What's next for Randy Orton?


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whats next for randy orton after legacy breaks up and he is done feuding with ted and cody?will they turn him face? what does everyone think will happen?who will he feud with?

imo he shouldn't turn face because his last run as face failed it was stale even tho it didn't last long enough to get a cup of coffee.he could be moved to smackdown but i don't think that will happen they have cm punk and chris jericho as they're top heel.i can't really see what would the next thing for him to do maybe if edge gets drafted to raw they could have a nice lil feud witch won't be very good with the pg era goin on it would be Legendary if it was pg 13 still.
We will have to see if Michaels turns heel, if michaels turns heel then there is a great chance of randy turning face. IMO if he stays heel he should be drafted to Smackdown to fued with the likes of Morrison,Edge,Taker,Kane hell even fueding with Khali is better than staying on Raw against the likes of HHH,Cena. But if he turns face then what happens to the heels of Raw with only Sheamus and MizShow being the top heels and MizShow are in a tag team so realistically there is only Sheamus that is the top heel. Guess we will have to wait till the draft.
I agree with the consensus that Randy Orton SHOULD NOT BE A FACE! It killed Randy Orton's momentum at that point in his career and can't be looked at as anything more than a complete disaster.

As far as what happens next, Orton could use a fresh environment to work in. So, I think a move to Smackdown could be in the books. Perhaps he could feud with Edge over the World Championship or with John Morrison. If he stays on Raw, Cena or Triple H have to go as his feuds with the two of them have been done to death again and again and again.
A move to Smackdown is what I'm hoping right now. He's getting boring on Raw. Facing the same guys over and over. Like many said before, a move to Smackdown and facing new faces would be great. Morrison, Edge, Kane. If he goes face on Smackdown, then McIntyre wouldn't be bad. I'll say he won't be facing Taker, cause he'll be taking his " vacation " till Summerslam...lol
i think it's time to move Randy Orton to Smackdown. he's been on Raw for a few years now. He's overdone the feuds with Cena and HHH, and we all know that they both aren't moving to Smackdown (maybe 1, just maybe, not both).

Now CM Punk and Jericho are both there and heels, plus Batista, but why can't one or two of them head back to Raw? In fact, if you move Randy Orton, it's necessary.

Finally, in response to the fact that Orton wouldn't be facing Undertaker due to his "vacation", it could be time again for a good Randy Orton v. Undertaker feud once Undertaker returns. In fact, who wouldn't want to see that?
I agree with the consensus that Randy Orton SHOULD NOT BE A FACE! It killed Randy Orton's momentum at that point in his career and can't be looked at as anything more than a complete disaster.

Yes definately,and yes it should happen.
Smackdown could elevate the Viper image more openly.Thered be more flow and drama with an actual General Manager stepping into matches with his unpredictable ring presence.

Raw has been great for Orton,he has truly developed as a legitimate superstar with a level of popularity as Hunter,HBK and The Undertaker,meaning hes good enough to put somebody over and at the same time stay high on the main event picture. I thought this type of stardom and main event material would never stay long within Orton.
But they say hes great at doing his job, and he is great making you hate and love him at the same time.
I also agree with your guys points on a face turn.It wouldnt suit his character to play somebody youd cheer for by kicking people in the head and aggresive movesets into todays fanbase.

If Not trade him to Smackdown keep him going at the pace hes flowing at. Raw is really benefiting from Orton and Smackdown would only benefit more.
I think the WWE isn't using Randy like they aren't using Kane. He should not turn face, they should keep the viper, and let him have another six month title run again... And, he hasn't kicked cena in the head and put him out of commision yet.

