What's Next For Sheamus?


As everyone knows by now, Sheamus lost the WWE Championship last night in the Elimination Chamber. Sheamus dropped the title but he did look strong doing particularly as he was in the match from the very beginning almost right to the very end.

I don't look for Sheamus to get the WWE Championship back anytime soon, although I do think there's a possibility it'll happen later on. So, where does this leave him come WrestleMania? I think the only logical choice at this point is to have him begin a feud against Triple H. Orton was eliminated by DiBiase so I think they're probably in the beginning of a feud, With the help of Vince McMahon Batista screwed Cena out of the WWE Championship last night so they'll probably have a match at 'Mania, I've heard that there's not going to be a MITB match at WM this year so that's out. As far as a storyline goes, one could argue that Triple H's low blow to Sheamus last night was instrumental in him losing the championship.

I think this could be a good possibility for Sheamus. A lot of people have warmed up to Sheamus over the past few months, although some still hate on him. However, if he were to go to 'Mania against Triple H and win, his stock would be higher than its ever been. If the WWE is serious about making Sheamus a long term star, I think a win at WrestleMania over a big star is necessary at this point.

I think this is definatly going to happen and to be truthfully honest i cant wait. WWE needs to push all these new talents going into wrestlemania as after wrestlemania i think were going to see massive changes in wwe. All the veterans starting to wind down and all the young up and coming talents get there respected pushes
I'm thinking Sheamus v. HHH in maybe a gimmick match of some sort, I just don't see the appeal in a normal singles match without a title. I'm a big fan of Sheamus, but would the casual fan really be interested in watching that? At the minute no, let's hope the build to it is good. Sheamus could always get a rematch tonight, and Cena cost Batista the title, although I see a tag match for the WWE title at Mania, Bret/Cena v. Batista/Vince so I doubt they will take the title off him.

After Mania... hopefully Sheamus will get the win there, so then he could always lose to HHH at the next PPV, and from there? Who knows, maybe a fued with a top babyface (Orton? could always be a Smackdown star as it's after the draft) for number one contender, or he could go to Smackdown and challenge for that title.
Sheamus will get his rematch clause.He will some how get involve in the Vince/Bret feud just like HHH.And if he doesnt im sure that he will still have a match in wrestlemania against Triple H.But im sure that Sheamus wont leave the mainevent picture ofr right now maybe until Ted is ready to move up,And then they will bring Sheamus down to the midcard level.Where he could feud with some good midcard wrestlers.but like i said Sheamus wont be leaving the mainevent picture soon.
For Sheamus' sake, it has to happen, and it's gotta happen. I agree that his stock woud rise because of a win over HHH, but it's gotta be by him looking strong; the same way he came off strong in the chamber. If WM rolls around, and he's given a weak showing (as it shouldn't happen since people are high on him in the company apparently) it's gonna destroy the momentum he carried through EC. I'm gonna wait and see what will happen tonight, though. I want to know how Sheamus will react to the loss.
I liked Sheamus' run as the champion. I was hoping to be surprised and he would carry into Wrestlemania and defend against Cena, but alas no such luck. From the looks of it now he will be facing Tripe H at mania unless Shawn's match with Undertaker doesn't happen for whatever reason and the two partners face off instead. My second choice for Sheamus was to face Taker but again, doesn't look like it will happen. So yeah, Triple H is his most likely opponent for WM.

As far as afterwards goes, I can see his feud with Trips lasting no longer than Backlash. Afterwards I see a feud with an upper midcard feud with either Kofi or a new addition to Raw brought in from the draft. If they were smart they wouldn't keep him out of the title picture for th rest of the year though and totally 'CM Punk' his title run.
I really don't know where it leaves him to be truthful. I personally think Triple H needs to be facing Shawn Michaels, either one on one or more likely in a triple threat with Undertaker. Triple H vs Sheamus would have nothing on the line anyway so would be quite a strange match and with only a month to build it.

With Money in the Bank potentially gone I think they might bring in a new match of a similar nature. Some sort of inter-brand battle royal or gauntlet with the winner getting a shot at a title of their choice... though possibly not on PPV because the list of candidates to fill the match wouldn't be high profile enough to get a PPV title shot. If they took all the loose end wrestlers and put them in that match it might be exciting and a way for them to get their pay check.

Another option is Kofi Kingston. He's looking to be without a match unless he decides he wants his US Title back from Miz, but with Big Show in the mix he's likely to defend the tag titles rather than the US so Kofi vs Sheamus might be a decent match if they started to build it now. Whoever wins gets over and can continue to rise. It's a win/win really.

Sheamus could of course enter into a multi-man match with Miz, Kofi, MVP and whoever else for the US Title but that might be a step down for him, so I'll call that a long-shot.

