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According to www.tnawrestlingnews.com TNA & AAA superstar HERNANDEZ has fallen out of favor of TNA magnament. I think we all know know whats going to "NXT" for the mexican freak. My question is when he gets to WWE should he go to the main roster or go NXT season 4 or 5 ?
WHEN he goes to WWE? You need to teach me how to see the future, master, it's a dandy trick.

How about we use the word IF. How's that? IF he goes to WWE, this is what'll happen:

Face :

He'll come down the ring, putting on a fake smile, giving out handshakes, tags, you know, the shit EVERY face in WWE does. Then he'll get in the ring, be mediocre, go out. Hernandez cannot speak. All he had in TNA was one flying shit over the top rope to the inside, and that's it. WWE limits their guys even more. Hernandez will fade away like NOTHING in WWE. He's bland at best. Great look - nothing behind it.

If he's a heel :

Usual monster push. They'll Kozlov him. Have him kick a LOT of ass for some time, then shove him in the low-card doing nothing and maybe if they haven't fired him until that point, they'll put him in "funny" segments.

There's your answer. Don't believe me? The last big guy they pushed and made SOMETHING out of was Batista and he has WAY more skill than Hernandez in any department. Need I say more?
I'm surprised the WWE doesn't want him already. Dont they want big mexican stars? Bi lingual mexican stars? He may not be from there but he has a mexican audience with AAA fans.
I also don't understand what's so good about Hernandez. I don't see why WWE would want him. If he was on NXT he would be one of the first eliminated as WWE would want to make an example out of him. If he was to go to the main roster he would soon be buried anyway.
So the fact that he's a mainstay in AAA means nothing? WHy do you thing he's been stranded in Mexico the past 5 months after that awesome Flying Cage Match at Victory Road? He's in a great place. If memory serves me right, he was a heel in Konnan's (ironic) group of foreigners. Sounds like a sweet deal to be a part of the biggest heel faction in Mexico. So he's not in favor with TNA. He's clearly in favor over in AAA.
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2495258]So the fact that he's a mainstay in AAA means nothing? WHy do you thing he's been stranded in Mexico the past 5 months after that awesome Flying Cage Match at Victory Road? He's in a great place. If memory serves me right, he was a heel in Konnan's (ironic) group of foreigners. Sounds like a sweet deal to be a part of the biggest heel faction in Mexico. So he's not in favor with TNA. He's clearly in favor over in AAA.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, exactly. As shocking as it is, not every wrestler on God's green Earth is DYING to go to the WWE. That's why the REAL best wrestlers are scattered in other promotions. Hernandez is perfect for AAA. He's happy there, no reason to fuck himself over going to the WWE or TNA for that matter.
There's your answer. Don't believe me? The last big guy they pushed and made SOMETHING out of was Batista and he has WAY more skill than Hernandez in any department. Need I say more?

Okay Im pretty sure Hernandez is more talented in the ring than Batista. I think the can come back to TNA and really work as a heel. If he gets released and comes to WWE I think he could work as a heel as well if he has a mouthpiece perhaps a bodyguard for Del Rio when/if he gets stale.
Hernandez isn't going anywhere. I don't know how TNA management can be mad at someone that was sent to wrestle by them for another promotion. He will probably be brought back to the roster anytime now. Even if he doesn't, Hernandez has better things to do then be on that joke of a show called NXT. I would doubt WWE would have any interest in him. So just because he is working independent dates like many TNA wrestlers do, that means he is released and going to WWE?

People may not believe this, but Hernandez is probably in a better place then in TNA or even possibly riding a mechanical bull on NXT.
Plus, who in fuck's sake is going to want to go to the WWE on a show that's broadcasted on WWE.com? At least AAA's on TV...
Man this troll is terrible. Here's the full article;

Hernandez has not been on hand for TNA events in recent months because he is on loan to the Mexican based AAA promotion due to a talent exchange.

Management has lost faith in pushing him as a singles star because his ring work has not progressed at the rate they feel it should.


Aside from it being a pretty useless article with nothing to really confirm what they're saying, it says he's on loan to AAA, which implies he still has some sort of contract with TNA. He's not WWE bound, useless troll.
Hernandez is also 37, meaning he's probably already past his prime. If he were to sign with WWE, no way he'd reach the main roster before age 40; why would they waste their time with a guy that old?

