Lockdown.
Like anything else, it's all a matter of opinion.

I think his matches are pretty decent, he's not quite at the level of an Angle, or a Styles but he's a hell of a lot better than say an Anderson.

And as far as mic skills, I think he's one of the best right now, but once again it's a matter of opinion. Where some people think Flair has been doing an amazing job in TNA, I just see a rambling old man who can barely string together coherent sentences.

All in all, I think Pope is a strong performer who has one of the better personalities right now, but to reitirate my point in one sentence, it's all about your opinion and who appeals to you, if Pope just doesn't do it for you that's fine, there's plenty of guys I get shit for thinking they're not that great (mainly Anderson and Miz)
Personaly i love the pope he has decent in ring work a sup-par finisher but the best thing imo is his mic skills and sometimes he reminds me of the rock i feel like he has that rock swagger to him
The thing about pope...in my eyes anyway....he's a great performer. Noticed I said performer and not wrestler. As a wrestler I'd say he falls right in between good and decent. Tna is letting him use his gimmick...which wwe didn't let him do....and it's working for him. He's gold on the mic and decent in the ring. Just the way I view it, just me but I think he fits well with other x or um former x-division wrestlers.His matches with suicide or um kaz were good and his debut wasnt to bad in that some thing....think they had changed the name to terror dome or something. I still want to see him up against hardy
I completely agree with you, Im not a fan of the Pope. I dont get his character I mean what is he suppoused to be? :confused:. Its ludacris how the internet community overates him. Ive read saying "hes going to be the next Rock" and "I bet Vince is kicking himself for firing him". I just change the channel or take a piss break when ever he is on TV. "Pope is Pimpin" :banghead:
The best matches The Pope has had in TNA were with Desmond Wolfe, but keep in mind that this was before he got injured. Not to mention he hasn't been in TNA for an incredible amount of time. I've got confidence that he'll eventually pull more and more matches out of his ass and he'll win more people over. He's already won me with his mic skills and so all that's left is to see more Pope classics that I could go back to someday.
I like his gimmick and I'm very surprised by his mic/promo work, it's better than most people in TNA. I do think Pope is somewhat overrated in the IWC, they make him out to be championship material when in my opinion he really isn't...yet. I do enjoy his matches though, especially with Desmond Wolfe (now there's someone who really needs a push) and he is talented in the ring, that was evident even in his WWE days. I know a poster mentioned what his gimmick is supposed to be, and truth be told, I have no idea myself but it fits him, and that's why i like it. You can take a look at a lot of gimmicks and think "What the hell is he supposed to be?", gimmicks don't make a whole lot of sense some times, but it can still work.

And the whole "pop" and reaction from the TNA crowd, he does get a reaction most of the time, but the TNA crowd is so awful that you shouldn't even pay attention to who gets pops or not, because it feels like everyone in TNA is a face. I can recall where I loved how the crowd was so into the program, now it's just annoying.
The pope is supposedly a street preacher. So I guess he's just a crackhead trying to get some attention. He is however pretty entertaining and his promo skills are getting better by the minute. He didnt have a chance to grow in the WWE, and he is one of the few shinning stars of TNA. I just hate that stupid SARS mask he wears.

Too many people say that "he's the next rock". No one will ever be the next Rock. The Rock was electrifying and he was absolute gold on the mic. The Pope's mic skills is slowly getting better but he doesnt command your attention like the Rock did.
I watched a couple of his matches and promo's before. In my opinion Pope is very good on the microphone, one of the best in TNA. If he was in WWE he would be at the same level The Miz is at right now, only if WWE chose to have him use his pope gimmick, hell even if he didn't have to say pimp it would be still entertaining. As for wrestling wise, I seen his PPV match and I seen his matches with Desmond Wolfe, he's solid in the ring. Better then John Cena for sure. He's not Daniel Bryan but he's great on The Microphone and solid in the ring. He will NOT be the Next Rock, he should be Himself and build up a "Pope" Legacy.
Well, let's see...

Natural charisma? Check.
Young and athletic? Check.
Sellable gimmick? Check.
Personality not comparable to a dial tone? Check.