I think it is time for another face run. His first face run was destined to fail because he just won the world championship and wasn't ready for that spotlight yet. Now being heel for the past five years and being cheered a lot more lately, I think it is time. I do see a feud with Ted DiBiase on the horizon and after that is a mystery. I do think it is time for him to move back to Smackdown as he was really good there with great matches against Mysterio and Undertaker. If he is face, he could feud against Punk and Jericho which will always be good or if he stays heel he could feud with Mysterio and Taker again. Mainly him moving to Smackdown depends on whether Edge stays there or not and if he does, whether he will be face or heel.
Orton's first face turn was also very early on in his career. IMO orton has gotten a lot better since. While I'm also of the opinion that his first turn as a face sucked stagnant pond water, I'm willing to be open minded that Orton could pull it off. Now I'm not saying he can be the "All American Good Guy". I see him more like Austin was, just the next evolution(not a reference to the faction). Orton can't come out smiling. He can't be everyone's buddy. He can have an attitude problem yet fight the good fight. He couldn't pull this off back then, not that he tried. Now with a ton more experience and skills it shouldn't be a problem.
Long answer short: Give Orton the benifit of the doubt as he is a much different wrestler now then he was for his first face turn

AS for fueds...regardless of face/heel....CM Punk definately. I think the promo's and matches would be off the chain. I think Orton could have a much better fued with Taker at this point in his career. I'd like to see Orton punt Batista at some point. Orton and Jericho is money. Swagger....but down the road after Swagger got some seasoning....that's all I can think of comin home when the suns up....have a good moring peoples
I do not believe that a long-term face turn is on the horizon for Randy Orton (at least I hope not!). Going against Sheamus, he is the fan favorite. WWE know this, but he will stay in a "tweener" role for now, at least until his feud with Sheamus is over. I'm not saying that Orton couldn't pull off a run as a top face, but it wouldn't make any sense. He is a GREAT heel (probably one of the best in decades) and turning Orton face would mean having to turn at least 2 new guys heel.

Of course, the only scenario that could happen to make this work is 1) HBK turning full-on heel and 2) both HBK Orton being drafted to Smackdown. Undertaker is injured, so Orton could take his slot as the #1 face. Although Edge is back, Edge certainly isn't a total face-type character and I feel that he will be a heel again before too long.

But if WWE's plan is to have Orton stay on Raw, leave him as a heel. There are enough faces on Raw, i.e. Cena and HHH.
Orton might not have a choice of becoming a face. He seems to get cheered more and more each week. If he can keep his current persona, but change who he feuds with. He seems to have an issue with Sheamus. I see him kind of like Austin. The WWE and Austin didn't turn him face, the fans did. I see the same thing with Orton. By the way, Orton's last face run wasn't that bad. HHH killed it before it got started.
Well i think Randy will be brought to Smackdown as Heel. I don't think there will be too much Heel power because I can see either Batista or Jericho being drafted back to RAW and I'm pretty positive Christian will be going to Smackdown. He's gonna be a pretty big face there.. So you got Edge, Undertaker, Rey, John Morrison, and you also never know what's gonna happen with MITB. They could be from Smackdown and they could be face. or Heel. Also I think it depends how long Edge stays Face. I wouldn't mind seeing Rated RKO again in the tag division. They were always entertaining.
I actually agree about it being time for a face run.

He's getting far too many pops at the moment. That shouldn't be a reason to turn someone face otherwise we'd have Jericho and Miz also on that list, but for Randy recently there has been a total surge. His character has been acting more face by telling Cody he respects that he was just trying to do the right thing, etc.

Why did his last face run fail? Because it was simply used as part of an angle for Evolution. Randy wins title early, Orton gets kicked out and he loses the title to HHH very shortly after. What sort of momentum could he have there? He'd just got kicked out of everything that had helped make him relevant and got kicked off the top of the mountain quickly. How could anyone recover from that? Well, thankfully he did, but it took a good few years to forget about that!

I think a face run could work purely because we would see new feuds out of it and we're talking about a whole new character here. We saw a face version of the Legend Killer before. Now we're going to see a face version of the Viper. He can still be cold and calculated but to heel's. Take a look at Samoa Joe in TNA, he isn't a clear-cut face when he's a face. Badass. Orton can be the absolute same. As long as WWE don't do the typical thing of changing the character TOO MUCH, Orton can succeed as a face.