All that's left besides the options I've listed here that I can think of is a cross-brand match, but seeing as we already have Batista vs Cena going on it's unlikely. Kane vs Sheamus will happen at some point though, bank on it.
I think he looked real good in the chamber, at least he didn't pull an R Truth(that's another story) but a feud with Trips sounds good, I'd like to see them go at it in a last man standing match at mania, that would be awesome between the two of them. I think he definitely had a good showing and solidified himself as main event caliber.
I think the best idea is for Sheamus to feud with HHH and it all end in a match at wrestlemania i would watch that match because unlike some of you i am a fan of Sheamus i think those to in an ironman match would be epic. But then again the creative team may feel that HHH might need a bigger name opponent for wrestlemania.
I think there is alot that could be done with Sheamus he has so much potential.I really did'nt like him when he first came on the scene,but after watching him the last few months he is really starting to grow on me.I would like to see him and edge go at it,that would be a good show!
First of all, I just read that there will be MITB qaulifying matches tonite on RAW so I have to assume MITB is on for WM26. Could be a false report though. Im thinking Sheamus will go at HHH at WM26. What is going on between HBK and Taker seems like too much to be just a swerve. Edge is going at Jericho. And we will have Batista Cena in some fashion, along with Orton vs DiBiase. Only thing IMO, is Sheamus vs HHH. I could be wrong though, and I hope I am. Sheamus vs HHH just isnt a draw for me personally. Should be a good rest of the card though
First of all, I just read that there will be MITB qaulifying matches tonite on RAW so I have to assume MITB is on for WM26. Could be a false report though. Im thinking Sheamus will go at HHH at WM26. What is going on between HBK and Taker seems like too much to be just a swerve. Edge is going at Jericho. And we will have Batista Cena in some fashion, along with Orton vs DiBiase. Only thing IMO, is Sheamus vs HHH. I could be wrong though, and I hope I am. Sheamus vs HHH just isnt a draw for me personally. Should be a good rest of the card though

I read the same thing a little bit ago. Apparently it's legit as it's been posted on the WWE's twitter account. This does provide another option for Sheamus if the WWE decides not to go with a match between himself and Triple H. I'd say either a match against Trips or being part of the MITB is most likely at this point.
My best guess would be that Shitmus, oh sorry, I mean Sheamus will face HHH at Mania. They kind of laid some ground work for that last night (not much, but whatever). While I think HHH would be much better utilized in the main event picture somewhere, I guess this doesn't really bother me. I don't like Sheamus, I see nothing in him that makes me want to watch him. He is not very good on the mic, had a weird look, and is even worse in the ring. But if this is what HHH wants (and from all of the reports stating he and Sheamus are buddies and he really likes Sheamus), let em' go at it, I guess.
Sheamus could end up facing Cody Rhodes at Wrestlemania, now i know this is way out of left field and alot of things would have to come out on raw tonight but remember when he got Randy disqualified and king said somethings not right with that, to imply that Rhodes and Sheamus were incahoots.. what if Rhodes was trying to screw Randy because of how he treated him and DiBiase or because he was jeleous or something and Rhodes gets mad at Sheamus for losing and the chamber so they end up feuding at Wrestlemania. If that happens it makes Rhodes look less like a screw up and more manipulative, thus giving him and Sheamus something at Mania.. I don't know where that leaves Triple H but this isn't a Triple H thread. I know this is very unpredictable so it probably won't happen but it's a thought.
Maybe we're all wrong and we might see Batista vs Sheamus aat WM 26!!!I'd really like that match and if that happens we will se a heel Cena...Tonight Cena vs Batista (No. 1 Contender Match) Cena loses and get's really mad and complains that he fights for the kids,bla,bla,bla. Let's say that Rey mysterio comes out and talks to him, then we see Cena destroying Rey.And Rey becomes the no. 1 face and Cena might actually become the no. 1 heel!!!
Hopefully, a long feud with Triple H, along with a "street fight" type match at Wrestlemania, where both guys can excel and give us all a brutal, physical and exciting match. I hope Sheamus is back in the title picture soon as I really started to enjoy his title reign as time went on. He still has the accolade of not losing the WWE title in a singles match.
Maybe we're all wrong and we might see Batista vs Sheamus aat WM 26!!!I'd really like that match and if that happens we will se a heel Cena...Tonight Cena vs Batista (No. 1 Contender Match) Cena loses and get's really mad and complains that he fights for the kids,bla,bla,bla. Let's say that Rey mysterio comes out and talks to him, then we see Cena destroying Rey.And Rey becomes the no. 1 face and Cena might actually become the no. 1 heel!!!

If this happens, WWE will become interesting again and I'd completely dig the swerve in storylines. Batista vs. Sheamus would be interesting -- even if it were heel against heel. I would love to see Cena turn heel, but I'm not going to get my hopes up, since he is the "golden boy" and WWE's superman.