Pope may not be the greatest thing since sliced bread, and he may not even be your cup of tea, but there is plenty great about him in a traditional sense. He's a throwback character and a cross between the Rock and Flair, which is a pretty god damn good combo to base your career off of if you ask me.
D'Angelo Dinero features a unique mic style that is quite attractive. It is somewhat of a contrasting mix between The Rock and Ric Flair. The Rock in the sense that he speaks in a third person and has an over the top personality. Ric Flair because he has that kind of swagger and look. He comes down to the ring dressed in a very fancy manner. Not to mention that "Pimp slappin', foot tappin'" phrase of his is a nod to Ric.

He is a breath of fresh air to me because nowadays the more well known wrestlers tend to present themselves in a more realistic fashion and just plain ol' talk on the mic. Guys like Randy Orton, John Cena and AJ Styles spring to mind. But not Pope. Pope tries do differentiate himself and make himself stand out on the mic. Not to mention that in TNA, mic skills tend to take a major back seat to in ring ability. So a guy with his unique mic style easily stands out in the crowd.

As for matches in TNA, he's had two great matches with Kurt Angle. One at Victory Road 2010 and one at the Turkey Bowl iMPACT! in 2009. he's also had a couple of good matches with Desmond Wolfe and a really cool Street Fight with Suicide back at last year's No Surrender. Easily the highlight of poor Suicide's career. There's a lot to The Pope that makes him unique. That's why some people like him so much.
I actually like the Pope. I liked him he was Elijah Burke in the WWE and in fact he was one of the select few future endeavoured guys that I thought was a mistake to let go. I always thought he was pretty decent in the WWE (not WWE champion material or anything, but good nonetheless), and I believed he could have made a plausible upper mid-carder, with main event potential, in the big times.

As the Pope, he has a gimmck which has some individuality associated with it. He's no ring technician but I would rank his in-ring skills as average or even somewhat above average. He has a personality, something missing from lots of newer, up and coming talent in either organization. He's young, a refreshing change from Flair, Hogan, Sting, EV2.0, etc., etc., etc.,.

I wonder how he'd make out going full blown heel. Another thread here discusses people's desire to see a heel champion in TNA, which at the moment is nearly impossible. I wonder if pushing him as a heel champion might work for TNA? I cannot see how trying it could hurt. After all, things really can't get much worse, can they?
To some degree, I understand where the OP is coming from. I do think Dinero is pretty talented overall. He's given some good promos and he's pretty good inside the ring. At the same time, however, I do think that the IWC has blown him a little out of proportion. To hear some people talk, not all of course but some, you'd think The Pope was The Second Coming of The Rock and The Pope quite simply is not quite as good as some make him out to be.

Since coming to TNA, I do think he's worked hard to establish himself and has managed to generate a strong fanbase. He's had some good matches and his promos are generally entertaining. His character is kind of unique and he's able to stand out. The Pope doesn't feel like he's just another wrestler on the roster, but I don't see him as the future of wrestling either.
The Pope has improved in both wrestling and mic work since his time in WWE. In WWE, i thought he was kinda dull with his mic work, although his wrestling was good. in TNA, they actually gave him a good character and his mic work is great now. TNA did do right with The Pope, hopefully they have him as a top heel, maybe have him feud with Kurt Angle (i think Angle wins the TNA title unless he really wants to leave for a long time).
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2429479]D'Angelo Dinero features a unique mic style that is quite attractive. It is somewhat of a contrasting mix between The Rock and Ric Flair. The Rock in the sense that he speaks in a third person and has an over the top personality. Ric Flair because he has that kind of swagger and look. He comes down to the ring dressed in a very fancy manner. Not to mention that "Pimp slappin', foot tappin'" phrase of his is a nod to Ric.

You find his mic style "attractive?" :wtf:

One thing about The Poop that really annoys me is those "nods" you mentioned. All I see from the poo are "nods" or actions that were synonymous with other wrestlers. To make it more clear, I am waiting for the Poo to start using the spear, the poo's elbow, and start saying "Suck it" and "WHAT" and doing the dx chop.

I've said this before but I don't know if anyone has agreed with me. All I see from the poo poo is stuff all made famous by other people. I mean if you say who does AJ Styles and Kurt Angle most remind you of, I'd have no idea. They are unique. I mean you'd figure Kurt Angle would look something like Bret Hart and use a lot of his moves, but not at all.

Let's compare John Morrison and The Poo.

Morrison comes out, gives his shades to a kid (ala Bret Hart), gets in the ring and does John Morrison stuff.