The shock factor of a turn after many years will help this.

Honestly, I think its the best possible option right now to stop Orton from ever turning stale.
Randy Orton is currently the best heel in WWE imo, turning randy to face may not be the best possible option cos he plays his role as heel so well but having said that he has had fued with almost all the top stars on raw hunter,hbk,cena,even sheumus now.the best thing to happen now would be to move him to smackdown as mentioned by most of us here..so that he can have fresh fueds may b with taker (If he is available after mania) or rey or jericho,punk,morrison or even macintyre tht wud be awesome but wwe annual drafts are on the way so will have to wait to know how it unfolds. orton wud b fueding wit dibiase for sure in WM after that what happens will be decided by the draft...we also have to keep in mind that HBK wud b unavailable after mania for a couple of months..so who wud b the heel on raw sheamus?? i dont think tht wud b a wise idea to have sheamus as the top heel and move orton to smackdown..will have to wait tlll annual draft to know what's next for orton!!!
not that im against a face turn cause i do think that orton's due for a change, be it face turn or draft to SD, but logically speaking it doesn't happen anytime soon. Seems like the writing is setting up for Rhodes and Debiase to get a bump off randy which means that he's maintaining his character probably close to the April PPV, idk if it's still backlash or whatever. Frankly I think its more likely you see him going to smackdown and if he does go i would like to see him feuding with edge, title or no title.
The past indicates what may happen not what always will. With that in mind I am in agreement with those who said that Orton’s past face turn isn't necessarily reason enough to assume that another face turn would suck. I love him as a heel but if the crowd reactions help dictate him being a face then I'm open to seeing how it works out. As a face or heel I wouldn't mind him continuing with a Legacy/legacy like stable consisting of two or three other second/third generation wrestlers if they are ready. I'd rather him move on from that sort of thing, but I wouldn't mind it regardless.

Randy wins title early, Orton gets kicked out and he loses the title to HHH very shortly after. What sort of momentum could he have there?

As it turns out none but if things had gone as WWE probably planned then he "could" have potentially had a lot of momentum. Of course it didn't so that's what we have to go by but in retrospect I do believe that at the time it was first done it wasn't a forgone momentum killer. The whole wrestler gets screwed over then tries to get revenge and/or get back what they lost by going against a hated heel has worked plenty of times. In this case it didn't. Don't get me wrong I didn't like that he became a face then and still don't like it looking back but I do see why it was probably done. Having the recognition of being champ was good in itself and then being turned on by Evolution then feuding with the company's top heel could have and maybe should have worked wonders for him and increased his momentum. The crowd (in theory) should have cared enough to get behind him as he went against Triple H. Unfortunately it bombed for many reasons (done too early and abruptly, Orton was too bland, etc). It was a risk that didn't pay off but it's one of those things that probably would be praised in retrospect if it did. It's like when a lot of risky sports plays are criticized if they fail but if they work some people look back and call the coach a genius. Since it didn't work out though we have no reason to praise it. This time around, like you said, a nice foundation seems to be set if they choose to go the face route.
whats next for randy orton after legacy breaks up and he is done feuding with ted and cody?will they turn him face? what does everyone think will happen?who will he feud with?

imo he shouldn't turn face because his last run as face failed it was stale even tho it didn't last long enough to get a cup of coffee.he could be moved to smackdown but i don't think that will happen they have cm punk and chris jericho as they're top heel.i can't really see what would the next thing for him to do maybe if edge gets drafted to raw they could have a nice lil feud witch won't be very good with the pg era goin on it would be Legendary if it was pg 13 still.

First of all i agree with you,Turning Randy face wow that will kill everything that he has accomplish.Randy as of right now he is the top heel in the game,Honestly a feud with Edge would not be such a bad idea.As of Randy vs Edge in the pg era it really doesnt matter,Because no matter what from now and then WWE will not change there mind about that.We dont need to go all out,Randy and Edge they really know how to do there job.Honestly Randy(heel) vs Edge(face) this might be the best feud in the WWE this year.Well if this feud really happends in the future.
First of all i agree with you,Turning Randy face wow that will kill everything that he has accomplish.