And, even if WWE were to want him, he's obviously better off being on Mexican TV than on a webcast of the biggest American promotion. After all, Zeven_zion has repeatedly shown his sharp wrestling biz accumen, and this is what he declared. What kind of idiot wants to make a big paycheck wrestling when he can have creative freedom in exchange for toiling in poverty and obscurity?
The only way WWE would go for it would be to get Homicide too... As a team the former LAX would have something worthwhile to WWE... but like someone said, on loan is not released...

I find it ironic that TNA is starting to slate people for "not progressing" when they have pushed such dross in the past.
I do not think Hernandez would be the perfect guy to fued with Alberto del Rio. WWE is currently running the whole 'latino working hero' thing with Rey Mysterio as the foil to Del Rio's Mexican JBL gimmick. Del Rio is getting quite the rub from this program already, and whatever the outcome he will be elevated by it, but not to the extent that WWE would want to run essentially the same storyline with Hernandez. What would it acheive?
If ADR bests Mysterio, then gets owned by Hernandez, that would somewhat kill his push. Conversely, if Hernandez can't come in and decisively go over ADR, then how would people be expected to jump on the Hernandez bandwagon?
It would be crazy for WWE to risk the credibility of a top star, and the momentum of a potential future star, on an aging performer who ultimately lacks the look, mic skills and star quality to rise above WWE's mid-card.
ok a bit of a history lesson for those that are unaware hernandez was already in wwe...he was in that show heat...where he was already buried...he was a jobber to the stars...big guys in the middle of a push beat his ass on sunday nights and the internet ona weekly basis...a few posters i agree with one being the fact that not everyone strives for wwe...some guys see what wwe has done wih indy talent like evan bourne or daniel brian and maybe people dont want that for themselves...oh and whatever idiot mentioned batista have more talent or actual talent for that matter stop being a wwe mark...batista was horrible boring and slugish in the ring hernadez has actually had memorable matches...tna's big mistake was splitting up LAX...if hernadez can't progress at a faster rate in singles at least he can shine in tag
I liked Hernandez... dunno why TNA didn't push him and "loaned" him out. He did have some good ring work and maybe not great mic skills but hey. HE might have worked in TNA but they thought he didn't so they probably swapped him for someone in AAA? Very possible in my eyes...

EDIT Forgot to add I agree with the TNA's biggest mistake was splitting LAX... I mean imagine the current TNA tag team scene with LAX on top of it? It could basically be their main event. I wanted TNA to make their tag team division of more importance that their WHC and stuff but hey not everyone gets what they want. EDIT
I liked Hernandez... dunno why TNA didn't push him and "loaned" him out. He did have some good ring work and maybe not great mic skills but hey. HE might have worked in TNA but they thought he didn't so they probably swapped him for someone in AAA? Very possible in my eyes...

EDIT Forgot to add I agree with the TNA's biggest mistake was splitting LAX... I mean imagine the current TNA tag team scene with LAX on top of it? It could basically be their main event. I wanted TNA to make their tag team division of more importance that their WHC and stuff but hey not everyone gets what they want. EDIT

They didn't push him because he's one of the worst personalities in wrestling history, conveniently (for him) wrapped in a decent body/look.

He doesn't work because no one gives a fuck about him, nor should they, frankly, because he's never given them a reason to.

Outside of his feud with Morgan (which Morgan carried, by the way), name me one thing Hernandez has done that's been even remotely memorable in the last two years. Who has he elevated? Who has he made look good?

Consider your innocent victim card countered. Hernandez did this to himself.
Lot of back and forth here about Hernandez; guess I'll chime in. I know I rarely see eye-to-eye with other wrestling fans, Hernandez is one of very few big-guy wrestlers I like. He's got insane power and can fly like a luchador, that's pretty impressive to me. I've seen him in some outstanding match-ups in AAA, and that's good enough for me. I honestly don't care about how bad people are on the mic if they can wrestle.

Off-topic: Someone mentioned Hernandez being bi-lingual, which unfortunately I don't believe is the case. His promos in AAA are all in English with Spanish subtitles and he occasionally drops in some Spanish words. Mark Jindrak (Marco Corleone) speaks better Spanish than Hernandez does, and Alex Koslov is fluent, oddly enough (which makes him at least tri-lingual).