The Poo comes out, gives his shades to a kid (ala Bret Hart), gets in the ring and gives a guy bionic elbow (dusty rhodes), hits a codebreaker (chris jericho), also does a curtsy :wtf:(vintage HHH) once he finishes that modified Jeff Hardy move.

He uses a ton of moves and there all high impact/finisher types. That's the thing I don't like about x-division/smaller guys. They use superkicks, spears, greenbay plunge, all mainevent signature moves like they are the typical punch/weak move.


People say The poo has personality, that's the reason a guy like him will go further then a genuine nice guy like Jay Lethal.

One of the things that made nWo so popular, was because guys like Hogan, Hall, Nash, Steiner their personalites weren't good/nice guys(those guys finish last.) They were bad and the gimmicks worked well b/c it was an extension of themselves.

The poo is the same way. If The Poo is ever given a championship and solid position in TNA, I can see it being a problem for TNA in the long run. He's like or has the potential to be the Kanye West of TNA. In that he can do no wrong in some peoples minds as long as he does certain things well and is doing something. And also he might bitch and complain a lot and thinks he's actually better then he is.

Though if TNA were on the road, you'd see The poo's stock drop (along with others) when they get booed as faces or no reactions(like at Lockdown.)

Edit: Yeah, the only comparison between the po po and the rock is that the pope did another one of those "nods" by saying "The Pope ... is ... Pimpin" at the very start of his entrance music the same way the rock's started "Is ... Cookin."

Lol, if the rock were ever in TNA I could see the shitpact zone fans chanting
"The Rock is cookin!" Seriously, dudes got you guys brainwashed. Even has a name similiar to The Rock. You know someones big time when they have "The" in their name heh.
simply put, opinions are like a**holes, everyones got one and they all stink... IMO i like DD because i liked him in WWE as Elijah Burke and i think he had a VERY underrated program with CM Punk... He carried the New Breed of ECW when that was going on and i thought he showed a lot of potential at that time... i believ that going to TNA was a positive because it gave him a little creative freedom and the chance to have good matches on TV with good wrestlers, now im not a big fan of the pope gimmick, i hate his mask that he wears, and im not a fan of his finisher which isnt even a set-up move for a finisher... Potential is key... now a memorable program in the big-leagues is what he needs with the hype-machine behind him, and then he might be noticed and taken seriously- as far as rock comparisons- NOONE will ever be the rock again, ever, ever, ever again- hes a once in a lifetime personality... DD is good but hes not the great one...
I personal like the Pope. I think that he has natural charisma. Pope is still relatively young and I think has bright future ahead of him. I really enjoy his gimmick, he's is pretty good on the mic and I think that he's decent in the ring. To me Pope has the Talent and Potential to be a future TNA world heavyweight champion.
Let's compare John Morrison and The Poo.

Morrison comes out, gives his shades to a kid (ala Bret Hart), gets in the ring and does John Morrison stuff.

The Poo comes out, gives his shades to a kid (ala Bret Hart), gets in the ring and gives a guy bionic elbow (dusty rhodes), hits a codebreaker (chris jericho), also does a curtsy :wtf:(vintage HHH) once he finishes that modified Jeff Hardy move.

He uses a ton of moves and there all high impact/finisher types. That's the thing I don't like about x-division/smaller guys. They use superkicks, spears, greenbay plunge, all mainevent signature moves like they are the typical punch/weak move.

Speaking of poo, did you actually think about or read the shit that you just spewed forth on the screen? Now I may not be high on Pope, but I do feel he is a better fit than a lot of people -- good, but not great....yet. BTW, calling him the "Poop" -- wow. Pure genius. I mean, as soon as I read that, I knew you were a straight shooter with a high wrestling IQ and capable of clearly conveying meaningful points (Please read that with a sarcastic tone, because clearly I don't mean that).

You want to call Pope a copy-cat or a mimic, but let's face it, everything has been done in wrestling and so you're going to see some things done over again. Let's break down your analysis. First, you compare Pope to Morrison -- so it's okay for Morrison to put shades on people a la Bret Hart, but Pope does it and he is a sham? Also, what exactly is "John Morrison stuff"? Other than Starship Pain and his breakdance leg drop, I really don't see him doing anything different -- he just does it in the WWE and it stands out more because he is basically the only one doing that X-DIVISION stuff.