I agree that it might (anything is possible) but I don't agree that it will. It can go one of two ways (maybe more). 1)Everything that he accomplished as a heel will be considered a waste if he no longer continues on the heel path or 2)everything that he accomplished as a heel will be considered set in stone as part of his personal growth and character's growth and still have relevance even if he becomes a face. The latter probably has a high chance of happening because he has been established and established himself as a big star . Sure if he becomes a face his "heel momentum" is gone but his momentum in general can still be fully intact. It all depends on how a face turn is carried out and how it is perceived. There are always people that perceive things a certain way before it even happens but who knows, if he does become a face you may be pleasantly surprised at how much isn't killed. That or you could be right. Part of the fun is finding out :)
He's too good of a heel to be a face. It would be stupid to turn him face. He's gonna feud with Ted. Really, what's next for Cody? I mean, they have it all planned to make it Ted vs. Orton. Where does Cody go? I see Orton punting him. As for Orton, he'll still be a main eventer, and he'll challenge for the title every now and then.
Let him be Randy in my opinion. Let him do what he does. Whether its against a face or a heel. Let the fans decide what he is at the moment. Orton is one of those guys who doesn't need a defined position heel or face. His personality will always rub some people the wrong way and at the same time mesh well with other fans.
The Whole sheamus cody rhodes thing is gonna play a factor and so will ecm at the ppv with ted right now the thing thats gonna happen and will happen is a triple threat match with legacy or maybe all three are in the money in the bank match which keeps the fued still flowin they can go any way with it
I think moving Orton to Smackdown would be an excellent idea. There are no more interesting feuds left for him on RAW anymore in my opinion. He needs to start fresh on SmackDown with Edge, Kane, or maybe Morrison. And turning him face wouldn't be a bad idea IMO. He could start feuding with Jericho.
While I obviously agree that Orton is far superior as a heel, It could be a good idea for a face turn just to freshen things up. He's played a heel for all but about six months of his career and for the few months he was a face, he was very young and inexperienced compared to now. Also, it was all based around the transitional title reign. When he lost the title straight to HHH, that was it. The question is whether he can be a face at all. Just because he's far better now than in 2004, it doesn't mean he can suddenly pull off being a face.

I also wouldn't read to much into the slightly positive reactions he has been getting from the live crowds lately. This has been happening while he's been feuding with Sheamus, who the crowds simply hate more, and Cena, who still has haters out there. He did get some cheers whilst feuding with Kofi, but they could have been smark heavy crowds.

Anyway back to my original point which is I feel Orton should be trusted with another face run. I love his viper character but it will start to get stale sooner rather than later. If it doesn't work I suppose they can always abort it like five years ago. How he goes about turning face, I'm not sure. He could feud against a heel Dibiase and Rhodes, but I was under the impression that Dibiase would be turning face.
You know, why couldnt Orton be a tweener? just saying. I mean, he is cheered for when he fights Sheamus, why dont they build on that? That would be cool. But then again, I would love to see him move to Smackdown as a heel and fight John morrison, The Undertaker, Matt Hardy, Edge, and anyone else on the show. Heck, even though they are both heels, why not have Orton vs. CM Punk? or even Orton vs. Chris Jericho? If Orton moves to Smackdown either Batista, Jericho, or Punk will have to move to Raw and personally it should NOT be Punk to make the move. Punk is right where he needs to be. So anyway, Orton is great. He is great at promos and wrestling and I think he could work as either face, heel, or tweener. Also, orton still has to have a fued with Dibiasi, when that will be I dont know. And if and when they fued, who will be the face and who will be the heel?
In my opinion i hope he turns face and feuds with sheamus. I mean a bigger feud with sheamus. Orton has the move set and ability to shine against sheamus. That am im tried of sheamus. WWE needs to shake it up and be unpredictable.

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