....but if Cena loses to Batista tonight, Raw becomes somewhat unpredictable and a Cena heel turn wouldn't be so far fetched.
Sheamus vs Batista wont be interesting why would they put another heel vs heel at WM.

Now to Sheamus he took a cheap way to get to the top but its all good. I don't know where he would go from here. Yes we could see HHH vs Sheamus. I'm glad this is not a title match that HHH is apart of and glad HHH is not in the ME at WM.

Sheamus might face HHH at WM, which means this is like the student vs the teacher. My theory is that Sheamus will feud with HHH for a few months. Get the belt again and probably become the new HHH just like HHH title runs were in 2000, 2002 - 2005.
I've always got this odd feeling that one of Legacy was in cahoots with Sheamus. Since Sheamus attacked DiBiase, it leaves me to believe it may be Cody. But that's just a wild idea due to how Orton was always screwed by Cody when he fought Sheamus or was chasing him as champ.

I'm hoping he doesn't feud with HHH, because I don't want to see HHH in any singles match at WM. I'm hoping Sheamus will be in a MITB qualifying match.
I really like Sheamus, but I hope he ends up in the mid card for a little while. I'd like to see him add an IC or US title reign to his resume.

I hate it when wrestlers automatically jump from the bottom of the card to the World Title Scene without winning at least 1 mid card title beforehand.

I think it'd be smart to put him in the upper mid card with either title and let him be a dominant heel on that level and give him a chance to hone his skills as a wrestler a bit more and give him more exposure at a level where the spotlight isn't soley on him to carry the show.
Hear me out, its far fetched but it is also beliivable
At elimination chamber he lost the title, but yet on raw, he wasn't even there and no indiction of a rematch.
He had a chance to go to wrestlemania and fight for the title if cena lost but since tista automatically got himself dq'ed you could make the point that tista screwed over sheamus in that regards.
What if they make a storyline after mania in which sheamus says tista purposely got himself dq'ed because he was scared to fight shaemus :)
I've made it pretty clear that I'm a huge fan of Sheamus. I loved the fact that the WWE put the belt on him and I think his title run was a respectable one. He has gotten great reactions from the crowd, especially in the past month so I'm hopeful that the WWE continues pushing him as a monster heel.

As many have mentioned already, a fued with Triple H would be tremendous. As it stands right now, Trips is left without a match at Wrestlemania and I would love to see Triple H v. Sheamus. The Elimination Chamber has already planted the seeds to this fued since Trips was the guy who eliminated Sheamus from that match.
Personally I would like Sheamus to take the US title from The Miz at some point since the tag team division and the mid card title for that show can't function when both titles are with The Miz and as well as this it will let Sheamus build on his monster heel character.

For WM though I do think he will get a match with Triple HHH after being eliminated by him in the chamber. In the run up to WM though I do think Sheamus should at least get a rematch for the WWE title with Batista even if he is going to lose it, it will allow him to gain even more credibility if he can put on a good match against Batista.
I think the OP has it spot on for what should be next for Sheamus. He needs not just a big time match with HHH at Wrestlemania but perhaps a sustained feud with the Cerebral Assassin.

I too loved the idea that Sheamus was given a decent run as champion and was made to look strong by holding off Cena and Orton without having to resort to collecting a sidekick or group of lackeys.

I would have liked to have seen Sheamus come out on RAW last night and demand some kind of title opportunity. Now I know last night was all about HBK/Taker and Cena/Batista but I think Sheamus stating his own agenda rather than Vince doing it for him would have made him seem determined to regain the title that he only lost in a multi-person match after a low blow.

Maybe Vince could have denied Sheamus that rematch as he had plans for Cena and Batista, leading to the Celtic Warrior taking out his frustrations on HHH and therefore beginning their Road to Wrestlemania
I think the OP has it spot on for what should be next for Sheamus. He needs not just a big time match with HHH at Wrestlemania but perhaps a sustained feud with the Cerebral Assassin.

I too loved the idea that Sheamus was given a decent run as champion and was made to look strong by holding off Cena and Orton without having to resort to collecting a sidekick or group of lackeys.

I would have liked to have seen Sheamus come out on RAW last night and demand some kind of title opportunity. Now I know last night was all about HBK/Taker and Cena/Batista but I think Sheamus stating his own agenda rather than Vince doing it for him would have made him seem determined to regain the title that he only lost in a multi-person match after a low blow.

Maybe Vince could have denied Sheamus that rematch as he had plans for Cena and Batista, leading to the Celtic Warrior taking out his frustrations on HHH and therefore beginning their Road to Wrestlemania

I think the plan WAS to have Sheamus come out on Raw last night and face Cena, but I read that he picked up an injury, hence the fact that Batista faced Cena in the main event.

I am really hoping for an HHH/Sheamus feud now, leading up to Wrestlemania. If the feud is good enough, I feel that it could go on for way beyond Wrestlemania (I would rather see HHH lose to avoid taking Sheamus's credibility away).

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