So the Pope puts his shades on people....so he can't do that because Bret Hart regularly did that back in the 90s? Everyone uses an elbow strike or "the" bionic elbow....Dusty put some flair into it and personalized it in his own way. Doing a mere bionic elbow type strike doesn't mean he is copying Dusty. When does he do the codebreaker? When? He does a running double knee to the back of his opponent when they're in the corner -- clearly not the same thing. Furthermore, even if he does use the codebreaker, while you're accusing Pope of copying others are you aware Jericho "stole" that move from Helms? And I know Helms got it from someone else....he admits it (though I cannot recall whom, a Japanese wrestler if I'm not mistaken). A curtsy? Really....you're really going to make that a point in your argument? Now you're just reaching and digging up anything you can to justify why you hate him. What "modified" Jeff Hardy move is he doing? Jeff Hardy only has like three moves and I recall Pope doing none of them regularly. What's next? you had that he walks to the ring...because Austin did that? You had that he has music....because Hogan did that?

The whole industry is basically stuck repeating itself....you can only do so many new things before other people start using it. John Cena is using the STF -- how freakin old is that move? Randy Orton is using the Diamond Cutter. Evan Bourne's move has been used by dozens of wrestlers over the years. Kurt Angle is using the same ankle lock Ken Shamrock made famous in WWE. So you may want to open your eyes to the fact that it's just gonna happen. It would be one thing if the Pope came out and did stuff just like The Godfather -- right down to his attire, mannerisms, and move set. Just because he does a few similar and common moves, hardly makes him a mooch cashing in on what others before him made famous.

Your opinions became even more skewed when you started talking about Kanye West and the nWo -- what the hell does that have to do with the Pope?

Obviously just another pointless response by a TNA basher. If you hate TNA THAT much then don't watch --- there are other channels on your TV. You don't HAVE to respond to the TNA threads. In fact, I would suggest you don't until you can come up with something more logical, sensible, and with even the slightest iota of intelligence behind it.
You find his mic style "attractive?" :wtf:
Yes, attractive, Jenks. It's an abstract concept. If you're trying to slip another one of your "*** it" jokes, please make it a bit more direct so I can report you. Again.
One thing about The Poop that really annoys me is those "nods" you mentioned. All I see from the poo are "nods" or actions that were synonymous with other wrestlers. To make it more clear, I am waiting for the Poo to start using the spear, the poo's elbow, and start saying "Suck it" and "WHAT" and doing the dx chop.
He just does one nod. And it's not even identical. I'm assuming that's it's OK for Batista to nod The Ultimate Warrior with the rope shaking, is it not?
I've said this before but I don't know if anyone has agreed with me. All I see from the poo poo is stuff all made famous by other people. I mean if you say who does AJ Styles and Kurt Angle most remind you of, I'd have no idea. They are unique. I mean you'd figure Kurt Angle would look something like Bret Hart and use a lot of his moves, but not at all.
Nobody agree's with you. Everyone has a bit of someone else int here character. Steve Austin was reminiscent of The Sandman, The Rock was reminiscent of Randy Savage.
Let's compare John Morrison and The Poo.

Morrison comes out, gives his shades to a kid (ala Bret Hart), gets in the ring and does John Morrison stuff.
So Bret Hart has officially trademarked handing out merch to fans?

The Poo comes out, gives his shades to a kid (ala Bret Hart), gets in the ring and gives a guy bionic elbow (dusty rhodes),
Don't recall Dusty handstanding on the damn top rope. What the fuck are you yapping about?
hits a codebreaker (chris jericho), also does a curtsy :wtf:(vintage HHH) once he finishes that modified Jeff Hardy move.
In case you were unaware, Petey Williams utilized a springboard variation of the Codebreaker long before Chris debuted it. As to that "Jeff hardy" move, does he own it or something?

He uses a ton of moves and there all high impact/finisher types. That's the thing I don't like about x-division/smaller guys. They use superkicks, spears, greenbay plunge, all mainevent signature moves like they are the typical punch/weak move.
So he does wrestling maneuvers. Good God, somebody call the law firm. He's caused too much gimmick infringement.
People say The poo has personality, that's the reason a guy like him will go further then a genuine nice guy like Jay Lethal.
When you want a guy to headline a show, you kinda need one with personality.
One of the things that made nWo so popular, was because guys like Hogan, Hall, Nash, Steiner their personalites weren't good/nice guys(those guys finish last.) They were bad and the gimmicks worked well b/c it was an extension of themselves.
So Pope's a nice guy? Glad you pay attention.