I'm not sure he'd ever go to WWE, if WWE would be interested in him, or if he'd ever be interested in going. He seems to be exactly what WWE have generally preferred in wrestlers, big, strong guys who can throw people around, but they'd probably do away with his flying offense and when people start seeing how fast he can move around the ring, it'd make alot of other big guys like Sheamus look pretty awful in comparison. They might want to avoid that. He's getting up there in years, which didn't stop Batista who had his best years in his late thirties and who has about a fifth of Hernandez's talent.

I would still like to see him back swinging that chain around in TNA or reforming LAX, but they are absolutely glutted with talent right now and Homicide appears to be done in TNA. I honestly have no problem with him staying in AAA, but I actually think, like many stars with his size and strength who've had trouble getting over in the States, he would do better with a jump to Japan.
Hernandez in WWE. well theres a big man with a lot of heart but im not sure how WWE will use him. They have a habit of Having good quality wrestlers and wasting the opportunity. Even though he was a top player in TNA when or if he arrives in WWE he will properly be used as a jobber for a while and then give him a major storyline that fades away just as soon as it begins and he will be in the ranks of forgotten talent opportunities
One of the many giveaways that this is a dumb thread is that the "rumor" says the reason TNA is down on him is his ring work. His ring work? Give me a break. His ring work is obviously up to par. Unfortunately, like IDR pointed out he has struggled to be meaningful as a singles competitor personality-wise in spite of several chances. I enjoy watching Hernandez work but it ends there. People are just assuming because he has some hispanic descent he is already a star there? Actually part of the reason that TNA sent him to AAA was because he was basically an unknown in mexico still. Without building up that audience pushing him anywhere in the usa probably doesn't add up financially. I believe the "not speaking spanish" is part of his heel gimmick there although it would not surprise me if he did not know it that well anyway. I see Konnan and Hernandez doing something in TNA again sooner than later. I do not see WWE using Hernandez for much more than a borderline irrelevant bodyguard for someone then future endeavored one-two years later.

Also, what's NXT for NXT? I'm assuming canceled. I wish Cole commentated Raw like he does NXT. Between him and Edge they have it right.
you guys talk about how hernandez would be rvd'd in wwe......ya know the usual "hey we know you can wrestle an shit, but here's a list of 5 moves we want you to do, an you can not under any circumstances use any more than these 5 moves!" don't believe me, alberto del rios, a great masked wrestler.......5 moves............now i bet you all think im gonna say cena but fuck cena! that man cant wrestle more than 5 moves period. then there was kennedy, randy orton, shameus, tripl.......okay he does use more than the 5 but hey he's balls deep in the bosses daughter an has 3 kids with her.......now tna does the exact same thing, look at RVD, AJ Styles sometimes puts out some exceptional matches, but let's continue, jeff hardy. kennedy, pope, hmmm basically the whole roster, now when these guys wrestle at house shows, or independent promotions they can actually tap into their repetaire. i have had the pleasure of seeing hernandez in san antonio at rcw an the guys that were there, messiah, hernandez, genetico, mike dells, and the others that were on the card wowed me and made me realize that tv wrestling..........kinda sucks..........period. so if hernandez goes to wwe..........he'll be just like every other wrestler they got, when he comes back to tna, who knows maybe he will get to be a heel again an shine again........

you're either nexus, or against us!
"IF" Hernandez goes 2 WWE it will ruin his career, He will have a great push to begin with but he will slowly plummit to a lower card performer, it would turn out to be like Vladimir Kovlov,he will be turned into a joke and a kid attraction
Hernandez is not going anywhere he is on loan to AAA in Mexico, which could lead to some of the more talented people from AAA can come to TNA in a talent exchange. Hernandez is not going to be released and he won't be showing up on NXT anytime soon.
TNA made Hernandez look stupid when he wasted his world title oppurtunity at some pay-per-view, he may never become a world champ in WWE but i believe that he will be used much better than how he is being used by TNA, he will be used like the way WWE used shelton benjamin, he will be part of money in the bank, he may also have some good feuds with guys like miz, kane and mcintyre. it will benefit Hernandez if he go to WWE after he is done with Mexico

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