The poo is the same way. If The Poo is ever given a championship and solid position in TNA, I can see it being a problem for TNA in the long run. He's like or has the potential to be the Kanye West of TNA. In that he can do no wrong in some peoples minds as long as he does certain things well and is doing something. And also he might bitch and complain a lot and thinks he's actually better then he is.
Never heard him bitch or complain> I certainly know he doesn't go causing major controversies just to get attention. Mark Madden is closer to Kanye than The Pope.

Though if TNA were on the road, you'd see The poo's stock drop (along with others) when they get booed as faces or no reactions(like at Lockdown.)
Yeah, because the house shows were totally uninforming to TNA.
Edit: Yeah, the only comparison between the po po and the rock is that the pope did another one of those "nods" by saying "The Pope ... is ... Pimpin" at the very start of his entrance music the same way the rock's started "Is ... Cookin."
Better than "I'm Awesome". For sure.
Lol, if the rock were ever in TNA I could see the shitpact zone fans chanting
And you wouldn't. :rolleyes:
"The Rock is cookin!" Seriously, dudes got you guys brainwashed. Even has a name similiar to The Rock. You know someones big time when they have "The" in their name heh.
So does THE MIZ, THE UNDERTAKER, THE, THE, THE!! An extremely common word. Is it trademarked to The Rock? Jesus Christ, man. You give me headaches.
The Pope may not be the second coming of Rock, Flair, or anyone else, but he brings with him a certain swagger. He doesn't come out like he did in WWE and say "I'm so and so and I'm going to make an impact." He actually has a cool character that dresses and lives the gimmick. He may not be setting the world on fire, but I think he is better of as The Pope then as plain boring Elijah Burke. He is a decent worker in the ring, but he isn't known for any 5 star matches.

The main thing is he has charisma and personality which is extremely lacking in wrestling today.
The Pope is a very interesting character. Dinero has gotten this gimmick down to a science. He is very charismatic, maybe the most charismatic member of the TNA roster, and is a very solid performer. He is good at selling moves and good at pull moves off. He has also shown a good sense of the wrestling ring. He has told some great stories in the wrestling ring, look no further then his initial feud with Anderson and the whole blinding angle. Pope sold that very well.

The argument about the IWC over selling Pope is correct though. The IWC has a tendency of finding a poster child and clinging to them. The Pope happens to be TNA's internet superstar, just like Bryan Danielson is the WWE's. There is nothing wrong with it at all, but it can get old to some fans and will bring about resentment. It doesn't matter that much to me though, I am a fan of the Pope and a little overkill from the IWC won't change that at all.
Now I may not be high on Pope, but I do feel he is a better fit than a lot of people -- good, but not great....yet. BTW, calling him the "Poop" -- wow.

Whats the difference between me calling him The poop and him calling people like Ric Flair, Dick Flair? Or calling Suicide or AJ Styles whatever the hell he calls them, and Desmond Wolfe ... Woofy. Desmond Wolfe called the Pope the poop, so I copied that off him. It's also another thing the poop does that is very over, there is a big word for it when you intentionally mispronounce a name.

The point I'm making is when I watch the pope, ALL of his stuff seems to be gimmicks, moves, gestures ... that were all over or used by extremely over wrestlers such as Ric Flair, The Rock, HHH.

And I just used John Morrison as an example. When I see Morrison put the shades on the kids, alright Bret did that. He doesn't go in the ring then and say "Wooooo", give people stunners, and do the dx chop to end it off.

I feel like The Pope sits and watches tapes of guys who've been over in the business and tries to emulate or modify thing that got them over, whether it be catch phrases, mannerisms, moves, you name it.

And he does it in an over abundance. Like wtf is up with that mask he wears, I'm guessing he got that shit from Michael Jackson (who he was a huge fan of.)

All I'm saying is I find him extremely unoriginal. I believe even the "Pope is pimpin" chant is a creation by the IZ fans.

Austin created (Austin 3:16, OH HELL YEAH, WHAT, Open a can of whoop ass) or atleast made them famous. The Rock created (Smell what the rock is cooking, the people's eyebrow, etc.)
I just don't find the pope creative and therefore, don't understand the hype.
Also athletic? Yes. good story teller? Not so much.

When Pope won the eight card stud tournament the way he did, wasn't it suppose to be a lot bigger deal then it was?

Beats 2 guys, is atacked by Hall and Xpac, kicks out of Mr Anderson Mic Check and wins third match.

Their just isn't enough depth to the guy and it's partly to due with him being a creation of everyone else's work.

The reason you haven't seen the codebreaker or whatever it's called, is because he just recently started using it(it's in the video I supplied) the same way I expect him to use more manevuers and gimmicks, made famous by and used by extremely over wrestlers such as Jericho.

It's not that he uses one thing like the codebreaker, it's that EVERYTHING he does seems like it was used by a big name at one time or another. And he's got too much shit going on.

D'Angelo Dinero (DD) , The Pope, Harlem Street Preacher, comes out with shit falling from ceiling, gives shades to kid like any good pimp(man who sells ****es) would do, wearing shades, sars mask, coat.

Then gets in the ring and does an inverted neckbreaker (stunner) off the ropes, does that move where a guy is lying on the ropes and he jumps over them and out of the ring.

He's got to much over the top shit going on.

Btw, his mic skills are not even that great. He does alright in the back on solo promos, but in the ring in front of the audience isn't that great, and going tit for tat with someone. Hell, his twitter vid shoot promo sucked as well, he needs to leave the impressions too Jay Lethal.

Sorry you had a problem with what I wrote, the op wanted my opinion so I thought I'd give my honest opinion, didn't think I'd get criticize by someone w/ a different opinion.

Also, I'm not a TNA hater/basher what so ever. Proudly say I am a bigger fan of TNA then WWE. If I hate Cena, does that mean I hate WWE? I dislike both guys b/c I feel they ruin both companies when given attention. I'm huge supporter of TNA, I just don't have a typical IWC mind set. I want TNA to get bigger and better, don't see main events/main eventers like Samoe Joe/The Poop getting them there because I want TNA to be so MUCH better then that, and I believe they can be.

And I think TNA is doing great right now.
Fuck WWE (HHH, Cena, Orton, Nexus)

Btw, I would say The Pope and The Miz are about the same. Both are extremely disappointing as top guys in their respective companies. It's like when Christian Cage was TNA world champion, that's how I would view world title reigns by either men, meaningless.
Though things can change. One good storyline could change my opinion on a lot of things.
If there were ever any type of nWo stable, I think Dinero could make a good heel in the stable.
Like i said, i wasnt a big fan of WWE's Ellijah Burke. he had a good feud with CM Punk, BUT i wasnt a fan of him leading the New Breed on WWE's ECW show and i wasnt a fan of him being pushed as the guy there at the time and thought a new gimmick would've helped him. In TNA he found that gimmick, is The Pope Deangelo Dinero my favorite in TNA, no, but he's found a gimmick that fits him. The Pope is good for TNA and hopefully he gets a heel push soon.
personally i think the fact that stands out about dinero is that HE STANDS OUT.

he has a different gimmick.he's not a generic "never back down never give up" babyface or even a "ill whip your ass" type badass.then he is not even a generic arrogant "im better than the world" heel.he's a street preacher.he does not talk to the fans.he talks to the congregation.just like street preachers spread their message the pope is spreading his.now i dunno how you guys can say his gimmick is confusing when i cant make the head or tail out of "i wanna be stone cold but i just suck" mr anderson.i mean this guy is clearly an asshole as he says.a kind of guy who id like to see being hit by 5 stunners ,3 pedigrees and finished off with a sweet chin music.yet some how this guy gets face reactions. amazing.(and please dont say hes a badass or a tweener coz he aint)

as for the pope in ring he's ok but he can get better.he copies some moves but the manner in which he executes is pretty different.honestly can you tell me you dont even see a bit of difference between jericho and his codebreaker.

matches:um well i dont see tna much but ive seen his match with angle when he returned from injury.actually you must check out the promo too when he returned.talk about crowd reaction dude that was some pop.i liked his match with anderson at against all odds too.his matches with punk in wwe were great as well.

i can understand though where the hate is coming from.people gave him too many accolades too quickly.i mean calling him a combo of rock and flair is friggin ridiculous.maybe one day he will have a legacy to match em but as of now he's a long way out.

personally for me though i see dinero as one of the few bright spots of tna.ill admit though that he has lost some momentum since coming back from injury.

honestly though you gotta admit he has the most unique gimmick in wrestling alongside CM Punk

P.S. :i hate the giving shades to a kid stuff too.it does not match with his character either.but you gotta remember its tna.

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